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The word ’dramatically’ in paragraph 2 is

best replaced by ....
Text 1 A. gradually
B. naturally
Forests have the ability to regulate water C. amazingly
systems, prevent erosion and flood, and maintain D. surprisingly
soil fertility. The ability of forests is inseparable E. simultaneously
from the existence of millions and even billions of Pembahasan:
trees in a forest area. Trees only store water for Semua pilihan hamper dikatakan benar. Namun,
their own needs, and the land saves water. jika diperhatikan. Jangan terkecoh dengan kata
Billions of trees with their wide canopies “dramatis”, makna yang sesungguhnya yang
will hold back rain. In this position, rain water does terdapat dalam kata tersebut adalah “secara
not directly hit the soil surface, but will fall slowly bertahap” atau “gradually”.
through the leaves and flow through the tree trunk.
Then, the soil surface filled with tree trunks will Dramatically, littering is heading towards the decay
produce quite a lot of litter originating from organic process. The organic materials are collected on the
materials in the forms of leaf and dry twigs. soil surface. (secara bertahap daun-daun gugur.
Dramatically, littering is heading towards the decay Seluruh material terkumpul di atas lapisan tanah.)
process. The organic materials are collected on the
soil surface. Mungkin ada dari kamu yang memilih C. Namun, C
Litter blocks the water falling from the dan D memiliki makna yang sama. Maka, mereka
canopy so it does not directly hit the soil. Litter also bukan jawaban terbaik.
functions as a place to live for millions of organisms
(e.g. worms). This organism punctures the land as a 2. What is the main idea of the passage?
home and place of life. This organism’s behavior A. Water guarantees millions of
causes the soil surface to become loose and porous. organisms to survive in forest areas.
When rain drops from the canopy fall onto the litter, B. Land stores and releases water
the water slowly flows to the soil surface. The loose through various processes.
and porous top layer of soil will absorb the water C. Litter gradually flows water to the soil
and then the water will be stored in the aquifer, the surface.
underground river. D. Trees store water to fulfill human daily
The soil surface in the forest has high needs.
capacity to absorb rainwater. As a result, most of E. Forests have various benefits for
the rainwater seeps into the soil; only a little human life.
becomes running water. Running water is the water
that cannot be absorbed by the soil surface. This Pembahasan:
water will go down to a lower area. If running water Teks tersebut secara keseluruhan membahas
exceeds the carrying capacity of the river, it can bagaimana sebuah lahan menyimpan dan
certainly cause flood. Most of the rainwater that memproduksi air bersih. Pada masing-masing
falls in the forest area will be absorbed by the soil paragraf, kita akan menemukan proses
and stored in the aquifer. penyimpanan dan pendistribusian air yang berasal
Furthermore, the water stored in the dari air hujan menjadi air tanah.
aquifer will come out regularly through springs.
From these springs, water flows through rivers that P.2= proses air hujan yang menuju ke tanah dengan
are mostly found in the forest area. In addition, melalui ranting dan dahan di hutan yang dipenuhi
there is also underground water that comes out as a pohon-pohon yang memiliki kanopi besar.
spring in the resident wells. P.3= Tanah yang menjadi gembur akibat banyaknya
material daun di atasnya membantu penyerapan air
hujan menjadi air tanah atau sungai bawah tanah.
P.4= kemampuan permukaan tanah di lahan hutan
yang mampu menyerap air hujan dalam jumlah
P.5= Air tanah yang tersimpan secara regular akan
dialirkan sepanjang musim semi.
Text 2
3. With the sentence ‘This organism's Cold storage, or refrigeration, is keeping
behavior causes the soil surface to become food at temperatures between 32 and 45 degrees F
loose and porous’ in paragraph 3, the in order to delay the growth of microorganism –
writer intends to .... bacteria, molds, and yeast – that cause food to spoil.
A. describe the organism and its behavior Refrigeration produces few changes in food, so
against loose soil meat, fish, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables keep
B. confirm the behavior of organisms in their original flavor, color, and nutrition. Before
loose soil artificial refrigeration was invented, people stored
C. compare the loose soil with the porous perishable food with ice or snow to lengthen its
soil storage time. Preserving food by keeping it in an
D. uncover natural processes at soil ice-filled pit is a 4000-year-old art. Cold storage
erosion areas were built in basements, cellars, or caves,
E. explain the causes of soil erosion lined with wood or straw, and packed with ice. The
Pembahasan: ice was transported from mountains or harvested
Perhatika arti dari statement tersebut adalah from local lakes or rivers.
“Organisme tersebut membantu permukaan tanah Artificial refrigeration is the process of
menjadi gembur dan tidak padat” removing heat from a substance, container, or
Hal ini berarti penulis ingin menunjukkan bahwa enclosed area, to lower its temperature. The heat is
organisme lah yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya moved from the inside of the container to the
erosi tanah. outside. A refrigerator uses the evaporation of a
volatile liquid or refrigerant, to absorb heat. In most
4. What most likely motivates the writer in types of refrigerators, the refrigerant is compressed,
writing the passage? pumped through a pipe, and allowed to vaporize. As
A. There is an unresolved flood problem. the liquid turns to vapor, it absorbs heat because
B. People’s awareness towards the molecules of vapor use energy to leave the
reforestation is low. liquid. The molecules left behind have less energy
C. Not many people understand the and so the liquid becomes colder. Thus, the air
benefits of water for forests. inside the refrigerator is chilled.
D. There is the fallacious concept that Willem Cullen demonstrated artificial
trees store large amount of water. refrigeration in Scotland in 1748, when he let ethyl
E. The information about the importance ether boil into partial vacuum. In 1805, American
of trees in storing water is not inventor Oliver Evans designed the first
available. refrigeration machine that used vapor instead of
Pembahasan: liquid. In 1842, Gorrie’s basic principle of
Yang paling melatarbelakangi mengapa penulis compressing a gas, and then sending it through
menulis karangan ini adalah adanya kesalahan radiating coils to cool it, is the one most often used
konsep di masyarakat selama ini bahwa pohonlah in refrigeration. In the same year, an Australian
yang menyimpan air. Padahal tanahlah yang printer, James Harrison, built an ether refrigerator
berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan air. after noticing that when he cleaned his type with
ether it became very cold as the ether evaporated.
Ada pada paragraph pertama. “Trees only store Five years later, Harrison introduced vapor–
water for their own needs, and the land saves compression refrigeration to the brewing and meat
water.” packing industries.

5. The best title of the above text is ….

A. Artificial Refrigeration
B. The Process of Refrigeration
C. The Development of Refrigeration
D. Decreasing Food Spoiling Through In a new study, scientists conclude that the
Refrigeration glaciers in the Mount Everest region have shrunk by
E. Reducing The Growth of 13 percent in the last 50 years. They also found that
Microorganism In Refrigeration the snowline in the area has shifted up by 590 feet.
Pembahasan: Scientists who conducted the study believe
Awal paragraph membahas bagaimana awal that the increased rate at which the snow and ice is
manusia menyimpan makanan agar bertahan lebih melting is compounded by the fact that the overall
lama. snowfall in the area has been declining since the
early 1990s. According to the researchers, the
Paragraf 2 membahas awal ditemukannya cara glaciers that are smaller than one square kilometer
pengawetan buatan are disappearing faster than other ice structures.
Their surface area has declined 43% since the
Paragraph 3 membahas telah ditemukannya mesin 1960s.
pengawet makanan. When the ice melts away, the glaciers
reveal previously hidden rock and debris. The
Maka, dapat disimpulkan jawabannya adalah C. visible debris-covered sections have increased by
17 percent since 1960s.
6. The word “perishable” in paragraph 1 is In a statement, the researchers said they
closest in meaning to .… assumed that the decline of snow and ice in the
A. Uncooked Everest region was a direct result of “human
B. Long lasting generated greenhouse gases altering global
C. Of animal origin climate?” However, they clarified that they have not
D. Highly nutritious yet established “a firm connection between the
E. Capable of spoiling mountains’ changes and climate change.” This
Pembahasan: shows that their effort reflects pessimism to a
Apabila kita tidak mengetahui arti dari kata certain extent.
tersebut, cobalah untuk menganalisa. Pada teks kita Sudeep Thakuri, a doctoral student at the
membahas proses penyimpanan atau pengawetan University of Milan in Italy who is leading the
makanan agar lebih bertahan lama. research, explained in a statement that his team was
able to see satellite imagery and topographic maps
Jawaban yang paling memungkinkan adalah to figure out the glacial history of the Sagarmatha
“capable of spoiling” atau “mudah rusak”. National Park area.
In order track the temperatures and
7. According to the passage, the first person to precipitation rates, his team used
use artificial refrigeration for a practical hydrometeorological data from the Nepal Climate
purpose was …. Observatory and Nepal’s Department of Hidrology.
A. Oliver Evans They found that the area has had a 1.08-degree-
B. William Cullen Fahrenheit increase in temperatures and 3.9-inch
C. James Harrison decrease in precipitation since 1992. Front this
D. John Gorrie study researchers are hoping to gather information
E. Not mentioned in the text that will help minimize water rights issues as the
Pembahasan: area continues to warm. “
Menurut saya orang yang pertama menggunakan The Himalayan glaciers and ice caps are
teknologi pengawetan artificial untuk tujuan praktis considered a water tower for Asia since they store
adalah James Harison, dimana ia menggunakan and supply water downstream during the dry
teknologi tersebut pada indusri daging. season.” Said Thakuri. “Downstream populations
are dependent on the melt water for agriculture,
Text 3 drinking, and power production.”
Researchers have found that changes in the
Earth’s climate have significantly impacted the 8. It can be inferred from the passage that .…
world’s tallest mountain. A. Climate change impacts the Himalayan
B. The Mount Everest area is most C. The decline of snow and ice in the
affected by climate change. Everest region was a direct result of
C. Researchers utilized sophisticated human-generated greenhouse gases.
methods to observe climate change. D. The glaciers that are smaller than one
D. Sooner or later the Himalayan regions square kilometer are disappearing
will become glacierless. faster than other ice structures.
E. Expert predicted that people around E. The glaciers in the Mount Everest
Mount Everest had agricultural region have shrunk by 13 percent in
problems. the last 50 years
Pembahasan: Pembahasan:
Dari teks kesimpulan yang menurut saya paling Opsi A adalah pendapat pribadi atau prasangka
masuk akal adalah A. “Perubahan iklim pribadi penulis. Opsi yang lain merupakan pendapat
berpengaruh pada glasier di wilayah Himalaya” para ahli yang dibuat oleh penulis dalam tulisannya.

9. The sentence “The visible debris-covered

sections have increased by 17 percent since
1960s,” can best be restated as ….
A. The debris-covered areas have been
visibly increasing over 17 percent since
the 1960s.
B. Since the 1960s debris-covered areal
increased around 17 percent.
C. Since the 1960s, the debris-covered
areas have been seen to have widened
up to 17 percent.
D. The visibility of the debris-covered
areas has increased below 17 percent
since the 1960s.
E. The increase of the visible debris-
covered areas has reached 17 percent
since the 1960s.
Mari berpikir sederhana tentang bagaimana kalimat
yang baik dalam Bahasa Inggris. SPOK.
Maka ““The visible debris-covered sections have
increased by 17 percent since 1960s,” akan menjadi
lebih baik bila diganti dengan “The debris-covered
areas have been visibly increasing over 17 percent
since the 1960’s.
Kata “visible seharusnya menjelaskan “verb”
increasing. Tenses yang paling baik juga
terdapat pada opsi A.

10. Which of the following obviously shows the

author’s bias?
A. This shows that their effort reflects
pessimism to a certain extent.
B. Downstream populations are
dependent on the melt water for
agriculture, drinking and power

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