Ecologia Tropical Book PDF Chapter 1 PDF

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toward the final product, a book. I'm a lucky guy. have happened without the diligent and tenacious
Charlie che Cat also provided valued companionship, work of Karen Fortgang; Stefani Wexler; my most able
lying on the desk next to the computer as I labored
through the final chapters of a long book, keeping me
copy editor, Jennifer Harris; and proofreader Barbara
Liguori. Finally, I want to acknowledge Robert Kirk,
. -··• lntroduction
calm (a technique that is alleged to have also worked Executive Editor and Group Publisher, Science and
for Mark Twain). Reference at Princeton University Press. lt was Rob-
The editing and production team assembled by ert who proposed the idea of a tropical text to me. lt
Princeton University Press was not only awesome in was Robert who convinced me to do it. When I asked
its ef/iciency but also a pleasure to work with. Just Robert what he thought the book's title ought to be,
look at the book. That's what they did! I want to he looked at me and said something like, "lt's about
thank my editor, Alison Kalett, for her patience and tropical ecology so I think we should call ir Tropical
sound stewardship. In addition, the book could not Ecology." Well done, Robert, and thanks.
What Is Tropical Ecology?
Asking the question, What is tropical ecology? may seem akin to asking questions
such as, Who is buried in Grant's tomb? Tropical ecology is the study of the ecology
of tropical regions. But so what? Consider these questions: First, what is ecology?
What are its paradigms, what are its principies, and what is its place in the bio-
logical sciences? What unique insights has ecology added to biology? Second and
perhaps more important, is tropical ecology unique within the study of ecology? In
other words, if you studied the ecology of the eastern deciduous forest, the arctic
tundra, the Mojave Desert, or the seas that surround Antarctica, what paradigms
and principies might you miss because none of these ecosystems are tropical?Take
a few minutes to think about these questions, and then read on.
Readers of this book should be familiar with ecology and thus need little
coaching as to what ecology is. Ir is, in a nutshell, the study of how organisms exist,
adapt, and interact within their environments within the context of both abiotic
and biotic factors. It is studied at widely different spatial and temporal scales. Ecol-
1"Í ogists revea! and attempt to explain patterns of species richness and explore how
top-clown and bottom-up forces influence the structure and stability of food webs,
struccuring whole ecological communities. Ecologists use experimental techniques
and mathematical models to study competition, predation, mutualism, and the as-
sembly, persistence, and stability of ecological communities. Ecology has matured
in that disciplines such as landscape ecology, restoration ecology, and conservation
ecology ali use theory from basic ecology. Each of rhese areas of applied ecology has
made an impact on issues in ti:opical ecology.
The various topics cited in the previous paragraph are the grist for ecological
study and make up che "usual suspects" in ecology texts. Once one understands
these topics, one is considered proficient in ecology. Do these topics form the para-
digms of ecology? Not really. They are best considered principies, areas of study
around which the discipline is organized. Ecology arguably has no paradigms.
(1argue this point throughout my book The Balance of Nature: Ecology's Enduring
Myth. ) On close inspection, ecology is a prominent branch of evolutionary biology.
Not much of what ecologists study makes sense without placing the data firmly
within evolutionary context. This reality will become apparent in the study of trop-
ical rain forest ecology, especially regarding species' origins, interactions, and inter-
dependencies. The paradigm within which ecology is included is organic evolution,
and it, along with cell theory, are the only real paradigms of biology. Cell theory
and evolution are what biology is. Ali the rest is detail.
Where <loes this leave tropical ecology? What will you learn by going to Pan-
ama, or Ecuador, or Indonesia, or Queensland, Australia, that could not be learned
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by going to central Spain, or Norway, or Japan, or quickly became convinced of the truth of organic evo- in ornithology) over my four decades asan ecologist. Let from studies in the Neotropics. So I cannor pretend to
New Jersey? Yes, the species are different, but what lution. Ali present species have arisen from previous me explain something of how the book carne to be. take an "even-handed" approac;h to the global tropics.
of it? The pattern of seasonality is different; precipita- species and were not specially created. This was soon In 1989, Princeton Umvers1ty Press publtshed my This book will expose my bias, as it reflects my con-
tion patterns are different; lots of things are different. followed by his discovery of the mechanism for evo- book tided A Neotropical Companion. The book wás fidence leve] in my expertise-and that bias remains
What of it? lutionary change, natural selection, and so he began modest in size and had a bright green cover, which led clearly toward the Neotropics and, in particular, birds.
This "what of it?" is the subject of this book. By to view the world differently. Of course, not everyone ro irs nickname, the "Little Green Book." lt amazed But such a bias has a pragmatic component in that
the conclusion of your study, you should be competent agreed with Darwin. Sorne rejected his theory our- me while writing that book how much wonderful in- many students will like]y use this text in conjunction
to voice an educated opinion regarding the question right; orhers agreed that evolution might be true but formation ecologists had garnered in their collective with an actual field experience, a college course that
of just how unique tropical ecology is. Learn and en- did not agree that a blind mechanism called natural research efforts and how little of chis really cool st.uff includes a trip to experience a tropical region. And
joy the journey. selection caused species to evolve into different forms. was finding its way to more popular-based audiences, most North American college courses in tropical ecol-
From 1859, when On the Origin of Species was pub- including into the hands and minds of students. My ogy visir sorne area within the Neotropics. My contin-
lished, until Darwin's death at the age of 73 in 1882, goal was to be selective and make sorne of rhat amaz- ued emphasis on that region will benefit such courses.
Overview he was strongly attacked in speeches and in print over ing information available. The organization of the work is mine, my way
his assertions concerning evolution. The success of the Little Green Book led to a ma- to tell the story of tropical ecology. But the informa-
When Charles Darwin was fresh out of college, he vis- What does ali this Darwinian history have to do jor revision and expansion of A Neotropical Compan- tion contained herein is largely rhe work of others, the
ited a tropical rain forest in eastern Brazil as pare of with tropical ecology? The great twentieth-century ion that appeared in 1997, again published by Prince- thousands of researchers in rhe field and lab whose
his famous voyage aboard the HMS Beagle. Like oth- evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky, who ton University Press. This volume was bigger, had new work, often repetitive and always exacting, deals with
ers who carne befare and since, his first impressions spent a fair amount of time collecting fruit flies in iliustrations and sorne color photographs, and, most sorne aspect of tropical ecology. Far the most pare, 1
were vivid. He wrote of this experience in che tropical the tropics, said "Nothing in biology makes sense ex- iinportantly, covered more topics in greater derail, rely on primary source material, papers from jour-
rain forest: cept in the light of evolution" (Dobzhansky 1973, p. with much additional treatment of Sourh America. nals- some of which, like Biotropica, publish only
449). Darwin's big idea has become the most impor- Eager to learn from my readers, 1 included my papers about tropical ecology, and sorne of which,
When quietly walking along the shady path- tant paradigm in biology, and without it, the immense e-mail address in the revised volume, and many re- like Ecology and American Naturalist, publish many
ways, and admiring each successive view, 1 complexities that characterize a tropical rain forest or sponded. I have hada few errors of both omission and papers that deal with the tropics. I also include many
wished to find language to express my ideas. any other ecosystem would seem hopelessly beyond cammission pointed out to me, as well as many com- citations from Science and Nature, both of which
Epithet after epithet was found too weak to rational explanation. ments as to how the book could be improved. Sorne publish numerous major papers on various aspects of
convey to those who have not visited the in- Therefore, much of this book will be about evolu- v::rnt more maps; sorne want more illustrations; sorne tropical biology. Each topic covered is illustrated by
tertropical regions the sensation of delight tion as it is evident in the tropics, and in rain forests want greater emphasis on particular tapies. But the selected examples, so obviously many worthy papers
which the mind experiences. (Darwin 1845J in particular. There is nothing unique about this ap- most-repeated comment (the title of the book notwith- are not cited. My apologies to these authors, but this
proach, as I fail to see how it could be otherwise for standing) is that the book is too narrow, as it covers book is not meant as a comprehensive review of ali
In other words, Darwin was pretty overwhelmed by any kind of ecological study. If this book were about only the Neotropics and omits the Old World tropics topics tropical. lt is nice to have an embarrassment of
what he saw, felt, heard, even what he smelled. He the ecology of Antarctica, evolution would still be the of Africa, Southeast Asia, and Australia/New Guinea. riches when ir comes t0 information about the tropics,
commented on the hazy air within the foresr, evidence organizing paradigm. The noted ecologist G. Evelyn How does the Neotropics compare with other tropical and I have had to carefully pick and choose. Examples
of the high humidity. A tropical rain forest <loes leave Hutchinson once titled a book about general ecology regions of Earth? How are these regions biogeograph- were by and large chosen for their overall interest, po-
you with a vivid "first impression." It gets your atten- The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play. 1 ically distinct, one from another? Are the ecological tential significance, clarity, and robustness. And, since
tion both rationally and emotionally. But years 1ater, doubt that many who visit a rain forest or any other processes that characterize Neotropical ecosystems researching the second edition of A Neotropical Com-
a much older Charles Darwin had a different perspec- tropical ecosystem today need fear Josing their sense the same as those in other regions? panion, I am amazed by the remarkable increase in
tive when he was composing his autobiography: of awe (as Darwin apparently did) simply because Thus, it seemed both to me and to my editors at 'the number of tropical studies represented in profes-
of acquiring an understanding of how the process of Princeton University Press that it was time for yet an- sional publications of ali kinds. Another point worth
In my journal l wrote that whilst standing in evolution is manifest in the multitudes of morpholo- other revision and expansion, this time going "the full emphasizing is that my area of expertise is in ornithol-
the midst of the grandeur of a Brazilian for- gies and interactions that characterize rhe ecological Monty" toward a more comprehensive book cover- ogy, the study of birds, so whoever reads my text will
est, "it is not possible to give an adequate community. Darwin, when elderly, apparently lost his ing the ecology of the global tropics. And that is how encounter quite a few examples that involve birds. But
idea of the higher feelings of wonder, admira- awe of nature, perhaps embittered by ali the criticism Tropical Ecology carne to be. consider that birds are fairly easy to observe in the
tion, and devotion which fil! and elevare the directed toward him. You need not worry, however. Ah, but as alwa ys, the devil is in the details. My field, and thus much data about species interactions in
mind." I well remember my conviction that Learning the science behind the landscape really adds previous book was specifically about the Neotropics, the tropics does, indeed, focus on birds.
there is more in man than the mere breath of to awe-it <loes not detraer from it. This book aims to and the vast majority of my field experience has been The first question any author faces is, Who is the
his body. But now the grandest scenes would teach the science behind the landscape. in that region. True, I have visited Africa (Tanzania), audience for this book? This work is aimed at students
not cause any such convictions and feelings to As author of the book you hold, I am in a unique Southeast Asia (Indonesia), as well as the Australian and others who take a serious interest in learning
rise in my mind. (Darwin 1887) position. lt's my book, and l wrote it my way. Orher tropics in Queensland and Darwin, but most of my about tropical ecology. lt assumes a basic knowledge
books about the tropics take different approaches from reading and field study is from Central and South of introductory biology, including ecology and the te-
What changed Darwin was, of course, evolution. what you will read within this volume. This book reflects America and the Caribbean. And, l dare say, much if nets of evolurionary biology. I present an overview of
When Darwin returned from the Beagle voyage, he my views from study and field experience (particularly not most of the published literature continues to be each tapie and then note where information gaps exist
.. ..... ·· ··• •" ' ' ' "" ' '

• l1ided on che voyage of che Endeavor
me .
he set elevation Andean slopes as he traveled from Venezu-
-~ immensely valuable precedent. lt 1s thac acnon chat ela through the northern Andes. He visited central
-·• What and Where Are the Tropics? •l;imacely led to Darwin's being invited on the Beagle Mexico, Cuba, and the United States. Humboldt
~oyage (1831-1836) and thus indirectly was respo·n- climbed sorne of the .,higher Andean peaks, reach-
sible for che Origin of Species (1859).. ing elevations of 5,800 meters (19,000 feet). lt was
One of the most noceworthy contnbutors to early Humboldt who first discovered and described the
knowledge of the cropics was Alexander von Hum- unique nocturnal oilbird (Steatornis caripensis) (see
boldt (Piare 1-2), sometimes called che founder of the Chapter 7) in the caves around Caripe, Venezuela.
science of biogeography (Jackson 2009). Biogeography Humboldt and his botanist colleague Aimé Bon-
is che study of how organisms vary among regions, pland described elevational changes evident on Andean
even when climate is similar. For example, there are no slopes. They realized that as climate changed by eleva-
apes in che New World tro~ics, but there are no mon- tion, so did plant and animal communities, and thus
Beginnings keys with prehens1le ta1ls m the Old World trop1cs. they were the first to elucidare what is termed the life
This sort of example reflects differing evolutionary zone concept. Much later, c~s concept was formalized
The world was once a larger place, or so it seemed. Vast areas lay unexplored, and histories among regions. Biogeography will be a focus by Leslie R. Holdridge (1947). Alife zone is an ecologi-
following the Renaissance, European explorers began to fan out across the Earth úf the next chapter. Humboldt led successful and bold cal area defined by clima tic variables such as mean an-
in a narionalistic search for conquest, treasure, and lands to claim for their respec- expeditions to difficult places ranging from Russia to nual temperature, total annual precipitation, and the
tive countries. With the onset of global colonialism and imperialism carne an age northern South America. He published a massive five- · ratio of mean annual evapotranspiration (a measure
of exploration. By the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, man y new regions were \·o!ume tome titled Kosmos in which he attempced to of heat) to mean total annual precipitation. (Transpira-
becoming known, and many of these were in the tropics. summarize the entire scope of scientific knowledge of /ion is a term referring to the evaporative water loss
Science, in the philosophical sense, traces its roots back to the emergence of sci- ¡¡·;e world. from plants. Plants are adapted to pul! water from
ence in ancient Greece, the Middle East, and Asia. But in a more contemporary sense, Humboldt's travels in Souch America took him soil via roots, and eventually that moisture is lost by
science really began during the Renaissance, when curiosity led to inductive and de- irom rain forests along che Orinoco River to high- evaporation from the surface parts of the plan t.) In the
ductive reasoning, observacional and experimental analysis, and most importantly, Andes (as with al! mountains), these variables change
empírica! investigation and materialistic explanations for natural phenomena. The with elevation and result in differing ecosystems such
study of the tropics was formaLized only after che ages of global exploracion and dis- as páramo (an ecosystem of wet grassland and shrubs)
covery and when che scientific mechod was used to investigare phenomena. at high elevations and lush rain forest ac low elevation
The exploracion of che world's tropics by European nations brought with it (Piares 1-3 and 1-4). Holdridge's life zone concept will
much specimen collection and cacaloging. Thus, che roots of tropical ecology lie be further discussed later in this chapter.
most deeply in museum cabinets housing vast numbers of carefully labeled plants Naturalists were often moved to comment on the
and animals broughc back by man y devoted and indefatigable nacuralists, including rich and diverse nature of flora and fauna within tropi-
such figures as Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace (Place 1-1). When Cap- cal rain forests. Their observations, by today's stan-
tain James Cook chose to have two naturalists, Joseph Banks and Douglas Solander, dards, were largely (and understandably) anecdotal,
though not lacking in important details. The modern
student of tropical ecology will profit from reading
sorne of che narratives of figures such as Thomas Belt,
Henry Walter Bates, the aforementioned Darwin and
Wallace, as well as others. For example, Henry Walter
Bates discove red the form of animal mimicry (described
in Chapter 8) that bears his name. These early explorers
displayed much tenacity in capturing decail, transcribing
vast amounts of information, and collecting and trans-
porting specimens often under difficult circumstances.

These books, all still available (at least in libraries), were authored by
sorne ol thepioneersof tropical ecologyand are stronglyrecommended
as insighttul, entertaining,andinspiring resources.
(a) CHARLES DARWIN f-lATE 1-2 Bales, H. W. 1892. 7118 Na/JJralist oo lheRilfr Amazons. Looooo:.))hn Murray. Classic
(b) ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE (a) (b) Al.EXANDER VONHUMBOLDT acrounl of Amazon~nna!Ural histCI')'. and quite1\'0ndert~.

and where controversies have arisen. The book is are the overarching determinants of tropical ecosys- -, r striking biotic imeracrions involving such topics vey other tropical ecosyscems and also examine topics
meant to be provocative and poses many questions, tem characteristics, and it sets the stage for what is to n.os d d.
~ fruir consumption as it relates to see 1spersa an
1 d having to do with conservation science in the tropics.
the answers to which are still to be revealed or are come throughout the book. ' propensity of many tropical species to evolve mu- Arcas of grassland with scattered trees are called
ne1 · 1udes a focus on savanna. Chapter 11 discusses tropical savannas and
presently being hotly debated. Sorne of che studies 1 Next (Chapter 2) 1discuss biogeography and evo- tistic interacrions. This cha pter mc
rua . b
describe come to different conclusions about che same lurion in the tropics. For those already well versed in coevolution, when two or more spec1es ecorne mutu- dry forest ecosystems. This discussion examines rwo
copie. Science is always a work in progress, and this these ropics, this chapter may serve as a helpful re- ally interdependent. views of how savannas and dry forests coexist in the
book strongly takes that approach. view. But for many, and I expect most studenrs, it will Food webs and the adaptations associated with tropics. One is that grassland, savanna, and dry forest
AII science books should be subject to peer review, be essential in explaining how and why tropical re- rhem form the core of Chapter 8. This chapter looks represent a moist11re gradient e((ect (where grassland
and this book certainly has enjoyed that advantage gions differ, as well as in clarifying basic evolutionary ar various top-clown and bottom-up inreractions that is found in the most arid arcas, and dry forest where
(see the Acknowledgments). Others, expert in vari- principies, particularly speciation. contribute to scructuring food webs and trophic dy- there is more annual precipitation), and the other
ous areas of tropical biology, ha ve read chapter drafts Then it is time to entera rain forest (Chapter 3) and namics in rain forests. Topics include the evólution of views them as alternative stable states dependent on
and made numerous critica! comments. I have taken examine the physical srructure of this unique ecosys- characteristics such as cryptic and warning coloration. local condirions. The importance of lire and grazing
man y of these suggestions, bue [ have also chosen not tem. This chapter discusses the various characteristics The high rate of photosynthesis evident in tropi- are also discussed.
to take sorne. No two tropical biologists would ever of rain forest vegetation, from tree sbapes to buttressed cal rain forests results in high rates of primary produc- Chapter 12 surveys other major tropical ecosys-
write the "same" book. Our views are influenced by roots. lt should be the primer that will allow any sru- tivity, and rhis is the subject of Chaprer 9. How much tems, beginning with montane ecosystems and con-
our biases, varied interests, and experiences, ro say denr to see the many details and general characteristics carbon do lush tropical forests take in and how much tinuing to riverine forests and coastal mangrove forest.
nothing of our intellectual outlooks. We make judg- common to all rain forests. do rhey emit (as carbon dioxide)? The carbon µux of This chapter also considers the connectivity between
ments, and we often have to agree to disagree on Chapters 4 and 5 both explore ideas as to why tropical forests is an important area of research. As . montane and lowland ecosystems from the standpoint
various poincs. Any problems identilied with rhis rext tropical regions and rain forests in panicular are so currenr climate change continues dueto ongoing addi- of biodiversiry maintenance.
should be directed to me (, rich in their numbers of species. Biodiversity is one tion of atmospheric car bon dioxide, what is che poten- Humans evolved in tropical Africa, and Chaprer
and I take sote responsibiliry for any errors that may of the most signi/icant arcas of tropical research, and tisi of tropical forests to act as carbon sinks, absorb- 13 discusses human ecology in the tropics. Topics
be detected. thus two chapters are devoted to research focused on ing and storing excess carbon? This chapter explores include hunter-gatherer communities, simple agricul-
Sorne material that has remained robust has been this complex topic. Chapter 4 discusses how diversiry sorne of the sometimes contradictory research about ture in the tropics, and some of the traditional ways
taken and often updated from A Neotropical Com- is partitioned within and between habitats and con- h,w tropical forests might act to mitiga te the effects rhar humans have affected the overall ecology of the
panion, but most of che material is new to this book. siders whether rhe high diversiry of tropical regions of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. rropics.
That said, any book such as this is old before it is is an example of high rates of speciation (or low rates Rich tropical forests often occur on poor soils. The last rwo chapcers <leal with conservation is-
published. Right now, any number of good studies are of extinction). Whar factors allow tbe continued exis- Chapter 10 examines nutrienr cycling and tropical sues in the rropics. Chapter 14 focuses on forest frag-
occurring or have occurred that alter sorne of what is tence of such complex communities? Chapter 5 looks soils. lt describes how vital nutrients such as phospho- mentation and biodiversity. Chapter 15 discusses
written on these pages. That is the narure of science, at the range of hypotheses attempting to explain che rus, nitrogen, and calcium cycle in tropical ecosystems deforestation and forest degradation, as well as the ef-
the strength of science, the very essence of science. Sci- uniquely high tree species richness in tropical forests, and the essential function of decomposer organisms. fects of fire on tropical forests. lt also examines emer-
ence is cumulative, and anyone entering into rhe study one of the most diflicult theoretical problems in tropi- This chapter includes discussion of various kinds of gent pathogens and invasive species and concludes
of a lield of science prolits from acquiring a lirm foun- cal ecology. tropical soils and contrasts forests on µoodplains, with an overview of a currenr debate among ecolo-
dation from which to begin critica! study. I hope rhis The effect of disturbance is explored next (Chap- where annual flooding renews soil fertiliry, with those gists abour the likely future of tropical forests. While
book will serve that purpose for its readers. ter 6). Periodic natural disturbance may result in a on terre firme, off floodplains. not meant to be comprehensive, these two chapters
shifting mosaic of different aged parches of forest such Chapters 3 chrough 10 ali focus on che ecology of taken together cover the most fundamental issues and
rhat bigh species richness is maintained over large rl;e tropical rain forest. The remaining live chapters sur- questions facing tropical conservation science.
Organization arcas. This chapter deals in part with gap phase dy-
namics. Gaps in a forestare created by forces ranging
of This Book from single fallen trees to major blowdowns caused
by storms or fue. Gaps are exposed to high levels of
This book consists of 15 chapters, a challenge for a sunlight and thus have a differenr ecology from closed
one-semester course, bue hopefully the writing is suf- rain forest, where canopy crees strongly attenuate the
/iciemly engaging that the task of moving through the light striking the forest íloor. Last, this chapter consid-
chapters will prove to be relatively pleasant. There ers che topic of secondary s11ccessio11, which is of ma-
are numerous ligures, maps, tables, and color photo- jor importance in assessing how rain:forest regrows
graphs throughout to add to the clarity of che text. following disturbance.
1begin (Chapter 1) with a broad overview of what The richness of species in tropical forests results
and where the tropics are. This provides sorne infor- in numerous complex forms of interactions among
mation about how tropical ecology emerged from species-some rather casual, sorne sufliciently com-
global exploration into the realm of scienri/ic srudy. lt plex that the species are evolutionarily interdepen-
also describes something of the climatic variables that dent. Chapter 7 presents examples of sorne of the
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.····· ..
..·• Henry Walter Bates versus Curl-Crested Aracaris

The following text from Bates's account in The Nat11- tree in a dark glen in rhe foresr, and enrered 1hc thicker
ralist on the River Amazons illustrates che curl-crested where the bird had fallen ro secme my booty. lt was
only wounded, and on my attcmpting to seize it, ser up
aracari (Pterog/ossus beauhamaesii), a species of toucan, a loud scream. In an instanr, as if by magic, 1he shady
and the memorable encounter that Bares had with a f\ock nook seemed alive wi1h 1hese birds, although thcre was
of 1hese birds (Figure 1-1). certainly none visible when I enrered the jungle. They
The Curl-crested Toucan (Pttrog/ossus Beauharnaisii).- descended rowards me, hopping from bough 10 bough,
Of the four smaller roucans, or arassaris, found near Ega, sorne of rhem swinging on thc loops and cables of woody
lianas, and all croaking and 0urtering their wings. (Bates
1he P1eroglossus flavirosrris is perhaps 1he mosr beauriful
in i1s colours, its breasr being adorned wi1h broad belrs 1892, pp. 335-336)
of rich crimson and black; bui the most curious species
by far is 1he Curl<resred, or Beauharnais Toucan. The
feathers on rhe head of 1his singular bird are transformed
into horny pla1es, of a lus1rous black colour, curled up a1
rhe ends, and resembling shavings of sreel or ebony wood,
the curly crest being arranged on the crown in the form
of a wig. Me. Wallace and I fust met with this species on
ascending the Amazons, a1 the mou1h of the Solimoens;
from that poinr it continues as a rarher common bird
on the terra firma, at leas, on the south side of the rive~
as far as the Fonte Boa, but I did not hear of irs being
found furrher 10 rhe wesr. lt appears in large flocks in
the fotests near Ega in May and June, when it has com-
pleted its moult. I did nor find these bands congregared
ar fruit rrees, but always wandering through the forest,
hopping from branch 10 branch amongst the lower trees,
and parrly concealed amongs1 1he foliage. None of 1he
arassaris ro my knowledge make a yelping noise like thar
PLATE 1-3 uttered by the larger 1oucans (Ramphasros); the notes
SNOW ON PARAMO of rhe curl-cresred species are very singula~ resembling
Snow is common ar high clevarions in equarorial regions. Here, bunch grasses of rhe high páramo life zone are partially snow-covered. From rhe croaking of frogs. I had an amusing adventure one
Ecuador. day with thcse birds. I had shot one from a rather high

Beebe, W. 1918. .Alngle Peace. Loodoo: w~. Beebe's ¡wrey from tfle West lndies
to the rai1 lorest riJng~') of GiJyana makes lor engrossing reading, 0000119 a
IIOOderfu iKXXllrtof the IXld Hoatlilbird(Olapter 12).
_ . 1921. &Jge o/ t/le J.rlgle. New\'oo<: Helvy tt>I. L~ the prelious >,
coo1a¡¡¡ short, del1ghtftJ essays Otl tr~ ecology. aassi:
Belt, T. !18741 1985 reissue. 1/Je Na/uralist ;¡ Nicaragua. Chi::ago: Uni'lersity ol Chi-
cago Press. Ooe of the besl of the classi: exploratory accoonts, IOCtlSed entiety
Otl Ceroal Ameri::a
~ . f. M. 1938. U/e i1 an,'ifCas//e. New York: ,tw~t0t1.century. H~lvy readable
1~th much inlormation, pallicu~y or, troptal birds.
Oanm, C. R 110061 1959. 1/Je ~¡age o/ t/le /Jeag/e. Reprnt Loooon: J. M. Dent and
Sons. Ore ol the besl c1assi: - I S ol travel llroughout Sootll Mier1ca Ma11f
re¡xinted eótxlns are a'l3iable. Must reaoo;¡.
Wallace, A R. 1869. 1/Je MatayAlchipetago. LClldoo: Macmilan. This is Walace's roost
lruoous book, an engrossing accooot ol his e~h1 years of travel throughout what
is now lrrlorlesia. The book abooods ~i:ll informaoon atru wiklde as wel as the (a) (b)
varixJs ~ Ylalace lifXXIUOtered. FIGURE 1-1
- -. 1895. Na/uf¡¡/ Se!ecoon and TrOl)ical Nature. Lorxfoo: Macmillan.This deUght- (a) Curl-cresrcd toucan. (b) Mobbed by curl-cres1ed roucans.
lul book oontains ,oo descriptions, in gklrious Vttorian prose, ol waiace·sexpen-
mis in Proalooia.
The dense canopy of a low-elevarion, humid tropical moist foresr,
······································........................................................................................ , .............·
l\'ateslon, C. 11825) 1983. V ~ i'1 Sootl'IAmerica Reprilt Loooon: Century Ptb-
lishing. Aveij entertailing narratr,oe by aralfler eccenlric bu1 pe,ceptive expi¡xer. such as this one in the Arima Valley in Trinidad, is typically irregu•
lar, wtth sorne emergenr rree species rising above orhers. Foresr gaps
creared by fallen trees also add ro canopy hererogeneity.
..... ' .. ' ' .....~.'.' .............. ' .....' ......' ...................................... .................................................' ........... ' ... ·•· ...... .

Most eminent naturalists of the nineteenth cen- a hilltop area of about 1,500 hectares (3,706 acres)
tury honed their skills through participation in voy- on the Panamanian isthmus remained above water, a
ages of discovery. For example, Thomas Henry Hux- newly formed island surrounded by the newly created
ley and Joseph Hooker, both clase friends of Darwin, Gatun Lake. This was named Barro Colorado Island.
each made an extensive voyage for the express pur- Since 1946, it has been a Jield station administered by
pose of expanding his horizons. These voyages were the Smithsonian Institution, and it has served numer-
insightful, but they normally did not permit careful, ous researchers, a function that continues to the pres-
systematic study within a given region. ent day. As you continue through this book, you will
It was not until the twentieth century that system- notice numerous citations regarding Barro Colorado
atic srudy of regions within the tropics was really pos- Island, usually referred to simply as BCI.
sible. What was needed were permanent field stations Another unique field station devoted to tropical
where sciemists could go and conduct their work. biology is Simia, in the Arima Valley on the island of
In 1923, following the completion of the mam- Trinidad. While Simia is not one of the most promi-
morh engineering project known as the Panama Canal, nent si tes toda y, ir is noteworthy for its founder, the

.. • Williarn Beebe . .... .. ...... ........... ..... ..... ... ........ ......... .... . ....... .. ....... ... . . .... ... .. .. . . ...... .

William Beebe (1877-1962) (Plate 1-5) did far more than about 800 scientific arrides over the course of his career. PLATE 1-6
change the directioo of research in tropical ecology. He Beebe began asan ornithologist, and one of his first ma- The OTS field srarion ar La Selva,
had a long and highly distinguished career as an explorer, jor books bore the title The Bird, Its Form and Function
scienrist, and writer. He spent most of his career asso- (1906). Arguably bis srrongest contribution to ornithol-
ciated with the New York Zoological Society. His pro- ogy (he had many) was his classic book A Monograph
ductivity was amazing, having authored 24 books and o( the Pheasants, published in four volumes from 1918 naturalist•explorer William Beebe, and for its initial for Tropical Studies (usually referred to as OTS) main-
to 1922.
pc1rpose. Though Trinidad appears to be part of the tains not only the La Selva Biological Station in Costa
Beebe's tropical research was prolific and began in
West lndies, it is biogeographically distinct, as it is Rica (Plate 1-6) but also biological stations at Las
British Guiana (now Guyana) in 1916. He traveled widely,
including to rhe Galapagos Islands, a trip that resulted in actually on the continental shelf, part of Venezuela, Cruces and Palo Verde. Many other research stations
another memorable book, Galapagos: World's End (1924). just as the island of Martha's Vineyard is really part also are found throughout the rropics, sorne of which
He also authored two books about tropical ecology, one of of Massachusetts. Thus, the flora and fauna are less will be noted for studies described within chis book.
which, Jungle Peace (1918), greatly impressed Theodore Wcst Indian than they are South American. Recogniz- In many areas within the tropics, huge challenges
Roosevelr, himself an explorer of the Neotropics. ing this, Beebe established Simia in 1950. Beebe pur- ranging from marginal living conditions, lack of facili•
In 1928, Beebe established a field station in Bermuda, chased the land atan advanced age (he was 73) and ties, and political instability still face the field worker.
an event that led· to another major chapter in his caree¡; began the research station. His strong belief was that Nonetheless, it is fair to say chat many if not most field
that of oceanic explorer. Beebe was frustrated that animals researchers muse work on live animals and not merely sites now have sufficient infrastructure and facilities
hauled up from the depths of the seas were not only dead collect specimens. At that time, specimen collection ro permit cutting edge research to be conducted. What
on arrival but also muti!ated by the pressure change expe- was, once che age of exploration and description has
for museums essentially dominated tropical research;
rienced while being hauled to the surface. After consulta-
thus, Beebe's approach helped change the direction of become the age of experimental design, data collec-
tion with Theodore Roosevelt, Beebe eventually focused on
a submersible that he called a batlrysphere, a thick metal ecological work from specimen collection to detailed tion, and hypothesis testing.
chamber that could withstand the great pressures of the ecological studies of organisms in the field.
ocean depths and that could be lowered and raised from Many tropical field stations exist today and more
a ship. He subsequently made about 30 descents, accom- are being established. In the Western Hemisphere
panied in the tiny chamber by the bathysphere's invento¡;
Otis Barton. In 1934, Barton and Beebe reached a depth :
tropics, in addition to Barro Colorado lsland, sorne
of the most prolific research sites are La Selva (Costa
Modern Tropical Ecology
of 922.93 meters (3,028 feet), an amazing accomplishment Rica), Cocha Cashu (Peru), Manu Biological Preserve Many college-level tropical ecology courses now in-
that was not equaled for many years. (Peru), Mínima! Critica! Size of Ecosystems (Brazil), elude field opportunities at one or more research sta-
Beebe was a popularizer of science but, at the same Los Tuxtlas (Mexico), and Luquillo (Puerto Rico). tions somewhere within the world's tropical regions.
time, a very productive scientific researcher. lt has been The very fact that undergraduate and graduare stu-
PLATE 1-5 The Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring
WILLIAM BEEBE said of him that he really founded the science of tropical
ecology. Network (TEAM) includes 122 sites throughout the dents now routinely visit and work at tropical re-
tropical world, from Colombia to China (see hnp:// search stations has vastly increased tropical ecological
... .. ... ... ...... ................................. ··············"······· ........... ..... ······•······.. .. , ....... ................·
• The Organization research.
1 ,•••• •••••• •• ••• ••••••••• ••••••••••• ••• ••• ••"••••••oO• •• •• oO • • ••••••••• ., • • • •• ••••••• •• • •••• • •• • ••••• • • • ••••••• • •• • •••• • •••••• ,OO•• • •• • ••••••••oO••••••,O • • ••,O•••• ••,o • • ............... ······· ·············•··············•························ ···•·······••·························· ····························
....... .. ,, ..
scudies about ali tropical regions, but the majority of The View from the Canopy ·········"····· ················••····· ······ ···················•························•·········
che work reponed is about the Neotropics. Another
important journal is the journal of Tropical Ecology,
firsc published in 1985. This journal, like Biotropica,
publishes research papers about ali tropical regions,
but most papers tend to be about Africa and Asia.
Taken together, a recent survey showed that the high-
est percencage of papers in those cwo journals were
from scudies conducted in Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico,
Panama, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Australia, French
Guiana, Venezuela, Ecuador, Uniced $taces, Peru, In-
donesia, Colombia, and India, in that order (Stocks et
al. 2008) (Figure 1-2). The dearth of scudies from Af.
PLATE 1·7 rican nations is obvious, as is the dominance of studies
The harpy eagle (Harpía Harpyia) released on Barro Colorado Island, from the Neotropics.
Panama, is monirored by radio tracking.

Professional researchers work many months at a The Tropical Rain Forest-

time at tropical research stations with well-equipped
laboratories, computers with Internet access, global
A Pioneering Book
positioning systems, and so on (Piare 1-7). Expedi- The study of tropical ecology became formalized in
tions into remete areas where services are few to none 1952 when P. W. Richards, a botany professor from
still occur, however, as much of the tropics still de- Great Britain, published The Tropical Rain Forest: An
mands field work away from major research stations. Ecological Study (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Uni-
Far a wonderful and insightful look into how tropi- versity Press). As the title suggests, this book focused
cal research is conducted and the dedicarion and drive on rain forests bue also included discussions of coastal
r1r,uRE 1·3
of the researchers, read The Tapir's Morning Bath by mangrove forescs and savannas. Reílecring the field 1 nis sketch illustratcs rhe use of a large industrial crane ro examine tropical forest canopies: a is rhe tower, b is the counretjib, <is the
Elizabeth Royce (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001). of ecology as it was at that time, che book is largely , o,nrerweight, d is rhe operator's cab, ande is the gondola, where a rcsearcher would be located.
lt chronicles che life and dedication of researchers at
Barro Colorado Island.
In the Western Hemisphere, most tropical re- 30 Tropical research has been facilirated in recent years by construction, allow mobile access to the canopy (Parker
searchers focus on the Neotropics, their work taking "t> ¡vwers, walkways, and cranes that allow direct access et al. 1992) (Figure 1-3; Piares 1-8 to 1-11).
¡1 them anywhere from Mexico to southern Amazonia f" 25 ro the foresr canopy. Ir has been frusrrating to tropical
as well as to the Caribbean islands. In the Eastern :¡; .cologists to realize that much of the biological diver-
Hemisphere, much research is carried on in Africa and 5. 20 siry found in tropical forests is confined to the forest
Australasia. The intensiry of tropical research varíes ~ 217 canopy, the dense and irregular !ayer of foliage repre1;:
considerably from one country to another, and thus 'g 15 senting numerous tree species, usually located 30 to 40
ÜÍ 153 merers (about 98 ro 130 feet) from the ground. Seores
there are sorne areas that are far less studied than oth- o 10 ,,f arthropod and other invertebrate species as well as
ers (Stocks et al. 2008). e~
96 96
birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians spend most
Professional papers detailing tropical research are ~ 68 62 51 4 · 4'
o b403938333230 t ali of their lives well above ground leve!. The same
routinely published in leading science journals such "
is true for epiphytes, the myriad species of bromeliads,
as Science and Nature. In addition, journals such as tchids, cacti, and other plant species that live on the
American Naturalist, Ecology, Oecologia, Conserva- bark of tree trunks and branches. (Epiphytes live on
tion Biology, and many others routinely include pa- bark and branches of other plants but are not directly
pers about research from che tropics. ,,arasitic.) But ecologists now do havc more access to
The first professional society devoted to tropical the forest canopy. The construction of high towers,
research was the Bombay N¡tural Hiscory Sociery, orne associated with tall, emergen! ttees, allows one to PLATE 1·8
founded in 1883. The lnternational Sociery for Tropi- FIGURE 1-2 ht at canopy lcvcl and make observations. Even more CANOPY WALKWAY ANO FOREST
cal Biology was founded in 1956 (Chazdon 2002). This graplúc depictS che number oí srudies published in two proíes- access is provided by canopy walkways that connect This rall and lengthy canopy walkway ar Sacha Lodge in Ecuador
sional journals, Biotropica and Joumal o/Tropical Biology, from ,arious trees or that are supported by metal towers. provides saíe and easy access thar permits srudy of species largely
The Association for Tropical Biology and Conser- 1995 ro 2004. [t shows how many srudies were conducred in each In sorne areas, tall cranes, such as are used in building conlined ro rhe forest canopy.
vation, founded in 1963, publishes the journal Bio- oí various counrries. Noce thar mosr srudies are íocuscd in rhe Neo•
tropica. The papers published in Biotropica include rropies. (Nurnbe~ on bars are actual numbers oí published srudies.)

.......... .................. .............................................. ......................

Canopy research has helped not only to document cal variables, such as elevated carbon dioxide levels and
patterns of biodiversity but also to demonstrate how the production of biogenic aerosol compounds (Ozanne
tropical tree species vary in their response to physiologi- et al. 2003).

1 !1
This is a sketch of a forest
profile in what was then
British Guiana and is now
the independent oation of
The expanse and structural complexity of Ecuador's lowland for- Guyana. This is adapted from
est is readily evident, as observed from a canopy walkway. one of severa! classic forest
Viewed from the ground, the canopy walkway is seen crossing a profiles induded in Richards's
major forest gap. famous book The Tropical
Rain Forest.
....................................................... ................................................................................
, ······················• ··················

PLATE 1-11
Canopy towers allow more restricted access than walkways but,
if strategicaUy placed, afford excellent opportunities for canopy
study. Note the bread branching pattern of the tree. The tower
is essentially built around the tree. From Sacha Lodge, Ecuador.

············· ········································ .............., ........

descriptive, but it does an admirable job of compar- sizing concepts. It paved the way for much research,
ing global equatorial forests and identifying common and it is still valuable and insightful. This classic book
patterns-particularly of physiognomy, climate, and was revised and a second edition was published in
soils- that they share to varying degrees (Figures 1-4 1996 by Cambridge University Press.
and 1-5). What is obviously missing from the discus-
sion is treatment of the complex roles of animals in FIGURE 1-5
rain forest ecology. Pollination and seed dispersal- Geographi c Definiti on of the Tropics Also adapted from Richards's
both of which, in the tropics, are usually dependent In today's world, the tropics are the region located classic volume, rhis is a profile
on animals-are not listed in the index, for example, of a rnixed Dipterocarp forest
between the Tropic of Cancer (23º27'N) and the
in Borneo. Compare this with
and are barely touched upon. Richards's book was Tropic of Capricorn (23°27'S), a latitudinal band of Figure 1-4. Both forests are
nonetheless the first serious attempt at sumrnarizing approximately 47°. This belt of laritude encircles the strucrurally similar bur contain
knowledge about rain forest ecology as well as synthe- Earth at its widest circumference. At either extreme, emirely diiferent tree species.
........................... ········· ·········" ······.. ······.. ...... ··············.... ·... ·.................................. .

....... .

• Tropical Worlds Long Ago: Rain Forest in Denver

and aVery Large Snake from South America been developed that correlate the difference in maxi-
mum body size of snake species occurring in different
regions with mean annual temperature of each region.
Denver, Colorado, is located along che front range of covered quickly (within 1.4 million years) after the mass The warmer the mean annual temperarure is, the larger
che Rocky Mountains, an area well within che temper- extinction that ended rhe Mesozoic era. the snakes are able to grow. Thus, it was of great interese
ate zone. Forescs of spruce, fir, pine, and aspen charac- The largest snakes found in the tropics are the py- when a fossil boid snake dated at 58 to 60 million years
terize the region. Bur had Denver existed 64.1 million thons (Pythonidae) of Africa and Australasia and che old was unearthed from a site in northeastern Colom-
years ago (a rime called rhe Paleogene), not long after the boas and anaconda (Boidae) of the Neotropics. The yel- bia and the fossils (vertebrae) indicated that the snake
mass extinction rhat ended che Cretaceous period, a very low anaconda (Eunectes murinus) of the Neotropics is reached an estimated length of 13 meters (about 42,6
different forest would be evident-a tropical rain forest arguably the world's largest extant snake, reaching a feet). This serpent, named Titanoboa, was estimated to
(see Appendix). Ata site called Castle Rock, near Denver, length of 9 meters (about 29.5 feet) (Piare 1-12). The have weighed about 1.27 tons. That's a lot of snake,
fossil planes (particularly leaves) have been unearthed, great lengths reached by pythons and boas are facilitated When included within the model that correlates today's
plants that are clearly tropical Uohnson and Ellis 2002) by the warm tropical climate in which they live (Head boid snakes and air temperarure, the results suggest that
(Figure 1-6). The diversity of tropical planes at this fos- et al. 2009). Snakes are poikilothermic, ectothermic Titanoboa required a mínimum annual mean tempera-
sil site shows that tropical conditions then prevailed at vertebrates, meaning that their body temperature and ture of berween 30ºC to 34ºC (86ºF to 93.2ºF) to sur-
a region far from today's tropics. Plant diversity had re- rhus their metabolism is dependent on ambient air vive. This would make che climate at that time about
6ºC to 8ºC warmer than it is currently and suggests that
w;.perature. (Poikilothermic and ectothermic are dif- .a much higher leve! of ~arbon dioxide (a gas that con-
ferrnt in meaning. Poikilothermic means specifically tributes strongly to retention of atmospheric heat) was
thar body temperature changes as ambient temperature present in the atmosphere when Titanoboa lived,
ch,, ,,ges, whereas ectothermic means that the animal These two examples show that the distribution and
<loes not have physiological ability to regulare its body intensity of tropical climate have changed throughout
tem;,erature to stay warm.) Mathematical models have Earth's history, as it appears to be doing today,

ecos¡;tems become subtropical. Tropical regions re- warmer, the distribution of che tropics was globally
pres~nt about half of Earth's surface and thus has broader than is rhe case today.
an irnmense effect on Earrh's climare (Huber 2009). Well before the evolution of flowering planes,
Fo, much of Earth's history, even before the inicial the world was largely tropical. In the Jurassic pe-
evolution of flowering plants (angiosperms) in the riod (206 to 144 million years ago), che giant long-
mid- ro late Cretaceous period (144 ro 65.5 million necked sauropod dinosaurs lived in a largely tropi-
years ago), Earth has been even more tropical rhan it cal world, where there was no polar ice and where
is today (see Appendix). Fossil palm trees and croco- the average global temperature as well as oxygen
diles have been unearthed in what is now Alaska and and carbon dioxide levels exceeded those found to-
Siberia (Huber 2009), This is because the climate of day (Piare 1-13).
Eanh, for a variety of reasons discussed in che next During the Cenozoic era (65 million years ago
chapter, is not constanr. In times when climate was
u~til the present), a time of proliferation of insects,

PLATE 1-13
FIGURE 1·6 Each of rhese dinosaurs cohabited tropi-
This drawing illusttates the morphotypes of tropical leaves found near Casrle Rock, Denver, dating back 64.l million years. Only the cal regions in western North America
leaves in the upper right are nondicot leaves. By this time, modern plants, dominated by dicots, dominated tetresttial plant communities. during the late Jurassic period. The
tropics then would bear scant resem-
blance to the tropics of toda y.

........ ····•·" ''

B,•cause of rhe geological proccss of piare tectonics half of lndia is within the tropics, and it is unique be-
(des.;ribed in the following chapter), the Earth's con- cause India separated from Gondwanaland (a massive
. •.. unired 248 mdlton years ago at the boundary southern continent once consisring of South America,
r1ne11.3 , .
of che Paleozoic and Mesozo1c eras, have gradually Africa, Madagascar, India, Antarctica, Australia, and
fragrnented and separated, with large areas o_f ocean New Zealand) in the early Cretaceous period (about
· olatÍnºO them ro varymg dcgrees. Th1s separat1on mto 140 rnillion years ago) and drifted asan island unril
IS .
ass,ve continents and varymg-s1ze. d 1s. 1ands has re- it united with Asia about 40 million years ago, in the
: lted in evolutionary consequences, particularly rhe early Cenozoic. Likewise, Madagascar has been iso-
svolution of endemic species. An endemic species is lated from the rest of Africa to the point where it has
: species whose range is confined with_in a limited numerous endemic species such as the primate group
geographic area. For example, the _1mposmg Komodo known as lemurs (Lemuridae).
dragon lizard (Varam,s konodoensts) 1s endem1c to ln- Each of these realms contains unique assemblages
dones·a, specifically to che Lesser Sunda lslands, most of plant and animal species (Primack and Corlett 2005).
particularly to Komodo (Piare 1-14 ). Biogeographers
recogmze various b10geograph1c realms throughouc
che planet. Piare tectonics and biogeography will be Tropical Climate
Saceilite image of Earth, showing che band of cropics around che equacor. discussed in greater detail in che ncxt chapter.
Middle America and South America, along with · In two words, the tropics (especially where there is
flowering plants, and mammalian diversity, global cli- where grasses predominare but with varying amounts rhe various islands of the Caribbean and tropical At- lush forest) are warm and wet (Figure 1-9). Tropical
mate cooled, begiiming strongly during che Miocene of scattered trees), dry forest (forests that experience lantic Ocean, constitute the Neotropic realm, the so- regions experience high average temperature, and most
epoch (23.8 to 5.3 miUion years ago) and accelerat· significant dry season), or deciduous forest (forests called \!ew World tropics. The Paleotropic realm, or (dry grassland and deserrs being exceptions) experi-
ing during the Pleistocene (1.8 million to 8,000 years where most trees synchronously shed leaves for part Old World tropics, comprises Africa and Madagascar ence substantial precipitation in rhe form of rainfall.
ago), commonly referred to as ice ages (see Appendix). of the year). Earth is currently considered to be within (Malagasy Republic), southern India, and Australasia. Tropical ecosystems experience seasonality in the form
During times of cooling, tropical forests presumably an interglacial period, and there is strong evidence for The ]:;¡rer is further divided inro the Sourheast Asian of varying and often predictable amounts of rainfall
shrank in area, replaccd by other more seasonal tropi• climate change due to human activities, a ropic to be tropics (extreme southern China, Myanmar [Burma], throughout the year. In conuast to the seasonal pat·
cal ecosystems such as grassland, savanna (an arca considered later in this book (Figures 1-7 and 1-8). Viern2in, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, cern chat typifies the temperare zone, the cropics vary
Philip:,ines) and the Australian tropics (including Su- primarily in precipitation amounts, not temperature
lawesi and other islands of eastern Indonesia as well flucruation. There are no periods of protracted cold,
as New Guinea). The poim of separacion berween the no frost, no snow in tropical ecosystems except at high
biogeographic realms of tropical Asia and Australia elevations. Bue there are distinct and pronounced dry
is cal1ed Wallace's Line, after Alfred Russel Wallace, and wet seasons. lf the dry season is moderare, forests
who first described it (see Cha peer 2). Biogeographers will remain evergreen throughout the year. If che dry
differ on exactl y where to place Wallace's Line be- season is protracted and severe, forests will have less
cause plant species are not as sharply separated by biomass and more deciduous species, or the ecosystem
it as animal species (Whitmore 2002). The sourhern will not be forest bue will be savanna, shrubland, or
' grassland. The ecosystem type of a given region is also
s¡rongly influenced by soil characteristics, a point co be
i considered Jacer in the texr.

Les lie Holdridg e and the Lite

Zone Con cept
One of the most significant papers in the science of
climatology and ecology was published in Scíence
by Leslie R. Holdridge in 1947. The riele of the pa-
per, "Determination of world plant formations from
simple climatic data," addressed a profound truth:
~OVtN ( RII 0C f ,J,N lt is possible by knowing three broad climatic vari-
ables to predice what major kind of terrestrial eco-
PLATE 1-1 4 system will prevail in any given geographical rcgion.
~IGURE 1-8
1 ;he Kornodo dragon, which sometimes reaches a length of nearly Those variables are (1) mean annual biotemperature
l 0G tical
· map of Earth, showmg
· nacions that occur wichin the cropics.
(defined as the average air temperature after values
metel'.$ J9.8 feet), is endemic to the Lesser Sunda lslands of Indonesia.

Te:nperatJre ('F1 R;·n (in.) ¡~;,.,, r¡~,~

Temperature ('F) Rain (in.)

' 1
700 Daily maximum tcmperature 20 100 ~ : 1 ' ' ., l t.• ¡ -: .-- ANNUAL
., 1 .. 1
Daily mi11imum temperature Daily maximum
75 ---- ----...... _--------------- 13 75 lemperature 15 <1.5 0.125-1.5 6.25- 75
, ......,-- .. , Subpolar (alpine) Tundra
50 50 ,, ''
, / Oaily minfmum',, 10 Dry 1.5-3 1-2 Subhumid 6.25-12.5
Rain/al: / temperature ', Moist J.5-3 0.5-1 Humid 12.5-25
, ''
25 5 25 ,, ' Wet 1.5-3 0.25-0.50 Perhumid 25-50
---- - ~,/ RainíaH ', 5
Rain 1.5- 3 0.125- 0.25 Superhumid 50-100
o'---'--'--'---'--'--'---'-_,__-'-_,__,___, o'---'--'--'---'----'-'---'---'--'---'--'---' 3-6 2-4 Semiarid 6.25- 12.5
J F MA ~ J J A S O N D J F MA M J J A S O N D Bore~l (subalpine) Desert
Belén,, Brazil Toronto, Canada Boreal Dry scrub 3-6 1-2 Subhurnid 12.5-25
FIGURE 1·9 Forest
These graphs contrast the climate in tropical Brazíl with that of temperate Canada. Note the strong seasonality of the tropics with regard to
precipitation bue che s1eady temperature that prevaíls in the tropics. The opposite pa11ern charac1erizes the temperare wne. Moist Puna 3-6 0.50-1 Humid 25-50
Wet páramo 3- 6 0.25-0.50 Perhumid 50- 100
1I below 0ºC or above 30ºC are removed); (2) total an- each of which is positioned according to where it fits Rain páramo 3-6 0.125-0.25 Superhumid 100-200
nual precipitation; and (3) ratio of mean potential among the varia bles, each of which represents one Desert 6-12 4-8 Arid 6.25-12.5
1,1 Cool temperate
evapotranspiration (a function of moisture and tem- side of the triangle (Figure 1-10).
perature) to mean annual precipitation. Holdridge Cool temperate Desert scrub 6-12 2-4 Semiarid 12.5-50
Holdridge's 38 life zones were broadly divided
illustrated the concept with a triangle of hexagons, into polar, subpolar, boreal, cool temperate, warm Cooi temperate Tundra dry 6-12 1-2 Subhumid 25-50
Co,·i temperate Forest
Moist 6-12 0.5-1 Humid 50-100
Wet 6- 12 0.25-0.5 Perhumid 100-200
Rain 6-12 0.125- 0.25 Superhumid 200-400
Subopical Desert 12- 24 8- 16 Perarid 6.25- 12
Subtropical Desert scrub 12-24 4-8 Arid 12-25
Subtropical Thorn woodland 12-24 2-4 Semiarid 25-50
Latitudinal Altitudinal
regions belts Subtropical Forest
Polar Alvar
Dry 12-24 1-2 Subhumid 50- 100
1.5ºC Moist 12-24 0.5-1 Hurnid 100-200
Subpolar Alpine
Wet 12-24 0.25- 0.5 Perhumid 200-400
Rain 12-24 0.125- 0.25 Superhumid 400-800
Boreal Subalpine
Tropical Desert >24 16- 32 Superarid 6.25-12
Desert scrub >24 8-16 Perarid 12- 25

Cool temperale Monlane

Tropical Thorn woodland >24 4-8 Arid 25- 50
Tropical Forest
~ 12'C
Warm lemperate

<§5 Lower montane 2-4 Semiarid 50-100
I Very dry >24
Sublropical / ~ Premontane Dry >24 1-2 Subhumid 100-200
.Rain f 24ºC
lor~est'--'.: Critica! Moist >24 0.5-1 Humid 200-400
·. Superarkf ·. Perarid Arid ·. Semiarid Humid · Perhumid .,Supeffiumid temperalure
Wet >24 0.25- 0.5 Perhumid 400-800
Humidity provinces
FI GURE 1-10 Rain >24 0.125-0.25 Superhumid >800
This is the famous Hofdridge diagram that iliustrates the relationship between ecosys1em types as determined by la1itude, elevation, and com-
bination of precipitation and temperature. FIGURE 1-1O
22 CHAPTER 1 r ·····••'

- 15

-10 19


E 1
E i
2 \(J) 1
¡¡ 1::r 1
~ 10 !~ \
e \óí1111
~ 1s 1R \ r
g 1s

:a 12
20W 1 (-~a 1
• ~n-- -+-+-+'- - -
20 i? g- \--i (~avanna) \ PLATE 1-16

FIGURE 1· 11 ;:,.~ ¡g;:,. ¡ií : !

¡3 1(12) \
Northern Australia is an area of vast
17 -~ , 1 seasonai dry foresr with tall, scattered termite
Diagram showing the relationship between 2 0
ecosystem type, mean annual tcmpera- ~ \2 1 9: l forest mounds. This is the ecOS)'Stem typi-
\a 9 : 8 ~ i 2 cally called 011tba,k.
rure (ºC), and mean annual precipitation \..._ l C. j
(ccntimeters). Note that tropical rain !ores, 30L-l..:::.:::.:::;.;;;~~====:;:'.::=::::;:==:==-~~
occurs where both d imatic variables are t:O0 450
highest. 24ºC (75.2ºF), has a potential evaporation ratio of Savannas and dry forests (Piare 1-20) will be discussed
1:2 (defined as the ratio of annual potential evapo- in detail in Chapter 11.
transpiration [PET] to mean total annual precipita- Ir is importan! to realize that Holdridge's life zones
temperare, subtropical, and tropical. Eight life zones Consider the difference between tropical rain for- tion-this meaos that dry ecosystems in tropical re- are not merely latitudinal but also altitudinal. A walk
are represented in subtropical and eight life zones in est and tropical dry forest, both of which may occur gions ha ve higher ratios and humid ecosystems lower from low Andean rain forest up to an elevation of
tropical latitudinal regions. The tropical life zones are at the same latitude. Dry forest occurs where there is ratios), is subhumid, and has an average total annual about 3,500 meters (about 11,483 feet) will take you
.. tropical desert, tropical desert scrub, tropical thorn a significant dry season for part of the year. Tropical precipitation of between 100 and 200 centimeters through severa] life zones, from hot, humid, dense for-
woodland, tropical very dry forest, tropical dry forest, dry forest (Piares 1-15 and 1-16), under Holdridge's (39.4 to 78.7 inches). In comrast, rain forest has a est to cold, windswept páramo, a vastly different
tropical moist forest, tropical wet forest, and tropical classification, is defined as an ecosystem that experi- mean annual biotemperature also greater than 24ºC
rain forest (Figure 1-11). ences a mean annual biotemperature of greater than but has a potential evaporation ratio of only 0.125
to 0.25, is superhumid, and experiences greater than
800 centimeters (315 inches) of average total annual
pre.:ipitation. Notice that Holdridge's classification
makes true rain forest an extremely wet ecosystem.
In fact, most rich lowland tropical forests routinely
called rain forests tend to fall imo what, in Hold-
ridge's classification, would be termed tropical moist
or tropical wet forests (Figure 1-11; Piare 1-17).
Sorne tropical ecosystems may be much drier
than dry forest, with less annual precipitation, most
of it highly seasonal. Tropical thorn woodland (un-
der Holdridge's classification) includes ecosystems
that are dominated by grasses with varying densities
PLATE 1-15 of trees scattered throughout. These kinds of ecosys-
Where rain/ali is highly seasonal, tropical PLATE 1-17
ecosystems are ofren dry !oresr, with many tems are called sauannas and are found in most tropi-
Rapidly growing rree species such as Cecropia rrees, shown
species of deciduous teces. Forest srarure cal regions. The best known savannas occur in Africa,
here in the loreground, typify the forest edge, where vegecation
is generally small, and trees are usually where the last of the world's megafauna (diversity of scructure is dense. This would be considered tropical moisr forest
widely spaced. From Venezuela. large animals) is still found (Piares 1-18 and 1-19). in the Holdridge classificacion. From Trinidad.

............ ........................................................................ .......................... ........ .... . ..

ecosystem. Likewise, life zones would markedly change F }~·:..r"-1¡:~1:;r n1J

if you were in Tanzania and scaled Mount Kilimanjaro Mete Ar,nua! P-2J p1!,. < ~ro ,
iemperature (= sDil t3mfJ:~-a;1r3)
(whose summit is 5,895 meters, or 19,341 feet). '-04:
Differences in elevation result in differences in
average temperature and precipitation, and that, in t'
turn, results in different ecosystems. Within the South
American country of Venezue)a, for example, severa! 7'
major elevational ecosystem types are apparent. At 3000 . 9'
highest elevations (what would be described as al-
pine), a wet and windswept shrubland called páramo
(Figure 1-12) is found. Lower in elevation is forest 2000
of low-stature gnarled trees, and lower still, is cloud
forest, a forest shrouded in cool mist much of the 21'
PLATE 1-18 1000 FIGURE 1-12
time. Below cloud forest ma y be semievergreen for-
Herds o/ wildebeest move with rain/ali patterns in a vast seasonal This diagram shows the discribution
est, deciduous forest, or thorn forest, depending on 25'
of ecosystem types in Venezuela
migration on the Easr African savanna. From Tanzania.
soil and water availability and local seasonal patterns as thcy relate 10 elevation and
(Figure 1-12). Tropical rain forest occurs in lowland climatic variables.
areas where there is ample precipitation throughout ........•........ ...

the year. Elevation, average annual temperature, and

average annual precipitation coupled with seasonality 2. Poly/epis is a unique endemic tree genus that forms to southern Argentina. However, for a variety of
ali combine to determine what sort of ecosystem will forests within relatively sheltered areas of the An- reasons, Polylepis forests are much reduced from
be present. des Mountains, normally at elevations of around their former abundance and are considered en-
What follows are sorne brief examples of eco- 4,500 meters (14,764 feet). The trees typically are dangered ecosystems.
systems along an elevational gradient of the Andes short in stature, gnarled, and twisted, and they of- 3. Puna is a grassland ecosystem of the high Andes
Mountains, beginning at high elevation and descend- ten grow on slopes, as shown in Place 1-22. The Mountains (mean elevation about 4,000 meters,
ing to wet forest. These examples are meant only to trees are dense with epiphytes, and the forest is or 13,123 feet). In Peru and Chile, it is called al-
introduce these ecosystems. They will be treated in usually bathed in a cool mist. Many kinds of ani- tiplano. lt is much drier than páramo, with less
greater detail in subsequent chapters. mals tend to specialize in living among Polylepis, precipitation and constant winds that stimulate
and Incan peoples make much use of the trees for continuous evaporative water loss. About 75% of
1. Páramo is a high-elevation (between 3,800 and various medicinal purposes. There are 15 species ali precipitation occurs from December to March.
PLATE 1·19
5,000 meters, or 12,467 to 16,404 feet) ecosys- within the genus Polylepis, ranging from Venezuela ln sorne areas such as Chile, the mean annual
Savannas are open areas dominated by grasses and scattered trees,
particularly in che genus Acacia. Here gira/fes are /eeding on acacia tem dominated by grasses and shrubs. Climate
leaves on the East African savanna. From Tanzania. is generally cool and wet, with frost often oc-
curring at night. In many regions, the dominant
grasses are collectively called tussock grasses,
their blades typically sharp (Plate 1-3). Various
shrubs and ferns also are found in páramo. Es-
peletias are unique shrub-sized members of the
Composite family (a huge family that includes
daisies, goldenrod, and asters) (Piare 1-21). The
/lowers of Espeletias, like those of other /lower-
ing plants at high elevation, attract a diversity
of hummingbird and insect species. Páramo re-
gions are typically wet with scattered acidic bogs
of heath-like vegetation. Because of the relative
isolation among various mountain ranges, much
endemism is evident in páramo plant species.
PLATE 1·20
Sorne high-elevation ecosystems in Africa, Indo- PLATF 1-21 PLATE 1·22
Austcalia has many endemic plant species, including hundreds o/ nesia, and New Guinea are structurally similar Members of rhe Composite /amily, Espeletias are unique shrubs of At high elevations in the Andes Mountains where moisrure is
Eucalyptus species and grasses such as Spinifex. This image shows to páramo, but the species composition is quite the high páramo o/ the Andes Moumains. Severa! hummingbird normally abundam, gnarled foresrs o/ Polylepis trees are supported.
dry forest with Spinifex in south central Australia. different. species specialize on feeding on Espeletia nectar. From Venezuela. From Ecuador.

cemperature is only about 5ºC (41ºF). January is month. Daily temperature fluctuations are wider rang-
the warmest month, and July is the coldest (re- ing than annual fluctuations. Rainfall, as well, is abun-
mernber that south of the equator, July is a time dant and relatively constant, averaging 2,415 millime-
of deep winter). Various grasses and sedges, many ters (about 95 inches) annually. In contrast, Darwin is
endemic, characterize the ecosystem. Among the strongly seasonal, its average rainfall of 1,538 milli-
most noteworthy animals of puna, the vicuña meters (about 60.6 inches) being largely concentrated
(Vicugna vicugna), a member of the carne! family, in the wet season between the months of April and
can be found in small herds throughout much of October. Rainfall drops to almost nothing in Novem-
the region. ber through early March. But note that in Darwin, as
4. Cloud forest is found at midelevations through- in Singapore, temperature remains nearly constant, its
out the global tropics and varíes considerably in annual average being about 28ºC (82.4ºF).
species composition from one biogeographic re- At La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica, Au-
gion to another. As the name implies, cloud for- gust is the month with the highest mean temperature,
est is typified by frequent immersion in clouds, a PLATE f-25 27.lºC (81ºF), while January has the lowest mean
characteristic that keeps the ecosystem continu- The complexity of srructure and dimsity of species characterizes
tropical moist, wet, arid rain foresrs throughout the world. This
temperature, 24.7ºC (76.SºF). Relative humidity, as
ally moist (Place 1-23). There are many cree spe- PLATE 1-24
Many tree species are found in cloud forests, along with numerous foresc is ii; central Brazil. noted earlier, is generally high in the tropics, especially
cies, and they range in size from short stacure at in lowland rain forest, where humidities ranging from
epiphytes such as orchids, cacti, bromeliads, and various vines. The
higher elevations to nearly the size of lowland ecosystem is normally cloud-covered for at least part of each day. and 25.8ºC (78.4ºF) in rainy season. Ic is cooler in 90% to 95% at ground leve! are common. Humidity
rain forest trees at lower elevations. Masses of From Ecuador. rainy season mostly due to clouds occluding rhe sun. is lower in the rain forest canopy, usually no higher
epiphytes of many species live on che boughs and In che tropics, daily temperature fluctuation exceeds than 70%.
trunks of cloud forest trees (Plate 1-24). In South rain forest. These forests differ in the amount of average annual seasonal fluctuation, and air humidity Tropical regions are warm and generally wet be-
America, along parts of the Andes Mountains, average annual precipitation they receive: is high, being about 88% in rainy season and 77% in cause the sun's radiation falls most directly and most
cloud forest is habitat for such species as che en- Tropical moist forest 200-400 centimeters dry season (Junk and Furch 1985). constantly upon the equator, thus warming the Earth
demic spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus). In (79- 157 inches) The range of seasonality within the tropics is more in the tropics than at other latitudes. As one
East A/rica, in Uganda, cloud forest is habita! for evident when comparing places such as Singapore, in travels either north or south from the equator, the
mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei), also an en- Tropical wet forest 400-800 centimecers
(157-312 inches) Malaysia, a region that supports tropical moist forest, Earth's axial tilt of 23º27' results in part of the year
demic species. and Darwin, in northern Australia, where the preva- being such that the sun's rays fall obliquely and for
5. Wet forest- when most people think of what they Tropical rain forest > 800 centimeters lent ecosystem is tropical savanna (Figure 1-13). In much shorter periods of time, thus the well-known
call tropical rain forest, they are usually lumping (312 inches) Singapore, the average temperature remains at about cycles of day length associated with the chang-
together three categories within the Holdridge life In spite of these differences, each of these forests is lush 27ºC [80.6ºF) throughout the year, every day, every ing seasons of temperare and polar regions. Day
zone classification: moist forest, wet forest, and and they share the characteristic of having uniquely length varies much less in tropical regions. Equato-
high numbers of species, not only of trees, buc of many rial regions experience close to 12 hours of daylight
other plant and animal groups (Plates 1-25 and 1-26). throughout the year. At the equator, every day lasts
I will generally treat them together in this book and exactly 12 hours. North of the equator, days become
not attempt to strictly separare them. ,a little longer in the northern summer and shorrer in
Thesignificanceof Holdridge's classificationschema winter, but this means only that summer sunset is at
is that it demonstrates the extreme importance of di- 6:15 or 6:20 rather that 6:00 P.M.
mate as an overriding evolutionary selection pressure At the equator, heat builds up, and cherefore rhe
on plant growth forms. Plants are sessile and must air rises, carrying warmth (Figure 1-14). Water is
adapt to climate. The reason why plants look as they evaporated, and therefore water vapor rises as well.
do, are adapted as they are, and experience differing The warm moist air is cooled as it rises, condensing
patterns of growth changes with latitude and eleva- the water, which then fa lis as precipitation, accounting
tion, is ultimately due to selection pressures generated for the rainy aspect of tropical climates. The normal
by regional climatic variables. flow of warm, moisture-laden air is from the equa-
tor to more northern and southern latitudes. As the
Seasonality in the Trop ics: air cools, it not only loses its moisture to precipita-
A Closer Look tion, but also becomes more dense and falls, creating
PLAY( 1·26
PLATE 1-23 The rerm jungle refcrs to a disrurbed area where an abundance of
a backward flow toward the equator. At the equator,
Clouds shroud much of the mountainsides along the east slope of In the Amazon Basin, the very heart of the Neotropics, sunlight results in a dense array of many plant species, often so two major air masses, one from the north and one
the Andes Mountains in parts of South America, suppon ing dense, climate is permanently hot and humid, with the tem- thick rhat it is difficult to penetrare withour the use of a machete. from the south, along with major ocean currents,
species-rich ecosystems called cloud forests. From Ecuador. perature averaging 27.9ºC (82.2ºF) during dry season Jungles typify areas of moist forest. From Ecuador. form the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the
··••······························································ .................. ............................................ .

----- ------------------------¡,------;}--

Humid tropical domaln

D Savaona d'•,isicn [ ] Ra'n foresl division FIGURE 1-14
111 Savanna re,:;;me m0untain, lf Earth were not rotating, this would be the
distribution of primary and secondary air
movement of the planer.
lfomi~ tropical
Tropical s;.vanna Tropical rain foros/
Darwln. t\u~tralia (3¿, rr)
mT íl'm
Singapore (3 m)
281 'G 1538 mm 300 27.2 ·C 2415mm 300
20(' 20,;
100 100

80 80
ºC ··e
so 60 3G 60
These clima te diagrams from {a) Darwin, 20 AJ 2(1 40
Australia, and (b) Singapore illustrate the
extreme contrast between savanna and 10 · 20 10 20
rain forest. But note that temperature is
about the same, and relatively constant in o o o+ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~....-+ o
both places. What varíes is the seasonality J F !J A M J J A S O N O F M A iv' J A S ON O
of precipitation. (b)

major climatic heat engine on the planet. The large air from west to east. South of che equator to 30°S, the
masses that drive che process are termed Hadley cel/s eastern trades blow from the southeast, again due
(Figure 1-15). to the rotacional motion of che planet. As the Earth,
Tropical areas fall within the trade wind belts tilted at about 23.5° on its axis, moves in its orbit
(so named because winds were favorable for sailing around che sun, its direct angle to the sim's radia-
ships trading their goods) except near the equator, at tion varíes with latitude, causing seasonal change,
che ITCZ. This region is called che doldrums, where manifested in the tropics by changing heat patterns
winds are usually light (often becalming sailing ships). of air masses around the ITCZ that result in seasonal
FIGURE 1-1 5
From the equator to 30ºN, the eastern trade winds rainfall (Figure 1-16). In che Western Hemisphere, Earth's daily rotation deílects the Hadley cell
blow steadily from the northeast, a direction deter- from July throughout October, severe wind and rain ;Gle currents and creates the trade wind belts. Note
mined because of the constant rotation of the Earth storms called hurricanes can occur in parts of the ~ ct0:sLire cnd ·1hi belts ·J! th~ v·or'f'J the lack of wind at the equator.
' ,• ... ............... , ··············.. ·················· ·····,,, ..................................................................
······•······ ·•··· ·
........ ·· •• ' .
~ \
Cit. 2..:;
,'),.; 1 ,, .,.. z..~, ~-,,):'"

1 '.! , ; ,', .¡

1 1
1 N

e E,~;--------
, ·;·r::·~ic of 1
C~p1irorn 1
\ 1

1: s

The angle of the Earth relative to the
snn varíes during the course of Earth's
annual orbit, crcating rhe seasonality
that characterizes Earth.
1::: ~:""'
Sur¡ ove¡ eqws1oí

15' FIGURE 1-17

This diagram shows how climate varies in
the tropics. Note the absence of seasonality
:.1.:9 S'.:-:- O'.--• r;o J ~-: at the equaror.
Neotropics. Similar kinds of storms are referred to as other half is the result of evapotranspiration from
monsoons in the OId World tropics. the vast forest that covers the basin (Salati and Vose
At the point where tropics meet subtropics, at 1984; Junk and Furch 1985). Up to 75% of the rain
about 30° norch and south latitude, deserts are com- falling within a central Amazonian rain forest may
mon. This is because the moisture contained in the air come directly from evapotranspiration (Junk and This phenomenon has become increasingly evident rupted. When that happens, warm waters flow along
masses (Hadley cells) moving away from the equator Furch 1985), an obviously tight recycling of water. since the mid-twentieth century, but its exact cause the norrnally cold South American coast. Weather sys-
has been depleted by the time the air reaches 30º lati- Much of the reason for the large amounc of recycled remains elusive. El Niño occurs periodically, approxi- te,[11S change, resulting in heavy downpours and flood-
tude. Thus, skies tend to be clear with low humidity moisture lies in the nature of the forest itself. This mately every two to seven years, when a high-pressure ing in sorne regions and droughts where there should
and deserts form. Longitude also concributes to des- vast assemblage of trees transpires far more moisture weather system that is normally stable over the east- be rainfall, effects that range ecologically from mildly
ert formation. If a landmass is far from the sea, or if than other kinds of ecosystems such as savannas or ern Pacific Ocean breaks clown, destroying the pattern stressful to highly significant.
mountain ranges block moisture circulation, moisture agricultura! land. The forest functions such that of thc westward-blowing trade winds. Trade winds The El Niño of 1982-1983 was considered up
evaporated from the sea will not reach inland areas, precipitation and the water-recycling system are es- weak~n, sornetimes reversing from their normal west- to then to be the most powerful of this century, esti-
and deserts will result. The combination of 30º lati- sentially in equilibrium, though large-scale defores- ward direction. Warm water from the western Pacific mated to have caused S8.65 billion worth of darnage
tude and distance from rhe sea produces many of the tation (a topic that will be discussed in more detail flows eastward, causing an influx of abnormally warm worldwide. There have been severa! other El Niños
world's vast deserts, including the Sabara in Africa. later in Chapters 13 to 15) could significantly upset Water to the western coast of South America. The wa- since 1982, eight major El Niño events since 1945,
In the Amazon Basin, precipitation ranges be- the system (Solati and Vose 1984). ter column reaches a depth of up to about 150 me- and at least 20 during this century. A severe El Niño
tween 1500 and 3000 millimeters (59 to 118.1 ters (about 500 feet), and because it is warm, it is less occurred in 1986-1987. Another El Niño occurred in
inches) annually, averaging around 2000 millimeters dense and thus flows over and blocks the colder, more- 1994-1995, comparable to those of 1982-1983 and
(78.7 inches) in central Amazonia (Salati and Vose Short -Term Climate Change: ENSO nutrient-rich waters below. This prevents the upwell- 1986-1987. Satellite data indicated that the northern
1984) (Figure 1-17). About half of the total precipi- Short-term but sometimes majar climatic changes ing of nutrients into the upper water column, where Pacific Ocean was nearly 20 centimeters (8 inches)
tation is brought to the basin by the eastern trade also occur in the tropics, the most noteworthy at- they would normally be available to phytoplankton. higher than normal, dueto the influx of warm surface
winds blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean, while the tributed to the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The result is that oceanit food chains are severely dis- waters. Yet another El Niño occurred in 1997-1998,
l 32 CHAPTER 1


• El Niño Comes to Panama

A major El Niño affecred Barro Colorado lsland in Pan- assault on food resources inside rhc buildings, leaming
ama during 1982-1983 (Leigh 1999). One of rhe mosr for the first time ro open doors and make quick forays
drama tic effecrs of the El Niño was rhe failure of trees co to the dining room table, where rhey sought bread and
produce fruit during the second of two fruiting seasons. bananas, ignoring the meat, poraroes, and canned fruit
cocktail, and brushing aside rhe startled biologisrs at their
The failure of the fruir crop resulted in a cascade of se-
dinner (Foster 1982).
vere effecrs on various anirnals. Normally wary species
such as collared peccaries {Tayassu tajacu), coatimundis Dead animals were also encounrered far more frequently
{Nasua ilarica), tapirs {Tapirus baridii), and kinkajous than usual:
{Polos fiavus) all made regular visits to the laboratory The mosr abundant carcasses were rhose of coaris,
area where food had been pur out for them. Sorne of agoutis, peccaries, howler monkeys, opossums, arma•
these animals appeared emaciated, obviously under stress dillos, and porcupines; there were only occasional dead
from lack of food (Plate 1-27). two-toed sloths, three-roed slorhs, white-faced mon-
One researcher wrote keys and pacas. Ar rimes ir was difficulr ro avoid the
stench: neirher the rurkey vulrures nor rhe black vul-
The spider monkeys, which normally visit rhe laborarory tures seemed able to keep up with the abundance of
clearing ar least once every day, now launched an ali-out carcasses (Fosrer 1982).

FIGURE ·¡ -18
This map shows the general locarion of the lTCZ.

and its combined global effects are estimated to have normal, carrying warm surface water toward Asia.
resulted in 2,100 human casualties and property dam- This creares enhanced upwelling of colder, deeper,
age tetaling a staggering $33 billion (Suplee 1999). more nutrient-rich water along the South American
In 2009-2010, still another El Niño altered weather coast. Because the colder waters evaporare more
patterns around the world. slowly, rain is reduced and drought may result. La
The causal factors responsible for the periodic- Niña followed the 1982-1983, 1986-1987, 1995,
ity of El Niños are thus far unknown (Canby 1984; and 1998 El Niños.
Graham and White 1988), but it is clear that the In- Ecologists realize that ENSO events cause short·
tertropical Convergence Zone (Figure 1-18 ), a com- term but nonetheless significant perturbations in eco-
plex system of oceanic and air currents, migrares, systems. ENSO events represent one of severa! major
to a lower latitude, raising sea surface temperatures global climatic patterns that may vary periodically, af-
and destroying the normal upwelling pattern along • fecting tropical ecosystems. Climate variations occur
1 the west coast of South America. The cessation of an at multiple time scales: short-term, as is the case with
El Niño occurs when the ITCZ returns northward an abnormally cold or snowy winter; moderate, as is
to its normal position (hence the alternative terrn che case with ENSO events; or long-term, as is thecase
1 El Niño/Southern Oscillation, or ENSO). Though with major global climate change.
El Niño has global effects, tropical ecosystems in
panicular can be anywhere from moderately to se-
verely affected.
El Niños tend to alternare with another climatic
The Scope of Tropical
(a) {b)
phenomenon rhat produces largely the opposite ef-
fecrs and is called La Niña. Like El Niño, La Niña
PLATE 1·27 systems begin when normal trade winds are altered. The word tropics is often synonymous with tropical
In this case, however, the westward trade winds gain rain forest, bue such a linkage, as I hope chis chapter
abnormal strength and move farther westward than makes clear, is too limited. Tropical rain forest is one
················ ............................................. , ···· ··· · · •"''" ''' " ' ' " " ' " ' "' ................................ .
. .' ... ... '

kind of ecosystem that is found within the tropics. Be- nisms of speciation (and generation of high levels of Eu:SJr:01n l;r:i.:n
cause of its potentially unique nature, and because of biodiversity), food web dynamics, and mainrenance {Pop..ila1lon: 3iild n,:1 ·" ,

its amazing richness of species, tropical rain forest (or of biodiversity. Tropical rain forest tree species rich- 100+
more generally, tropical hurnid forest) will be the eco- ness is decidedly higher than that of any orher kind 95-99
system most discussed in this text. But the tropics are of forest and the question of how so many species
90-94 )1, \Í
more than tropical rain forest. Ecosystems ranging from coexist is a majar area of investigation, one that en- 80-84
deserts to rain forests occur in equatorial latitudes. compasses a lively debate. Species richness patterns 70-74
Because parteros of rainfall and temperature vary in animals ranging from beetles to birds are also a 65-69
with elevation, because soil characteristics differ due majar copie of investigarion. Indeed, the causal pat- 55.59 >

in part to regional geological differences, and because terns and function of che uniquely high biodiversity g 50-54
:': 45-49
disturbance faccors such as storms (monsoons, hur- seen in many tropical ecosystems is a tapie of very 40-44
ricanes) and fire vary regionally in frequency, tropical active research. 35.39
ecosystems vary from one place to another. Natural The role of disturbance as it relates to biodiver- 2S 29

25-29 '-
disturbance may be sufficiently frequent to prevent sity continues to occupy researchers. Traditionally and 20-24 -
15-19 9 '--
sorne, perhaps most, ecosystems from attaining a point naively, the rropics were once considered a region of 10-i4 ¡
where species composition ceases to change. Add to
that differences in historical biogeography from one
great ecological stability. This nocion followed from
the assumption that climate (considered warm and
o-~L - ,-1."_ o-
__JLL__.1_..__,-::'----,,':- -=,;e
r. t, t= - 60
place to another, and the reality is that ecological vari- wet and relatively invariable) was not a strong selec-
ation is extensive within che tropics. tive force in tropical regions, and thus species evolved 100+
Considera comparison between savanna and rain to the point where they became distinct from one an- 95-JS
forest in Africa. These two very different ecosystems 90.94 M
other. But disturbances occur constantly and at vary- 85-89
may be found at different longitudes but at the same ing scales in space and time. Such disturbances force 8C-f4

latitude. They have little in common except that they 75.;r
changes in ecosystems and are thus selective forces 7C·74

are both in the same biogeographic region. Now con- relative to both ecological trends and ultimately evo- 65-69
sider rain forest in Papua New Guinea as compared ێ-64
lutionary direction. o 55.59 :
with that in Alta Floresta, Brazil. The structure and lt is obvious that che potencial far significant and 8 50.54 (

overall look of the two forests will be similar, but that "' 45.49
original research of tropical regions, where the abun- 40-44 4¡.,4 1 1
similarity is superficial. Because these regions have dance and diversity of both plants and animals ex- 35-39 3,,.,,9 1
30-34 3•)-'j 1
been isolated for nearly 100 million years, evolution- ceeds that found anywhere else, is very high. There is 23-29
25-29 1 1
ary patterns are different and species composition is still more to know than is known. 20-24 2C-2 1 1 1
15-1 g 1
quite distinct between them. Because che species com- 15-12 1
10-i4 1 1
position is different, there will be significant differ- .¡.
ences in biological interactions and evolutionary pat-
0-4 L__ 0-'' 11


terns (see Chapter 2). Conservation ~

_L_L...J.__L..i, - - - - ,',-----;!
(Populrtion: to1 m;u:on)
~ 60 ¿o 4ü
(Pcpuiat:cn. 1 298 m'lilon)
20 40 60

Ecological analysis of tropical ecosystems requires

full consideration of biogeographical history, climate,
in the Tropics 100+
edaphic factors such as soil characteristics, and distur- The world's tropical regions include sorne of the 9C-94 M M F
bance history, frequency, and magnitude. densest human populations, and sorne of che least
wealthy. The growth rate of human populations is
high in most tropical regions. The human population 65-6$ 1 1
is predicted to grow from 6.3 billion {in 2003) to 8.9 6<)-34 1 1
Current Research billion by 2050 (Cohen 2006) (Figure 1-19). Much
o 55.59
~ 50·5!'. 1
1 1

Directions in Tropical of that increase will be in equatorial countries. Ac-

cording to the Population Reference Bureau's web-
N 45.;9

40-44 1
Ecology site (, 2007): ,0--1; > 1
1 1

This text summarizes current research in tropical Between 2000 and 2030, nearly 100 percent í5 ;g 15·1ºe 1
ecology, but at this juncture it is helpful to make a few 1C-1 4 1
of chis annual growth will occur in the less 5-S ¡ 1
generalizations. Tropical researchers study intricare developed countries inAfrica,Asia, and Latin J. 1
interactions among incerdependent species, carbon America, whose population growth rates are
0·' L__
_L_J__J_...J.___j__ _L._--:
2C 2', tcO 50 '
40 n
,,1 sr
sequestration in forests and other tropical ecosys- much higher than those in more developed FIGURE 1-1 9
tems, effects of climate change on ecosystems, mecha- countries. Growth rates of 1.9 percent and Hunian population size and age disttibution contrasted between developed and underdeveloped nations, with projections to 2050.
......................... ............................................... ...............................
,, ....
. · ¡ forest cover for 1990 and 1997 and mean annual change estimates during thai time period. Ali figures are in
higher mean that populations would double an additional 2.3 +/- 0.7 hecrares were visibly de- Hum1dtrop1ca
in about 36 years or less, if these rates con- graded (Achard et al. 2002). millions oft,ectares.
tinue. Demographers do not believe they Predicting the future of tropical forests based on
will. Projections of growth rates are lower current rates of deforestation is both perplexing and
than 1.9 percent because birth rates are de- complex. For example, it has been argued that as the : :, t ' t:.
clining and are expecred to continue to do century proceeds, birth rates in tropical regions will
so. The populations in the less developed re- decline and urbanization will increase, and thus ru- 1155 337 446 1937
Total srudy area
gions will most likely continue to command ral population growth will decline, slowing the rate
a larger proportion of the world total. While of deforestation (Wright and Muller-Landau 2006a 669 ± 57 198 ± 13 283 ± 31 1150 ± 54
Forest .:over in 1990
Asia's share of world population may con- and 20066). If this were the case, tropical forests
tinue to hover around 55 percent through would begin to regrow on once-cleared land, much 653 ± 56 193 ± 13 270 ± 30 1116 ± 53
Foresr cover in 1997
the next century, Europe's portion has de- as forests in eastern North America have regrown
clined sharply and could drop even more after forest clearance in the seventeenth and eigh- 2.5 ± 1.4 0.85 ± 0.30 2.5 ± 0.8 5.8 ± 1.4
Anni ¡ deforested area
during the 21st century. Africa and Latín teenth cenruries. This pattern would, in essence, be
America each would gain part of Europe's a reversa! of deforestation, but these forests would 0.38% 0.43% 0.91% 0.52%
porrion. By 2100, Africa is expected to cap- be secondary forests, not the same as the old-growth
ture the greatest share. primary forests that preceded them. This view is 0.28 ± 0.22 0.14 ± 0.11 0.53 ± 0.25 1.0 ± 0.32
Annual regrowth area
11 highly controversia!, and a lively debate has been
Humans will inevitably have an increasing impact on generated. Sorne argue that as indusrrialization in- 0.04% 0.07% 0.19% 0.08%
I ¡ Rn
tropical ecosystems, and as such the study of tropical creases in tropical areas, even with demographic
1 ecology must consider anthropogenic factors. shifts from rural to urbanized, large-scale forest Anm,al net cover change -2,2 ± 1.2 - 0.71 ± 0.31 -2.0 ± 0.8 -4.9 ± 1.3
Humans evolved in the rropics, emerging from clearance by industrial interests will continue the
tropical Africa and colonízing the remainder of the loss of tropical forests (Laurance 2006; Brook et al. 0.33% 0.36% 0.71% 0.43%
terrestrial planet. Human populations have adapted 2006). Because of the high biodiversity contained
to survive and prosper in tropical regions, and much within tropical forests, such widespread loss would Annual degraded area 0.83 ± 0.67 0.39 ± 0.19 1.1 ± 0.44 2.3 ± 0.71
insight inro ecological processes can be gained from inevitably result in high rates of exrinction (Brook
the study of tropical anrhropology. et al. 2006). lt is imperative to understand what is 0.13% 0.21 % 0.42% 0.20%
For example, the use of the land for agriculrure, occurring and what can be done to mitigare species
ranging from slash and bum techniques to susrained losses, but at this point, the future of tropical for-
terraced rice fields, demonstrates rhat humans can ex- ests is, ar best, uncertain (Gardner et al. 2006). This
rract continuous resources from tropical ecosystems. topic will be reviewed in Cbapter 15. diseases such as Ebola have put the African great apes,
Sorne communities demonstrare a highly sophisticated The rate of forest loss in the tropics, whatever ir the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), and the
knowledge of the species patterns in rain forest. The may be, has strong implications (Table 1-1). A signifi- gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) (Piare 1-28), in serious peri!
use of various plants as pharmaceuticals and roxins cant and conrinuing loss diminishes populations of (Walsh et al. 2003 ). In the African country of Gabon,
has given rise ro the science of ethnobotany (rhe study numerous species, reduces biodiversity, and has the by the year 2000 ape popularions dropped to less rhan
of how local cultures master and develop various uses potential to seriously disrupt trophic dynamics and half what they had been in 1983. The aurhors of the
for plant species) and rhe search for potent drugs from rhe overall funcrioning of remaining forest fragments. study documenting the decline argue thar these species
tropical plants (Chapter 13). In addition, it reduces the capacity of forests to seques- should be elevared to a status of critically endangered.
Tropical ecology represents an area of basic re- ter excess carbon, creating a diminishing carbon sink. Such a starement could be construed as somewhat po-
search within ecology that can be applied ro conser- · But the issue of climate change, carbon sequestration, lirical, but it is not. The conclusion is based on data
vation issues. The discipline of conservation biology and the function of tropical forests in relation to di- and follows directly from an analysis of such data,
is essenrially derivative of basic ecology, and much mate change is an area that is still poorly understood given, of course, the premise that extinction of chim-
research in tropical ecology deals in sorne way with (Clark 2004). panzees and gorillas is neirher in rheir best interests
issues relared to conservation. One exa mple is land Yet another conservation issue is the effect of nor in the best interest of human society.
use and its effects, particularly deforestation and for- hunting and logging on forest ecology (Chapter 15). Conservation issues in tropical ecology will be
est fragmenration (Chapter 14). Deforestation rates in In many tropical regions, large vertebrare animals are PLATE 1·28 treared in much greater derail in Chapter 15.
tropical regions are generally high. In a broad srudy routinely hunted to the point where their numbers are GORIUJ..
based on global imaging from satellires, it was learned seriously diminished. Throughout the tropical world,
that from 1990 to 1997, 5.8 +/- 1.4 million hectares bushmeat, as it is termed, is widely used for food.
of humid tropical forest were lost annually and that Hunting pressure, logging, and rhe emergence of viral

.. .... ·········· ............................................................................................ ···············································


2 Biogeography and Evolution in the Tropics

Chapter Overview
For much of the past 250 million years of Earth's history, tropical ecosystems have
extended north and south well beyond the latitudes they encompass coday. Bu1
climate has changed over the millions of years of the planet's history, and tha1
facc influences rhe distribution of tropical ecosystems. In addition, because of pla1e
tectonics, continents have separated and moved apart as Earth has become rr,ore
temperare, such that the tropical regions are currently confined within about 50° of
equatorial latitudes. Climatic change, the separation of conrinents, and continuous
tectonic activity such as mountain uplift have contributed to ongoing patterns of
evolution and are responsible for complex biogeographic distributions of flora and
fauna that typify today's tropical regions. This chaprer will discuss plate tecto1•ics
(che movement and rearrangement of Earth's crusr), vicariance (che separation and
subsequent evolurion of populations), and endemism (species restricred to a cenain
area) as each relates to biological evolution. lt will also discuss how these events
contribute ro the evolution of spccies.

What Is Biogeography?
Biogeography is the study of the distributions of organisms as they vary from one
region on Earth to another.
For example, ali of the world's 71 extant lemur species occur exclusively on rhe
island of Madagascar, off the eastern coast of Africa (Piares 2-la and 2-16). ln ,1d·
dicion, five familes of birds are found only on that island. Certain planr species are
also confined only to Madagascar. PLATE 2-1
(a) Coquerel's Sifaka (PropithecU5
Such unique assemblages of species have long stimulated thought among nam· coquere/1), a lemur species common to
ral historians. On a larger scale, many elements of both flora and fauna differ dca· low-elevation, dry deciduous forcsts
matically in diversity and distribution among tropical zones of different regicns in Madagascar. (b) Ring•1ailed lemurs
around che equator. For example, approximately 445 species of stately dipterocarp (Lemur catta) are highly social.
trees (Dipterocarpaceae) are distributed throughout che lowland forests of tropical .... . . .. . ·············· .. ········· ... ............................... ......... ....... ............................... ·· ····················
Asia and New Guinea, while a mere 30 dipterocarp species are found in Africa, aod
bue a single species is found in norrheastern South America. Suéh a pactern begs
fo r explanation. Charles Darwin devoted two chapters in On the Origin ofSpecies
(1859) to a consideration of geographical distributions of various groups of organ· Beginning with Alexander von Humboldt, bio- realms, che Neotropical, African, Oriental, and Aus-
geographers have long recognized different biogeo- tralian, include tropical regions (Primack and Corbett
isms, as evidence in support of his theory of evolution. Darwin and Alfred Russel
graf,l:!ic realms (Lomolino, Dov, and Brown 2004) 2005). Wallace is best known for denoting Wallace's
Wallace (who each independently conceived of che cheory of natural selection) both Line, che demarcacion of separation between the Ori-
(Figure 2-1). Wallace proposed six realms encompass-
linked biogeography with che process of evolution.
ing the world's terrestrial environments. Four of chese ental and Australian fauna! realms.
. ········•······················•······················ ·······································•·······································

Wallace's Une

(a) Proboscis monkey

Fauna! Realms 6(f Scale by latitude

LJHolarcüc L] Afro--Tethyan :io)í, /

- Major region boundaiy o 1,000 2,000 míles
LJLalinAmerican LJlsland O 1,610 3,220 kilometers

This map shows the major biogeographic regions of thc world. Each is distinct from the others because each has various endemic groups of
plants and animals.

(b) Flying lizard (e) Tree kangaroo

.-···• Wallace's Une ·········· ...................................................... ······.. ·······················.. ···················••.

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) devoted eight years of Indonesia (Figure 2-2). He noted that animals found
to the study of what was then called the Malay Archi- west of the large island of Sulawesi were typical of those
pelago, an area that today is mostly within the country found in southeast Asia (Figures 2-3a to 2-3c). Such

h11 ines LJº miles

O 300 kilomelers

(e) Bornean bristlehead (f) Spotted cuscus

FIGURE 2-2 Asia Australia

Wallace's Line was originally developed
by Alfred Russel Wallace based on the
distribution of animal groups. Those FIGURE 2·3 .
typical of tropical Asia occur on the Lamples of animals found on either side of WaUace's Une. West of the line, nearer tropical Asia, one finds species such as (a) proboscts
west side of the line; those typical of mcnkey (Nasa/is /arvatus), (b) flying lizard (Draco sp.), (e) Bornean bristlehead (Pityriasis gymnocephala). East of the hne one finds sucb
Australia and New Guinea occur on the spccies as (d) yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea), (e) various tree kangaroos (Dendro/agus sp.), and (0 spotted cuscus
east side of the line. (S,•ilocusws rnaa,lates). Sorne of these species are either threatened or endangered.
·•·························· ························· ..... ......................... ........... ·················· ................. .

islands as Surnatra, Borneo, and Bali ali ace exarnples. one represenring wbac he terrned tbc Oriental province
These islands harbor various primate species, including and thc othec tbe Au.stralian province. Wbere the two
one lacge ape (orangutan) as well as severa! gibbons and provinces come togcther, Wallace noted sorne rnixing of
rnacaques. But animals found on and to the east of Su- animals from both cealrns, a result of natural dispersa!
lawesi are rnoce cepcesentarive of those found in New arnong populations. Today biogeographecs infocrnally
Guinea and Australia (Figures 2-3d to 2-31). No primates honor WaUace by ccfcrcing to thc islands from Java to
occur other than hurnans, but species of arboreal marsu- New Guinea as Wallacea.
pials such as tcee kangaroos and possurns ace found on Because of differences in distribution patterns of
sorne islands. Thus Wallace, by noting distributions of plants and animals, the exact boundaries of Wallace's
animals on various islands, surmised that the Malay Ar- Linc havc bcen altcrcd a bit since WaUacc 6m dcvcloped
chipelago is actually two separate biogeographic realrns, the concept, but bis thcory remains gcnerally accurate.
\ ........... , ................................................................................................................................................ (b)

Biogeographers were initially puzzled, if not per- Most organisms, including humans, who colonized
plexed, by the complex intercontinental distributions North Arnerica from Asia at that time, would pre-
of plants and animals. Why, for example, are marsupial sumably be able to travel such a corridor, pecmitting
mammals essentially conlined to the continents of Aus- extensive mixing between biota fromdifferent biogeo-
tralia and South Arnecica, which are quite widely sepa- graphic realms-in this case, Asia and North America.
rated? (One marsupial species, the opossum [Dide/phis] Broad corridors obviously require that the oceans be-
occurs in North Arnerica, but its ancestors clearly dis- tween the continents must be sufficiently shaUow so
persed there from South Arnerica.) The tacit assump- that a global drop in sea leve! will expose the cocridor.
tion was made that ali laxa (groups of organisms that This is the case with the Beringia corridor.
are related-for example, palms, parrots) evolved ini- Afilter bridge would be exemplified by tbe Greater
tially in what were caUed centers o( origin. Such areas and Lesser Sunda lslands of Indonesia, the very area of
were designated based on criteria such as where the Wallace's Line. As these islands become more disranr
greatest number of species were to be found (within eastward from Asia (one source of colonization) and (di
a taxon), the greatest concentration of individuals, the westward from Australia and New Guinea (anotber
presence of pcimitive forms, and the existence of mi- source of colonization), they become increasingly spe-
gratory routes. From centers of origin, the belief was cies poor. This is partly because species typically must
that taxa radiated away (to various degrees) to inhabit island hop from one landmass to another as they colo-
different regions. The dipterocacp example cited earlier nize. Thus the species richness (number of species) of
would strongly suggest a tropical Asian origin for dip- various taxonomic groups on an island is related ro
terocarps, with subsequent dispersa! to and coloniza- tbe island's disrance from its source of colonizers, a
tion of Africa and later South Arnerica. topic developed in greater detail in Chapter 4.
Early biogeographers attemped to explain how A s1ueeptakes route would be typical of how or-
different organisms dispersed from their centers of or- ganisms colonize isolated islands, such as tbe Galápa-
igin to other conrinents. Of coucse, these early bioge- gos Archipelago (Piares 2-2a ro 2-20. Presumably, an-
ographers were making the assumption (quite reason- cestral iguanid lizards from South America that would
able at that time) that Earth's continents have always eventually evolve to be Galápagos marine and land
occupied the same locations. Plate tectonics, explained iguanas were accidently transponed over water on
in the next section, demonsuates that such an assump· detached vegeration from areas in Central and South (e) (O
tion was unwarramed. Nonetheless, three dispersion Arnerica- the ocean currents steering them, quite by
models were suggested to explain the pattcrns of bio- chance, to landfall somewbere among the Galápagos. PLAH 2·2 .
geography: the broad corrido,, tbe filter bridge, and Currents are directionally favorable for such unique Thesc vmcbratc animals are cach cndcmic to thc Galápagos lslands, but each uaccs its anccsuy to animals living in South Amcnca.
the sweepstakes route. Each of these models helps to (a) and (b) Galápagos torto,sc (Geochelone mgra). Thesc two ,magcs show (a) a saddle-shellcd tortoisc and (b) a dome-shelle_d tort_o,sc.
events to occur. Another sweepstakes route would be
Each is a distinct subspecies. Oomed tortoises inhabit moist highland arcas, and saddle-shelled torroises_ frequent 101:land, and reg,ons
explain how dispersion occurs. when seeds of plants contained in mud become stuck of th, islands. (e) Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhy11clms crista/lls). The flattened face adapts the am~als to grazing on marme algae
A broad corridor would be typified by the Pleis- to the feet of migrating waterfowl- in the coursc of the attached to rocks. (d) Galápagos land iguana (Conolophus sub,ristatus). Land iguanas occupy_ low-e~evanon, and areas of the 1Slands,
tocene (ice age) connection between northeastern Asia birds' migration, the seeds are transponed bundreds if wherc they fetd extensi,·cly on cactus. (el Galápagos flightlcss cormorant (Phalacrocorox harrml- ThlS spcc,cs is found on!y ,n the
and extreme northwestern Norch America, a landmass not thousands of miles before being derached and ger- coldtr watcrs 0 ¡ the western islands. (ij Hood mockingbird (Nesomimus ma,donald,). This spwcs IS found only on Espanola
now largely submerged and commonly called Beringia. minating. Charles Darwin performed experiments to (fo,merly Hood Island) in ,he Galápagos. lt spends much of its time on thc ground.
·········· " ''' ' '' ········ •""''' ' .... ...................
••• • •••••••••••HO<•••>> •• ••••••••• "• ••••••·•••••• • • ••• .. ••••••• • ••••• •• • ••••• .. •"••••••••• .. • • ••••• .. • • •• ••• ••••• ••• •••••• •• • O••••• • o• O• •• • • •• l ••• • • • .. •• • •••oo

test the viability of seeds under varying conditions to The problem that faced early biogeographers, as
test this concept. o·s
noted earlier, was that they assumed the continents of
The obvious difficulty with the preceding sum- Earth to have always been in their present positions. Seyclielles
mary is that in numerous cases, it falls far short of Sorne eady scientists were bold enough to suggest oth- lf
explaining causal reasons for organismal distribution erwise (see the section on "Plate Tectonics"), though no
among continents. Where, for example, is the corridor one had any idea how a huge continent could move. lt 10'S 10'S
between Australia and South America that the marsu- was not until 1957 that physical evidence was put forth
Africa Scuth
pials presumably used? Is it now, like the fabled island validating what had come to be called continental dri~, Equatolial
of Atlantis, lost beneath the seas? The answer is no. Cweot
brought about by a dynamic process termed plate tec-
The sea is sufficiently deep in most places that such a tonics. The understanding of piare tectonic theory for-
corridor could never have existed. No drop in sea leve! ever altered biogeography and made it into a far more 20'S
would have exposed it. powerful and predictive science.

,.·· • ASweepstakes Ticket to Madagascar ... ... . . ................... .. .............

Toe island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa,

is inhabited by numerous endemic planrs and animals.
Only four mammal groups are found on rhe island (not
including sorne recently imported by humans), each hav-
ing evolved into unique endemic species. These groups are
rhe tenrecs, rodenrs, carnivores, and primates. While rhe
present representatives of each of these groups (lemurs, SO'E


/ Current

4-0"E SO'E

for example, are primates) are ali endemic ro Madagascar, Longilude
O 200-2,000 meters D 2,000-4,000 meters [J >4,000 meters ~ Current flow

g ~ ,000 I\ ,-\
Rodents i: r .., \
'5. 2 000 , &f~~tava ,>•-~,-¡.-:,,,.,,....,.-....,..,,,_-+~=-:-1.,
24-20 Ma
Ó 3.000•~--·-_
seaa 'o:.,·st]."s"'--- - - - - -- - - - - - 1
1970'$ 13.00'S
60-50 Ma 41.40.E
~ LSO'E - 750 kdomalers

(b) 2•4

the ,•.roups rhemselves are evolutionarily related to African island. Only smaller crearures would have been able ro lit
mammals.The logical assumption is that Madagascar was on small rafts of vegetacion. The present pattern of ocean
col•, 1ized by each of rhese four groups at sorne time duri.Q_g currents would not allow an easy crossing, however.
Mozambique its history. Bur how did mammals colonize Madagascar? Research modeling of Cenozoic climate and currents
Aclose look at the mammals of Madagascar has long strongly supports rhe sweepstakes route hypothesis (Ali
Channe/ suggested that they evolved from Cenozoic mammals, not and Huber 2010). Surface water currents during the Ce-
fro!t• the more ancient mammals of rhe Cretaceous pe- nozoic appear to have been difieren! from roday, moving
riod. But Madagascar had been separated from Africa by in a direction thar would facilitate sweepstakes transport.
the time of rhe Cenozoic. So how did the mammals cross The data suggest that lemurs colonized via a sweepstakes
rhe Mozambique Channel? Perhaps they walked. Bioge- voyage across the Mozambique Channel approximately
ographers have long suggesred rhe possibiJiry of a land 60 to 50 million years ago. Tenrecs arrived around 42 to
bri¿ge connecting Madagascar and Africa during parr of 25 million years ago, carnivores 26 to 19 million years
the Cenozoic. Recent work on the likely topography of ago, and rodents 24 to 20 million years ago.
(a) Tbe sweepstakes model for mammalian colonization
the seafloor during the Cenozoic argues against such a
possibiliry. Perhaps rhese animals floated over on rafts of of Madagascar was first proposed by rhe eminent twenrieth-
Figure 24(a) illustrates the suggested rafting route by which sorne mammalian groups may have colonized Madagascar. The numbers
detached vegeration. This sweepstakes mode would ex- century paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson (Krause
indicare estimates of when (in millions of years ago) the colonizations may have occurred. Other groups such as elephants, zebras, an-
telopes, and apesare considered unlikely colonists, and indeed, none are found on Madagascar. Figure 2-4(6) illustrates how today's pla,n why larger animals, such as elephants, zebras and 2010), and while still not proveo, evidence now seems to
ocean currents would minimize dispersa! potencial from mainland A/rica to Madagascar, but such was not always rhe case. orher hoofed mammals, and apes never colonized rhe suppott Simpson's conjecture (Figures 2-4a and 2-46).
.................................................................................................................................... ..................

Plate Tectonics ' a and originally fused with it, was rhc north• ostrich of Africa, che two rhea species of South America,
Gond,n , · .. h'd che emu of Australia, the cassowa;ies (Casuarius spp.) of
On a globe, look at South Arnerica, and notice that . • continent of Lauras1a (contammg w at 1s to ay
ern ,u,. r h . W, Australia and New Guinea, and the kiwis (Apteryx spp.)
the east coast of South America looks as though it North ~merica, Europe, and nort ern Asia). egener
loss for a mechanism to account for how, from of New Zealand. Collectively, this group is named the
fits rather well against the west coast of Africa. If the wu ~' , . . ratites, a term referring to cheir lack of a broad bony keel
, ¡wo massive continents, today s vaned contments
globe shows relief features, notice that the Himalayan ane. o J and drifted apart, bh ut e ms1ste t at such a
' ' dh on the sternum, a trait typical of large flightless birds
Mountains form a rugged boundary all along the bor- separa.• (Plates 2-4a and 2-46). (The keel, or carina, is a prom-
ssibility should be considered.
der of India and Asia. Australia sits by itself, alone- po In addition to Wegener's view that the continents inent blade-like protrusion from che ventral surface of
an immense island continent in the southern Pacific could ! e assembled rogecher like a kind of planet-sized che breastbone. lt is very well developed in ali birds that
Ocean. But notice that if sea leve! was lower, north- .. ,w
11gs, puzzle, there was much ecolog,cal ev1dence to. sug-
fly because it is the site of attachment of the large flight
eastern Australia (the Cape York Península) would est that at sorne time in che past, sorne of the contments muscles. In ratite birds, the carina is absent.) Each ratite
11 connect to New Guinea. Ali along the west coast of ~er< oace literally joined. As early explorers stud1ed the species is generally large and skeletally similar; has a body
South America extending north through Mexico to uniqur• p!ants and animals discovered during the age of covered in down-like feathers, has undersized wings, and
Jobal exploration (see Chapter 1), the1r study of b1oge- lacks the aforementioned large bony keel on che breast-
Alaska are volcanically active mountain chains where
~grap,.; revealed many enigmatic examples of puzzling bone for the support of llight muscles. These birds nei-
earthquakes are common. Frequent volcanic activity ther fly nor swim. How can large llightless birds disperse
PLATE 2-3 distrib,;tions among both plants and ammals. ·
is also typical where Wallace's Line occurs in Indone- Earth's moon, unlike Earth, lacks piare tectonics. humerous examples showed that dosely related spe- worldwide?
sia. These seemingly disparate observations are each cies ,,:.::ur on different continents. How could that be? For As described earlier, sorne biogeographers suggested
explained by the process of piare tectonics. example, there are magnolias (Magnolia spp.) in che south- che existence of now (presumably) submerged land
1 1 The occurrence of cataclysmic events such as eastei, United $tates and in China. Three tapir species bridges that once connected continents now separated by
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions demonstrates for this process of continua! change is plate tectonics. (Tapirus spp.) occur in South America, bue another dosely ocean. There was no evidence that such bridges existed,
Earth's ceaseless active geology. Unlike Earth's moon Earth is one of the few known tectonic planets. Both relattú tapir species occurs in Soucheast Asia. Ostriches only speculation. Other biogeographers argued that ex-
(Plate 2-3) or planees such as Mars, Earth is geologi- the planet Venus and Jupiter's large moon Europa (Strutio camelus), found in Africa, are closely related to amples such as the flightless birds noted earlier were ex·
cally dynanúc, continuously rearranging its surface have dynamic tectonics, but they are not organized emus ¡Dromaius novaehollandiae) and rheas (Rhea spp.), amples of convergent evolution, where distantly related
because of processes occurring in its interior. The term but e ""s are found only in Australia and rheas in South species evolve similar appearances due to being exposed
1 into a system of rigid piares, as is the case with Earth.
1 Amenca. The southern beech tree, Nothofagus, occurs in to similar environmental selection pressures. But modern
sud- .,J1ces as southern South America, southern Austra- genetic studies of both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA
lia and Tasmania, and New Zealand. Such a widespread sequences have demonstrated unequivocally that the cat-
distr:~ution is difficult to explain if che assumption is chat ites forma monophyletic group, meaning chat they are ali
1 continents have always been in their present locations. descended from the same comrnon ancestor. The logical
i' .... • The Discovery of Continental Drift Lét us examine one case more closely. As noted ear- hypothesis is that ratite birds originated in and dispersed
lier, there are severa! extant large flightless birds that from Gondwana and rode the separating continents over
seem anatomically and behaviorally very similar: the time to their present positions.
The intriguing distribution of continents had been noticed Wcgener's principal motive in arguing for continen-
from the time of Francis Bacon (1561-1626), who may tal drift was the compelling fit that the continents seem
have been che first to muse about the possibility that South to have when you literally cut them out like pieces of a
America and Africa were once joined. He is reputed to jigsaw puzzle and rearrange them. Prior to Wegener, in
have noticed that che two continents had complementary the late nineteenth century, Eduard Suess (1831-1914),
shapes. In 1912, a German meteorologist named Alfred an Austrian geologist, suggested chat the southern con-
Wegener published Die Entstehung der Kontinente und tinents were once fused into one gigantic continent.
Ozeane (The Movements of che Contents and che Oceans), This huge landmass was named Gondwana, a romantic-
a book in which Wegener made a bold and, to geologists at sounding name chat refers to an area within India with
the time (and for sorne time thereafter), preposterous sug- characteristic rocks that were thought to date back to
gestion. Wegener proposed that che continents move rela- when such a hypothetical supercontinent might have
tive to one another; drifting on the surface of the planet. If existcd. Suess based his hypothesis on fossil ferns of che
true, this would mean chat the continents were not always genus Glossopteris, found in rocks from South America,
in their present positions. By implication, they might still Africa, and India, now each widely separated. Glossop-
be drifting, each in its own particular direction (Figure 2-6). teris fossils also occur in Antarctica, which likely wciuld
But how could something as immense as a continent have pleased Suess.
actually move? Geologists could identify no mechanism The fit between Africa and South America is fairly (b)
to account for such motion, and many authorities at che obvious, but Wegener was able to show how ali of the PLn E 2-4
time ridiculed Wegener's theory, which soon carne to be continents could, if arranged carefully, roughly fit to- (a) Ostrich (Struthio camelus) and (b) emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) are two examples of ratite birds. They are very similar in
called continental drift, a name that is still applied. gether into a single supercontinent, Pangaea. North of siie and anatomy, but ostriches are endemic to Africa and emus to Australia.
.. .
. .. . . ' ................ ~. '... . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. ... ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . ... .. ... .... .. .... . ... . . . . .. .. ......... .. . .
......... .................
······· .......... .................................. .......... .
Permian Triassic
Piare tecronics, now supporred by multiple lines The heat generared from Earth's interior; a region 200 million years ago
of physical evidence, recognizes that Earth's crust is called the asthe11osphere within Earth's mande, pro- 225 million years ago
divided inro approximarely eighr large and sorne ad- duces immense subterranean convection currents rhat
dirional small basaltic plates. Some of these places are
entirely on the seafloor, some have continents resting
keep rhe basaltic piares moving in slow motion (Figure
2-6). For example, Europe and North America are mov-
------- e Lauras i a
arop rhem, and sorne have parts of continents. For ex- ing apart by a mere 17 millimeters peryear. But in a mil- 1
ample, che Pacific piare is huge and is covered mostly lion years, they will have separated by 17 million mil- o,
- Telhys Equalor
by the Pacific Ocean, except thar the extreme western limerers, or about 17 kilometers, roughly 10.55 miles. Sea
part of North America rests on the most eastern part Why then are there such large differences in the flora
of rhe Pacific plate. The remainder of North America and fauna of Africa compared with South America? Q.
sits atop che North American plate. What this means Geological evidence suggests that these continents began
is that places such as Los Angeles and San Francisco their slow but continuous separation as long ago as the
are actually situated on the Pacific piare. The North early Cretaceous period, sorne 144 million years ago.
American piare is moving ever so slightly west-south- Tectonic motion occurs because the heat from
Jurassic Cretaceous
west, and rhe Pacific plate is moving more directly Earth's interior forces new basalt to the surface ar 65 million years ago
135 million years ago
north. The two piares meet in an area extending from active ridges rhroughout the oceans. The lengthy
the central coast of Mexico to almosr rhe Oregon bor- mid-Atlantic ridge brings up new material from the
der. Part of rhis area is called the Sa11 A11dreas fault interior, a process caUed seafioor spreadi11g (Figure
• (Figure 2-5). Because the piares are moving in some- 2-7). The North American and European continents
whar different directions, rhere is fricrion between actually ride on the piares, being passively carried
them, the result of which is known to most Califor- along as the piares move. Old seafloor plunges back Equalor
_ Equalor
t ¡ 1 nians: earthquakes occur. into the bowels of the Earth at deep oceanic trenches,

Present day

Point Reyes
/ America
San Francisco

..l..- Australia
7- FIGURE 2-6
These maps illusrrare the changcs in
continental positions from the Permian
A[lla¡cti_ca,,,. to the present.
.................... ············••·······•················································ ...............................................................................

sorne in excess of seven miles deep. The Andes Moun- face with crackers. The convection currents from the
tains have risen in large part due ro the impact of heat rising through the sauce will cause the surface
Pacific Ocean tectonic piares, subducting beneath western South crackers to move about, somewhat like Earth's basal-
America and forcing rhe rise of the Andes and ali of tic piares move in response to interna! forces generat-
the subsequent volcanism and earthquakes in places ing convectional heat.
such as Chile. Given the insights of piare tectonics, the notion
You can actually mimic this process in a crude rhar continenrs do move now has credence. Geolo-
The San Andreas faulr is well known for irs relatively frequent recronic acrivity, rcsulting in eatthquakcs of varying magnitudes. Note where
the boundary between the Notth American piare and Pacific piare occurs. Way if you heat sorne tomara sauce and cover its sur- gists have traced rhe morions of the continents back
·• :• .............................., ..... ····•··"···· ..... .... ................... .... ..... ... .... .. .... .. .... . ..... " . ...... .. ............ ..... ······· .. ..•. ...... ' .. · · · · · · • " ' ' ' º ' ' ' ' ' " º ' ' ' º' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

through time. About 245 rrúllion years ago, at the on- Antarctica, India, Australia, and New Zealand. Lau- TheUttle Animal That Proved Continental Drift .... .......................... .
set of the Mesozoic era, Pangaea began to break up, rasia and Gondwana split throughout the Mesozoic.
splitting into Laurasia and Gondwana. The former gi- Antarctica, once at a temperare latitude, eventually
ant continent consisted of what toda y is North Amer- drifted ro the South Pole, where we see it toda y. Asma!I synapsid ( reptile na".'e~ Lystrosau- Asia. When Lystrosaurus was discovered in Antarctic rocks
ica, Europe, and northern Asia. Gondwana consisted lndia drifted northeast and, abour 40 rrúllion - 11d mammal-like for 11s anacom1cal smularmes w11h in 1969-1970, che scory made the front page of che New
of what is now South America, Africa, Madagascar, rJIS (<ª e .mto true mamma1s) was abun- York Times, so compelling was it as support for continen-
years ago, literally crashed into Asia, causing the uplift
che grouPthar would evolve
. . . . tal drifr. lt was obvious that Lystrosaurus could not have
of the Himalayan Mountains. Mount Everest, Earth's danr in Anrarctica dunng che Tnass,c penod of che Meso-
tallest moumain (8,848 meters [29,028 feet]), zoic era, when the continent was far from 1ts pres:nt pos1- existed on Antarccica if che continent had always been at its
was created in the course of this cotlision. . (Figure 2-8). Its fossils, found m Antarcac sedimentary present south polar location-the linle creatures, about che
1 j lce!and nonk size of a spaniel, would have been frozen solid.
The large island of Madagascar, today a ha- roe , arealso found in southern Mrica, India, and southern
ven of endemic lemurs, birds, and plants, sepa-
rated from Africa about 160 million years ago
and from what would become lndia 90 million
years ago. Thus Madagascar has been alone, un-
attached to any other landmass, for 90 million
years, ample time for unique evolutionary trajec-
tories to develop.
Continental movement caused by piare tec-
tonics has profound consequences for Earth's
ecology. Without such constant movement,
Earth's climatic history would have been very
different and less variable. As the continents
move about the surface of the planet, they af-
fect changes in ocean currents, air currents, and
climate in general. As more coast!ine is exposed,
coastal shallow-water species such as corals
tend to proliferare. But when coastline is rrúni-
mized, as when continents fuse, extinctions of
such organisms seem common. This point can-
not be overstated. Piare tectonics is a driving
force in the generation of evolutionary selecrion
Separation of the continents acts ro geo-
graphically separare organisms (known as vi- FIGC 2•8
cariance; see the following section}, stimulating Fossil remains of che synapsid (somewhat maounal-!ike) reptile Lystrosaurus have been found in sucb widely separated arcas as
evolutionary change and allowing evolution to Anm :uca and sourhern Africa. When Lystosaurus lived, in the l'ermian and Triassic periods, these arcas were part of the massive
proceed along varied and different pathways, conrinent Gondwana.
evolving endemic groups varying from conánent
to continent and island to island. The isolation
of Australia, for example, led to the furrher di- grear biodiversity of mammals, and in particular, pla- such as Madagascar, New Guinea, and Borneo, and
versification of marsupial mammals (recall that centa! mammals, evident in rhe fossil record through- sorne small, such as Komodo, New Caledonia, and
marsupials also occur in South America}, mak- our the Cenozoic is likely amibutable ro continental Cocos.
ing Australia unique as the land o( diverse mar- separacion stimulating high levels of speciation among A visir to a tropical moist forest in Queensland,
supia/s. Likewise, eucalyptus trees of over 600 groups physically isolated from one anorher. Australia, will differ from a visir ro a similar ecosys-
species occur in Australia and nowhere else (ex- tem sourh of rhe Orinoco River, in Venezuela, rhough
cept when transplanted by humans). Part of the both forests may, at first glance, appear structurally
Vicariance and Endemism much the same. There will be impressively tall trees,
buttressed roots, many vines, and epiphyres attached
Tropical ecosystems occur on four widely separated ro the trees. There will be palms and strangler figs.
The mid-Aclantic ridge is part of the extensive ridge system
that characterizes areas where new seafloor comes to the conrinents (South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia) Colorful birds may be seen, as well as equally striking
surface. and many islands. Among the islands, sorne are large, butterflies. Ants will be common. But a comprchensive
···· ······························ ·········•······•················ ·········· ···························•·························································· ................. ..................... .................................... ·················· "·" ··· .. ····· ·· ..............................

species lisr from rhese two widely separated forests will mammals, insects, and orhers will be highly disrinct
contain few (if any) species in common. lnstead, not between Australian rain forest and Venezuelan rain
only will species differ, bur also whole families of birds, forest (Piares 2-5a to 2-5f). The forests appear struc-
turally similar because natural selection favors certain
phenotypic characters in regions of high temperature,
high humidity, and abundant rainfall. Broad-leaved
evergreen trees share various characteristics that con-
fer high fitness in such areas, just as various forms
of highly colorful butterflies have high fitness within
broad-leaved forests. But why are the species, the gen-
era, and indeed the families so different?
¡I The answer is vicariance, a word referring to factors
,1 1
resulting in geographical separation (also called allopa-
try) and the evolurionary consequences of such separa-
tion. When allopatry occurs, populations are unable to
interbreed and thus may diverge evolutionarily. This re-
alicy forms pan of che basis for the biological species

(e) (0
(a) (b) (contin:ied)

concept (BSC), to be described later in this chapter. Sepa- blages of plants and animals. When understood as
ration of continents results in allopatry on a large scale. a produce of historical vicariance biogeography, che
Similarly, island flora and fauna are unique in large part large differences among biogeographic realms become
due to random colonization followed by evolution in,, much more clear.
isolation. Vicariance means that taxonomic origins dif- When a species' evolutionary history, its very gene-
fer as a result of separation caused by sorne son of bar- alogy, is unique to a given region, and the species re-
rier. On a continent, such a barrier could be a mountain mains only in thar region, it is terrned endemic. Ende-
tange ora broad river, or perhaps a desert. On a broader mism is cypically high among island species because of
scale, oceans form barriers between continents and is- tbe relative isolation of islands. Thus it is understand-
lands, resulcing in che evolution of vicariants, groups of able that the Galápagos Archipelago, with its large as-
closely related species isolated from other groups. Al- semblage of endemic plants, birds, and reptiles, inspired
lopatry imposed by vicariance creares a barrier to gene Charles Darwin in 1835. Endemism refers to raxa that
(e) (d)
exchange, and thus groups of related species evolve iso- are native to and restricted to a single area. The Galá-
lated from other groups of related species. pagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) (Piare 2-6d) is
From Venezuela: (a) male Guianan cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola mpicola); (b) royal flycatcher (Onychorhynchus mexicanus); and (e) Brazilian Evolucion of species occurs wherever life exists. endemic to che Galápagos Islands, found nowhere else.
porcupine (Coendou prehensilis), Froni Australia: (d) male Victoria's riflebird; (e) noisy pitta (Pitta versicolor); and (f) common ring-tailed Thus in landforms that are isolated, one from another, The okapi (Okapia johnstoni), related to giraffes, is en-
possum. speciation results in che evolution of unique assem- demic to central African forests. Whole groups such as
••,,:• ......... .

f . ni saying that a coin weighted ·1

to heads
. f
d1·fferent ioffpped consistently come up ta, s more o -
will, when , ,
han heads. . ..
ten t . variabihty ongmates through the ran-
GenetIC .
, 5 of mutation, a sud den and unpredJCt-
d h ge in a gene. Mutatton 1s non 1reet1ona1:
om proce. . . d. .
abl: e anents do not cause or produce useful mutants
. ronmnse to need. The vana . b·¡ · 1. f
1 1ty resu tmg rom
m respon is Pnhanced by recombination of alleles in
mutatJO • • · · 1
reproducing spec1es. Selection can act on y on
sexua lly . f .
whatever genetic vanants are present. I sorne vanants
b tter adapted than others, they w1ll be passed
are inehighe.r proport1on.. Se1ewon,. unl"k I e mutat1on,
(a) · ot a random process (any more than a we1ghted
isn·n flip is considered random m . tts
. outcome), be-
~::se only certain members of a population are best
ited for a given environment and thus have a non-
' 1 su
random chance of surv1vors . h"1p and reproduet1on. . In
, 1
recent years, botb geneticists and molecular biologists
have established beyond doubt that large amounts of
genetic variability exist in most populations. Thus in
1 i
most cases, there is ample raw material for natural
selection tu act on.

An adaptation is any anatomical, physiological, or be-
havioral characteristic that can be shown to enhance
These three bird species- (a) Bahama swallow, (b) Bahama woodstar, and (e) Bahama yellowthroat-each endemic only to certain of the
either tbe survival or reproduction of an organism.
Bahama lslands, are each closely relared to more widely ranging species. (d) Toe Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is the most Such traits, as they translate into successful repro- (a)
northern of the world's 17 penguin species and the only one to reach the equator. duction, comprise what is called evolutionary fitness.
.... ................................................................................................................................... ......................... Fitness is reflected in adaptations, ali of which result
from the action of natural selection.
Any organism may be viewed as a cluster of vari-
the Hawaiian finches (Drepanididae) in Hawaii, ground itary information, were quite unknown to Darwin, al- ous adaptations. For instance, opossums, Neotropical
antbirds (Formicariidae) in South America, and gibbons though he knew that phenotypic traits were inherited. porcupines, kinkajous, as well as many monkeys of
(Hylobatidae) in tropical Asia, including India, are en- As long as a population contains genetic variability the American tropics possess a prehensile tail. Such a
demic where they occur. Continents and islands al1 ex- among irs members, natural selection can act, since structure iunctions effectively as a lifth lirnb, lending
hibir various degrees of endemism at both the species there are genetic variants that will respond differendy security and mobiliry to the animal as it moves through
and subspecies leve!. For example, of the approximately depending on abiotic and biotic selection pressures the treetops. It is easy to see intuitively that the pre-
100 resident bird species in the Bahama lslands, three imposed. Natural selection acts only on the present, hensile tail is an adaptive structure. Tailless rnonkeys
are endemic (Plates 2-6a to 2-6c). There are 26 endemic never "planning" for the future. Those phenotypes or opossums would face a smaller lifetime reproductive
subspecies of birds found in the Bahamas. that survive relatively better than others do so only success because of the added risk of falling. But note
because conditions, whatever they· may be, suir them that Old World monkeys also are lit within their ar-
better than others in the population. Natural selection boreal environments, but none possess prehensile tails.
Natural Selection is a general statistical truth: individuals with genes Thus a prehensile tail, while adaptive to those that have

that confer reproductive advantage will tend to leave evolved it, is not absolutely required to survive a lile in
Modern evolutionary theory defines natural selection (a) The wooUy monkey (Lagothrix (/avica11da) found in South
the most progeny, and thus those genes will propor- the treetops (Plates 2-?a and 2-?b).
as dífferential reproduction among genotypes. Genes, America has a prehensile tail and is demonstrating how to use ir.
tional1y increase generation after generation relative Not ali adaptations are obvious. In tropical parts of (b) The Guereza colobus monkey (Colobus guereza) of Africa lacks
the long, coiled molecules of DNA that concain hered- to others in the population's gene pool. This is litde Africa, many humans carry a gene that when present in a prehensile tail; no African primates have prehensile tails.

·········· ··· ··· ···• ·······• "' ' ''' ' "' ' '' "' '' ················
double dose (one inherited frorn the mother, one from adapred by size and srrength to fuacrion terrestrially.)
·nreracn·ve effecrs of rhe genes rbat formcd ir,.Is
the father), produces defective hemoglobin molecules, t he 1 . chat hurnans generally lack body hatr? Tree slorhs descend from trees only about once a week,
.11 dapuve
resulting in m.isshapen red blood celis called sickle ce/Is. ª· e poss1·bty so (to allow loss of body heat .m a and only rhen to defecare ar the base of the rree. Once
These victims of sickle cell anemia usually die before Qui1 savanna climate, for example), but no that is done, rhey climb back into che tree. Today's rree
reaching reproductive age. However, other individu- bot' sunny,
ll acceprable adapnve · exp1anat1·on for ha1·r- slorhs are totally arboreal, skillfully moving upside
als in the population who possess only one dose of the genera yhas been rested. Om hairlessness could be down from branch to branch. In his well-known ac-
sickle cell gene and one dose of the normal gene for lessness uct of our development, w1r. b no adapnve . count, Wanderings i11 South America (1825), Waterton
beta hemoglobin are not seriously disabled and are a by-prod . wrote of rhe slorh, "This singular animal is desrined by
function now or_ ever m the past. •
more resistant to malaria rhan others in the population, A given rra1t may, however, have been adap- nature ro be produced, to live and to die in the trees;
including those individuals with two normal genes for . · rhe past, but not any longer. There are large and to do justice to him, naruralists must examine him
hemoglobin. Thus the sickle cell gene is adaptive (since nve 1n . f d . . in rhis his upper element." Waterton then went on to
· from about 30 spec1es o rrees an vmes.w
the protozoan that causes malaria is part of this envi- f~m describe in derail how well adapted the sloth is for its
Costa Rica rhat produce large and Aeshy fru1ts.
rorunent), but only when in a single dose. In a double These fruits drop from rhe rree, and most essco- ar boreal life. Warerton put adaptation in context.
dose, it is lerhal. rially just rot. That is very o_dd considering that
' 1
fruits function to attract seed d1spersers (Chapter 7).
Testing Adaptations So why are rhese fruits nor consumed, and the1r
eeds dispersed? Some years ago, Daniel Janzen
Because rhey can seem so obvious, adaptations are of- :nd Paul Martín hypothesized that che large fruits
ten inferred, and such inference may be true, but rig- represent what they called ecological anachro-
orous testing is rhe only way in which adaptation can nisms, fruits adapted to be d1spersed by ammals
actually be demonstrated. For example, orb-weaver that are now extinct Uanzen and Martín 1982).
spiders (family Araneidae) throughout che Neotropics During rhe Pleistocene, sorne 10,000 years ago,
and temperare zone make large webs in which rhere about 15 species of large (megafaimal) mammals
are sorne areas of obvious, thickened, zigzag strands (including horses and ground slorhs) became ex-
called stabilimenta (Plate 2-8). Spiders must use con- tinct in what is now Costa Rica. These included a
siderable energy to synthesize the silk for the web, unique elephant-like group called gomphotheres.
especially the dense stabilimenta. Why should spiders Gomphorheres may have been essenrial dispersers
invest in making stabilimenta? Are these conspicuous of seeds from large-fruired planrs. As a result of
zigzag strands adaptive? The spiders that make srabili- gomphothere extinction, planrs such as guanacasre
menta are those whose webs remain intact through- Orb-weaver spider female in a web with stabilamenta visible. (Enterolobi11m cyclocarpmn) were left without any
out the da ylight homs. (Many spiders make new webs agent of dispersa!. Their fruits, once extremely well
each evening and take them down ar dawn.) Biolo- adapted, are no longer well adapted.
gists have hypothesized that srabilimenta, which make ama and in Florida, and birds were observed to rake
webs easily visible to humans, have the same effect short-range evasive action when approaching webs
on birds (which are also visuaUy oriented), thus al- with srabilimenra (Eisner and Nowicki 1983; Craig
lowing a ílying bird to avoid an orb-weaver spider's 1989). Second, using webs thar do not have srabili- Adaptati ons in Envi ronmental Context
web, saving the spider from having to remake the web, menra, researchers altered sorne webs, adding artifi- An adaptation must be viewed in the context of
which would be significantly damaged should a Aying cial stabilimenra, keeping orher webs without stabili- the environment. Obviously, the sickle cell gene is
bird strike it (and would yield no food for the spider- menra as concrols. The webs wirhout srabilimenta did nonadaptive in human populacions living in envi-
birds are too big to captme and eat). But spiders that nor remain intact during the day, while rhose with ronmems free of malaria.And a beautifully adapted
invest energy in making srabilimenta rather than risk stabilimenta generally <lid, Further direct observations creature may appear awkward, a "misrake of na-
having to start from scratch and make a whole new implicated birds as the major threat to webs, though ture," if seen out of its proper environment. Charles
web would be less prone to "bird accidents." There- other large animals ranging from burterílies to <leer Waterton (1782-1865), a rarher eccentric Brirish
fore, stabilimenta could represent an adaprarion to could also be forewarned by the presence of stabili- explorer who traversed the Amazon during the early
energy saving in an environment where birds pose a menta. This work demonstrated the adaptivcness of nineteenth cenrury, noted that che three-toed sloth
risk to the secmity of the web. As such, rhe hyporhesis srabilimenta. (Bradyp11s variegatus) appears very poorly suited to
sounds plausible, but without testing, it is just a story, Not ali traits are adaprive. Organisms represent survive when seen struggling over the ground (Piare
an educated guess. How could it be tested? che combined effects of thousands of genes working in 2-9). Tree sloths, however, do not normally peram- PLATE 2- 9
First, an observer could simply watch spider webs concert. The anatomy, physiology, and behavior of an bulate on rhe ground, ar least not in modero rimes. The three-toed sloth (Bradyp11s variegat11s) is wcUadapred 10 an
and note bird behavior. This was done, both in Pan- organism represent various compromises imposed hy (Large ground sloths once did, and rhey were well arboreal life but poorly adapted tO being on the ground.
......................................... .......... .......................................................... .................
............, ..

of most interest. Thus it is important for ecologiscs fema le butterllies of P. dardanus rypically mimic other
Humaniry has long recognized variabiliry in narure
and that organisms fall into natural groupings. Lin•
naeus generated a system organizing the many life
to understand what, exactly, a species happens ro be.
The quesrion is complex, because ir is often difficult to
determine when organisms are members of the sam~
spccies or are of different species.
·/J butterlly species, those that are noxious to predarors
such as birds. In sorne cases, the female looks like the
male, with a "swallow-rail," bur more rypically, fe-
males look nothing like the males. Mimicry will be
(' l -.._•
·) .,."J.ttt\
' ;..,
discussed in the Chapter 7.
forms based on rhe degree of shared similarities: king·
dom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
The Linnaean system, though much modified in mod-
Suppose that you were wandering the rain forest of
New Guinea and you look up and observe a big red par-
rot with blue on its wings and belly, a strik.ingly hand-
y Why are eclectus parrots and African swallowtail
butterllies considered single species even though in•
dividuals within these populations are quite distincr?
ern classification studies, still prevails roday, and the some bird, arop a palm tree. Soon you see a second bird

branch of biology that deals with it is called systemat· that looks about the same size and shape as the first but The answer is that they successfully interbreed. Male
ics, the classification of organisms. is brilliantgreen, with red below its wings.The two birds, eclectus parrots may be green and females red and
blue, but they know each other when it is time to form
1 1 The species is the basic unit of the Linnaean sys·
tem. When we survey an ecosystem, we rypically mea-
sure the species richness (number of species) of trees,
both wonderfully bright, have totally different plumages.
Be that as it may, you are observing a pair of eclectus
parrots (Eclectus roratus). Males are mostly green, an<l
') a pair bond. The same is true of African swallowrail
butterllies. Ali animals are genetically adapted to rec·
birds, moths, ants, or whatever groups we find to be females are red and blue (Plates 2-lOa and 2-lOb). ognize othcrs within their species. The same is true, in

a more passive way, for such organisms as llowering
plants. The size and shapes of the llowers as well as
rhe exacr riming of when they bloom acr ro aid in dis-
persing pollinators among the various species.
This realiry forms the basis of the most widely
used definition of a species: populations of actually
\ / or potentially interbreeding organisms. In this defini-
tion, callcd the biological species concept (BSC), spe·
. ·-~ cies designation is based on an assumption of sorrs-
namely, that rhe organisms themselves will revea! ro
which species they belong rhrough their reprod uctive
habirs. Under the BSC, rhe species category becomes
PLATE 2-1 1
This image shows, in the bottom thrce rows, unpalatable butterfly a natural unit in the Linnaean system because the
model species in the family Danaidae (left) and palatable rnimccic organisms to which it pertains actually recognize ir
forms of female Papilio darda111,s (right), an African swallowtail themselves, at leasr in a manner of speaking. lt is un·
species. At top-left is the Papilio dardanus male; at top-right is likcly that an eclectus parrot knows it is a "parrot"
a nonmimetic, male-like female of the same species. The poly·
morphic, female-limited Batesian mimicry was first described by
compared with, say, a hawk or a stork, or if it ap·
Roland Trimen in 1869. preciares that it is an animal and nota fungus. But its
genetics make it competem to recognize and interact
meaningfully witb another eclectus parrot. The BSC is
a theoretically strong definition, heurisrically satisfy-
When males and females do not look alike, they ing, but somecimes difficult to apply in the field, es-
are considered examples of sexual dimorphism, but pecially in areas where popularions are separared by
they are still obviously members of the same species. allopatry. IJ rwo populations look alike and seem ro
Many animals, including insects, spiders, fish, reptiles, be reasonably likely to be part of one species, but if
birds, and marnmals (including, of course, humans), these populations are separared geographically, how
are to varying degrees externally sexually dimorphic. do we know whether they could mate and produce
In sorne cases, sexual dirnorphism is the result of sex- ferrile offspring?
ual selection, which will be discussed in Cbapter 7. In spite of these obvious difficulties, the BSC has
Now suppose that you are wandering in Africa, endured as the mosr useful definition of a species. In
looking at butterflies. You sec rhe colorful swallow· practica! terms, it is true that characteristics other
tail Papí/io darda1111s, a large, conspicuous butterlly than reproductive isolation, such as anatomical dif-
(a) (b) (Piare 2-11). ferences, voice, and behavior, must be frequenrly em·
Nearby is a second butterlly that looks quite dif- ployed to assess whether rwo populations are one or
PLATE 2-1 0
ferent. Would it surprise you ro learn that it is tbe two specics. Today it is common to "'" ~···•-=- ·'
(a) The male is green with an orange bill. (b) The female is rnostly red and blue, with a dark bill. same species? lt mighr very well be. In this casr rh•
.................... ........................... ......................................................................
, ..... .,........ .
The b1·oiogical species concept •
prevails. through-
. ¡ y but another spec1es concept 1s gammg
out bto og ' . . Tamarins
. • <upport. Many systematlsts are now usmg
1ncreasmg • .
h ·que known as phylogenettc systematrcs, or
atecn1 h .
. ¡·es Cladistics does not depend on t e estabhsh- Squirrel Monkeys
cladIS 1 • ' . .
.reproductive 1solauon between two popula-
of 'd d
· order for them to be cons1 ere separate spe- ~ - -- Night Monkeys
. When I
applying clad.1st1.cs, the b' measures Uakaris
c,es. aracteristics of orgamsms · (and the character- Sakis
many Ch · . . Howlers
• s are eaually
• we1ghted, . not biased .as more or less
• ortant) and then appltes an algonthm, a mathe- Spider Monkeys
1 1 ,m!rical model, which allows a computer to produce Woolly Monkeys
1 1 mbranching diagram, called a cladogram, showing ~ - - - Macaques
:he degree to which individuals share various suites
1 1 - ? Mangabeys
PLATE 2-12 of characters (Figure 2-1 O). Characters may be ana-
(a) Savanna elephant compared with (b) forest elephant. tomical or molecular: the rechnique is often applied to
1 </)

data such as was generated in the preceding elephant w
DNA, to designate species, a clear modifi~arion of the example. ln designating species, an attempt is made to
e Baboons
Compared with L. africana, now renamed the African o
1 1 BSC. African elephants provide an example. separate populations on the basis of the most recently :;;
savanna elephant, the forest elephant is smaller in body 1:J
Elephants are widely distributed throughout East size, has rounded, not pointed ears, and has straighter derived genetic characteristic that two populations no ~
and Central Africa. As large and unmistakable as these ~ Colobines
tusks (Piares 2-12a and 2-126). The scientists used a Ionger shcire in common. Such a definition thus puts </) 1:J
ponderous beasts are, it may surprise you to learn that rhe focus indirectly on the most recent point, termed a w 5 Langurs
technique called dart-biopsy, aJlowing them to harm- e
Probaseis and
until quite recently, taxonomists were apparently mis- lessly sample the DNA of free-ranging wild elephants. nade, when the rwo populations diverged genetically. f
~ Leaf Monkeys
taken about exacdy how many species of elephants They sampled 21 populations and collected data from This approach to species designation is called the phy- ;;
currently inhabit Africa. lt was assumed that there is 195 individual animals, examining DNA from mito- /ogenetic species concept (PSC). - - -- - - - Gibbons
but a single species, the African elephant, Loxodonta chondria as well as sequences from four genes from the The kry distinction between the BSC and the PSC
africana, when there are (or at least, rhere may be) two. nucleus (representing 1,732 base pairs). The results of is that reproductive isolation is not required when ap- w
Studies by Alfred L. Roca and colleagues (2001) suggest plying che PSC. What the PSC is based on is demon- Chimpanzees
the molecular analysis suggest that forest and savanna ·e"'

4 strongly that there is a second species of African ele- elephants are as distinct from one another as lions are stration of a genetically distinct, diagnosable suite of .E
o Bonobos
phant, the African forest elephant, Loxodonta cyclotis. from tigers. The genetic distinction between forest and characteristics (which can be anatomical or based on I
savanna elephants is 58% for the same molecuh1, sequence differences). Molecular distance, Humans
gene sequences. This separation is ap- the degree of difference between molecular sequences
proximately equal to that seen when in two pcpulations, is measured for known species and
Afncan · comparing African with Asian elephants, then used as a kind of yardstick to determine whether
LCY5 forest long considered separate species, the lar- two populations should be designated as separate spe-
n=1 ter in the genus Elephas. cies. Usi:1g the PSC, there would be many more species Lemurs
Given such a large difference in recognized for taxa such as birds and mammals, where

lft\ DNA, there is thus little doubt that

there are really two, not one, species of
African elephant (Figure 2-9). The com-
many species exhibir what are termed subspecies, or
races. (A subspecies [or race] is a population within
a species that is genetically distinct but not reproduc-
Rufled Lemurs

bination of genetic, morphological, and tively is0lated from other similar populations.) Most lndris and Sifakas
As1an [ EMA1 ecological differences led the research- subspecies, even though not necessarily reproductively ._____ Mouse and
tsolated, would likely attain foil species status under Dwart Lemurs
ers to conclude that there are really two
n=13 the PSC. Bushbabies
species of elephants currently in Afriq. 1

...... , ................... , ,,. Speciation as a Process
African FIGURE 2-9 FIGURE 2-10
savanna This cladogram, based on genetic similarity,
Speciation is the essence of evolution, the production
This is an example of a cladogram- in this case, for primates.
illustrates that the savanna and forest elephants of new forms of life, different from ancestral popula-
The shorter the distance from branch to branch, the more closely
are about as different from one another as either tions. !t can happen in two ways. A population can relared are the species. For example, note the top of rhe cladogram.
is from an Asian elephant. change wirh time, so much so that it deserves to be Tama rins and marmosets are each other's closesrrelatives.

called a new species. In this model, the population fol- most of speciation and is now the model that seems
lows a linear trajectory and gradually changes, under to accurately account for human evolution. About 1.8
the iníluence of natural selection, into something else. million years ago, the fossil record suggests that there
It was once believed that human evolution was best were up to six species of hominids coexisting in A/- Great Rifl Valley
described in this way. But another, and likely more rica, ali evolved from an ancestral species that dates Volcano
common, method of speciation is mulriplication of back to just over four million years ago (Tattersal
species. From a single species, new species formas var- 1995; Gibbons 2009). Though Hamo sapiens is the
ious branches off a bush. This model seems to describe only descendant species, we need to understand that
the history of humanity involves
Speciation by vicariance many genetic branches, only one
of which persists to this day.
1 1
The common model for spe-
Strong selection for ciation, largely based on the bio-
1 1
reproductive logical species concept and or.
isolation in zone vicariance, involves severa! steps
of sympahy
(Figure 2-11 ). First, because of an
' 1
event causing vicariance, popu- lndian
¡ lations become geographically Plate
isolated. Second, geographic iso-
lation prevents gene ílow, allow-
Populations ing genetic differences between
recontact each
other- sympatry
the isolates to accumulate with
reestablished time. Natural selection may act to
promote such genetic divergence.
Last, genetic differences between
an isolate popularion and its pa-
rental population increase ro the Plate
point that, should they establish
Populalions evolve secondary contact, natural selec-
separately- no tion acts to promete reproduc-
gene flow between
tive isolation between them, thus
establishing them as separare spe-
cies. It should be emphasized rhat
this process does not require a
FIG URE 2-12
great <leal of genetic difference to This map shows the location of the
occur between the isolated popu- Ocean three majar lakes of the Great Rift

Vicariance event
lations, only enough to establish
reproductive isolarion. Speciation .................... .
......................... .. ····· ··· ····· ······•" "' ''' ' ' .............................
Valley in Africa.

makes populalion can be surprisingly quick. and Meyer 1999). There are about 300 species in the
allopatric In the model described here, geographic isolation
promotes genetic divergence and subsequent speciation. Americas, including one that occurs ás far north as
FIGURE 2·1 1
1t is believed that most speciation, especially among an- Texas. But most cichlid species are found in East Af-
Beginning with TI, note how a vicari- rica, clustered in three lakes that formed in the Great
am event such as a mountain rising may imals, occurs in this manner. But recent work suggests
that it is possible for natural selection to drive the pro- Rift Valley: Lake Victoria (more than 400 species),
separate populations geographically, thus
allowing for gcnetic differences to develop cess of speciation and promete reproductive isolation, Lake Tanganyika (200 species), and Lake Malawi
over time between the now-isolated popu· even in the absence of complete geographic isolation. (300 to 500 species) (Figure 2-12).
Single population-
lations. At time T4, the populations again The oldesr of the three African lakes is Lake Tan-
become partially sympatric and selcction ganyika, which formed 9 to 12 mi Ilion years ago, and
all individuals
pressures acr to enhance their separation. Cichli i Fish: An Example
sympatric the youngest is Lake Victoria, whose origin is between
At T5, rhere are reproductive-iso- of Mu:tiple Speciation 250,000 and 750,000 years ago. Considering only
lating mechanisms that select to prevent
hybridization and ro mainrain the rwo Cichlids are diverse bass-like fish found in tropi- Lake Tanganyika, if one assumes ir to be 12 million
populations as full species. cal waters around rhe· world (Barlow 2000; Stiassny years old, the highest estimare of its age, and that it
I • ~ • • .'•• • • • • • • • • • •• . • •• : . • • • • • • • • ' • • • •••• • • • ••• •• . • • " • • •• • . • • ••• • • • •• • • • • •• •• • . • •• • • . • " •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • . • •• •• • • • • • • ••• • • • •• • • • ••• • • •, • • • •••• • • • • • •' • •
... ·························
sure is sufficient to allow for speciation to occur disrinction may not necessarily be obvious. Cryptic
pres function of depth, without requiring any form of species are known in which members of each species
as. ariance (geograp h"1c 1.so1at10n
. ). appear highly similar but are geneiically divergent.
vica Natural selecnon. has greatly .nfl dh
I uence t e spec1es
. The most likely precursor to speciation in either
clusters of cichlids _in r_he African lakes in ways mher case is vicariance, the occurrence of physical barri-
han speciation. C1chhds have adapted and d1vers1- ers that fragment populations and prevent gene ílow.
~ed ro become specialists and occupy many ecological Mountains, rivers, deserts, and savannas ali represent
iches. As an example, there are cichlids that feed by possible barriers between rain forest sites. Other fac-
~ipping off the scales of other cichlids. These predatory tors, most notably climatc changes, can fragment spe-
fish are actually specialized, by species, to nip scales ei-· cies' ranges, creating vicariance (see the section "Age,
ther frorn rhe right or from the left side of their prey! Endemism, and Refugia: Many Questions," later in
The evolutionary process whereby one kind of or- this chapter). lf a mountain is formed by uplifting of
ganism-in this case, an ancestral cichlid-evolves into Earth's crust, as has happened extensively in the Andes
numerous species, each uniquely specialized, is called Mountains in South America, what was once a con-
adaptive radiation. There are numerous examples of tiguous area of forest will be fragmented by the moun·
adaptive radiation both in the fossil record and among tain range. Individuals on one side of a mountain, or in
extant animals and plants. The famous Darwin's an isolated valley, or even at various elevations on the
PLATE 2-13
finches of the Galápagos Islands forrn the classic ex- -mountainside are prevented from mating with other
Cichlid fish o/ 1hc Great Rift Valley ample of adaptive radiation. Less famous, but no less populations because they cannot easily reach them.
11 1 lakes demonstratc an amazingly high interesting, are the Scalesias of the Galápagos lslands, Once populations are separated by geographic factors,
species richness. plants in the daisy family that have evolved from a there is the strong possibility of genetic divergence
• ooO•• • ••• • • •• •• • • • Ol ••• • •• O••••••• • •••••H• ••••••• •• •••• • •••••••• •• •••• •• • ••••••• •• •• •••••• • ••••••• ••••••• 0,ooo, ,,,, •• •••• ••••••••• • • • • • •• • • • • •••• •••· ••• • •• .. • ••••• • ••••• •• •••• .. single colonizing ancestral species into sorne 20 species with time between the fragmented populations.
1 1 found throughout the islands. But 13 species of Dar- For instance, a population on the west side of a
win's finch and 20 species of Scalesia pale in compari- mountain range may be subjected to different selec-
has 200 cichlid species, that is a speciation rate of extreme dryness, followed by replenishment. Evidence son with the amazingly rapid and diverse evolution of cion pressures than a population on the easr side of the
about 1 species every 60,000 years. However, Lake suggests that Lake Victoria, fo r example, was nearly the cichlids of the Great Rift lakes in Africa. range. Each popularion will be selected for somewhat
Victoria is at most 750,000 years old, and it has 400 dry as recently as 14,000 years ago. During dry pe- The African cichlids have not only undergone a different characteristics, and thus for different genes.
cichlid species. If ali of them evolved in that lake, the riods, cichlid populations would become smaller and stunning adaptive radiation in each of the three large Specifically, this will result in genetic differences from
speciation rate is about one species every 1,875 years. be isolated from one another, ideal conditions for ge- lakes, but they have also evolved an amazing conver- one population to another among alleles at specific
But even that number is too low. Researchers are in netic divcrgence and subsequent speciation. (Compare gence. Species not closely related from different lakes chromosomal locations. (An al/ele is one or more al-
agreement that che amazing diversity of cichlids in the this with the refugia model for speciation, described ha ve come to bear a remarkable resemblance to one ternative forms of a gene that occur at a specilic site,
African rift lakes arose recently, within the past few later in this chapter.) With repeated waves of dryness another, occupying essentially equivalent ecological or loc11s, on a chromosome.) Since vicariance prevents
million years, demonstrating that speciation can occur would come repeated bouts of speciation, increasing roles (niches). exchanging of genes, fragmented populations diverge.
with impressive rapidity (Verheyen et al. 2003). the number oí species. But that's not ali. The combined effects of rapid speciation and nat- They may also diverge genetically due to random loss
Studies of the mitochondrial DNA of the cichlids Cichlids in the African lakes show strong evidence llfal selection on a rime scale of about 200,000 years and fixation of alleles, a process called genetic drift.
from Lake Victoria have demonstrated that this clus- of natural selection acting on rheir sensory systems as resulted in the extraordinary diversity of cichlid fishes But genetic drift is not as powerful in causing diver·
ter of species is genetically very closely related, show- they perceive one another, something termed sensory in the African lakes. Evolution is not sluggish. gence as natural selection, and it does not result in
ing that they have ali recently evolved from a common drive speciation. As males have diverged in color, fe- adaptational change.
ancestor (Piare 2-13). What is stunning is that the to- male cichlids show strong preferences for male color
tal genetic variation among these 400 species is less Spe~iation in the Tropics
types. This is likely due to the fact that color penetra- The Andes Mountains, Amazonia,
than that found throughout Horno sapiens-humans! tion in the various lakes varíes with depth, and thus Speciation under the BSC involves establishment of
In other words, the genetic distance between you and reproductive isolation between two populations. For
Vicariance, and Speciation
the perception of color must vary. Red becomes more
a stranger you might meet is likely to be greater than predominant with depth, blue less predominant. Thus this to happen, the f!ow of genes between populations Much of South America remains geologically active.
that between two separare species of cichlids from red males are easier for females to see in deeper wacers. must be prevented or severely reduced for a sufficient The Andes Mountain chain, which has been uplifting
Lake Victoria. Given the esrimated rates at which lt has been learned that certain genes, termed opsin number of generations to permit genetic divergence since at least the Mesozoic era and became particu-
mutations occur in mitochondrial DNA, researchers genes, are responsible for adjusting the color detection adequate to establish reproductive isolation. Once larly active during the Cenozoic era (approximately
believe that the entire assemblage of cichlid species in of the fish, and red-biased opsin genes typify fish of two populations have genetically diverged such that 65 mili ion years), is responsible for the inicial creation
Lake Victoria has arisen within 200,000 years. That is deeper depths. Thus females at shallow depths prefer they are unable to produce fertile offspring, they be- of diversified habitats as well as providing numerous
equivalent to about one species every 500 years. bluer males, while females at greater depths tend to come separare species. Speciation under the PSC re- climatic and physical barriers that greatly enhance
One reason for such rapid speciarion is that the mate mostly with reddcr males. The study (Seehausen quires that populations diverge genetically to the geographic isolation among populations (Piare 2-14 ).
African lakes have repeatedly experienced periods of et al. 2008) concludes by suggesting that the selection point where they are clearly distinct, though such a More recently, approximately 20 million years ago,
···················· ·······················•··············.. ·····-····"···················· ······················· ···················•·······························
..... ····· ... ............................................ ·····•· ........................................................................ .

1 1

PLATE 2· 14
1 1 The complex topography of the Andes
Moumain chain has resulted in numer-

ous vicariant speciation events through~
out the full range of the Andes. OL-.-L-U-'--~- - ~ - - ~ - ~ -- ~ -- ~ - - ~ - ~ - - ~ ~
···················· ··· ······· ····· ·· ····················· ·············· ········· o 00 3(,) . ,. i'J¡.) 8'JC

additional uplift events affected dispersa! patterns, with the mountain chain remaining stable for long in- (b)
isolating ecological communities and stimulating evo- tervals berween such times of rapid change (Garzione
lution (AntoneUi et al. 2009). et al. 2008). The topography of the central Andes is FIGURE 2-13
Geologists havc determined that elevarional (continutdl
complex, consisting of eastern and western cordilleras
changcs throughout the history of the Andes have oc- separaced by an expansive altiplano (Figure 2-13). The
curred in short time spans, from J to 4 million years, copographic complexity of the Andes chain makes for a veritable engine driving speciation. Consider the fol- recenrly evolved cluster of species, cypically quite sim-
························ ........ .......... ·······••·······. ············••·•····························· ················ ········································............ lowing exJ1nples. ilar in morphology. Such a pattern is possible from
7'l'W 7(f'W 68'W
A likely cxample of vicariant speciation can be isolation and subsequent genetic divergence of local
6f!/'W 64'W
demonstrated for tapirs. Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdii) populations ar various rangcs and elcvations. The
is found ,mly in lowland forest on the west sidc of the (ro11talis superspecies occurs on the west side of the
Andes, extending inro Central America as far north Andes and is composed of the four birds on the lefc in
as tropical Mexico (Figure 2-14a). The similar Brazil- the figure, and the diadema superspecies is found on
16'S 16'S ian tapir (T. terrestris) occurs only on the east side of the east side and consists of the three birds on the right
the Andes, occupying the entire Amazon Basin (Figure in the figure. 1ore the similarity among them-such a
2-14b). The Andes Mounrains geographically isolate complex pattern suggests that speciarion is strongly
these two species, and likely provided the main factor facilitated by Andean topography.
in the initial split of the ancestral species inro isolate As another example, metaltail hummingbirds (ge-
18"S populations. Last, there is a third eocropical tapir nus Metall11ra) show a rapid and complex evolucionary
species, che mountain tapir (T. pi11chaq11e), which as patrern. By comparing 345 base pairs of the mitochon-
the common name suggests inhabits montane (mean- drial cytochrome b gene and using cladistic analysis, rc-
ing moumainous) fotests at mid- ro high elevations of searcbers have determined that there are seven species
the central and eastern cordilleras of the Andes, in Co- at various ranges in che Andes, one of which exhibits
lombia and Ecuador (Eisenbcrg 1989). The mounrain seven subspecies (Figure 2-16). Mitochondrial DNA
tapir is isolated both by range and elevation from the in birds shows an average mutation cate of 2% every
other rwo species. million years. Using that "clock," the metaltail spe-
Chat-tyrants are common insectivorous birds in cies and various subspecies ali evolved wichin the past
22'S the huge family (almost 400 spccies) of tyrant fly- rwo million years. This demonstrates rapid evolution
catchers (Tyrannidae). Figure 2-15 illusrrates the dis- and is characteristic of other srudics of Andean bird
tribution of a cluster of chat-tyrant species found in groups (Price 2008). The stimulus for speciation seems
the Andes Mountains from Colombia to Bolivia. The to have bcen mountain uplift and/or climate change,
(a) group is composed of four closely related, phenotypi- isolating sorne popularions of hummingbirds on differ-
The altiplano region of the central Andes.
cally similar species (with subspecies) divided inro two enr mountain peaks, while at least one specics occupies
superspecies. A superspecies is a very closely related, an extensive mid-elevational belt. The midelevational
..... ..................... ..................... ........................ ........... , ......................... .
•• •• ••• ••• l •••• • • o l l •••• • • • •I •• •• • . . • ••••• ••• • •

1 1

' 1

The char-tyranr genus Ochthoeca shows
a complex panero of differenriation in the
(a) Andes from southern Colombia ro central
Bolivia. The birds on the left are patt of the
O. fro11talis group (called a superspecies
because there are different disrinet
populations). The group on the right is part
of 1he O. diadema superspecies group, found
on the eastern slopes of the Andes. Note
how sinúlar 1he species are 10 one another, a
result of recem evolutionary divergcnce. This
A is an actively evolving group of genetically
closely related populations, separated to
various degrees by their ranges within the
Andes chain.
............. , ..................................................... ·························· ····················· ····································· ············••············

Viridian D The cladogram on the left depicrs relation-
Viridian ships among a group of hummingbird
Violet-lhroated species of the genus Metal/11ra (rhe meraltail
Neblina 1 hummingbirds). The cladograrn is bastd on
1 comparisons of sections of mitochondrial
Coppery D DNA, a commonly ustd index to ascertain
Fire-throaled 1 degrees of genetic relationship. The colored
squares correspond to the ranges of the
Scaled 1 various species shown in color on the map.
Species differ in elevation as well as geo-
graphic location. The dashed line indicates
3 two million years, so 1he cladogram depiru
4 Tyrian D a group"of recently evolved species. Note the
(bJ 5 high rate of genetic differenriation occurring
FIGURE 2·14 6 in the Tyrian metahail, shown in the lower
(a) The range of Baird's tapir. Note 1ha1 it occurs throughour Central America and on 1he most western side of the Andes in Colombia and 7
cladogram, and note 1he cxrensive range of
Ecuador. (b) The range of 1he lowland tapir. that species shown in the map.

·- :. :-.. . _) ..r_ _._ _,. .:l

J •• • :,:· · · · · · · •••••• , ••••• •••••••• ••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••• • ••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• • •••• ••••••• ••••

arcas of probable endemism throughour rhe zon and irs tributaries is sufficicnt ro isolare popula-
"-..,,... \ ~ ; _'/
. ·.
nu . r Each of the postulared areas of endem1sm
onunen . f . f d.
. tions of birds whose individual members are relucrant
.. \. '\• .....-, ... e . unique assemblages o spec1es nor oun m to cross such a wide expanse of water (Haffer 1985;
0 1a1ns .
2 'ºrher ar .
eas This helps ro accounr for rhe umquely
Haffer and Fitzpatrick 1985). The Amazon River iso·
• •• J.,. •,.•·,,,•_J -___.__,...., , .,-..,~ O>'-.:": • ' ... .. ,
º. h diversity of birds throughout rhe connnent, and lates rwo similar specics of antbirds. The dusky anrbird
~,g srs rha1evolurionary parteros have been com- (Cercomacra tyrannina) occurs norrh of rhe Amazon,
,r sugge d 86 while che similar blackish anrbird (C. 11igresce11s) oc-
lex (Figures 2-18a an 2-1 ). .
P With rhe rise of rhc Andes Mountams, the Ama- curs south of rhe river. Borh species occur rogerher only
River began its flow from wesr ro east. The mas- along a secrion of the northern bank of rhe river, bur
. • ~azon River and 1.ts numerous w1'de tri.buranes
zoo . here the blackish anrbird inhabirs wer varzea foresrs,
8 s1vee"'"serve<l ro isolate rracts of foresr and savanna, and and rhe dusky antbird favors second-growrh vegera-
60 •
g1ve 0
rhe scdenrary narure of many anuna · 1popu1at1·ons
tion of the terre firme (Haffer 1985). (Terre firme is a
10 • Amazonia, rivers have probably served as unportant term used for areas of forest and savanna that occur
::rces of geographic isolarion. Toe widrh of the Ama- off che riverine floodplain.) Asimilar partero is evidenr
1 in che distribution of rhe razor-billed curassow super-
species (Figures 2-19a and 2- 19b).
A comparison of bird species evolurion in Sourh
America and Africa demonstrates che grearer diversi·
fication rhar has occurred in South America. Over rhe

. \::''..CS; pasr 12.5 million years, rhe rare of speciarion minus
extinction has been far greatcr in Sourh America rhan
in sub-Saharan Africa (which acrually exceeds Sourh
America in arca). South America is esrimared ro have
3,150 land and freshwater bird species compared with
o 1,623 in sub-Saharan Africa (Price 2008). Using mo·
lecular analysis, ir has also been learned rhat bird spe-
cies from Andean areas of endemism are in general
more recently evolved than those of lowland Amazo-
nia. Yo1111g species (in rhis specific contexr) are defined
as belonging ro a clade (a cluster of closely relared
species) of ar least 10 species whose common ances-
tor dates back ro abour six million years or younger,
and old species are rhose whose ancesrry is further re-
moved in rime.

Thcsc two figures dcpict rhe
ranges of 10 spccies oí birds 12
Age, Endemism, and
that, r.kcn rogcrh,~ define thc
lnambari ccntcr of cndcm1sm. 7
Refugia: Many Questions
The bird spccics are from 14
widcly distinct groups. Arcas
How does rhe high diversiry wirhin tropical regions
oí cndcmism b<comc apparcnt rela re ro geological- long periods whcn speciarion
whcn rangcs oí many spccics 1 ¡·_ .• ,_, • ~. ••• • • /-\~-- - \.\~- ~
-~ mighr exceed extinction? Conrrasring Sourh America
converge, as shown in the 76 °z_ '-.• \ ..•._.. wirh orher major tropical regions, one finds rhat as
figures. , , . with bird species richness, plant species richness is
.......................................................................... also unequivocally highest in Sourh America. Bur how
····································································· ·············· .....
did rhar happen? Whar factors are responsible? South
specics could provide dispersing individuals that colo- Figure 2-17 shows such an analysis for part of South (b) American species richness, as extreme as ir is, has long
nized various high montane peaks. America. 1ore rhe high correlarion among rhe ranges posed vexing quesrions for cvolutionary biologisrs and
Byexamining rhe ranges of many species, ir is pos- of rhe 1Obird species illustrared on rhe maps. Postui,,ed areas oí cndcmism for birds in South Amcrica. (a) Arcas biogeographers. Since rhe 1970s, a debate has been
sible ro asccrtain geographic areas where groups of Analysis of bird disrribution patrerns throughour oí posrulated cndcmism in nonhcrn South Amcrica. (b) Areas of ongoing berween rhose who believe mosr speciarion
species trace rheir origins, called ce11ters of e11demism. South America by Joel Cracrafr has demonsrrated POStulated endcmism for Amazonia and thc Andes Mountains. in Sourh Amcrica (and by implication, elsewhere in


\ ............. ~-· ....... ' .... ' .... . ·········· ·•·· ··· •···
• :1·

the global tropics) is recent, dating primarily to events the Pleistocene (Colinvaux 1989a and 19896; Haffer
in the Pleistocene and immediately before, and those 1969, 1974, 1985, and 1993; Prance 1985; Simpson
who argue that che data do not support such asser- and Haffer 1978). From these studies has emerged the
tions and that much of the speciation occurred many refugia hypothesis for high speciation rates in the trop-
millions of years before the Pleistocene. ics, and particularly in the Neotropics.
lt is unlikely that the equatorial tropics were climat- lt is hypothesized that during glacial advances
ically stable and constant throughout the Pleistocene in northern latitudes, the tropics may have become
(from 1.64 million to 10,000 years ago), undisturbed cooler and drier. Por example, during part of the Pleis-
by the giant glaciers bearing clown on northern tem- tocene, temperature in the Ecuadoran foothills, east
perare areas. Thomas Belt, in 1874, discussed the pos- of che Andes, was between 4ºC and 6ºC cooler than
sible effects of northern glaciation on the tropics. More ar present (Colinvaux 1989a and 19896). A possible
recently, studies from geomorphology (che historical ecological result of the climatic cooling was to alter
development of present landforms}, paleobotany (the and shift the distribution of ecosystems. Ecosystems
study of past patterns of plant distribution), and bioge- such as savannas presumably enlarged, and moist for-
ography suggest dramatic changes in Amazonia during ests presumably contracted. Large continuous traces

1 ¡ ................. .

Mitu tuberosa
11 1
'1 1

O 500 1000 kilometers


.,; lcontinued)
......................................................................................... ·······························•···················

of lowland rain forest were therefore fragmented into numerous smaller forest island refuges were present
varying-sized "forest islands" surrounded by "seas" of in Amazonia during che Pleistocene (Figure 2-20).
savanna or dry woodland. Savanna expansion, in the They assert thar many taxonomic groups subse-
refugia model, created vicariance among forest tracts. ,quently went through periods of rapid speciation
Because of the repeated shrinking and fragmenting because there were repeated episodes of rain forest
of forests, forest organisms periodically became geo- shrinkage and expansion. During interglacial periods
graphically isolated from populations in other for- forests expanded, and secondary contact was estab-
est arcas, promoting speciation (Nores 1992). The lished becween newly speciated populations, explain-
Amazon Basin became a climatically dynamic "archi- ing why so many extremely similar species can be
pelago" of varying-sized rain forest islands. In other found today in Amazonia.
o 500 1ooo kilometers
The refugia model has been and continues to be
words, rain forest species were confined to fragmented
refuges during the driest periods. These small, island- the subject of much debate (Haffer 1993). Evidence
(a) supporting it is based mostly on present distribution
like "rcfuges" promoted speciation among plants and
FI GURE 2-19 animals. and diversity patterns. Por example, Prance (1982a
The distributions of two superspecies groups of Amazonian birds dosely follow the geography of the river systems in Amazonia. (a) This Studies based on the current distribution of cer- and 19826) has closely examined woody plant diver-
map shows the distribution of rwo dosely related antbird species in Amazonia. Note that they are separated based on occurrence either sity and concluded that 26 probable foresr refuges
north or south of the Ama20n River. (b) This figure depicrs the distribution of the razor-billed curassow species group. The species are
tain kinds of birds (Haffer 1969, 1974, 1985, and
morphologically similar but are regionally separated. Note that the Amazon River separares the southern Mitu tuberosa from the more 1993; Haffer and Fitzpatrick 1985; Simpson and existed for these plants. Kinzey (1982) concluded
northem populations, and note the isolated Mitu mitu, found in the Brazilian Atlantic forest region. Haffer 1978) postulate that at least nine major and that present primate distribution fits predictions of

............. ................. .............. .


1 1

1 1
1 1

1 1 i
1 1
This series ol maps depicts the presumed forest refugia during the dry phases ol the Pleistocene. The left-most map dcpicts refugia based
on bird distribution, the ccnter map is based onAmazonian lizards, and rhe right-mosr map is based on butterflies o! rhe genus Heliconius.
Note that the presumed refugia differ substantially among the groups.
· · · · · · , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,, , , . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . , ., .,,., .. . . . . . . . . . . ,, . , . .• , ..... , ... . , . . . . . ; ; , 1 .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , ..•.•..•.

the refugia model, and Haffer (1974), Haffer and the refugia model (Bush and de Oliveira 2006). Pollen
Fitzpatrick (1985), and Pearson (1977 and 1982) is resistant to decomposition, particularly in anaerobic PLATE 2-15
These photos oí fossil plants demon-
have presented evidence from present bird distribu- sediments of lake basins. As pollen accumulates year strare morphological diversity in rhe
tion in support of the model. In a series of papers after year, it forms a vertical poi/en profile, a historical Laguna del Hunco flora from about
by Keith Brown, cited by Prance (19826 and 1985), indicator of which plant species were present in a re- 52 million years ago.
heliconid butterflies have been shown to have 44 gion. (Lake sediments are cored, and pollen at tlie bot-
centers of endemism throughout Amazonia and sur- tom of the core is oldest, pollen at the top youngest.)
rounding areas. But it is important to note that cen- Pollen profiles from various Arnazonian lakes showed
ters of endemism, the presumed Pleistocene refuges, that although. the region likely cooled by about 5ºC, Another objecrion to the refugia model focuses (Willis and Whittaker 2000; Mayle 2004). Rather, evi-
do not precisely overlap among taxa, which lessens it remained fully forested, not broken up by savanna. on the ages of species. The refugia model suggesrs dence now seems to favor the temperate zone as the
support for the refugia model. Supporters of the re- Other strong objections to the refugia theory have thar sr eciation has been recent. As mentioned ear- region where refugia may have been important drivers
fugia model respond that different taxa have differ- been raised (Willis and Whittaker 2000). One analy- lier, m~lecular analysis (unavailable when the refugia. of speciation.
ent dispersa! powers and different generation times sis of Amazonian sedimentary patterns, for example, model was proposed) indicates that many bird species
and thus would be expected to differ sornewhat with suggests that there was no substantive climatic change in Amazonia trace their origins to more than six mil-
regard to the degree of regional endernism (Prance or reduction in forest cover in Amazonia during the
1982a and 1985). Pleistocene (lrion 1989). However, what is suggested
lion years ago, well before the Pleistocene. A complex
of frog species of the genus Leptodactylus exhibics
The Great American
The refugia model has been subject to strong criti-
cism. Colinvaux (1989a) summarizes the arguments
by sediment patterns is not a stable Amazonia, but
rather strong oscillations throughout the Pleistocene
high species richness dating back beyond the Pleis- Interchange
toceno. Speciation appears to have occurred in the
against the Pleistocene-based refugia model, pointing in the distribution of land, water, floodplain forests, mid-Tertiary period (Maxson and Heyer 1982; Heyer The Panamanian land bridge, now called che Isthmus
out that at least one study showed that for plants, ref- and terre firme. Sea-leve! changes are thoughno have and Maxson 1982). Studies of plant fossils and sub- of Panama, formed approximately three million years
uge locations coincide with areas in which sampling of led to the alternation of huge Amazonian lakes with sequcnt analysis indicate that the high plant species ago beca use of a combination of uplift of the northern
plants for herbaria specimens has been historically most strong valley cutting, geological events that would richness traces back fully to 52 million years ago, in Andes and a global drop in sea leve], perhaps as much
intense. This, of course, would suggest that the refuges presumably have a strong impact on flora and fauna. the Eocene epoch of the Tertiary period (Wilf et al. as 50 meters, a result óf the increasing size of the po-
are artifactual derivatives of uneven sampling effort. This view sees the Amazonian rain forest as subject 2003¡ (Plate 2-15). . lar ice caps (Marshall et al. 1982). Thus it was just
Analysis of pollen from sediments taken from the to vicariance, though not necessarily reduced to scat- At present, the evidence does not strongly support prior to the onset of the ice age that the continents of
Amazon lakes in Ecuador and Brazil do not support tered refuges. the refugia model as a species pump in tropical regions Norrh and South Arnerica were no longer separated
·······································••············ ···••·····•····························•································ ....................................
. ..... ..................... ······.................... ············•········ ···············································································
by water. The Panamanian land bridge profoundly pendemly of one anocher for at least 40 million years che !and bridge formed, sorne South Ameri- The ground sloths were probably killed by humans as
alrered the ecology of South America, much more so but their mingling, once che land bridge developed' 0 nce Is moved norrhward as early as 2.5 million the human population spread southward. The orhers
chan ic did chat of Nonh America. Consider that the
fauna of North and South America had evolved inde-
was completed witbin a mere two miUion years (Webb can anrmaO
. to Nortb Amenca.
Jicerally walkmg . These have simply dropped out of che fossil record.
1978) (Figure 2-21). Yearsag, . . d Many North American animals walked across che
. d d rwo armad1llo spec1es, a g1ypto ont, two spe-
1nc 1 · a ¡arge capy-
. u felar"e uround sloths, a porcupme, land bridge to South America. Their impacc on the
.............................................. , ....................... ...... ··························•············· ············••········••····················
cies nl o~e phorusrhacoid bird. Ground sloths, native fauna was substantial. The list of invaders in-
bara, a extinct were very 1arge terrestrta . 1s1oths eludes skunks, peccaries, horses, dogs, saber-toorhed
nowa 11 ' .
ws rhat likely fed on fo!tage. They were closely cats, other cats, tapirs, camels, <leer, rabbits, cree squir-
ced to the much smaller tree s!oths of the Neo- rels, bears, and an odd group of elephant-like mam-
re ª •es Glvptodonts looked like gigantic armadillos, · mals, the gomphotheres. Add to chis list the field mice,
tropt · , . .
ered with bony armor, whose ta1ls (dependmg on or cricerid rodents, whose travel rouce to Souch Amer-
covecies) sometimes tenrnnate · dm . a mace-l'k1 e cIub. ica is still debated, but who have since radiated into
I' ¿apybaras are cavimorph rodents, such as chinchillas 54 living genera, and you begin to see why the effect
and guinea pigs. The extant capybara (Hydroch_oerus of North American mamrnals on South American eco-
1 1
Jrydrochaeris), abundant U1 parts of Sourh Amenca, 1s systems was so great (Marshall 1988).
1 1 the world's largest rodent. Phorusrhacoid birds, now Various amphibians, reptiles, and bird groups
ali extinct, have earned the nickname terror birds. also migrated in eirher direction, sorne from the norrh,
Sorne srood almost as tall as a human being. They ·sorne from rhe south. The fauna! interchange alrered
were flightless but could move quickly, running on ecological communities on both continents.
long !egs. Their huge, raptor-like beaks were easily The exchange scrongly altered the look of rhe
capable Jf killing small to moderate-sized mammals. South American fauna such that it is today much
At the time they lived, they were among the top car- more like rhat of North America. As Marshall (1988)
nivores of Souch America (Figures 2-22a and 2-22b). so aptly summarizes (about mammals), "the Great
Other invaders included Didelphis, the familiar American lnterchange resulred in a majar resrructur-
1 opossum and North America's only marsupial mam- ing. Nearly half of the families and genera now on
mal. Opossums invaded approximately 1.9 million the Souch American continem belong to groups that
years ago (Marshall 1988). Lasr, from South America emigrated from North America during the last 3 mil-
carne at least one species of toxodon, an odd maroma! lion years."
that beh nged to a group named notoungulates. Tox- lt is quite unclear how che inllux of North Ameri-
odons were bulky mammals whose appearance was can mammals, as diverse as it was, affected the abun-
suggestive of a cross berween a cow and a hippopota- dances of South American mammal species. For ex-
mus. Thc collective impact of che South American in- ample, many hoofed mamrnals invaded from North
vaders was modest at best. Of their host, only armadil- America. However, their ecological counterparts in
los and opossums remain, both of which are thriving. South America, the litopterns and notoungulates,
This figure illustrates the ....................... .... ···············••··················· ·····•·····•····················· .................................................................................
pcincipal groups of mammals
involved wich che Great
American lnterchange
that resulted in mixing the
mammalian (and other animal)
faunas of North and South
America once the lsthmus
of Panama became exposed
approximately 3 million years
ago. The upper maps illustrate
how che posítíons of che
Amerícas changed from the
late Cretaceous rhrough the
Míocenc, bríngíng the conrínents FIGURE 2-22
sufficíencly close thar when Phorusrhacoíd bírd (leh) and toxodon (right).
glacíatíon occurred, the land These animals represent unique components
bridge was esrablíshed. of the faunas of South Ameríca before the
Great American lnterchange took place.
•',,,' ~··· ······· ·· ········· ··················

lnside Tropical Rain Forests: Structure

Smilodon (left) and Thylacosmilus (right) were
both morphologically similar, particularly
regarding the enlargcd sabcr-like canine teeth,
But Smilodon was a placenta] mammal, whereas
Chapter Overview
Tlrylacosmilus was a marsupial mammal. Their
Rain forests stand out among other tropical terrestrial ecosystems because of their
1 1 similarity is a clear case of convergent evolution.
! complex physical structure and high biodiversity. This chapter describes the vari-
1 1 ous structural attributes of rain forests and provides an introduction to rain forest
1 i structural diversity. In Chaptm 4 and 5, we will take a detailed look at biodiversity.
were declining in numbers and diversity long be- striking anatomical similarity to the placenta! saber-
fore the camels and horses arrived. (Litopterns com- toothed cat, Smilodon, an example of convergem evo-
prised a camel-like group that included that unique lution (Figures 2-23). Why Rain Forest Is Unique
Machrauchenia, an animal that looked like a carne! Smilodon crossed the land bridge into South
with an elephant-like proboscis.) lt is not considered America, and the extincrion of Thylacosmilus coin- Rain forest is a major terrestrial biome. A biome is an ecosystem type that has
likely that the North American ungulares were the cides closely with the arrival of Smilodon. Much of distinctive and characteristic plant and animal species and that is largely deter-
¡1 .' primary cause of the extinction of the various South the extinction of large mammals on both cominents is mined by climatic characteristics. (Compare chis definition with the Holdridge life
American groups (Marshall 1988). Among predatory probably explainable by the proliferation of humans zone system described in Chapter 1.) Rain forest represents a type of biome, with
manunals, the large, wolveri¡¡e-like South American during the Pleistocene (Marshall 1988) and not due characteristics distinguishing ir from other biomes such as desert, savanna, tundra,
borhyaenoids were essentially outcompeted by the to competition among the animal groups themselves. or various kinds of temperate forests (e.g., boreal needle-leaved forests and broad-
terror birds, not by mammalian invaders from the The Great American lnterchange demonstrates leaved deciduous forests). Biomes are fundamentally the result of global differences
norrh. However, the phorusrhacoid terror birds may that ecological communities are highly subject to ma- in climate (see Chapter 1). Tropical rain forest biomes occur equatorially, where the
have evemually lost out to invading placenta! mam- jor change over time. The mixing of the two· fauna temperature remains warm and conditions are generally wet throughout the year.
mals. There is really only one relatively clear-cut ex-· created new communities. One of the most challeng- There are two broad characteristics that are evident in rain forest. The first is
ample where it appears that there was direct competi- ing questions in ecology, one related both to long-term complex physiognomy. Physiognomy, when used in ecology, refers to the physical
tion between a North American species and a South biogeographic history as well as to present ecologi- structure of an ecosystem. Rain forests are voluminous, high in biomass, and struc-
American species. This is the case of the marsupial cal imeractions, is to understand how various factors turally elaborate. The stature of the trees is usually tall (between 30 and 35 meters,
saber-toothed cat, Thylacosmilus. This animal bore a structure communities. and occasionally taller), and from the canopy to the ground, the physical structure
is considerably more varied than in other forest types (Place 3-1). This reality mea ns
that numerous life forms, both plant and animal, have the opportunity to evolve
and specialize in different vertically structured microhabitats in rain forest. That
contributes to the other major characteristic-high biodiversity of numerous taxo-
nomic groups.
Biodiversity has various meanings, depending on precisely how the term is
used. The most basic meaning is that biodiversity refers to the number of species
within a habitar, termed species richness. But the term may also refer to how species
richness is distributed relative to species' population sizes, termed species evenness.
Concepts such as species diversity; evenness; and alpha, beta, and gamma diversity
will be discussed in the next chapter. Biodiversity may sometimes refer to genetic
diversity among populations within a species (or individuals within a population),
an important parameter in much conservation research.
No matter where you are on Earth, once you entera rain forest, biodiversity be-
comes higher, ofren much higher, than is found in adjacent or nearby non-rain-forest

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