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Curso: Ingles

Alumno: Giancarlo Omar Gálvez Vicuña

Hello, my name is Melissa. Welcome

to my house! My house has five
rooms. The first room is the living
room. I like to watch television in the
living room. The next room is the
kitchen. Sometimes I cook dinner in
the kitchen. The dining room is next to
the kitchen. I eat dinner with my family
in the dining room. I also have a
bathroom. The bathroom has a
shower, toilette and sink. The last
room is the bedroom. My bed is very
comfortable. I sleep well in my

1. How many rooms does Melissa’s house have?

Melissa's house has five bedrooms

2. Where does Melissa watch television?

Melissa likes to watch tv in the living room
3. Where is the dining room?
The dining room is next to the kitchen
4. Where does Melissa eat dinner?
Melissa dines with her family in the dining room
5. Where does Melissa cook dinner?
Melissa prepares dinner in the kitchen
6. Does the bathroom have a sink?
if your Melissa bathroom has a sink
7. Why does Melissa sleep well in her bedroom?
because Melissa has a very comfortable bed in her room
Curso: Ingles
Alumno: Giancarlo Omar Gálvez Vicuña

Now, write about the rooms in your house. Use Melissa’s story as an

Well, I have a very spacious house that has four

bathrooms where two of them have a shower and
hot water I have an equipped kitchen where I often
have dinner every day and I have a room on the
third floor of my house that is very warm and quiet
to rest peacefully.

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