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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic School System

Diocese of San Pablo

Liceo De San Pablo
San Pablo City, Laguna



Religion 10
Being Part of the Church

*Please be guided by reading your work text from pages 33-37

Being part of the church, what would we think about when we are given a
responsibility towards others. To guide us, we can prefer to the teachings of Jesus
about social responsibility using His parable of ‘The Rich Man and Lazarus’
(Gospel of Luke 16:19-31)

Here are the three important attitudes that we have to posses in order for us to
become a witnessing part of the member of the church.

1. Be Socially Aware
In parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus there is no mention that the
rich man was an evil person of his richness was a fruit of his being
corrupt. What led him to hell was not corruption or murder or
adultery. What led him into the horrendous abyss was his indifference
(walang pakialam) he was not aware of the needs of his fellow human
person. Lazarus need was not a bunch of the rich man’s wealth but
just the crumbs that fell from his table, yet the rich man turned his
back to Lazarus. He became indifferent and because of this the rich
man was condemned to eternal punishment. If he only became aware
of his brother Lazarus, he would surely reap the reward of eternal life.
Lazarus was sent by God to the doorstep of the rich man so that the
rich could do some small charitable acts that would eventually lead
him to paradise. What an opportunity that he wasted that regretted for
eternity because of his not being aware. Thus let us not imitate the
rich man we must always be aware of the occurrences in our society
for God brings the opportunity of heaven to us in different faces.
2. Be Realistic
Helping others requires that we know ourselves. We must know what
we have and our capacity that enable us to share and to help.
Remember the saying ‘da mihi quod, non habent’ we cannot give
what we don’t have! The rich man in spite of his capacity to help he
did not lift a finger to help Lazarus. God gave him a good and
bountiful life. He lived in luxury. But only he and no one else
benefited from his good fortune. He did not know how to share.
There is a saying that goes like this; ‘there is no one who is poor and
yet has nothing to give and there is no rich person that has nothing to
beg.’ This should become the basis on how we are about to help. It is
not only money that we can give, we have a lot more, we have our
time, we have our talent, we have our compassion, and a lot more the
only need for us is to know our capacity to help for there is no excuses
in charity.

3. Be Humble
Humility is an attitude of accepting the truth and of what is true. And
one important thing of being realistic in helping others is to accept the
truth that we are not the only source of our good actions. We would
not know how to love if God in the first place had not called us to love
and equipped us with the ability to respond. In other words, it is not
for us who take the initiative. Rather it is God, Our good deeds and
actions are our response to God’s call. Our deeds are our participation
to God’s grace and to be able to sustain our good acts, we need God’s
grace as well and this is the truth.
God will that in His church there are ‘Moses’ and ‘prophets’ who we
must choose to listen to for the sake of our salvation.
Therefore, to answer the question at the beginning of this chapter, we
say that we need the church. She is essential in our struggle to fulfill
our Christian obligation to our society. Being part of the church we
have with us the grace of God to let us experience the liberation that
Jesus offered. God made this available to us, we just have to be aware
of it especially in our personal lives, and be humble enough to accept

1. Am I aware of the needs of my fellow human person? And can I see the
face of Jesus in them (the needy)? How can I be of help to them?
Yes, I can see them the face of Jesus and I can help them by simply
giving them the love and care. And if we have something to give like
clothes and foods we should help them. Helping each other is God’s

2. Do I know my talents, strengths and my capacities to help? Do I use them

to reveal the love of God to my fellow by helping them?
Yes, we all have the strength and ability to help others and by doing
good we are showing love of God to other people around us.
3. What is the meaning of humility for me? How is my meaning of humility
exercised in the context of Christian social responsibility? What practical
benefits can I get from being humble?
For me the meaning of humility is helping people even in a simple good
works. As a Christians we have a social responsibility to serve others
and by doing that we are also serving God.

1. When Jesus resurrected and ascended into heaven He did not leave us to
fend for ourselves. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus stays with us in the here
and now.
2. God calls us both as individuals and as a community to continue Christ’s
mission on earth.
3. The church is a community of believers to whom Jesus entrusted His salvific
4. The church is both human and divine. It is the sacrament of Christ that
makes present the mission of Jesus today, using her human and divine mans
and resources.
5. The church’s role in society is not political but moral and spiritual.
6. The law of church and state separation mean that the church and state are
two separate institutions, but should not be in conflict with each other. They
are meant to serve the same people according to their ways and means. Also
this law implies that there should be no state religion. All members of the
state are free to choose and practice their own religion.
7. As member of the church we must do our part in fulfilling our mission. The
parable of Jesus regarding The Rich Man and Lazarus provides us with what
to remember in exercising our Christian social responsibility.
8. In the parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus Jesus tells us to be alert to the
suffering of others. Be realistic with what we can offer and be humble to
accept God’s help.

Review Questions
1. Give the two images of the church used in the scriptures. Explain each.
The first image is the body of Christ which Jesus is the head and we are
the body. The second is the Bride of Church we are the followers and

2. What do we mean by the church being human and divine? How is the church
as the sacrament of Christ?
The Church is both human and divine because it is filled with the
presence of God. The church serves as our home with God.
3. Differentiate the role of The Clergy from the role of The Laity?
The ministry of the laity is to represent Christ and his Church to bear
witness to him wherever they may be. The clergy are formal leaders within
established religions.

4. Explain the law of the church and state separation based on the Code of
Canon Law p.835.
The separation of spouses. Separation with the bond remaining. Pastoral
care, exercising the diaconal order, for a suitable time defined by the bishop.
Alone if the fact on which they are based has been brought to the judicial

5. Explain the relationship between the church and the state.

Church and state, the concept, largely Christian, that the religious and
political powers in society are clearly distinct, though both claim the
people's loyalty. A brief treatment of church and state follows.

6. Cite one example of how the clergy and the laity can work together toward
social justice.
Together, they assembled a polished, multi-faceted program, including on
how to better portray the role of lay people who work in the Church. She
spoke about the different roles clergy and lay leaders can exercise.
7. What does Jesus teach about social responsibility in the parable of Rich Man
and Lazarus?
In the parable, the rich man symbolizes the élite and Lazarus the exploited
poor had to decide whether Jesus or the church is the origin of the parts of
the parable. The Torah and the prophets emphasize the social responsibility.

8. Why is our being church members important in fulfilling our social

It is very important because as a church member our responsibility
is to serve God and the church. To do our obligations and be responsible.

1. What kind of church member am I?

2. Who are the ‘Lazaruses’ in my life?

3. What are my strengths and weaknesses? What are my limitations and
opportunities? How can I use them to help others?

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