Actividad Semana 3 Grado Once

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Week 3

Recourses: Web
Touchstone work book

Nota: Recuerda que puedes realizar tu tarea en formato digital o en formato de tu




+ PAST SIMPLE to express regrets I’m so weak - I wish I wasn’t/weren’t so weak.
about the present (to say that we would I wish I was/were stronger.
like something to be different).

1. Look at each situation and decide if it describes a past or a present situation. Then write
a sentence using either "wish" or "if only".


I am too fat --> I wish I wasn't so fat. (PRESENT)

I didn't pass my exam --> If only I had passed my exam. (PAST)

1. I am not very tall.

I wish I was taller

2. I didn't learn English when I was younger.

If only I had learned English when I was younger

3. I can't speak perfect English.

If only I could speak perfect English

4. I don't go out with Britney Spears/Brad Pitt.

I wish I could date Britney Spears/Brad Pitt.

5. My tennis serve is useless.

If only my tennis service wasn’t useless

6. I didn't sleep very well last night.

If only I had slept well last night

7. I got really badly sunburnt on the beach last summer.

If only I hadn't stayed long on the beach I wouldn't have burned

8. My nose is too big.

I wish my nose wasn’t too big.

9. I'm not the best student in the class.

I wish I was the best student in my class.

10. I didn't go out with my friends to the disco-bar last night.

If only I’d gone out with my friends to the disco-bar last night.

2. What are these people wishing for?

Match the pictures with their thoughts and rewrite the sentences with If only . . .

2. I can’t 3. My shoes
1. I’m late for 4. My knee
hear you. smell so
work again. hurts so

5. I can’t 6. I don’t feel 7. I don’t

open this better today. have any 8. I don’t know
door. money. what to wear.

9. I have to 12. It’s so

work till late. 10. I keep hot today.
getting lost. 11. I miss her
so much.

1. If only I wasn’t / weren’t late for work again.

2. If only I could hear you
3. If only my shoes didn’t smell so bad
4. If only my knees didn't hurt so much
5. If only I could open this.
6. If only I felt better today.
7. If only I had something.
8. If only I could do something.
9. If only I didn’t have to work late.
10. If only I hadn’t gotten lost.
11. If only I didn't miss her so much.
12. If only it wasn't hot today.

3. Read the following sentences and decide which form of the verbs in bold is correct.
a) Suzy failed most of her exams and now she wishes she would work / had worked harder.
b) The weather is terrible today. I wish it was / is a bit warmer.
c) It really annoys me that you never do anything around the house. I wish you did / would do
something from time to time.
d) We went to a new restaurant for lunch and I´ve been feeling sick all afternoon. I wish we hadn´t
go / didn´t go there.
e) The sky is cloudy. I wish the sun shone / was shining now.
f) Now that Peter is in Japan on a business trip, he wishes he understood / had understood
g) I wish I hadn´t been / wasn´t out of the office when the director called me yesterday
h) Jeremy wishes it had stooped / would stop raining, so he can play basketball with his friends.




R/ from left to right place the names of the stations

1º: Spring
2º: Summer
3º: Autumn
4º: Winter

Te invito a participar de la siguiente auto evaluación.

Ítem ¿Por qué?

He leído el material de estudio antes de X Para entender el

iniciar con la actividad. tema de la semana.

He preguntado a la tutora las dudas que han X Entendí la actividad.

surgido con el material de estudio o con la
Los temas de la semana los he comprendido X Con las explicaciones
que dio el profesor
en el chat y leyendo
el material de
He buscado las palabras desconocidas en el X No sabía que
diccionario significaban.
¿La pasas bien en el material de apoyo? ¿Te X Bueno, varias cosas
diviertes? ¿Encuentras siempre algo son como un repaso
interesante aunque el tema del día sea algo de lo que ya había
extenso? visto porque me
había olvidado, otras
si apenas la aprendí.
He presentado esta actividad a tiempo (si no X Estaba haciendo
es así por favor indicar que sucedió.) otras tareas.
La tutor ha respondido oportunamente mis X No le pregunte nada
mensajes (consultorio, Skype, mensajero al profesor.

¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó de la semana? Las estaciones y los

Has socializado la actividad con algún x Yo sola realice la
compañero de curso. actividad.
¿Participaste activamente del chat anterior? x Para entender los
ejemplos y el tema
de la sema.
English Apps: Recuerda hacer uso de las x Escogí Duolingo y
siguientes apps para fortalecer el proceso de voy por la segunda
aprendizaje del idioma. ¡Cada semana fase del mismo. Y si,
puedes utilizar una app diferente, animo! me divierto
1: British Council: aprendiendo con Duo. :]
2. Duolingo:
4. Voxy:
5. ABA English:
6.Lingo Deer:
7: Beelingo:
8: Wordbit: https://wordbit-
9. Learn match:
10. Johnny Grammar Word Challenge:

¿Cuéntanos que actividad realizaste en

alguna de las apps? ¿Te gusto o no?

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