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Visual Gustatory Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic

Brilliant Salty Breezy Hiss Soft

Dazzling Mellow Cold Humming Relaxed

Radiant Refreshing Smooth Rustle Flow

The place that was in the picture seems to have a brilliant, and dazzling sky at night, and
could be quite radiant at daytime. The mellow flow of the water brings a refreshing feeling to
everyone who would stop by and appreciate the view.
The cold, salty, breezy wind will provide you with a relaxed feel, hearing them rustle,
hum, and hiss smoothly through the trees and leaves. This will leave you feeling refreshed after
taking a walk in this place.
Place Sight Sound Touch Smell Taste

Blue Chirping Breezy Floral Sugary

Baguio Enchanting Hiss Cold Aromatic Juicy

Foggy Rustling Cuddly Piney Rich

Baguio is a place where the enchanting skies are blue, breezy winds are cold and
aromatic. It is usually foggy there as it lies on the mountain ranges. Mornings are beautiful, as
you hear the birds chirping, and the leaves hissing and rustling to the piney, and floral winds.
The breezy atmosphere leaves you with a cuddly feeling. It is also the home of the Philippine’s
rich and sugary strawberries. These juicy strawberries is on of the trademarks of Baguio.

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