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Prof. M.

Tayyab Iqbal PUNJAB COLLEGE 03344200927

Use of Adjectives (1)
1- The Use of Positive Degree:
a. Positive degree is used when there is no comparison.
b. One or more adjectives can be used to describe a single noun
c. The order of adjectives should be logical (SASCOMP)
d. The adjectives for a single noun should always be in the same degree of adjectives.
Ali is a wise student. On a beautiful day, I will call on you. It was a big and airy house.

2- The Use of Comparative Degree:

a. Comparison is made between two same things.
b. ‘Than’ is used to make comparison and subjective case of pronoun is used after ‘than’.
c. The degree should not be doubled.
d. Use of ‘any’ with ‘other’.
e. Use of ‘than that of’.
f. ‘The’ is used with comparative degree only when:
- One thing is considered to be better than the other (the word ‘two’ will be used)
- When there is a condition and dependency.
He is stronger than his brother. Muhammad Irfan is taller than any other player in the team. The faster we run,
the earlier we reach. He is the better of the two boys.
The population of China is greater than that of India. Your pen is better than my pen/mine.
3- The Use of Superlative Degree.
a. The comparison is among three or more persons or things.
b. ‘The’ must be used before the superlative degree.
c. Degree must not be doubled.
d. ‘Of’ is sometimes used after the superlative degree.
e. When two adjectives refer to the same noun and one of them is in the superlative degree; the other
adjective should also be in the superlative degree and ‘the’ is used with the first adjective only.
f. The Superlative degree must not be used when there is no comparison. It must be used as Superlative of
Eminence or Absolute Superlative. ‘Very’ must be used in this case.
This road is the shortest of all. Iron is the most useful of all metals. He is the strongest and most hard working
boy of the class. You have a very clear style of writing.
Prof. M. Tayyab Iqbal PUNJAB COLLEGE 03344200927

4. The following adjectives are not used in comparative or superlative form.

Perfect, unique, universal, ideal, chief, excellent, extreme, worldwide, complete, circle, round
5. Adjective used with ‘TO’ instead of ‘THAN’: (Latin Adjectives)
Superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, elder, prefer.
6. A past participle and a present participle can be used as adjectives.
He is a frustrated person. The movies is just boring.
7. ‘Comparatively’ covers the comparative 8. To show comparison of equality, the
degree in itself. So, the positive degree is word ‘as’ is used. as tall as her mother
used with it. Comparatively good work, I sing as well as David.
comparatively rude boy
9. These few adjectives are placed right after the nouns instead of before them.
God Almighty, Page twenty-three, A scene worth-seeing. The time immemorial, afloat, ablaze, aloof
The palace grand and beautiful (archaic and mainly in poetry) I left my childhood in the garden green.

Order of Adjectives:
Adjective of Fact:
These adjectives represent the things or qualities which are same for every one. Like:
He has a big old long red British iron sports car.
Adjective of Opinion:
It depends upon the liking and disliking of individuals. One thing is favourite for one person but the other may
be does not like it. E.g.
Oppo is the best cell-phone company. (it is opinion of one person)
Red is the coolest colour. (opinion of one person)
Note: if Adjective of Fact and Adjective of Opinion both are used in one sentence then
Adjective of Opinion will be used first and then Adjective of Opinion.

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