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Sales - Regression Scatter Chart

1. Open the file Sales - Regression Scatter Chart
2. Select all the data and press  F11  to create a chart.
3. Change the chart type to a Scatter chart and change the axis scale to start at
20000 and end at 40000.  You might also like to edit the marker and the grid
options.  Your Scatter chart should now be similar to this:

The next step is to add a regression Trendline.

4. Select the scatter chart markers and ask Excel to insert a Trendline:
A linear trendline is a good place to start if you're not sure.

5. You can display the trendline equation on the chart which can be useful:

Displaying the trendline equation.

6. Format the trend line to emphasize it better:

The trendline helps to give a clearer picture of the data.

7. Use Save As... to save the file in your own new Excel work folder. 

II. Chocolate Treats Picture Chart

1. Open the file Chocolate Treats Picture Chart.
2. Click within the data and press  CTRL  + A to select all the data, followed
by  F11  to create a quick chart of the data.
3. Use the Switch Row/Colum button to switch around the way Excel plots the
data, so that you create the following chart:
We want to make this chart more interesting by adding some stacked picture series.

4. Click on the "Pics" sheet tab where the pictures are stored and select the Mars
Bar photo and press  CTRL  + C to copy this.
5. Return to the chart sheet and click on one of the Mars Bars series bars (which
selects them both) and press  CTRL  + V to past the picture onto the bars:

Initially, Excel "stretches" the picture - we need to change the setting to Stack and
6. Right click on the Mars bar picture and and choose Format Data Series... 

Choose to edit the Fill properties. Change the setting from Stretch to Stack and

Scale with a setting of about 0.1 (your figures are in percent) units/picture as shown

7. Repeat this for each of the different chocolate treats -this should result in a chart
similar to this:
The pictures won't work for every chart you create!

8. Change the Sheet tab to Chart with Stacked Pics.

9. Use Save As... to save the file

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