Senior Survey

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Senior Survey : 5Tulip

1) What excuses do you give when you did not finish or bring your homework?
- I already did my homework but I left it at home
2) Describe your senior year in 3 words
- Tough, Fun and exciting
3) What is the sweetest thing a teacher has done for you? Include their name
- Teacher adila, she always guides me to the right part and gives me life advices
4) Most Memorable word from a teacher or friend
- Don’ give up in life ( cikgu mariam )
5) Who is your fav junior ( form 1 – 4 ) describe them
- Iffah – I Have no fav junior but i am everyones fav senior
6) What is the most awkward thing that had ever happened to you in school ?
- Teacher scolding me infront of all the school students
7) During the past 5 years, what is someting you regret not doing
- Vilashini – Excersing
8) If you were given a chance to change the school, what would it be and why?
- I will create a rule in which, the same students are not allowed to take part in more then
1 competitions during hari sukan, it is very unfair. Teachers pick the same student every
year and for every acara. Others are not given a chance.

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