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Duration Of Media Exposure Among Age Groups

The Table ___ below shows the mean for media exposure among age groups.

The result shows that the grand mean of 2.64 which is verbally interpreted as

occasionally. This implies that as a whole, the respondents occasionally engaged in

media for beauty standard.

Furthermore, the age group of young adults got the highest mean of 3.18

which is verbally interpreted as occasionally. This implies that the young adults

spends more time in media exposure. This is followed by adults with a mean of 3.11

verbally interpreted as occasionally. This result tends to explain that adults also

occasionally take time on media exposure. Lastly, it is followed by adolescents with

mean of 2.35 which is verbally interpreted as rarely. This result implies that

adolescents rarely spend time on media in terms of taking their beauty standard.

Media in this study refers to social media, print media, and television.

Table 1. Duration Of Media Exposure Among Age Groups

Age Mean Verbal interpretation

Adolescent 2.35 Rarely

Young Adults 3.18 Occasionally
Adults 3.11 Occasionally
Grand Mean 2.64 Occasionally

Beauty standards of the respondents in

terms of eyes, skin tone, lips, face shape,
hair, height, body type, and nose

Eyes. In terms of the category of beauty standard for the eyes, the

respondents gathered a grand mean of 3.86 verbally interpreted as often. This

implies that the respondents often consider the eyes as part of beauty standard.

Moreover, the respondents obtained a mean of 4.06 in favor of Caucasian eyes, with

verbal interpretation of agree, which implies that the respondents agrees that

having a Caucasian eyes is more favoured by the respondents for beauty standard.
Furthermore, the beauty standard for eyes is followed by Asian eyes with a

mean of 4.02, verbally interpreted as agree. This results plies that the respondents

also agree in having an Asian eyes in terms of beauty standard. On the other hand,

the respondents are neutral in considering Negroid eyes, with a mean of 3.51, in

terms of beauty standard. Table ____ below shows the mean and verbal

interpretation for the different categories for the beauty standard for eyes.

Skin Tone. The table below shows the mean and verbal interpretation for the

beauty standard in terms of skin tone. The grand mean for skin tone is 3.84, verbally

interpreted as agree. The respondents agree that skin tone is a beauty standard

when watching advertisements with emphasis on white skin stone with a mean of

3.90 and a verbal interpretation of agree.

Furthermore, the respondents also agree that medium skin tone is a beauty

standard in terms of skin tone with a mean score of 3.88. Lastly, dark skin tone is the

least considered by the respondents with a mean of 3.75, but they also agree that

dark skin tone is a beauty standard.

Lips. The table below shows the beauty standard of the respondents in terms

of lips. The grand mean for the category of lips is 3.77 which is verbally interpreted

as agree. This implies that the respondents agree to that lips can be considered as a

beauty standard.

Moreover, the respondents tend to give more emphasis on pouty lips as a

beauty standard with a mean score of 3.79 and a verbal interpretation of agree. It is

then followed by both thin, and thick lips as a standard of beauty in terms of lips

with both having a mean score of 3.76 and a verbal interpretation of agree.

Face Shape. In terms of face shape, the preference for face shape as beauty

standard has a grand mean of 3.69, verbally interpreted as agree. The result implies

that the respondents agree that face shape is a component for the assessment of

beauty standard when they are exposed to beauty advertisements.

In addition, the respondents give more emphasis on round shape face as a

beauty standard in terms of face shape with a mean score of 4.11 which is verbally

interpreted as agree. It is then followed by oval shape face with a mean of 3.92 and a

verbal interpretation of agree. For the diamond face shape, the respondents also

agree that it is a beauty standard with a mean of 3.73.

Meanwhile, the respondents also considers rectangle face shape with a mean

of 3.37 and a verbal interpretation of neutral. The respondents are also neutral in

considering square shape for the beauty standard in terms of face shape with a

mean of 3.30.

Hair. The category of hair as beauty standard obtained a grand mean of 4.12,

verbally interpreted as agree. This implies that the respondents agree that hair is

considered as a beauty standard when exposed to beauty commercials.

For all the categories of hair as beauty standard, the respondents strongly

agree that straight hair has higher preference with a mean score of 4.23. It is then

followed by the curly hair with a mean score of 4.09 and verbal interpretation as

agree. Lastly, the respondents also agree that wavy hair is considered as a beauty

standard in terms of hair with a mean score of 4.04.

Height. The category for height as a beauty standard obtained a grand mean

of 4.08 with a verbal interpretation of agree. This implies that the respondents agree

in terms of considering height preference as a component of beauty standard when

they are exposed to advertisements.

Furthermore, the respondents agree that average height is given more

emphasis when considering height for beauty standard with a mean score of 4.13. It

is then followed by both petite and tall as a preference for height in beauty standard

with both having a mean of 4.06 which is verbally interpreted as agree.

Body Shape. In terms of body shape as preference for beauty standard, it

obtained a mean score of 3.70 verbally interpreted as agree. This tends to explain

that respondents agree in considering the body types as preference for beauty

standard when exposed to advertisements.

Results reveal that the respondents give more emphasis on hourglass body

type as a beauty standard with the mean of 3.99 and a verbal interpretation of agree.

It is then followed by the spoon body type as a preference for the body type with a

mean of 3.96 and is verbally interpreted as agree. The respondents also agree that

having a pear shape body type is a preferred beauty standard with a mean of 3.93.

Furthermore, the respondents also agree that the straight body type is a

standard for beauty with a mean of 3.73. It is then followed by the body type top

hourglass as preferred body type with a mean score of 3.71 and a verbal

interpretation of agree.

Moreover, the inverted body type obtained a mean score of 3.56 with a

verbal interpretation of neutral. The respondents also expressed neutral reaction on

oval body type as a preference for standard of beauty with a mean of 3.41. Lastly,

the respondents are also neutral in considering diamond body type as a standard of

beauty with a mean of 3.34.

Nose. In terms of the category for nose as a preference for beauty standard, the

grand mean is 3.86 which is verbally interpreted as agree. The respondents agree that

nose is considered as a preference in assessing beauty standard in media advertisement.

In line with this, the respondents give emphasis on Roman type nose as preference

for beauty standard with a mean score 4.21 and verbally interpreted as strongly agree. It

is then followed by East nose type with a mean score of 4.20 and a verbal interpretation

of strongly agree. This result implies that the respondents strongly agree that women in

advertisements possessing Roman and East nose type are given more attention in

considering beauty standard.

Moreover, the respondents agree that Semitic nose type is next considered in

preferring for beauty standard with a mean of 3.70. It is then followed by Greek nose type

with a mean of 3.63 and a verbal interpretation of agree. Lastly, snub nose type is

considered least in preference as a beauty standard, and respondents are neutral in

considering it a beauty standard with a mean of 3.55.

Table ____. Mean and Verbal Interpretation for Skin Tone as a Standard of

Item Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. I consider women with

Asian eyes as beautiful. 4.02 Agree
2. I consider women with
Caucasian eyes as beautiful. 4.06 Agree
3. I consider women with
Negroid eyes as beautiful. 3.51 Neutral
Grand Mean 3.86 Agree
4. When I see a beauty
advertisement for skin whitening,
I consider women with white
skin tone as beautiful. 3.90 Agree
5. When I see a beauty
advertisement for skin whitening,
I consider women with medium
skin tone as beautiful. 3.88 Agree
6. When I see a beauty
advertisement for skin whitening,
I consider women with dark
skin tone as beautiful. 3.75 Agree
Grand Mean 3.84 Agree
7. When I see advertisement for lipsticks,
I consider women having thin lips as
beautiful. 3.76 Agree
8. When I see advertisement for lipsticks,
I consider women having thick lips as
beautiful. 3.76 Agree
9. When I see advertisement for lipsticks,
I consider women having thin pouty as
beautiful. 3.79 Agree
Grand Mean 3.77 Agree
10. I consider women having round shape
face as beautiful. 4.11 Agree
11. I consider women having oval shape
face as beautiful. 3.92 Agree
12. I consider women having diamond shape
face as beautiful. 3.73 Agree
13. I consider women having square shape
face as beautiful. 3.30 Neutral
14. I consider women having rectangle shape
face as beautiful. 3.37 Neutral
Grand Mean 3.69 Agree
15. When I see advertisements for hair
products, I consider women having
wavy hair as beautiful. 4.04 Agree
16. When I see advertisements for hair
products, I consider women having
curly hair as beautiful. 4.09 Agree
17. When I see advertisements for hair
products, I consider women having
straight hair as beautiful. 4.23 Strongly Agree
Grand Mean 4.12 Agree
18. I consider women having petite
height as beautiful. 4.06 Agree
19. I consider women having average
height as beautiful. 4.13 Agree
20. I consider women having tall
height as beautiful. 4.06 Agree
Grand Mean 4.08 Agree
21. I consider women having straight
body type as beautiful. 3.73 Agree
22. I consider women having pear
body type as beautiful. 3.93 Agree
23. I consider women having spoon
body type as beautiful. 3.96 Agree
24. I consider women having hourglass
body type as beautiful. 3.99 Agree
25. I consider women having top hourglass
body type as beautiful. 3.71 Agree
26. I consider women having inverted
body type as beautiful. 3.56 Neutral
27. I consider women having oval
body type as beautiful. 3.41 Neutral
28. I consider women having diamond
body type as beautiful. 3.34 Neutral
Grand Mean 3.86 Agree
29. I consider women having snub
nose as beautiful. 3.55 Neutral
30. I consider women having Greek
nose as beautiful. 3.63 Agree
31. I consider women having East
nose as beautiful. 4.20 Strongly Agree
32. I consider women having Roman
nose as beautiful. 4.21 Strongly Agree
33. I consider women having Semitic
nose as beautiful. 3.70 Agree
Grand Mean 3.86 Agree

Relationship of the kind of media

and beauty standards when
grouped as a whole

The data on relationship reflected in Table ___ indicate that there is no

significant difference between the kind of media used by the respondents and the

beauty standards when grouped as a whole. Result shows that the Pearson

correlation for kind of media and beauty standard is -.088 with a sig. 2- tailed of

0.096. The result further implies that regardless of the kind of media used by the

respondents, the beauty standard has no significant relationship and remains the

same across age groups. The Pearson r value also implies a negative relationship

between the kind of media and the beauty standard of the respondents. Therefore,

the statement which states that there is a significant relationship between the

duration of media exposure and beauty standards is rejected. There is a failure to

reject the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship

between the kind of media and beauty standards when grouped as a whole.

Table___. Relationship between the kind of media and beauty standards when
grouped as a whole
Pearson Sig.2- tailed Probability

Kind of Media
-0.088 0.096 Not Significant
Beauty Standard

Relationship of the duration

on media exposure and
beauty standards

The Table ____ below shows the relationship between the duration on media

exposure and beauty standards of the respondents. The Pearson r value is .202**

with a Sig. 2-tailed of 0.000 which is lower than 0.05 alpha level. This implies that

there is a significant relationship between the duration on media of the respondents

to their beauty standards. Furthermore, the statement which states that there a

significant relationship between the duration of media exposure and beauty

standards is accepted.
Table___. Relationship Between The Duration On Media And Beauty Standards
When Grouped As A Whole
Pearson Sig.2- tailed Probability

Duration on Media
.202** 0.000 Significant
Beauty Standard

Difference Between Kinds Of Media And

Beauty Standards Across Age Groups

The Table ___ below shows the difference between kinds of media and beauty

standards across age groups. The data shows the F- value of 11.26 between groups

and Sig. value of 0.000 which is lower than the 0.05 alpha level. Therefore, the

hypotheses which states that there is no significant difference on the kinds of media

and beauty standards across age groups is rejected.

This further implies that across age groups, the young adult, which also has

the greatest duration on media exposure tend to use more kind of media. It is the

followed by adults and adolescents. Therefore, the result also tend to explain that

the greater the duration on media exposure the greater the kind of media being

used by our respondents.

Table-. Difference between kinds of media and beauty standards across age groups.
Kind of Media Sum of df Type of Mean F- Sig. Probability
Squares test Square value value

Between 23.782 2 11. 89 11.26 0.000 Significant

groups ANOVA
Within Groups 376.881 35 1.056

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