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It is health that is real wealth

and not pieces of gold and
silver. – Mahatma Gandi

A healthy lifestyle is a vital

part of our lives. A Healthy
lifestyle means a balance
between both physical and
mental health in our daily life.
A healthy lifestyle helps you
live longer and reduces your
risk of life-threatening disease
like cancer and diabetes.
Here are some tips that we
can do (must do actually) to
live a healthy life.
The first thing to do is to
ensure that you eat healthy.
These meals should have the
right amount of all the food
groups, which are
carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
minerals and vitamins. But
bear in mind that you should
not eat any junk food, which is
unhealthy for you.
In addition to that, the food
that contains too much sugar,
too much salt also harmful to
our health.
The next thing is to exercise
daily to maintain a healthy
lifestyle. This can be jogging,
running, playing sport,
dancing, or even walking for a
minimum of 30 minutes.
Exercise is essential not only
for health but also for your
skin and hair to look more
Healthy lifestyle involves more
than physical health, it also
includes emotional or mental
You should also get the right
amount of sleep at night. The
proper routine is to sleep early
and wake up early, with a 7-8
hour period of rest. It is crucial
to get enough sleep, but not too
much or too little. Proper sleep helps
to boost your energy, weight
maintenance and your ability to
think and concentrate.
Besides get enough sleeps,
you can do some mind
exercises such as reading your
favourite books or do a puzzle
occasionally during the week.
Or you can challenge your
mind by doing some mind quiz
or test such as Sudoku or
Word Search. These activities
can sharpen your knowledge
and relaxing your mind.
The next tip is try to use some
of your leisure time to do
some things that interest you
the most. For instance, if you
is an animal lover, you can use
your weekend to play with
your pet or groom your pet.
As for me, my hobby is to play
Lego. I can spends few hours a
day to construct thing using
Lego. This activity makes me
feel calm and relax after a very
super busy during the
The last tip is, this is very
important guys, let yourself be
pleased with your
achievements, even it is a
small win. It’s still your win
right? Celebrate and enjoy the
win. So you will appreciate
yourself and your life become
more meaningful.
Now come to the don’t part.
To get a healthy lifestyle, the
first thing that you must avoid
is smoking. If you a smoker,
please…please.. please stop
smoking. Smoking is not good
for your health. It also can
harm people around you.
Next, do not drink alcohol.
Alcohol is very dehydrating
and very bad for your health.
The last one is, don’t take drug
As a conclusion, a healthy
lifestyle helps you live longer
and have a better and happier
life. So lets us practise a
healthy lifestyle. Thank you.

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