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I. Introduction

Enzymes is a type of protein that work as a catalyst, usually accelerate the speed
rate of all the Chemical reaction within the cell. In the human body, it helps to support
life and pertains the functioning what your body needs. Also helps to break large
molecules into smaller ones to be more easily absorbed by the body. Enzyme works by
lowering the activation energy and absorbs enough to moderate the temperature.

A substance which an enzyme acts on the molecule are called substrates. It is an

underlying substance that remains the reactant into contact with one another. Substrates
bind to a region that is called active site. The active site has two model called lock and
key model and induced fit model. The lock and key model, has a precisely shaped to hold
the substrate substance while the induced – fit model adjust or changed their shape to

Enzyme works by the substrate enters in the active site. The shape of an enzyme
will change the shape as the substrate bind, it will form enzyme-substrate complex, the
complex lowers the activation energy of the reaction and promotes its rapid progression
this will absorb enough energy to moderate the temperature. If leads to a perfect fit of
the enzyme’s shape it will form an enzyme-product complex. The products will now leave
the active site and the enzyme can be used again.

II. Materials

 (100 ml) Hydrogen peroxide

 (3 tbsp) Active yeast
 (1 liter) Plastic bottle
 (4 tbsp.) Warm water
 (15 ml) Dishwashing liquid
 Food coloring
 Graduated Cylinder
 Beaker

III. Method

First, pour the 100ml hydrogen peroxide on the plastic bottle. Then put 1
tablespoon of dishwashing liquid soap and add 8 drops of food coloring. On a separate
container (beaker), put 3 tbsp. of yeast then add 4 tbsp. of water, mix them together
until it became foamy. Lastly, pour the mixture in to the plastic bottle, observe the

IV. Data
The yeast - water mixture happens to contact with both hydrogen peroxide and
the soap causes to create a foamy substance out of the bottle that imitates the
toothpaste. The flow of the foam moves slowly as the chemicals takes time to react until
it reaches the opening of the bottle. The bottle warms up as it undergoes in a reaction

V. Discussion

The yeast – water mixture represents the enzyme and acted as the catalyst, it
breaks the molecule bond apart and speeds up the reaction. The substrate in the
experiment is the hydrogen peroxide, it slowly decomposes into water and oxygen gas
which releases a small amount of heat. When the two mixtures are combined, the yeast
removes the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide, causing it to foam up and expand
rapidly. The temperature became warm because of the chemical reaction produces to
cause of releasing heat known to be exothermic.

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