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Latin America and the Caribbean together represent a critical consumption of psychoactive substances—including cannabis,
zone for the production and trafficking of illicit drugs. The cocaine and heroin. Significantly, these policies have been
Andean region, including Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, is the operationalized using hardline criminal policy tools. The US
world’s foremost producer of cocaine. Mexico is the main Administration’s approach to domestic drugs control includes
producer of heroin in the Americas; Colombia, Mexico and rigid legislation, enhanced law enforcement and high levels of
Paraguay are all significant producers of cannabis; and syn- incarceration (in 2012 the USA imprisoned 1.55m. people on
thetic drugs are increasingly manufactured in Central (and drugs charges)1. Abroad, the US approach has been to curb the
North) America. The main corridor for the transport of illegal supply of illicit narcotics reaching the USA, through the
drugs to the US market is through Central America, Mexico eradication of illicit crops (mostly coca leaf—which is used to
and the Caribbean (UNODC, 2013). produce cocaine, but also opium poppy and marijuana)2, law
There is a voracious appetite for illicit drugs in the USA: it enforcement and the interdiction of drugs shipments (Young-
represents the single largest market for cocaine in the world, ers, 2006). The USA has ensured that its southern neighbours
and consumers spend some $100,000m. per year on illegal comply with its drugs policy goals, through what is termed
substances (Kilmer, Everingham et al, 2014). As a result of its ‘certification’. This is an annual process undertaken by the
excessive drugs consumption, the USA suffers from a heavy USA to evaluate country performance against US-imposed
burden of crime and drugs-related health and social problems. anti-drugs targets. Countries that do not act in accordance
Instead of tackling the structural inequalities that lead to drug with US strategy are punished by decertification; sanctions
addiction at home, politicians have described illicit drugs as a include the withholding of development aid, credit and trade
threat to national security and the battle has been taken to benefits. In other words, any country that attempts to break
source regions. Over the past 30 years the USA has channelled with the US drugs war runs the risk of being politically and
thousands of millions of dollars to Latin American military and economically isolated.
police forces to enable them to undertake counter-narcotics Since the inauguration of the Andean Initiative3 in 1989, the
operations, with the aim of suppressing the production and USA has devoted vast sums to its drugs war4, building up what
trafficking of illegal drugs. The logic underlying the entire Youngers (2000) describes as an extensive ‘narco-enforcement
operation is that by reducing supply, the cost of illicit drugs will complex,’ led by the US Department of Defense and including
increase and this, in turn, will dissuade people in consumer more than 50 federal agencies and bureaux. The USA has used
countries from buying them (Caulkins, 2014). its considerable resources to expand the role of both Latin
Historically, the USA has dictated the terms of the ‘war on American and US military forces in counter-drugs efforts,
drugs’, and has used its political and economic might to crush provide local security forces with logistical support and equip-
any debate on alternatives. Of late, however, Latin American ment, and to train civilian police forces in military tactics.
governments have pushed back against continuing with pro- Historically, US funding and weapons were restricted to anti-
hibitionist drugs policies. A regional debate has emerged, drugs operations; after 2001, however, they were also used to
focused on the failure of present policies to achieve their intervene against left-wing insurgencies in Peru and Colombia
desired objectives and on the high cost of implementing in the name of the ‘war on terror’ (Youngers, 2003). For
supply-reduction efforts (in terms of violence, corruption and example, in 2000 the US and Colombian Governments
institutional instability). Latin American leaders have argued launched ‘Plan Colombia’—a five-year, $4,000m. ‘aid’ package
for more effective and humane alternatives, including the (80% of which was earmarked for the Colombian police and
creation of legal, regulated markets for narcotic substances military), with the stated aim of reducing narcotics production
and greater investment in harm-reduction practices. The past by one-half. However, the counter-narcotics security support,
year marks an important period in the evolution of the global including state-of-the-art training, arms, aeroplanes and heli-
drug policy debate, including: copters, was also used to strike at the guerrilla Fuerzas
(i) The publication of a report commissioned by the Organiza- Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) (Hylton,
tion of American States (OAS) in April 2013 that expressed 2006). The focus of the US approach, which prioritizes military
dissatisfaction with prohibitionist policies and the militarized and police assistance over aid for socioeconomic goals or
supply-focused approach. institution-building, has produced what some policy analysts
(ii) Uruguay’s approval of the world’s first national legal refer to as militarization—that is, the ‘over-involvement of the
framework regulating the cultivation, trade and consumption armed forces in aspects of governance other than external
of cannabis. defense’ (Isacson, 2005: 17).
(iii) Colombia and Guatemala’s stand at the 2013 UN General The objective of supply-side enforcement is to reduce the
Assembly, where they claimed the drugs war had failed and amount of drugs reaching the USA, but on this score the drugs
that any long-term solution has to focus on the structural roots war has clearly failed. The supply of drugs to the USA remains
of drugs consumption, production and trafficking. as robust as ever (Mejia, 2010)5. This is demonstrated by the
(iv) The Bolivian Government’s successful efforts to legalize fact that while the purity of cocaine has remained stable, the
coca leaf consumption within its borders. street price has consistently fallen since the 1980s. Similar
This essay begins by examining some of the objectives, patterns have also been observed for other drugs, including
methods and consequences of the US-designed and -funded heroin and methamphetamine (Walsh, 2007). The disappoint-
‘war on drugs’ in Latin America and the Caribbean. It then goes ing results are a consequence of myopic policies that fail to
on to outline the emerging regional debate. The final section address the underlying causes of drugs production and traf-
provides a brief overview of Bolivia’s new approach to coca ficking, such as poverty, social exclusion and weak institutions.
control, which, according to a recent report by the OAS, Thus, victories in the war on drugs are generally only ever
represents best practice. Overall, the essay illustrates that shortlived: when coca and poppy crops are eradicated, produc-
the alternative approaches championed by Latin American tion moves to a different region (a phenomenon referred to as
governments, which aim to reduce the harmful impacts gen- the ‘balloon effect’)6; drugs-traffickers are arrested but they are
erated by drugs and drugs-trafficking, may prove to be more soon replaced; and when trafficking routes are disrupted they
effective in addressing the drugs problem in the long-term than simply shift elsewhere.
the current militarized response. The enormous cost of the drugs war, coupled with the fact
that it is not actually achieving its stated goals, has prompted
some observers to suggest that US foreign policy on drugs is not
a stand-alone issue—rather; it is used as an instrument to push
THE ‘WAR ON DRUGS’ other less ostensible political and economic agendas. For
For over a century the prohibitionist approach has shaped instance, some academics have argued that the USA’s motiva-
policies to deal with the production, trafficking, sale and tion for escalating the drugs war at the end of the 1980s was to 1
GENERAL SURVEY Drugs Policy Reform in Latin America

justify the build-up of a military presence in the region to killings and wholesale massacres. Institutional damage has
protect US corporate interests in a post-cold war world been further compounded by the impunity that US-funded
(Grandin, 2006, Tokatlian, 2010). forces frequently enjoy. Meanwhile the Government’s aerial
spraying of coca crops in Colombia8 has made the lives of poor
farmers even more precarious by causing environmental
THE LATIN AMERICAN DEBATE damage (including water contamination and land degradation)
Latin American leaders have grown weary of fighting what and serious health problems. Anthropologist, Marı́a Clemencia
they perceive to be an unwinnable war. Their resolve to look for Ramı́rez (2011) records that residents in the spray zones suffer
alternatives has been strengthened by the violence and corrup- from a variety of ailments, including skin, respiratory and
tion associated with the drugs trade. The scale of the problem is gastrointestinal problems. They also complain that spraying is
shocking; for example, the countries that lie on the main drugs- indiscriminate and carried out without warning—as a result
trafficking route from the Andes to the USA have among the food and cash crops are also often affected by herbicides. The
highest murder rates in the world (UNODC 2011). In spite of economic and humanitarian crisis provoked by aerial fumiga-
the violence, Latin American leaders do not view the drugs tion has forced people off their land—to join the ranks of
problem through the lens of ‘national security’, and they are Colombia’s estimated 4.9m. to 5.5m. internally displaced
actively seeking alternatives to the status quo. In August 2010 people (Rincón-Ruiz and Kallis, 2013).
Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón became the first incum- In 2009 the Latin American Commission on Drugs and
bent head of state to call for a debate on whether to legalize Democracy, led by former Presidents Fernando Henrique
drugs (The Economist, 2010); in an interview with The Obser- Cardoso of Brazil, César Gaviria of Colombia and Ernesto
ver newspaper in 2011, President Juan Manuel Santos of Zedillo of Mexico, published a report calling for a public debate
Colombia urged a major rethink of the ‘war on drugs’ (Mulhol- on alternatives to prohibitionist policies. Their proposals
land, 2011); and at the 2013 World Economic Forum at Davos, included treating drugs use as an issue of public health rather
Switzerland, Guatemala’s President, Otto Pérez Molina, than as a matter of criminal law, decriminalizing marijuana
argued for the legal regulation of all drugs at a global level and focusing repression on organized crime—as opposed to on
(Wearden, 2013). the people who cultivate illicit crops. The report received a
There are strong arguments in support of the reformist positive response, and the Commission subsequently gained
agenda. One of the key points repeatedly made by Latin the support of former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan,
American leaders is that prohibition strengthens criminal George Schultz and Paul Volcker among dozens of other public
organizations by handing them control of a lucrative and figures. This advocacy opened up space for the subsequent
growing trade.7 The massive profits derived from the drugs rebellion spearheaded by Guatemala’s President Pérez Molina
trade that flow untaxed, into criminal hands, have been used to in 2012.
equip private militias (often outgunning state enforcement) Pérez Molina, a former head of military intelligence who was
and to undermine state institutions through corruption. For once responsible for executing the country’s drugs war, became
example, in parts of Central America wealthy traffickers have President of Guatemala in January 2012, having been elected
even become de facto authorities, dispensing jobs and huma- on a platform of reducing crime. Soon after taking office,
nitarian assistance while simultaneously intimidating and however, he stunned the US Administration of Barack Obama
corrupting local officials (Crisis Group, 2014). Some leaders, by announcing that the inability of the USA to reduce demand
including Pérez Molina, have argued that the best way to crush for illicit drugs left Guatemala with no option but to consider
trafficking organizations is to legalize drugs, which would deny decriminalization. In March Pérez Molina convened a regional
cartels their main source of revenue. This position is supported summit in Antigua, Guatemala, to discuss drugs policy
by a recent study which argues that if marijuana were legalized options. The event was undermined by a disappointing turn-
in California and was then exported to other US states, out: the Presidents of Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua all
Mexican drugs cartels would lose about one-fifth of their withdrew, ostensibly as a result of US pressure. At the summit
annual income (Kilmer, Caulkins, et al, 2010). Pérez Molina presented a range of options, including the
The drugs trade has undoubtedly had a harmful impact on establishment of a dedicated regional court for drugs-traffick-
the region, but so too have US-designed and -funded responses ing offences with its own prison system; the depenalization of
to it. Research illustrates that the drugs war has undermined the transit of drugs along a North–South corridor; and the
human rights, civil liberties and democratic practices in Latin creation of a legal regulatory framework covering narcotic
America (Youngers and Rosin, 2005). US-imposed anti-drugs substances. The meeting did not end in political agreement,
legislation has led to a dramatic increase in sentences for but it did ensure that drugs law reform was high on the agenda
drugs-related crimes—for instance, under Bolivia’s notorious at the OAS Summit of the Americas held in Cartagena,
law 1008 a small trafficker or dealer might end up with a Colombia, only a month later (Armenta, Metaal et al, 2012).
sentence far longer than someone convicted for murder The April 2012 OAS summit marked a watershed in the
(Metaal and Youngers, 2011). As a result of such punitive Latin American drugs policy debate. For the first time, incum-
laws, between 2006 and 2011 the number of female prisoners in bent heads of state—including Pérez Molina, Colombia’s Juan
Latin America almost doubled, from 40,000 to around 74,000— Manuel Santos, Costa Rica’s Laura Chinchilla and Mexico’s
the vast majority of whom are in prison on non-violent drugs Felipe Calderón—questioned the efficacy of continuing with
charges (Giacomello, 2013). Meanwhile, the US emphasis on full-scale prohibition, and declared that all possibilities must
using Latin American military forces to fight internal enemies be considered. Given the previous taboo on even discussing
has resulted in significant collateral damage. Mexico repre- alternatives to the drugs war, the OAS summit marks a
sents a prime example of the dangers posed by the militarized significant step towards change. Indeed, drugs policy analysts
approach. In 2006 President Calderón deployed the army have characterized the event as releasing the ‘genie from the
against the drugs gangs; this led to an escalation of violence, bottle’ (Youngers, 2012). The summit tasked the OAS with
as cartels fought back against government forces but also conducting a study to analyse the impact of present policy and
fought each other for control over the trade. The total homicide to explore alternative approaches. The final report, published
rate in Mexico increased threefold within a period of just four in April 2013, reflected Latin America’s growing disenchant-
years, from about eight homicides per 100,000 individuals in ment with current drugs policy, and outlined serious alter-
2006 to more than 23 in 2010 (Mejia and Restrepo, 2014). Some natives to prohibition—including the decriminalization
estimates suggest that Mexico has suffered 70,000 murders as (meaning the removal of criminal penalties) or the legalization
a result of drugs-related violence over the past seven years. and regulation of certain drugs (starting with marijuana).
Colombia has also experienced pronounced cycles of violence In September 2012 the Presidents of Colombia, Guatemala
as a result of the illegal drugs trade and the state’s responses to and Mexico took the regional debate to the UN General
it: Mejia and Restrepo (2014) suggest that it accounts for some Assembly—where they issued a formal statement underscor-
3,800 homicides every year. In coca growing regions, militar- ing the need to critically review current drugs policies and
ized crop eradication has pitted the security forces against local called on the UN to analyse all available options, including
farmers, and this has provoked violent conflicts and opened up regulatory market measures. Subsequently, it was announced
space for the violation of human rights, including extrajudicial that the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on
GENERAL SURVEY Drugs Policy Reform in Latin America

the ‘world drug problem’ would be bought forward to early 2016 tropical agricultural zone located in the centre of the country.
(instead of 2019 as was previously planned). The momentum The population comprises Quechua-speaking peasants and
was maintained throughout the following year: in June 2013 former miners and factory workers from the highlands—
the OAS adopted a declaration (known as the ‘declaration of many of whom migrated to the region in the 1980s in search
Antigua’) that reiterated the futility of the current war on of alternative livelihoods in the coca-cocaine economy. Coca
drugs and called for the OAS to hold a special session on drugs growers often point out that the only reason they took up coca
no later than 2014.9 In September 2013 Colombia, Costa Rica, cultivation in the first place was because it was one of the few
Guatemala and Mexico returned to the UN once more to call for options available to them in the wake of the economic reforms
a wide-ranging debate about the drugs issue in the lead up to implemented under the Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucio-
the 2016 UNGASS. And finally, in March 2014, for the first nario administration in the mid-1980s, which closed down
time in its history, the Inter-American Commission on Human state-owned mines and factories and put tens of thousands of
Rights (an autonomous organ of the OAS) granted a hearing to people out of work (Grisaffi, 2010).
analyse the impacts of drugs policy on human rights in the The 45,000 settler families established small, family-run
Americas. farms. They cultivate a range of crops, including rice, bananas
High-level debate has been accompanied by unilateral and citrus fruit, but it is the income generated by coca leaf that
changes to drugs policy in some Latin American countries— provides many with their only source of cash that is essential
chief among these is Uruguay, which, on 20 December 2013, for survival. While the coca-cocaine industry represents a
became the first country in the world to legalize and regulate significant segment of the Bolivian economy (according to
the production, marketing and consumption of cannabis. UN estimates, it is worth US $500m.–$700m. annually), the
Coletta Youngers (2013), of the Washington Office on Latin Chapare farmers are not the major beneficiaries. The UN has
America, argues that this development could encourage other calculated that less than 1% of the value of European or US
reform-minded governments to explore similar initiatives. cocaine sales makes its way back to the Andean coca farmers.
Mexico, Argentina and Brazil (all of which are experiencing As a result, the basic quality of life in the Chapare has
rising domestic drug consumption) are investigating decrimi- remained very low: beyond the main towns, people live in
nalizing possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use, houses made from rough-cut planks and palm leaves, and they
and increasing investment in harm-reduction programmes. do not count on sanitation, running water or electricity.
Some Latin American countries are also addressing the issue of In the early 1980s the US Administration launched a coca
excessive sentences established in national drugs laws, which eradication programme in the Chapare, in an effort to tackle
in most cases fail to distinguish between traffickers and escalating coca production and cocaine-processing. The Boli-
consumers. In 2010 Brazil’s Supreme Federal Tribunal ruled vian military and police forces, working closely with the US
that the application of alternatives to incarceration should be Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Narcotics
allowed for low-level drugs offenders, noting that judges Affairs Section of the US embassy in La Paz, targeted the
should have the right to discretion when sentencing. Mean- family-run farms and manually uprooted coca plantations.
while, in 2005 Ecuador took the unprecedented step of granting Forced eradication did dramatically reduce the amount of land
a pardon to low-level drugs couriers—an initiative that freed under coca cultivation in the Chapare, but this came at a high
more than 2,000 people, the majority of whom did not reoffend price. Eradication outpaced the provision of alternative devel-
(Armenta, Metaal et al, 2012). opment assistance, and plunged the coca growers into severe
Bolivia has led a battle for the decriminalization of coca leaf economic crisis. More importantly, the security forces tasked
(a perennial shrub that has been consumed for millennia by with carrying out coca eradication missions killed and ser-
people living in the Andean region). In early 2013 the UN iously wounded scores of peasant activists, raped women,
agreed to amend the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic torched homesteads and incarcerated and tortured hundreds
Drugs10, the most important international legal framework of people12 (Ledebur, 2005). Under the terms of the draconian
for drugs control—to permit the traditional consumption of Law 1008, which was pushed through the Bolivian congress
coca within Bolivian territory. Bolivia has, furthermore, under intense pressure from the US embassy in 1988, thou-
advanced a radical method for controlling coca plantations, sands of people were arrested for drugs-related offences on
which allows voluntary crop eradication; this approach was little or no evidence, and held indefinitely without charge.
commended in the OAS report and will be discussed in more In spite of (or some might say because of) military repression,
detail below. Finally, it is not just Latin American countries the coca growers built a powerful agricultural union to contest
where changes are taking place, the states of Washington and the Bolivian Government’s anti-coca policy. The coca union
Colorado in the USA recently voted to legalize the possession of vowed to defend the right to grow coca leaf, which it classified
marijuana for personal use by adults over 21. Both states are in as ‘sacred’ on the basis that it represented an important
the process of creating systems for legal production and sale, element of indigenous culture and religious practice (Grisaffi,
subject to licensing, regulation and taxation. 2010). In 2005 the coca union’s political party, the Movimiento
The debate in the Americas has clearly moved far beyond the al Socialismo (MAS), secured an overwhelming victory in the
dogma of the ‘war on drugs’. Nevertheless, progressive coun- presidential election, with the leader of the Chapare coca
tries are still outnumbered by those committed to present union, Evo Morales, becoming Bolivia’s first indigenous head
policy. At the 2013 OAS summit Venezuela, Nicaragua, of state. Morales and the MAS subsequently won equally
Panama, and El Salvador all spoke in favor of maintaining decisive majorities in the 2009 presidential and legislative
the status quo and neither Brazil nor Argentina articulated a elections.
reform agenda (Youngers, 2013). Furthermore, while the On taking office at the beginning of 2006, President Morales
Obama Administration has been more diplomatic than its made a radical break with the US-financed policies that
predecessors, and has even dropped the term ‘war on drugs’, focused on military/police suppression and the eradication of
the change in discourse has had little impact on the actual illicit drugs. His new policy, popularly known as ‘coca si,
implementation on programmes or policies on the ground cocaina no’ (coca yes, cocaine no), is a direct result of proposals
(Youngers, 2012). The UN’s International Narcotics Control put forward by Bolivia’s coca grower unions. It envisions
Board (INCB)11 has also ignored the growing calls for policy development with coca and treats the coca growers as partners
reform. In the foreword to the INCB’s 2013 annual report, the in the fight against drugs-trafficking. There are four pillars to
organization’s President labelled reform initiatives as ‘danger- the new policy:
ous’ and ‘misguided’. Thus, it can be expected that reformist 1. Limited coca cultivation: under the new regime, each
governments will face considerable opposition in the run up to member of the agricultural unions is permitted to grow a
the UNGASS 2016. limited amount of coca, termed a cato (1,600 sq m). In addition,
Morales has increased the extent of coca that can be grown
nationally from 12,000 ha to 20,000 ha to supply the traditional
According to UN estimates, Bolivia is the third largest produ- 2. Decriminalization and industrialization of coca: the Boli-
cer of coca leaf, after Colombia and Peru (UNODC, 2012). One vian Government makes a sharp distinction between coca
of Bolivia’s two main coca growing regions is the Chapare, a leaf—the plant that Andeans have consumed for millennia— 3
GENERAL SURVEY Drugs Policy Reform in Latin America

and the illicit drug cocaine. It has proposed the industrializa- in reducing coca and cocaine production in the long term than
tion of coca for legal uses, such as teas, shampoo, diet pills, wine was the previous strategy of forced eradication (Farthing and
and toothpaste. Moreover, Bolivia has urged the UN to decri- Kohl, 2012, Ledebur and Youngers, 2013).
minalize coca leaf, so that the country can export these coca- Notwithstanding the persuasive figures, the USA has been
based products to other countries; this is not possible at very critical of this new approach. The White House Office of
present, as coca remains on the UN’s list of controlled sub- National Drug Control Policy argues that, despite the decrease
stances (Metaal et al., 2006). Unlike several other Latin in total coca acreage, potential annual cocaine production in
American governments, however, the MAS administration is Bolivia increased dramatically in 2011, to 265 metric tons
not in favour of decriminalizing cocaine. (from 195 tons in 2010), as a result of better yields from existing
3. Community-led control: responsibility for coca control has plantations and innovative methods for processing cocaine.
been transferred from the security forces to the country’s However, some drugs policy analysts have suggested that
agricultural federations. This policy is referred to as ‘social these figures are opaque and unrealistic (Ledebur and Young-
control’, and encourages the unions to exercise internal con- ers, 2013). Even so, in September 2013 the White House
trols to restrict cultivation to one cato per member. Any coca renewed the decertification of Bolivia for the fifth consecutive
produced beyond this limit is to be voluntarily uprooted. The year, stating that the country had ‘demonstrably failed to
policy works because coca growers identify strongly with the comply with its obligations to tackle drug traffic’. The USA
Morales administration, and take pride in self-governance. did, none the less, sign a bilateral framework agreement with
Furthermore, farmers consider that it is in their own best Bolivia in 2011, and it has continued to provide it with
interest to respect the cato agreement—they understand that equipment and training for anti-drugs operations (although
if coca cultivation is restricted, then coca prices will increase. at a much reduced level). In January 2012 Bolivia, Brazil and
The agricultural unions are also tasked with ensuring that the USA signed a trilateral coca monitoring agreement.
coca is sold directly to official coca markets and is not diverted History has shown that eradicating illicit crops in source
to drugs-traffickers. countries is counterproductive. It destroys local economies,
4. ‘Development First’: the Government has promoted eco- provokes violent confrontations, and criminalizes some of the
nomic development in coca-growing regions, but—unlike the poorest and most vulnerable members of society. Furthermore,
previous strategy—this has not been conditional on the era- there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that eradicating coca
dication of coca. Furthermore, in contrast to the approach of crops in the Andes has an impact on the supply of drugs
the US Agency for International Development (USAID), devel- reaching US streets. Conversely, Bolivia’s co-operative coca
opment actors now work directly with the coca unions. reduction policy is humane: it respects indigenous culture, and
From the perspective of the Chapare coca growers, the new it creates a safe and secure environment in which alternative
policy is a step in the right direction. The violence provoked by livelihood strategies can be tried out (Youngers and Walsh,
forced coca eradication is regarded as a thing of the past, and 2010). Rather than remaining committed to a policy that has
the coca growers have been able to re-establish themselves proved to be harmful, ineffective and unsustainable, US policy-
after years of impoverishment. The cato of coca generates an makers would be well advised to learn lessons from the
income of about US $200 dollars per month for each grower; Bolivian experiment.
this provides poor farmers with an economic safety net, and has
allowed them to experiment with other legal crops without CONCLUSION
running the risk of destitution. Since 2006 the local economy
has started to grow, this is clearly demonstrated by the For decades, successive US administrations have pursued a
proliferation of village fiestas, motorcycle ownership, thriving supply-side drugs control strategy that has been harmful and
local businesses, home improvements and rising land prices in that has failed to achieve its goals. Despite the thousands of
the region. In addition, the new policy respects the coca leaf, millions of dollars spent and the lives lost, Latin America
which the coca growers consider to be an important element of remains a major global exporter of illicit drugs, including
their culture. Notwithstanding these advances, however, there cocaine, cannabis and heroin. Some Latin American leaders
are challenges associated with implementing the new policy— have tired of the violence, corruption and disappointing results
associated with the drugs war. They have called into question
not least the refusal by a minority of farmers to comply with the
the legal and ethical framework underlying the international
new regime (Grisaffi, 2013).
drugs control system that transfers a large proportion of the
The Bolivian policy has been remarkably effective. A recent
costs to producer and transit countries. Latin American gov-
UN report suggests that the area under coca cultivation
ernments have proposed a range of initiatives including decri-
decreased by 19% in 2010–12, a far greater fall than in Peru
minalizing drugs for personal consumption; reducing penalties
where eradication was carried out. The UN attributes Bolivia’s
for drugs offences; creating corridors for the transit of illicit
‘significant’ decrease to ‘effective control’ through co-operative
drugs, so that they can move unhindered to the market without
coca reduction and eradication (Ledebur and Youngers, 2013).
destabilizing the entire region; increasing expenditure on
The Bolivian Government has also made significant efforts to
harm-reduction programmes; and pursuing collaborative
eradicate coca in areas that are not controlled by registered
approaches to control illicit crops. Latin American leaders
coca unions. In 2011 government forces eradicated a total of
have also called on the USA to stem the flow of money and
10,500 ha of coca—28% more than in 2010. Moreover, despite
automatic weapons from that country. The present time marks
having expelled the DEA in 2008, the Bolivian Government
a historic juncture in the debate regarding drugs policy, with
has achieved several important victories against drugs-traf- Latin American leaders making ever-louder calls for ‘regula-
fickers. In 2010 the country’s special anti-narcotics police force tion’ as opposed to ‘prohibition’. Whether they will be able to
confiscated and destroyed more than 28 metric tons of cocaine forge a new consensus in the run up to UNGASS 2016 remains
paste and 5.5 tons of pure cocaine (UNODC, 2012); this to be seen. However, it is worth remembering that drugs
represents a massive increase on the amount of cocaine inter- control policy has taken many different forms over the years,
dicted 10 years previously. Anthropological research suggests and so there is no reason to assume that the current prohibi-
that US-financed repression against growers was effective in tionist policies will prevail (Paoli, Greenfield et al. 2012).
convincing all Chapare residents that the police were enemies.
However, today this is no longer the case and the coca growers
are now willing to collaborate with the authorities in the fight FOOTNOTES
against drugs-traffickers (Grisaffi, 2014). Prominent research 1
organizations, including the Washington Office on Latin 2
The justification for the physical destruction of illicit crops is that it
America and the Andean Information Network, have judged prevents them from being processed into drugs and subsequently
Morales’ ‘social control’ approach in positive terms. They traded on the international market.
consider that the policy treats the coca growers as partners 3
The Andean Initiative was a five-year, US $2,200m. plan targeting
instead of as criminals, respects human rights, and offers poor coca and cocaine production in the Andean region; the plan was
farmers realistic economic alternatives. Furthermore, they ‘front-loaded’ with military and police assistance.
contend that by tackling the root causes of the cultivation of 4
Some estimates put US spending on counter-narcotics initiatives at
illicit crops, the co-operative approach could be more effective US $20,000m.–$25,000m. per year.
GENERAL SURVEY Drugs Policy Reform in Latin America
Mejia estimated that the amount of cocaine reaching US borders Latin America, Washington, DC, Lynne Rienner Publrs,
actually increased from 322 metric tons in 2000 to 402 tons in 2006. Boulder, CO, and London, 2005.
The trend of shifting production can be attributed to the fact that
eradication forces up the price of coca, while simultaneously deny-
Kilmer, B., et al. ‘Reducing Drug Trafficking Revenues and
ing poor farmers their only source of income—thus leaving farmers Violence in Mexico: Would Legalizing Marijuana in California
with little choice but to replant illicit crops. Consequently, although Help?’. RAND Corporation, 2010.
the amount of coca in each country has fluctuated over the past 30 nal_papers/op325.
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