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Relate to Explaining

1 Question: How to color this image?

Answer: Just choose your favorite color and adjust it to the image then color it

2 Question: Please show how to solve this question?

Answer : The way to answer this question is by matching it. For example, clothes
paired with pants

3 Question : How do they decorate this class?

Answer: By using items that are not used and then shaped as desired then colored and
pasted on the classroom wall

4 Question : How to color this flower?

Answer : Do it like this (show you how to color flowers)
Now it's your turn to draw
Now it's your turn to paint
Now, it's your turn to lock up
See what we will build
Next we will draw a house
Check out this image for you to color
Here's a sticker sheet for you to share

5 Question : Your pencil case is good, how to make it?

Answer : The way to make it is by cutting cardboard in a circle. Second, cover the
carton with flannelette. Third, cut the used plastic bottles into several sizes.Then coat it
again with a flannel cloth. Then collect and stack the cartons and plastic bottles.The
pencil holder is ready to use.

Relate related to asking for helpers and giving things out

1 Question : Can you take the book that is on the table next to you? i need it
Answer : I can

2 Question : Is this fallen book yours?

Answer : Ya, milik saya
3 Question: Do you see a pencil case on this table? that is mine
Answer : Yes, I already left it at the cashier. I guess it belongs to someone who was
accidentally left behind.

4 Question : Can you help me by lifting this suitcase? Please

Answer : Ok, i can do it

5 Question : Are you a security guard? can you tell me where is the principal's office?
Answer : Yes, i will show it to you

exercise 2 (hlmn 26)

1. Can you find the box of crayons and give them out?
2. Can you pass these sheets of paper?
3. Can you give out this book
4. Santy can you help me?
5. I need two helpers, please
1. Dapatkah Anda menemukan sekotak krayon dan memberikannya?
2. Bisakah Anda melewatkan lembaran kertas ini?
3. Bisakah Anda memberikan buku ini
4. Santy dapat membantu saya?
5. Saya butuh dua orang pembantu

Exercise 2 (hlmn 24)

1. Look at what we are going to make
2. Today we are going to do some drawing
3. Anybody else, please show your hand, if you are not yet get a turn
4. Look here is a picture for you to color
5. You can choose a different animal
6. Look at what we are going to make
7. Now, it is your turn to do some painting
8. Anybody else ? Hands up one at a time; don’t just shout out
9. Look here’s a picture for you to color
10. Right now boys and girls all together
1. Lihat apa yang akan kita buat
2. Hari ini kita akan melakukan beberapa gambar
3. Orang lain, tolong tunjukkan tangan Anda, jika Anda belum mendapatkan giliran
4. Lihat di sini adalah gambar untuk diwarnai
5. Anda dapat memilih hewan yang berbeda
6. Lihat apa yang akan kita buat
7. Sekarang giliran Anda untuk melukis
8. Ada lagi? Angkat tangan satu per satu; Jangan hanya berteriak
9. Lihat ini gambar untuk diwarnai
10. Sekarang anak laki-laki dan perempuan semuanya bersama

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