Name: Irfan Ayyash NIM: 195040100111136 Class: D

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Name : Irfan Ayyash

NIM : 195040100111136
Class :D
The Beauty of Spider Plant

Chlorophytum comosum is a native plant from southern Africa. This plant

is also known as spider plant, because their leaves look like spider’s foot. Spider
plant is kind of plant that easy to grow. So, it also called as houseplant. House
plant is plant that is grown indoors in places such as residence and office. Spider
plant also known as unique plant because of their structure.
The structure of spider plant’s is really unique, because this plant is a kind
of plant that doesn’t has a trunk. This plant classified as a grassplant, they have
leaves that look like grass normally. The thing that makes different with the
other plant is their color. Every spider plant’s leaf they have two colors, green on
the middle and white on the edge. This color combination makes it look
attractive. The attractiveness of the color makes people wanted to buy this plant
as their decorative at their house.
Beside of their colors the other things that makes people wanted to buy
this plant is because this plant can be as air filter. Spider Plant produces oxygen
whilst purifying the air in your home and office by absorbing carbon monoxide,
formaldehyde and xylene. If you have this plant inside your house it will makes
your house more fresher So, that’s why this plant called as house plant, because
they bring a lot of benefit for the people inside the house.
Overall, spider plant called as a unique plant because of their trunk, leaf
shape, and color of the leaf. And also this plant give a lot of benefit for all people
who take care of this plant. The reason why people want to have this plant
because this is the easiest houseplant to grow. Last, let put plant inside your
house because it will bring a lot of benefit to yourself. Because plant is one of the
most beautiful creature that god has made.

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