Actividad Semana 2 Grado Once

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Week 2

Recursos: Web
Touchstone work book

Nota: Recuerda que puedes realizar tu tarea en formato digital o en formato de tu



1. Changed the text in bold to a Gerund

a. I love to cook. Cooking is very creative.

b. Kendra swims one mile a day because swimming is good for her health.

c. Hebat loves to watch movies. Watching movies is her passion.

d. Daniel plans to study medicine. Studying medicine is his goal.

e. My teacher loves to correct compositions because correcting compositions is fun for him.

f. Dr. Rutigliano gives physical examinations on Friday. Giving these examinations is an

important part of her job.

g. It is dangerous to walk in that part of town late at night. Walking in that part of town
after dark isn’t safe.

h. She usually drives over the speed limit. Driving over the limit is against the law.

i. It is against school rules to fight. Fighting is against school rules.

j. It is wonderful to live in an apartment overlooking the ocean. Living in this apartment is


2. Write one verb from the Word List on the right in each blank. There may be more
than one correct answer.
1. Barbara pretended to be sleeping, but she was really awake. Word List:

2. Gina offered to help out in the soup kitchen. pretended
3. Janice wants to get a raise next month. offered
4. The college advised each student to take English and math. advised
5. The counselor expects Mariam to take all her required courses first. expects
6. Maria agreed to help John move on Saturday.

7. Do not hesitate to call me if you need help.

8. Mark and Karen decided to get married next June.

9. The coach encouraged the players to try their best.

10. Mr. Ng only needs to take one more course to graduate.

3. Gerunds and Infinitives

Circle the correct answer.

1. Mr. Brown offered a) Snowboarding

us some money. b) To snowboard
a) loaning 5. Bruce took a second job off his
b) to loan debts.
a) paying
2. Chris is considering English for b) to pay
another year.

a) studying 6. It is essential salt to this

b) to study
a) adding
3. They volunteered tickets at the b) to add
7. Using a phone card is better for long-
a) selling
distance calls.
b) to sell
a) making
4. is my favorite sport. b) to make
a) taking
8. The children learned b) to take
to strangers.
11. Elizabeth finds it difficult
a) not talking money.
b) not to talk
a) saving
9. Martha thought about to b) to save
a) traveling 12. Do you want to go with me
b) to travel tomorrow morning?

a) jogging
10. You can get to the theater by b) to jog
the bus.

Gerunds Infinitives

• S = Ger • Adj +
• Prep +
Ger • N + Inf

• V + Ger • V + Inf

4. Review the RULES between GERUNDS and INFINITIVES

Review the rules on when to use gerunds and infinitives. See the box to the right .
Then list the rule used in each sentence.

# Sentence Rule

E My father wants to retire in two years. V + Inf


Prep +Ger
1 Have you thought about becoming a

V + Inf
2 We can’t afford to buy a new car.

Adj + Inf
3 English can be very difficult to learn.
S = Ger
4 Reading is a hobby every kid should have.

V + Ger
5 Lee keeps forgetting his homework.

N + Inf
6 He asked his father to drive him to work.

Prep + Ger
7 My parents believe in telling the truth.

S = Ger
8 Texting while driving is dangerous.

V + Ger
9 The travel agent suggested going to Europe in

N + Inf
1 Lola advised her sister to apply to more than one
0 university.

Adj + Inf
1 It’s nice to hear from you.

V + Inf
1 She seems to need help with the new software.

Te invito a participar de la siguiente auto evaluación.

Ítem ¿Por qué?

He leído el material de estudio antes de X Para saber y

iniciar con la actividad. entender el tema de
la semana.

He preguntado a la tutora las dudas que han X No le pregunte nada

surgido con el material de estudio o con la al profesor.
Los temas de la semana los he comprendido X Pero se me olvidaron
varias cosas, las
cuales recordé
volviendo a leer
He buscado las palabras desconocidas en el X No sabía que
diccionario significaban.
¿La pasas bien en el material de apoyo? ¿Te X Estaba más
diviertes? ¿Encuentras siempre algo concentrada en
interesante aunque el tema del día sea algo entender el tema de
extenso? la semana.
He presentado esta actividad a tiempo (si no X Estuve ocupada
es así por favor indicar que sucedió.) haciendo otras
tareas y labores del
La tutora ha respondido oportunamente mis X No le pregunte nada
mensajes (consultorio, Skype, mensajero al profesor.

¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó de la semana? El chat.

Has socializado la actividad con algún X Hice yo solo la
compañero de curso. actividad.

¿Participaste activamente del chat anterior? X No asistí porque tuve

una cita
English Apps: Recuerda hacer uso de las X Utilizo Duolingo y
voy por la segunda
siguientes apps para fortalecer el proceso de parte.
aprendizaje del idioma. ¡Cada semana

puedes utilizar una app diferente, animo!

1: British Council:

2. Duolingo:


4. Voxy:

5. ABA English:

6.Lingo Deer:

7: Beelingo:

8: Wordbit: https://wordbit-

9. Learn match:

10. Johnny Grammar Word Challenge:


¿Cuéntanos que actividad realizaste en

alguna de las apps? ¿Te gusto o no?

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