Concrete Construction Article PDF - Understanding Specifications For Superflat Floors

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Understanding Specifications

for Superflat Floors

Beware of specifications for random-traffic floors when superflat (defined-traffic)
tolerances are needed

any floor slab specifi-

M cations in the Un i t e d
States now include the
F-number system to
identify surface tolerances. There
are two basic floor categories: ran-
dom traffic and defined traffic.
The vast majority of the floors in
the United States are classified as
random traffic. Forklift or pedestri-
an traffic is able to move across the
surfaces of these floors in any di-
rection. Random-traffic floors typ-
ically are found in warehouses,
manufacturing plants, schools,
hospitals, and shopping centers.
Defined-traffic floors are usually
only required for specialized appli- As building owners become aware of the benefits of superflat defined-traffic
cations, such as very-narrow-aisle specifications for concrete floors, the popularity of these specifications will
(VNA) warehouses, where forklifts continue to grow.
travel the same path, day after day.
Cu r re n t l y, fewer than 1% of the For a contractor to successfully flat specifications; very little can be
floors constructed in the Un i t e d construct a superflat floor, the floor found on the subject in American
States are classified as defined must be properly specified. How- Concrete Institute or ASTM stan-
t ra f f i c. Howe ve r, their popularity ever, one of the most common mis- d a rd s. This lack of information
is growing as owners become takes is for specifiers to call for ran- usually causes confusion.
more aware of the benefits associ- dom-traffic tolerances when Lift-truck manufacturers publish
ated with them. In VNA ware- superflat tolerances are needed. recommended floor tolerances to
h o u s e s, forklifts tra vel 6-foot- This mistake usually results from a ensure the proper operation of
wide aisles between storage racks their equipment. This information
with the aid of rack-mounted rails often adds to the confusion. Unlike
or a wire guidance system embed- random-traffic floors which have FF
ded in the floor. The lift-truck di-
CURRENTLY, FEWER THAN 1% and FL requirements, superflat is a
mensions are approximately 5 OF THE FLOORS CONSTRUCTED minimum tolerance and should be
feet wide and 7 feet long. While IN THE UNITED STATES ARE written as follows:
moving down the aisles, these lift CLASSIFIED AS DEFINED
trucks can raise their forks to re- Example: Fmin 100
t ri e ve or place products at va ri o u s
l e ve l s. For these forklifts to per- Fmin 60
form as intended, defined-traffic The higher the number, the flat-
floors must be extraordinarily flat misunderstanding of requirements ter and more level the floor. The
and level, or superflat. or an attempt to save money. Un- most common tolerance is Fmin 100,
fortunately, almost no information with Fmin 50 being about the lowest
What Are Superflat Tolerances? is available to the writer of super- number used.
Since the lift truck travels the same Many VNA lift trucks will oper- f l o o r s. In other word s, an Fmin 6 0
route over and over, the smoothness ate satisfactorily on a floor mea- floor cost the same to build as an
of the wheel paths in superflat aisles suring less than Fmin 100. In the ear- Fmin 100 floor. As superf l a t - f l o o r
becomes extremely important. Al- ly days of superflat specifications, c o n t ractors have gained experi-
though superflat slabs are placed in a contractor’s construction meth- ence over the years, they have fine
long, narrow strips approximately 15 ods and associated costs we re tuned their pro c e d u res and can
feet wide, tolerance only needs to be about the same for all superf l a t n ow offer cost savings for lowe r-
confirmed in the wheel tracks.
Changes in wheel elevation and the
rate of change must be specified and F MEASUREMENTS

confirmed in both the transverse

and longitudinal directions.
Su p e rflat F min 100 tolerance is
based on a 1⁄8-inch change in ele-
vation from a level plane 10 feet in
length. The wheels of most VNA
lift trucks are 5 feet apart, requir-
ing a tolerance of 1⁄1 6-inch change
in elevation. The tolerance is
changed to correspond with the
lift-truck dimensions.

Common Specifications Errors

Contractors should beware of su-
perflat specifications that should
actually be random-traffic specifi-
cations. Superflat slabs are not
equally flat eve ry w h e re, and toler-
ances are measured only in wheel After constructionof a defined- widths on the profilograph trace,
tracks in one direction. Producing a traffic concrete floor, the Fmin i sn o t are adjusted for the Fmin require-
ca l cu l a t edl i ket h e FF or FL measure- ment and distance between
floor surface that meets the Fmin 100
ments o fr a n d o m - t r a ff i ca re a s .T h e wheel paths. The profilograph
(defined-traffic) tolerance in any Fmin isactually a directmeasurement continuously records the differ-
direction on the floor is compara- o ft h e f l o o rs u rf a c e i nt h e wheel ence in elevation between the
ble to producing a floor surface p a t h so ft h ev e h i c l ef o rw h i c ht h e wheels in both the longitudinal
meeting FF140/FL100 (random-traf- d e f i n e d - t r a ff i ca re aw a s designed. and transverse directions. Since
fic) tolerances (measured accord- An Fmin 100specification is a the machine records elevation dif-
ing to ASTM E 1155). baseline number corresponding to ferences, the trace is not actually
These FF/FL tolerances would be a flatness t o l e r a n c eo f 1⁄8 inch in 10 a true profile of the floor surface.
extremely difficult to achieve, espe- feet. Lower defined-traffic a re a tol- An Fmin number is not usually re-
cially if measurements included the erances re s u l ti n lower Fmin require- por ted for a defined-traffic floor;
construction joints. Television-stu- ments (forexample, an Fmin of 50 as long as the trace stays within
corresponds to 1⁄8 i n c hi n 5 feet, or the band, the floor meets the re-
dio floors require this type of speci- 1
⁄4 i n c hi n 10 feet). quired Fmin flatness. Spot grinding
fication, but these floors usually The wheels of the profilograph, is required in areas where the pro-
have been overspecified. Realisti- along with the scale and band file trace moves outside the band.
cally, random-traffic floors should
be specified at a maximum toler-
ance of FF 70/FL 50.
Contractors as well as specifiers
should understand that F-100 is not
the same as Fmin 100. An F-100 floor is
much more difficult for the contrac-
tor to build, and it may not meet the
owner’s requirements. To save mon-
ey, a lower random-traffic tolerance
might be substituted for the Fmin 100
tolerance. This usually is a mistake.
Instead, a lower defined-traffic tol-
erance may be a better option.
tolerance superflat floors. tifies the exact locations of any de- Corrective Grinding
Before bidding a project, contrac- fects so the contractor can grind It is impossible to produce su-
tors should have a clear understand- these areas to meet the tolerance. p e rflat floors without imperf e c-
ing of how superflat surface toler- Attempts have been made to t i o n s. Su p e rflat specifications
ances will be confirmed, and they m e a s u re defined-traffic floors should allow the use of a grinder
should be familiar with the measur- with equipment designed to mea- to correct areas that are out of
ing equipment to be used. Remem- s u re ra n d o m - t raffic are a s. This t o l e ra n c e.
ber, only the wheel track of an Fmin method does not work ve ry we l l Corrective grinding should be
specification is confirmed. The con- because the equipment must first minimal and is only required in the
firmation of a random-traffic floor is m e a s u re and re c o rd inform a t i o n lift-truck wheel path. Some specifi-
based on random measurements f rom each wheel track indepen- cations allow for a maximum grind-
and statistical information; it does d e n t l y. This information, along ing amount of 15%. All percentages
not determine how a lift truck will with the elevation difference of are based on aisle lengths, not indi-
perform in a defined traffic path. the two starting points, is then in- vidual wheel tracks. The ave ra g e
amount of grinding is about 3% to
5%, with experienced contractors
BEFORE BIDDING A PROJECT, CONTRACTORS SHOULD HAVE A grinding less than 2%. In addition to
the experience of the contractor,
the amount of grinding is directly
TOLERANCES WILL BE CONFIRMED, AND THEY SHOULD BE related to the quality of the concrete
FAMILIAR WITH THE MEASURING EQUIPMENT TO BE USED. materials and working conditions.
Areas to be ground are normally
small and often require removal of
only 0.010 to 0.020 inch. These areas
Confirming Superflat Tolerances t e r p reted and compared using are easily identified when the prop-
Se ve ral instruments are available computer software. er measuring equipment is used.
for accurately measuring random- This method would be more reli- Misunderstandings will be avoid-
traffic floors, but these instruments able if there were no errors associat- ed if specifications are written and
should not be used for measuring ed with the measuring equipment, interpreted properly. Both specifier
defined-traffic floors. Instead of a but even the finest measuring in- and contractor should be familiar
random sampling, each of the traf- struments are allowed some margin with standards and procedures. The
fic paths should be directly mea- of error. Errors are compounded as best specifier or contractor in the
sured, using a continuous-record- the measuring equipment tra ve l s world will not be able to meet or ex-
ing floor profilometer configured to farther from its starting point. This ceed expectations if they are the
run exactly in the wheel tracks. is especially true of the rolling wrong expectations.
As the profilometer rolls down equipment designed to measure
the floor, it measures and re c o rd s random-traffic areas. Imagine try-
both the transverse and longitudi- ing to identify and correct an area Te rr y Fricks is president of Fricks
nal elevation differences of the that may only be a few thousands of Floor Systems Inc., a For t Wo rt h ,
wheels. The results of the measure- an inch out of tolerance but is mea- Texas, firm specializing in designing
ments do not produce F-numbers, sured from a starting point that is and constructing industrial floor
but simply confirm compliance several hundred feet away. Error is slabs nationwide. The company has
with the minimum requirements. minimized with the continuous- won 12 Golden Trowel Awards.
A tape produced by the profilome- recording profilometer because it
ter tells the contractor if the work is measures elevation differences as it PUBLICATION # C950591
“in tolerance” or not. The tape iden- rolls along the aisle.
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