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Jacqueline Gorman

Professor Osborne
COM 107
30 January 2020
Essay 1: ​Newspaper of Record

The 2009 documentary ​Newspaper of Record​ directed by Ken Love tells the story of the

Pittsburgh Courier​, an African American newspaper that laid the foundation for the Civil Rights

movement. Incorporated in 1910 by Edwin Nathaniel Harleston, the publication rose to prominence as a

crusader for people of color, reporting on events in the African American community that were neglected

by the mainstream media. The fearless​ Pittsburgh Courier​ reporters celebrated the accomplishments of

the African American community, exposed atrocities against African American communities and

individuals, included advertisements for local African American businesses, and began advocacy

campaigns for African Americans, consequently bolstering African American communities across the

country. At its peak, the ​Pittsburgh Courier​ had fourteen editions across the country, making it the

leading African American publication of its time. Affluent public figures such as Jackie Robinson, WEB

Dubois, and Langston Hughes visited the​ Pittsburgh Courier ​office, validating the prominence and

success of the niche newspaper. The advocacy and transparency of the newspaper laid the foundation for

the Civil Rights movement. Unfortunately, once mainstream media began reporting on the Civil Rights

Movement, subscriptions for the ​Pittsburgh Courier​ plummeted. In 1965 the ​Pittsburgh Courier ​declared

bankruptcy ultimately forcing the Pittsburgh Courier Publishing Company to liquidate.

Challenging the American hegemony of the early and mid-twentieth century, the ​Pittsburgh

Courier​ promoted the rights of African Americans through advocacy campaigns. The publication's most

famous and successful initiative was the Double V campaign of World War II. Prefacing the Double V

campaign, African Americans were not allowed to enlist in the military for World War II. The complaints

of the ​Pittsburgh Courier​ changed this blockade and allowed for the integration of African Americans

into a war effort that separated military units by race. The Double V campaign sought to achieve two

victories -- victory in the war abroad and victory against racism and segregation on the homefront. The
campaign highlighted how African American soldiers were ironically putting their lives on the line for a

country that did not fully recognize their rights. Publications of the ​Pittsburgh Courier​ allowed for the

campaign to spread and gain popularity. Supporters participated in public demonstrations, a logo was

established for posters and accessory pins, and songs, slogans, and hairstyles were created. The

conjunction of the success Balck Tuskegee Flyers and the popularity of the Double V campaign resulted

in the desegregation of the United States military. Unfourtanetly, the Double V campaign did not

eliminate discrimination in America; however, its ideas and popularity laid the foundation for the Civil

Rights Movement to form and flourish.

I believe that the widespread awareness of the ​Pittsburgh Courier’s​ Double V campaign can be

credited towards its ability to be applied to several mediums. The campaign found its origin in the

medium of print, but it expanded into the mediums of fashion, beauty, and music. The multiple mediums

allowed for the campaign to reach the public in a diverse set of accessible ways. The digital age of the

twenty-first century has created new mediums for media. The #MeToo Movement, a current campaign

against sexual assault and sexual violence, intersects multiple forms of media similar to the Double V

campaign. This movement takes on the mediums of digital media, fashion, and speech. Digitally the

hashtag is published on social media sites and websites. The #MeToo Movement entered the medium of

fashion when guests at the 2018 Golden Globes wore black to support and raise awareness about the

campaign at the highly viewed televised event. Additionally, Oprah Winfrey addressed the #MeToo

Movement during her acceptance speech for Golden Globe at the 2018 event. The awareness of both

campaigns has given both the ability to alter culture. The Double V campaign opened a dialogue about

racism that set the stage for the Civil Rights Movements, while the #MeToo Movement has opened a

discussion around a topic that was previously considered a taboo conversation topic.

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