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PFW SMART Goal Assignment

Nam Matthew Ho Course and Section PFW148_804


Concept Description
Specific I want to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet
Exactly what is it you want to achieve in relation to your physical so that I can reduce the amount of salt and fat I
fitness and wellness? A good goal statement explains the what,
why, who, where and when of a goal. If your goal statement is consume and increase the amount of vitamins I
vague, you will find it hard to achieve because it will be difficult to intake.
define success. (1 point)

Measurable I will eat at least 1 cup of vegetables or fruit every

You must be able to track progress and measure the result of meal for 5 days out of the week; the other 2, I will
your goal. A good goal statement answers the question: how
much? or how many? How will I know when I have achieved my be more relaxed.
goal? (1 point)

Attainable I already consume vegetables or fruit at least once

Your goals should be neither out of reach nor easy to accomplish every day, so it won’t be difficult for me to add
because you do not want them to be meaningless. They should
be realistic and attainable but may also put you outside of your more of it, since I’m aware of what vegetables and
comfort zone. (1 point) fruit I already enjoy.
Realistic I am only making it one cup of either fruits or
Your goal should be stretching, but realistic and relevant to you. vegetables because I don’t want to overload my
Make sure the actions you need to take to achieve your goal are
things within your control. Is your goal achievable? meals and bite off more than I can chew.
(1 point)

Time-frame Specific I will try this goal for the duration of the month.
Goals must have a deadline. A good goal statement will answer and, once I’ve achieved it, I will consume 1 cup of
the question: when will I achieve my goal? Without time limits, it's
easy to put goals off and forget about them. As well as a fruit and vegetables each so that both food groups
deadline, it's a good idea to set some short-term milestones along are present every meal.
the way to help you measure progress. (1 point)

My SMART Goal I will eat at least 1 cup of either vegetables or fruit every meal for 5 days
Statement out of the week. The other 2, I will take a break so that I can slowly adjust
(1 point) from my previous diet.

Reason(s) why this I have always had trouble with my skin, and I often attribute my worst skin
goal is important to me days to my diet. I’ve been meaning to be more healthy in my eating
(1 point) choices to clear my skin, but now I am over my excuses.

Barriers I May Encounter (.5 points each) How I Will Overcome These Barriers (.5 points

Barrier #1: Strategy #1:

If I don’t have any in-person classes, I I will make sure my refrigerator is stocked with
may not have fruits and vegetables plenty of options.
available at home.
Barrier #2: Strategy #2:
My schedule can be tricky with I will be conscious of my time and plan ahead when
rehearsals and performances, so I may and what my meals will be.
miss meals.
Barrier #3: Strategy #3:
I might not get back on routine after my I will plan my fruit and vegetable options for
Mondays on Fridays before I start the break.
PFW SMART Goal Assignment
first 2 day break.

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