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Journal of English and Education

Vol. 5 No. 1, April 2017, pp. 1 – 12



Neneng Hoerunnisa and Didi Suherdi First Received: 4 January 2017
Department of English Education, The Faculty of Accepted: 25 January 2017
Languages and Literature Education, Indonesia Final Proof Received: 25 April 2017
University of Education Published: 29 April 2017

This research aims at investigating the effectiveness of Jigsaw in teaching reading
comprehension, and it also aimed to investigate the students’ responses toward the Jigsaw
technique. An English teacher and 30 seventh graders were involved as participants in this
research. The data were obtained through classroom observation, giving treatments, and
questionnaires. The data obtained from pre-test and post-test were analyzed by using SPSS
20 and ANATES V4 for windows. The data analysis from the independent t-test showed that
there was significant difference in the result of post-test means between the experimental and
the control groups. It showed that the score of the experimental group (M=24) was higher
than control group (M=19). Furthermore, based on the result of the dependent t-test showed
that tobt was greater than tcrit (8.976 > 2.064) at the level of significance 0,05 indicating that
the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It means that there was a significant difference between
students’ pre-test and post-test of experimental group after the treatments. The results of the
study revealed that Jigsaw could be applied effectively to teach reading comprehension.
Students were eager to discuss the information included in the descriptive texts one to
another. In addition, the study also showed that the majority of students showed their
interest in learning reading comprehension through Jigsaw. The results of the research
indicated that using Jigsaw to teach reading comprehension made students tend to be active
during the teaching and learning process, and it improved their comprehension about the
descriptive texts.

Keywords: teaching reading comprehension; jigsaw; young learners

INTRODUCTION 2001). This importance comes since reading

As an international language, English has been provides useful information, knowledge,
learnt by people around the world. According to experiences and cultural aspects to readers
Crystal (2003), English has become global through texts However, teaching English,
language because it is widely used by the people particularly teaching reading comprehension,
in the world for the subject matters learned by seems to be more difficult than teaching
students. It is given in some educational level Indonesian language, since English has
such as elementary, intermediate, and upper different language features. These differences
intermediate level. It seems that learning may cause problems to learners. Therefore,
English is a must for people to face this teachers who teach a foreign language or a
globalization era. Since English has dominated second language must possess methods and
almost every aspect in our lives, such as techniques to assist learners during teaching-
technology, commerce, and education. learning process. According to Chai (2005), a
In learning English, there are four skills teacher has the opportunity to “teach less, learn
that should be possessed such as listening, more”. She argues that teaching is not just
speaking, reading, and writing. One of those delivering the knowledge, but it is about
skills that is important to master is reading skill communicating. She also adds that
(Clarke and Silberstein, 1997 cited in Brown, communicating is not only between the

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

students with the teacher, but also the students Theoretical Foundation
with students. Reading is one of four language skills, and is an
There are many teaching strategies in active process of seeking information in which
teaching English. One of them is cooperative readers relate information in the text to what
learning strategy. As Johnson, Johnson, and they already know. In addition, reading is the
Holobec (2008); Slavin (2005) state that; process of looking at a series of written symbols
Cooperative learning makes the students and getting meaning from them. Reading is an
more active, the students will work together exercise dominated by the eyes and the brain.
and by promoting an equal opportunity for When reading, readers use their eyes to receive
every student to participate in the activity, written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and
improving self-esteem enjoyment of school and spaces), and they use their brain to encode or
interethnic methods are keys in this approach. convert them into words, sentences and
Based on the statement above, the paragraphs.
cooperative learning strategy is appropriate to According to Byrne (2004), reading is an
be applied in big classes with many students. interactive process that goes on between reader,
The cooperative learning has several teaching the text and resulting in comprehension.
techniques. According to Aronson et al (1978), Reading is a receptive skill - through it
one of the techniques is Jigsaw. Jigsaw is readers receive information. According to
developed by Elliot Aronson and first used in Grabe and Stoller (2002, p.14), reading
1971 in Austin, Texas. Aronson et al (1978) comprehension is an ability to understand the
states that; information in a text. A process of engaging
Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy brain and eyes in making connection is text
that enables each student if a ‘home group’ to comprehension. It means the brain processes
specialize in one aspect of a learning unit. the information from what the eyes see.
Student meet each other members for other Mickulecky and Jeffries (1996, p.14) states that
groups who are assigned the same aspect called it will be easier to be connected when the
‘expert group’ and after mastering of material, information the readers get is interesting.
return to the ‘home group’ and teach or explain Meanwhile, Orasanu (1986, p.32, cited in
the material to their group members. Just as in Yousef 2006, p.8) argues that the knowledge a
a jigsaw puzzle, each piece-each student’s part- reader brings to a text is a principal determiner
is essential for the completion and full of how the text will be comprehended and what
understanding of the final product. If each may be learned and remembered. People have
student’s par is essential, then each student is their own needs and purposes in reading a text
essential. That is what makes the jigsaw so that the appropriate texts are also important
strategy is so effective. things to comprehend or understand.
In a public school, it is common that one In terms of classification, Brown (2004)
class consists of 35-40 students. Furthermore, and Harmer (2007) classify reading into two
the students may have different levels of classifications, academic reading and personal
understanding. Therefore, jigsaw technique is reading. The explanation is as follows:
expected to facilitate students who have low 1. Academic Reading refers to reading in
capabilities to be assisted by those who have which students do in the classroom
high capabilities. such as articles, reports, journals,
reference materials, textbooks, essays,
The Scope of the Research papers, test directions, theses, and
This research focused on finding out the opinion writings.
effectiveness of jigsaw technique to improve 2. Personal Reading refers to reading in
students’ reading comprehension. There were which students do away from the
two investigated groups: a control group and an classroom such as magazine,
experimental group. The participants were the newspapers, letters, emails, greeting
seventh graders in one of public junior high card, invitation, massages, notes, lists,
school in Bandung. schedules, recipes, menus, maps,

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

calendars, advertisements, novels, short learning tasks seem only to be asking about
stories, jokes, drama, poetry, financial details at language. People read to language
documents, forms, questionnaires, because they have a desire to do so and a
medical reports and cartoons. purpose to achieve.
According to Brown (2001, p.312), there is
Regarding to the explanation, this study a variety of reading performance in the
focused on academic reading. There are some language classroom derived from the variety of
genres of the text which are used in this study texts to which can expose students than from
namely: recount text, narrative text, and the variety of overt types of performance. Those
descriptive text. performances are listed in the following
According to Harmer (1997: 55), there are explanation.
four reasons how important reading is, those 1. Oral and Silent Reading
importance of reading can be concluded as Oral reading serves as an evaluation
follows: check on bottom up processing skills.
1. Reading for Language Learning. Oral reading also provides a purpose to
Reading is an exercise dominated by the minimize the disadvantage, which is;
eyes and the brain. The eyes receive oral reading is not a very authentic
message and the brain then has to work language activity, while student is
out the significance of these message. reading, it is possible the other can
The reading to confirm expectation easily lose attention.
technique is highly motivation and
successful since it interest students, 2. Intensive and Extensive Reading
creates expected, and gives them a As Nation (2009, p.25) states that
purpose for reading. intensive reading is the grammatical
translation approach where the teacher
2. Reading for Information works with the learners using the first
In most cases, reading for information language to explain the meaning of a
is relevant to current study of the text. Nation (2009, p.49) also states that
readers. They read to find out extensive reading fits into meaning
information, to reduce their focused input and fluency development
uncertainties, and the get some stranding of a course depending on the
knowledge. Reading for information is level of the books that the learners read.
what people mostly do in their daily Sometimes the extensive reading helps
activities. the learners to get away from their
tendency to look up words they do not
3. Reading for Pleasure. know.
Reading for pleasure is done without
other people’s order but according to an Cooperative Learning Method
individual reader’s wish, and taste. It Cooperative learning is sometimes called small
aims to entertain the readers rather group learning. It is supported by Lie (2008,
than to get knowledge. The reading p.18) who defines that cooperative learning
sources for this activity are comics, allows students to work in a small group. Even
short stories, novels, etc. cooperative learning is similar with small
group, but cooperative learning is more than
Based on the importances of reading above, just small group learning. According to Olsen &
we can find out that there several things why Kagan (1992), cooperative learning is an
reading is important for our lives, reading can organized learning activity so that the process
be used for any occasion. In real life people depends on socially structured exchange of
generally read something because they want to information among students in the groups.
and they have a purpose, which is more There are some differences between small
fundamental than involved in some language group and cooperative learning. One of them is

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

that in cooperative learning students have understanding the materials for each other.
different tasks and learning goals that can only Spencer (1994) states:
be achieved if every group’s member finishes Jigsaw is groups with five students are set
their task (Lie, 2008, p.29). up. Each group member is assigned some
According to Johnson, et al. (1998), there unique material to learn and then to teach to his
are three types of cooperative learning method. group members. To help in the learning,
The first one is formal cooperative learning students across the class working on the same
groups, which are structured, facilitated, and sub-section get together to decide what is the
monitored by the educator. Any course material important and how to teach it. After practice in
or assignment can be adapted to this type of these “expert” groups the original groups’
learning and groups can vary from 2-6 people. reform and students teach each other.
Formal cooperative learning includes jigsaw, Based on the description above, Jigsaw
think pair share, students’ team achievement allows students to work in a team and maintain
division, and group investigation. the personal responsibility. In addition,
The second one is informal cooperative Aronson (1978) says that jigsaw helps the
learning group. It is a group with passive students develop a depth of knowledge which is
teaching by drawing attention to material impossible if they try to learn the material on
throughout the lesson or by discussion at the their own.
end of the lesson. There are some teachers who According to Aronson (1978a, 1997b,
use informal cooperative learning during the 2008c), the procedures of Jigsaw technique in
lesson. Students can discuss briefly a question teaching reading comprehension are as follows:
posted by the teacher or summarize what their 1. Dividing students into five or six
teacher has just presented. people called “home group”. The
The last one is group base. Cooperative groups should be divergent in terms
base groups are long term, heterogeneous of gender, ethnicity, ability and skill.
cooperative learning groups with a stable 2. Appointing one student from each
membership, whose primary responsibility is to group as a leader.
give each member the support, encouragement, 3. Dividing the material into five or six
and assistance that they need. segments.
4. Assigning each student to learn a
Jigsaw Technique segment of the material.
Jigsaw is developed by Elliot Aronson and was 5. Giving students time to read over
firstly used in 1971 in Austin, Texas. Aronson their segment at least twice and
et al (1971) state: become familiar with it
6. Forming temporary “expert group” by
Jigsaw is cooperative learning strategy that having one student from each home
enables each students of a ‘home group’ to group join other students assigned to
specialize in one aspect of a learning unit. the same segment. At this step,
Student meet with other members from other teacher must give time to these
groups who are assigned the same aspect called
“expert group” and after mastering the
“expert groups” to discuss the main
material, return to the “home group” and teach points of their segment and to
or explain the materials to their group rehearse the presentations they will
members. Just an in a Jigsaw puzzle, each make to their home group.
piece-each students’ part – is essential for the 7. Bringing the students back into their
completion and full understanding of the final home group
product. If each student’s part is essential, then 8. Asking each student to share the
each students is essential. That is what makes segment to the group.
the Jigsaw strategy is so effective. 9. Circulating from group to group,
observing the process. If there is
Jigsaw technique enables students to learn group having problem, for example; a
together in a group and take responsibility in

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

member is dominating or disruptive, comprehension scores observed and measured

make an appropriate intervention. in order to determine the effects of the
10. Giving a quiz on the material to find independent variable (jigsaw technique). The
out students’ achievement. design was adopted from Cresswell (2009, p.50).

Table 1
METHOD Group Pre-test Treatment
The purposes of this study were to find out the test
effectiveness and student’s responses of Jigsaw Experimental Xe 1 T Xe 2
technique on the reading comprehension. Control Xc 1 O Xc 2
Therefore, this study used a quasi-experimental Xe 1 : students’ reading scores of experimental
design. According to Hatch and Farhady (1982, group on pre-test
Xc 1 : students’ reading scores of control group
p.24), a quasi-experimental design is a practical on pre-test
that compromises between true T : Jigsaw treatment
experimentation and the nature of human O : Non-Jigsaw treatment
language behavior which we wish to Xe 2 : students’ reading scores of experimental
investigate. group on post-test
The study involved two groups; an Xc 2 : students’ reading scores of control group
experimental group and a control group. The on post-test
experimental group received small group
discussion method treatments while the control The participants of the study were the EFL
received conventional method. According to students of one of junior high schools in
Jackson (2008, p.318), the quasi experimental Bandung. The students were at the seventh
was used for this method did not require grade (15-16 years old). This study involved
random sampling. This research method two classes in which each class consisted of 30
provided the students with pre-test, treatments, students.
and post-test in order to find out the effects of Pretest and posttest were measured by
Jigsaw technique on the student’s reading using paired sample t-test. It was analyzed to
comprehension. find out the difference between pretest and
In this research, two classes were taken as posttest mean score whether it was significant
the sample classes; those were labeled as the or not by comparing their mean (mean of
experimental group and control group. The pretest and mean of posttest). It was calculated
first group (e1), the experimental group, was by using SPSS 20 for Windows. Questionnaire
given a pre-test (X1), treated by using Jigsaw was conducted in order to get the information
technique (T), and then given a post-test (X2). directly from the students about the learning
The second group (c1), the control group, was process and their responses to the learning
given a pre-test (X1), treated by using activity by using jigsaw technique. It was
conventional teaching (O), and given a post-test analyzed by interpreting the students’ answer
(X2) (Hatch and Farhady 1982:21). of the questions.
The table shows the different treatment
given to each investigated class. In the
experimental group, Jigsaw technique was FINDINGS AND DISCUSIONS
given to the students in the learning process. The Pre-Test Scores
On the other hand, a conventional teaching was Pre-Test was conducted in the beginning of the
implemented in the control group as the research to identify students’ prior knowledge
treatment in learning reading comprehension. and to measure the students’ readiness on the
Furthermore, the post-test was administered in subject they were about to learn. The data was
order to investigate the result of the treatment. analyzed by Microsoft Excel to get descriptive
The independent variable of the study was statistical result from pre-test score in control
the use of jigsaw technique. Meanwhile, the group and experimental group.
dependent variable was students’ reading

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

According to the charts above it points 0.376 and the control group is 0.741 higher
that the mean of pre-test score of control class than the level of significance (0.05). Tt can be
with 30 students is 16, maximum score is 23 concluded that null hypothesis is accepted since
and minimum score is 8 and the mean of post- the scores of experimental and the control
test of experimental class with 30 students is groups are normally distributed.
18, maximum score is 25 and minimum score is
13. 19
Pretest scores were obtained from the
experimental group and control group before
conducting the treatment. The table 4.1 below 17
shows the highest, lowest, sum, and mean of the 16
student’s scores from the experimental and the
control group in the pre-test. AVERAGE PRETEST SCORE AVERAGE PRE TEST
Table 2 shows that the mean of the IN CONTROL CLASS EXPERIMENTAL
experimental group is 18, while the mean of the
control group is 16. Based on the table, the Figure 1. The comparison of pre-test score in
mean score of the experimental group is higher both class.
than the control one. The pre-test scores must
be tested for normality of distribution and Table 4 reveals that the probability (based
homogeneity of variance before comparing the on mean) of the homogenity of variance test is
data between the experimental group and the 0.753 which higher than the level of significance
control one by using SPSS 20. (0.05). it can be concluded that null hypothesis
Based on the table 3, the probability P is accepted.; the variance of two groups are
value (Sig.) of pretest experimental group is equal.

Table 2. The pre-test score

Subjects Experimental Control
(30 students) Group Group
Highest Score 25 23
Lowest Score 13 8
Sum 540 485
Mean 18 16

Table 3. The Result of Normality Distribution Test on Pretest

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Pre Test
N 30 30
Mean 18.00 16.17
Normal Parametersa,b
Std. Deviation 2.936 3.333
Absolute .167 .124
Most Extreme
Positive .167 .124
Negative -.087 -.113
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .913 .682
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .376 .741
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

Table 4. Test of Homogenity of Variance on Pre-Test

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.565 6 17 .753

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

Table 5 Independent Samples Test

F Levene's t-test for Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Test for Equality of tailed) Difference Difference of the Difference
Equality Means
of Lower Upper
variances .859 .358 .543 58 .000 5.36667 .82017 3.72491 7.00842
Score Equal
.543 57.696 .000 5.36667 .82017 3.72473 7.00860

Based on the table 5 the tobt is 0.543 (the mean score from experimental group is higher
absolute of 0.543) and the degree of freedom (df) than the control one. The pretest scores must
of pretest is 58. This means that the tcrit is be examined for the normality of distribution
2.011 at the level 0.05 (based on the critical and homogeneity of variance before comparing
values of t at the 0.05 level to the line df =58). the data between the experimental and the
Since the tobt is lower than tcrit (0.543 < control group, by using SPSS 20.
2.011), so the null hypothesis is not rejected. It
means that the two samples are from the same Table 6. The post-test scores
population and there is no significant difference Subjects Experimental Control Group
between the two groups. It can be concluded (30 students) Group
that experimental and control students’ basic Highest Score 30 27
ability is not different. Lowest Score 16 11
Sum 718 557
Mean 24 19
Post Test Score
Post test conducted to identify students’ final
reading comprehension. After the post test 30
result from experimental class and control class 25
are collected, the result was analyzed. The data 20
was analyzed by Miscosoft Excel to get 15
descriptive statistical result from post test score 10
in experimental class and control class. The 5
data include number of students, mean, 0
maximal score and minimum score. AVERAGE POST TEST AVERAGE POST TEST IN
According to the charts above it points SCORE IN CONTROL EXPERIMENTAL CLASS
that the mean of post test score of control class CLASS
with 30 students is 19, maximum score is 27
and minimum score is 11 and the mean of post- Figure 2. The comparison of post test score in
test of experimental class with 30 students is both classes
24, maximum score is 30 and minimum score is
16. Table 6 provides the highest, lowest, sum, Table 7 reveals that the probability
and mean of the students’ scores from the (Asymp.Sig) of the experimental group is 0.915
experimental and the control group in the post and control group is 0.723 higher than the level
test. of significance (0.05). It can be concluded that
The table shows that the mean of the null hypothesis was not rejected; the score of
experimental group is 24, while the mean from experimental and the control group were
control group is 19. Based on the table, the normally distributed.

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

Table 8 shows that the probability (based treatments except the use of jigsaw, the control
on means) of the homogeneity of variance test is group’s reading ability was improved.
0.400 which is higher than the level of Based on the Table 11, tobt gained is 8.796
significance (0.05). It can be concluded that the with sig. 0.000 and the degree of freedom (df) is
null hypothesis was not rejected; the variance of in 29. It implies that tcrit is 2.064. Considering
the two groups were equal. the obtained scores, it is concluded that the tobt
Table 9 reveals that the tobt is 2.261 (the is higher that tcrit (8.976 > 2.064). Thus, the
absolute of 2.261) and the degree of freedom (df) null hypothesis was not accepted; there was
of pretest is 58. This means that the tcrit is significant difference between pre-test and post-
2.011 at the level 0.05 (based on the critical test of the experimental group. After having
values of t at the 0.05 level to the line df =58). completed several treatments except the use of
Since the tobt is higher than tcrit (2.261 > jigsaw, the control group’s reading ability
2.011), the null hypothesis was rejected. It significantly improved. These findings
means that the two samples were from the same supported the research hypothesis that the use
population and there was significant difference of jigsaw has affected to the students’ reading
between the two groups. It can be concluded ability.
that experimental and control students’ basic
ability is not different. Questionnaire
Based on the Table 10, tobt gained is From the interview, it was found that students
10.770 with sig. 0.000 and the degree of have positive and negative responses toward the
freedom (df) is in 29. It implies that tcrit is use of jigsaw technique in teaching learning
2.064. Considering the obtained scores, it is activity. Regarding to the students’ positive
concluded that the tobt is higher that tcrit responses of using jigsaw technique in reading
(10.770 > 2.064). Thus, the null hypothesis was class, the students’ answers were categorized
not accepted; there was significant difference into three points. They were fun, helpful, and
between pre-test and post-test of the control improving cooperation. The result is presented
group. After having completed several in Figure 3.

Table 7. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Post Test

N 30 30
Mean 23.93 18.57
Normal Parametersa,b
Std. Deviation 3.290 3.059
Absolute .102 .127
Most Extreme Differences Positive .084 .120
Negative -.102 -.127
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .557 .693
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .915 .723
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

Table 8. Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
2.744 7 18 .400

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

Table 9. Independent Samples Test Post Test

Levene's Test for t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of
F Sig. t Df Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
variances .125 .725 58 .028 1.83333 .81096 .21001 3.45665
variances 2.26
57.092 .028 1.83333 .81096 .20946 3.45720
not 1

Table 10. Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence
Deviation Mean Interval of the
Lower Upper
Pair 1 -2.40000 1.22051 .22283 -2.85575 -1.94425 -10.770 29 .000

Table 11 Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-
Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence tailed)
Deviation Mean Interval of the
Lower Upper
Pair 1 -5.93333 3.69467 .67455 -7.31295 -4.55372 -8.796 29 .000

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 8 Question Question Question Question
10 12 14 17


Figure 3. Students’ positive responses

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

The finding proved that they were by Blanton (cited in Westwood, 2008, p. 31)
interested to use jigsaw in English course reading comprehension is an active thinking
because it was enjoyable, new learning activity, process which the readers construct meaning to
made the happier in learning English, they feel a deeper understanding of concepts and
more excited in learning activity. When the information presented in a text. Anderson (cited
students were asked to work in a group, they in Klingner, Vaughn & Boardman, 2007, p. 3)
confirmed that they get more attractive to the added that reading comprehension is the
discussion, they get more confident in learning process of constructing meaning by
because the learning atmosphere had made coordinating a number comprehend a text
them happier, so the learning activity become easier than before it applied (Brown, 2001, p.
more meaningful. Jigsaw technique can be said 306). In other words, jigsaw technique became a
as a fun learning on the previous pie chart. It is tool that proficient the readers to solve their
supported by Lie (2002.p. 68) that teacher give problem to comprehend a text (Moreillon, 2007,
more attention to the students’ learning p.11).
experience and asked them to be active in Even though most of students give positive
learning activity, so the activity will be more responses, there is also negative responses
meaningful. The finding above is consistent revealed related to the technique. The result of
with Blanton et al., 2007; Neufeld 2006; Rapp et interview on negative responses of using jigsaw
al., 2007 (cited in Westwood, 2008, p.31) and technique in reading class is presented in
Anderson, Hiebert, Scott & Wilkinson, 1985; Figure 4.
Jenkins, Larson & Boardman, 2007, p.3). As said
question 6 question 7 question 9 question 11 question 13 question 15 question 16 question 18

giving difficulties boring not interested crowded lacked of vocabulary

Figure 4. Students’ negative responses

According to the chart 4.2 above, it showed students whom serious in learning were
that students’ negative responses towards disturbed by them.
jigsaw technique in reading class were
difficulties, boring, not interested, crowded and
lack of vocabulary. According to Pinter (2006, CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
p.83) that language users is also need to According to the result of the research,
understand the complex interaction of teaching reading by using jigsaw technique
vocabulary in the text to make the users fluent. could improve the students’ reading
In this case, students translated the text by comprehension. The research question number
word for word so that they will be more one about the effectiveness of jigsaw technique
confusing while discuss it with other students was shown from statistic computation. The
in expert group. The students confirmed that quantitative data show that jigsaw technique
working in a group was noisy since some brought an improvement to students’ reading
students chatting during the learning activity, comprehension. The data was gained by
playing with other students, it made the other comparing the mean score of pretest and
posttest, which are then calculated by using

Hoerunnisa and Suherdi,
The effectiveness of jigsaw in improving students’ reading comprehension

SPSS 20 for Windows. By comparing the result, ctionak strategies online jigsaw.html [
it revealed that the students’ reading February, 20th, 2016]
comprehension significantly improved. The Aronson, Elliot. (2008). Jigsaw Classroom.
difference was indicated by the value of tobt (online) Retrieved from
higher than tcrit. It means that there was a : [February, 20th,
significant difference between the means in the 2016]
reading comprehension of the target. Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An
However, the interviews were analyzed Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.
qualitatively by elaborating the students’ USA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
answer. The data from interview indicated that Brown, H. Douglas (2004). Language assessment:
the students had some positive responses Principles and classroom practices. White
toward the implementation of jigsaw even at Plains, NY: Pearson Education.
the first-time students thought it was difficult. Byrne, K. 2004. Using authentic literary text with
Related to the advantages, there were some advance learners. Retreived on
points highlighted derived from students’
answer on the interview. The points were; aining/autlip1_kathy.htm. (November, 11
jigsaw technique was a fun learning, helpful in 2016)
comprehending the text, improving their Chai, P. (2005). Teach Less, Learn More, Voices
cooperation with their peers, building from our Teachers, Ministry of Education,
responsibility to the group. Singapore.
The findings and conclusions of the study Cresswell, J. W. (2009). Research design,
have some important practical implications. qualitative, quantitative and mixed method
Teachers can use jigsaw technique for another approaches: 3rd Edition. California, United
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