How To Debate

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How to debate?

In this document I going to show you how to debate, research

information for your debate, defend your arguments for having more
opportunities to win the debate.

To learn how to debate, first we need to know what is debate. A debate

is a communication form in which different opinions confront each other
from a specific topic. The purposes of a debate are to plan, expose and
know different postures and arguments about the same topic, this the
finally get a general conclusion.

Characteristics of a debate

In a debate deal with issues that may be previously defined or that

arise in it. Generally, the debates have controversy between the
debaters and the internet’s express and defend their positions, always
in a logical way, exposing their premises and checking them in an
orderly manner.

In a debate you can establish rules that establish periods of exposure.

In a debate, the integrity of the parties is appealed to avoid rubbing of

passions or imprecations.

In the event that there is a moderator, it is to rectify the order that has
been agreed, especially in public debates.
Public debates are generally of a political or philosophical-social order
and in these they can directly infer the public and in these there may
be attendees who observe the same but without participating.

The debate is mainly used in the school order, especially in university

regimes, where controversies open up.

In the public debate a small series of rules are presented:

1.- Preparation of the material for each part.

2.- The establishment of a moderator.

3.- Separate the groups of each part or each position.

In the public debate, the moderator explains the topic of the debate,
and indicates who starts the dissertation and who should respond.

Only in high school debates where the moderator establishes

principles in which questions are asked by the attendees, who can be
familiar with the topic.

Emulator form, in the political debates the question and answer table
has been established, which resembles a press conference.

In some debates, questions are asked concerning the topics

discussed, being fundamental especially in political debates, since it is
at this stage where a large part of the public is inclined to one or the
other proposal that has been raised in the discussion, and either in
favor or against a certain project, proposal or solution, also serving to
clarify points by the debaters towards the public.
Now that I explain what is a debate and their characteristics, I 1going
to teach you in how to prepare and debate

Now about the topic and your position

I going to learn you in how to debate in two easy points

1-Preparing the debate

This point is a for you to know what things do you need to know before
the debate, what type of information do you need to learn for the
debate and the type of information you should have to be very prepare
to the debate

1.1-Research about your topic.

You´ll need the general details of the topic that you'll be expected to
debate, but in particular, you should take note of specific information
and figures you might use. This will help your coherence appeal in your
arguments, as statistics or studios can have a biggest impact over the
audience and can be difficult to refute.

1.2-Dress suitably for your debate.

How you present yourself to your audience is often considered to be

part of your delivery and will likely affect your scoring. It depends on
how you do on the debate and the expectations of those involved, the
right outfit for your situation may vary. You will want to come across
from the very beginning as being respectful of your audience and a
respectable person, both of which can be achieved by wearing more
formal clothing.

1.3-Write your speech.

Once you have decided on your argument and the material you will
use in it, you will need to write the speech you will use during the
debate. Depending on the kind of debate and the rules your debate
chapter, these can differ significantly, though every debate should

 An unbiased introduction that presents basic information and the

 A body that includes an emotional point, a logical point, and an
ethical point in favor of your side of the debate. You should also
have examples, quotations, and statistics to strengthen your
 A conclusion that summarizes the important points made by you
and/or members of your team

1.4-Memorazing your main points.

You didn´t need to learn or your speech and position, you need to
learn main points and key words, this will help you the get vital
information. Additionally, memorization will put information vital to your
argument/counterargument at your disposal. Demonstrating your quick
wit can earn you points with your judges and put you ahead of your

1.5-Predict your opposition.

While constructing your argument, you should take weak points into
consideration, as these will likely be used by your opposition. Beyond
that, what are the best arguments you can think to use for the opposing
argument? Keep this in mind, and think of specific ways you can
question or undermine the validity of these arguments.

2-Performing during the debate

2.1-Speak in a clear voice.

You will need to assess the environment in which the debate is held
before you can know which speaking volume will be most effective. If
there is a mic you are expected to use, you should check its volume
before beginning your speech. Smaller rooms can benefit from a warm,
conversational tone, while large presentation halls may require a
louder than normal speaking voice.

2.2-Adopt a suitable appearance.

You need to show a good performance, judges also are going to
evaluate in how integrate your body language with your speech.
Identify parts of your speech in relate them with your posture and your
gestures. Three keys to get on count for this are:
 Posture: Don´t use lazy or slouching, this could be taken like
negative attitude
 Gesture: Do variety in your movements, repetitive movements
can hurt your score
 Eye contact: Maintaining strong and consistent eye contact is
expected throughout your debate. You should practice
speaking and scanning your notes before your debate.

2.3-Meet the opposition requirements. Classically, debate has

objectives that are considered strong proof of a superior argument.
Though these can take many different forms, there are three
customary ways to win a debate as the opposition:

 Prove that the problem solved by the motion does not exist.

 Prove that the motion proposed does not solve the problem.

 Prove that the motion is not the appropriate way to solve the
problem and/or that the plan proposed brings more negative
consequences than benefits.
To finish here are other types that could help you
1. Research, print your information
2. Actively participate
3. Public speaking, rhetorical questions

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