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MENTOR : Mrs.R.Abirami (AP/EEE) Mohammed sathak A.J college of Engineering

Student Name: Fahed S (II YEAR EEE) Mohammed sathak A.J college of Engineering
Problem Statement (20 words) *

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and technology-

dependent, a new wave of smart applications is changing how we approach
everyday activities.
Proposed solution (100 words) *

For this problem we are proposing a BIG DATA ANALYSIS USING IOT
Smart cities bring together infrastructure and technology to improve the
quality of life of citizens and enhance their interactions with the urban
environment. But how can data from areas such as public transport, air quality
meters and energy production be integrated and effectively used. The Internet
of Things (IoT), will have the answers. Created as part of the smart technology
movement, the IoT enables various objects and entities to communicate with
each other through the internet.  By creating a network of objects capable of
smart interactions, the door is opened to a wide range of technological
innovations that could help improve public transport, give accurate traffic
reports or provide real-time energy consumption data.

Innovation in solution (50 words) *

The Internet of Things has led to a plethora of opportunities for cities willing
to implement new smart technology to improve the efficiency of operations.
Furthermore, tertiary institutions are also looking into maximizing the impact
of integrated smart technology. Places such as university campuses and island
communities provide smaller laboratories to implement technology in a more
manageable environment that can be then replicated on a larger scale.
Social relevance of the problem (50 words) *

As smart technology continues to improve and urban centers expand, both will

become interconnected. The potential to improve several aspects of public
service systems as well as quality of life and reduce costs has driven the
demand for smart cities. By taking a step towards the future, we will improve
not only how we interact with our general environment but how cities interact
with us, ensuring that we receive the best quality options and waste fewer

Estimated budget Rs. 200000

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