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Decision support system for risk management:

a case study

Prasanta Kumar Dey

University of the West Indies, Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies

Keywords In these circumstances, a conventional

Risk management, Introduction approach (Figure 1) to project management
Analytical hierarchy process,
Decision trees The success parameters for any project are in (practiced by the organization under study)
time completion, within specific budget and is not sufficient, as it does not enable the
Abstract with requisite performance (technical project management team to establish an
This study demonstrates a adequate relationship among all phases of
requirement). The main barriers for their
quantitative approach to
construction risk management achievement are the changes in the project project, to forecast project achievement for
through analytic hierarchy process environment. The problem multiplies with building confidence of project team, to make
and decision tree analysis. All the the size of the project as uncertainties in decisions objectively with the help of
risk factors are identified, their available database, to provide adequate
project outcome increase with size. Large-
effects are quantified by
scale construction projects are exposed to information for effective project management
determining probability and
severity, and various alternative uncertain environment because of such and to establish close co-operation among
responses are generated with cost factors as planning and design complexity, project team members.
implication for mitigating the The following incidents demonstrate the
presence of various interest groups (project
quantified risks. The expected
owner, owner's project group, consultants, project management problems experienced
monetary values are then derived
for each alternative in a decision contractors, vendors, etc.), resources by the pipeline operators while managing
tree framework and subsequent (materials, equipment, funds, etc.) large pipeline construction projects.
probability analysis aids the
availability, climatic environment, the In 1995, a 60 kilometre long pipeline
decision process in managing
economic and political environment and (diameter 12 inches) was planned for
risks. The entire methodology is
explained through a case statutory regulations. replacing transportation mode of crude oil
application of a cross-country Although risk and uncertainty affect all and petroleum products via vessels in the
petroleum pipeline project in India
projects, size can be a major cause of risk. eastern part of India. The project duration
and its effectiveness in project was 18 months. The project consisted of
management is demonstrated. Other risk factors include the complexity of
the project, the speed of its construction, the laying pipe across river Ganges (river width
location of the project, and its degree of two kilometres at the point of crossing) along
unfamiliarity. with other work packages (laying main line
A cross-country petroleum pipeline pipes, station construction, cathodic
construction project is characterized by the protection, telecommunication, etc.). The
complexity of its execution with respect to river crossing work package was planned to
lack of experience in relation to certain be executed by a turnkey contractor to be
design conditions being exceeded (water selected through the global tendering
depth, ground condition, pipeline size, etc.), method. As the owner had previous
the influence of external factors that are experience of laying pipe across river/canal
beyond human control, external causes (width maximum one kilometre) using
which limit resource availability (of horizontal direction drilling through turnkey
techniques and technology), various contractors, no study was made either during
environment impacts, government laws and feasibility analysis or during planning phase
regulations, and changes in the economic and to check whether laying pipe across river of
political environment. Cost and time two kilometres is technically feasible or not
overruns and the unsatisfactory quality of a through some experienced turnkey
project are the general sources of contractors. From previous experience, the
disappointment to the management of a bid document was prepared for engaging a
pipeline organization. turnkey contractor for laying pipe across the
Management Decision river and floated for receiving offers globally.
39/8 [2001] 634±649 However, no offer was received within the
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
# MCB University Press due dates and subsequent checking up with
[ISSN 0025-1747]
the prospective contractors revealed that
[ 634 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey they did not have experience in laying pipe the main contractor related to extra claims
Decision support system for across river of width two kilometres. The reached to such an extent that they went for
risk management: a case
study case was referred to M/s Bechtel, Houston arbitration. The hearings are reported to be
(global consultant) for identifying suitable still continuing.
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649 contractor for the project. They reported that Another pipeline project, recently
there were only two contractors having completed in southern part of India was
experience of laying pipe across river of 1.8 badly affected due to delayed delivery of a few
kilometre width. They recommended vertical turbine pumps by a supplier in
selecting one of them and checking up with public sector of India. The bid for supplying
them the applicability of using their the pumping units was awarded to them on
technology for laying pipe across two competitive basis with the consideration of
kilometre wide river. However, they past performance including delivery
cautioned that the owner had to take the risk schedule. Although the financial
of failure. Alternatively, they suggested performance of the company has deteriorated
constructing a bridge across the river and over the past few years, this was ignored
laying pipe along the pier of the bridge. This while evaluating their offer. During the
option was not suitable to the owner, as manufacturing of the referred order, the
constructing bridge across the river does not management of the supplier decided to
come under scope of their business. The reduce the production capacity so as to
owner decided to abandon the project in its minimize the loss. This caused disruption of
current form and decided to look into the delivery schedule of all of their orders
alternative designs. The project has been including the vertical turbine pumps under
recently (1999) commissioned with the consideration. However, the project owner
concept of laying branch pipeline from an could not anticipate the delayed delivery
existing pipeline by suitably augmenting the until the due date reached, as they did not
capacity of the existing pipeline. This has establish many follow-ups with the supplier.
been done to get an alternative site for river Later they improved the follow-up with the
crossing where the river width is within the supplier and got the delivery of the pumping
limit of available experienced contractors for units after five months of scheduled delivery.
laying pipe across river. These resulted in an overall delay in
Another pipeline in northwest part of India completing the project by more than a year.
had been commissioned in 1996 with huge All of the cases show clear evidence of not
cost escalation (more than 125 percent) from using any formal risk management method
the original estimate due to devaluation of for managing project and experienced time
Indian currency during the project duration, and cost overrun respectively. Other than
changing contract type (unit contract to these, there are many examples of non-
turnkey contract), distance management achieving time, cost and quality of projects
with main turnkey contractor (M/s SKODA due to absence of risk management technique
Export), and many design alterations in project management.
midway. Although the project was completed The objective of the study is to model a
on schedule, the dispute between owner and decision support system (DSS) through risk

Figure 1
Conventional project management model

[ 635 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey analysis for making objective decisions on financial loss or gains, physical damage or
Decision support system for project planning, design, engineering, and injury or delay as a consequence of the
risk management: a case resource deployment for completing project uncertainty associated with pursuing a
in time, within budget and with requisite course of action''. The task of risk
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649 specification in line with project objectives, management can be approached
organization's policy and present business systematically by breaking it down to the
scenario. following three stages:
1 risk identification;
2 risk analysis; and
Proposed project model 3 risk responses.

Figure 2 illustrates the proposed project Tummala and Leung (1999) developed a
model. Project planning and design and methodology for risk management governing
detailed engineering are taken up in risk identification, measurement,
sequence as soon as project got approved. assessment, evaluation and risk control and
Materials procurement and works contract monitoring. They have applied for managing
preparation can start concurrently with cost risk for an EHV transmission line
completion of design activities. Availability project.
of funds, materials, work front, drawings, Williams (1995) demonstrated the various
specifications, contract document, and other researches in project risk management. He
utilities initiate implementation works at has described various risk identification and
site through contractors. Project got analysis tools being used by researchers and
controlled through effective monitoring of practitioners. Finally, the management
various performance parameters that are structures and procedures needed to manage
fixed during planning phase. Risk risk are discussed.
management is proposed to be carried out Turner (1999) suggested expert judgment,
covering all project phases, once just after plan decomposition, assumption analysis,
project planning with respect to time decision drives and brainstorming for
achievement and next before starting identification of risk factors effectively in a
implementation works with respect to cost project. Perry and Hayes (1985) have
achievement. suggested a checklist of risk that may occur
The scope of this study is limited to throughout the life span of any project.
establishing risk management after the Delphi technique has been used by Dey (1999)
project got approved. for identification of risk factors. Outside the
field of engineering and construction, an
approach for risk identification in product
innovation has been reported by Halman and
Risk and risk management process
Keizer (1998).
Chapman and Cooper (1983) define risk as Most of the analyses done so far are
``exposure to the possibility of economic or centered on analyzing the duration of the

Figure 2
Proposed project management model

[ 636 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey project. The management is interested in two various elements. The relative weights of the
Decision support system for aspects; the total duration and which elements of each level with respect to an
risk management: a case activities are critical in determining that element in the adjacent upper level are
duration. Many authors have presented the computed as the components of the
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649 distribution of time duration of activities as normalized eigenvector associated with the
classical Beta distribution (e.g. Farnum and largest eigenvalue of their comparison
Stanton, 1987). Berny (1989) proposed his own matrix. The composite weights of the
distributions for practical simulations. decision alternatives are then determined by
Recently, a number of systematic models aggregating the weights through the
have been proposed for use in the risk- hierarchy. Following a path from the top of
evaluation phase of the risk-management the hierarchy to each alternative at the
process. Kangari and Riggs (1989) classified lowest level, and multiplying the weights
these methods into two categories: classical along each segment of the path do this. The
models (i.e. probability analysis and Monte outcome of this aggregation is a normalized
Carlo simulation), and conceptual models vector of the overall weights of the options.
(i.e. fuzzy-set analysis). They noted that The mathematical basis for determining the
probability models suffer from two major weights has been established by Saaty (1980).
limitations. Some models require detailed Conventionally, risk analysis is performed
quantitative information, which is not at the overall project level. Hence, the risk
normally available at the time of planning, analysis should show the effects of the risk
and the applicability of such models to real factors on the project performance (in terms
project risk analysis is limited, because of time, cost and quality goals). Therefore,
agencies participating in the project have a although risk analysis at the project level
problem with making precise decisions. The may be sufficient for a small project from the
problems are ill-defined and vague, and they investment-decision and feasibility-study
thus require subjective evaluations, which point of view, the technique has its
classical models cannot handle. limitations for large projects.
There is, therefore, a need for a subjective Cooper et al. (1985) suggested that, in the
approach to project risk assessment, with ``risk-engineering'' approach, systematic risk
there being the necessary objectivity in the evaluation could be performed by
methodology. The analytical hierarchy subdividing a project into its major elements,
process (AHP) developed by Saaty (1980) and analyzing the risk and uncertainty
provides a flexible and easily understood way associated with each in detail. Moreover, the
of analyzing project risks. It is a multi- severity of risk pertaining to a project varies
criteria decision-making methodology that from activity to activity. Some activities are
allows subjective as well as objective factors more responsive to a specific risk than
to be considered in project risk analysis. The others. Therefore, to risk analyze the project,
AHP allows the active participation of the level of activity for which risks are to be
decision makers in reaching agreement, and analyzed is first determined.
gives managers a rational basis on which to Mustafa and Al-Bahar (1991) have applied
make decisions. the AHP in risk analysis for the assessment
Formulating the decision problem in the of risk in a construction project from the
form of a hierarchical structure is the first evaluation perspective and Dey et al. (1994)
step. In a typical hierarchy, the top level for cost risk analysis of construction project.
reflects the overall objective (focus) of the This study adopts AHP for analyzing risk
decision problem. The elements affecting the in the project and uses decision tree analysis
decision are represented in intermediate (DTA) for selecting specific risk responses for
levels. The lowest level comprises the specific work package from various
decision options. Once the hierarchy has alternatives.
been constructed, the decision maker begins Decision trees use calculations of expected
the prioritization procedure to determine the monetary value (EMV) to measure the
relative importance of the elements in each attractiveness of alternatives. Decision trees,
level of the hierarchy. The elements in each however, use graphical models as well to
level are compared pair wise with respect to display several relevant aspects of a decision
their importance in making the decision situation. These graphical models consist of
under consideration. The verbal scale used in treelike structures (hence the name) with
AHP enables the decision maker to branches to represent the possible action-
incorporate subjectivity, experience and event combinations. The conditional payoff
knowledge in an intuitive and natural way. is written at the end of each branch. A tree
After the comparison matrices have been gives much the same information as a
created, the process moves on to the phase in matrix, but, in addition, it can be used to
which relative weights are derived for the depict multiple-stage decisions ± a series of
[ 637 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey decisions over time (Dilworth, 2000). The finance, and materials of project function.
Decision support system for decision tree approach: They were entrusted with collecting data,
risk management: a case logically structures risk management
. analyzing, interpreting and preparing
philosophy by identifying alternative recommendations with active interactions
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649 responses in mitigating risk; with the project groups.
. provides a basis for quantitative risk
management; and Identification of work packages
. incorporates management perceptions. The total project scope was decomposed and
classified to form work break down
structure. According to the importance in
Methodology achieving time target, the following work
packages were considered for risk
The methodology adopted in this study is
explained through the following steps: . river crossing;
1 identifying the work packages for risk . pipeline laying;
analysis; . stations construction; and
2 identifying the factors that affect the time, . other packages (telecommunication and
cost and quality achievement of specific
cathodic protection).
work package;
3 analyzing their effect by deriving the
Identification of risk factors
likelihood of their occurrences in AHP
The risk factors and sub-factors were
identified with the involvement of executives
4 determining severity of failure by
working in projects with more than 15 years
of experience through brainstorming
5 driving various alternative responses for
sessions. The following are the risk factors
mitigating the effect of risk factors;
and sub-factors of the project under study.
6 estimating cost for each alternative;
1 Technical risk:
7 determining the probability and severity . scope change;
of failure of specific work package after . technology selection;
specific response; . implementation methodology
8 forming decision tree;
9 deriving expected monetary value (EMV) . equipment risk;
(cost of risk response in this case); and . materials risk; and
10 selecting the best option through . engineering and design change.
statistical analysis.
2 Acts of God:
. natural calamities normal; and
Application . natural calamities abnormal.

The above steps have been explained through 3 Financial, economical and political risk:
a case of cross-country petroleum pipeline . inflation risk;
project in India having length 1,300 . fund risk;
kilometres in the western part of India. The . changes of local law;
pipeline size is 22 inches diameter for a . changes in government policy; and
length of 1,112 kilometres, 18 inches for a . improper estimation.
length of 218 kilometres, and 10.75 inches for
4 Organizational risk:
a length of 123 kilometres (branch line). The . capability risk of owner's project
pipeline is designed for 5 million metric tons
per annum (MMTPA) throughput. The . contractor's failure;
project also consists of the construction of . vendor's failure; and
three pump stations, one pumping-cum- . consultant's failure.
delivery station, two scraper stations, four
delivery stations, and two terminal stations. 5 Statutory clearance risk:
The project cost was estimated as US$600 . environmental clearance;
million. The detailed description of the . land acquisition;
project is available elsewhere (Dey, 1997) . clearance from chief controller of
Figure 3 shows the flow chart for risk explosive (CCE); and
management. . other clearance from government
A risk management group was formed to authorities.
do risk analysis study for the project under
study. The group consisted of one member Formation of risk structure
each from mechanical, electrical, civil, This study focuses on two dimensionality
telecommunication and instrumentation, (probability and severity) of project risk. The
[ 638 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey risk perception as shown by Turner (1999) of work packages. Table II shows the detailed
Decision support system for has not been considered due to the nature of analysis of AHP model.
risk management: a case
study construction risk. Figure 4 shows the AHP
model for risk analysis. Level 1 is the goal i.e. Results and findings from risk analysis
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649 ``determining riskiness of project''. Level 2 study
and 3 are for factors and sub-factors Results and findings from the risk analysis
study included:
respectively. Level 4 contains the
. Technical risk is the major factor for time
alternatives i.e. work packages.
and cost overrun of project. Among the
technical risks, scope change, engineering
Pair wise comparison
The above model was made in Expert Choice and design change, technology and
implementation methodology selection
software package developed by Forman and
are the major causes of project failure.
Saaty (1983). Pair wise comparisons were
The ``pipeline laying'' and ``station
made through executives working in projects
construction'' work packages are
in a group decision-making process.
vulnerable from scope change.
Questionnaire was made and distributed
Technology selection is vital for river
among the executives separately so as not to
crossing and telecommunication
influence each other. Risk management packages. Engineering and design change
group analyzed the responses. Table I shows is quite likely for the ``river crossing'' and
a comparison matrix in factor level. The ``the pipeline laying'' work packages. Prior
outcome of matrix operation results in the selection of implementation methodology
likelihood of these risks while the project is is crucial for the ``river crossing''
being executed. packages, as improper selection causes
The pair wise comparison in other levels major time and cost overrun.
also results in the likelihood of occurrence of Unavailability of pipe materials and
risk sub factors. Synthesizing all likelihood delayed delivery of pumping unit
of risk factors and sub-factors across sometimes result in considerable time
hierarchy forms overall likelihood of failure overrun.

Figure 3
Risk management flow chart

[ 639 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey . Other major risks in project achievement . Normal and abnormal calamities are the
Decision support system for are financial, economical and political part and parcel of any pipeline project.
risk management: a case
study risk (F&ER) and organizational risk. Hence, they are not perceived well by the
Management Decision Among F&ER, fund flow problem and project executives and rated unimportant
39/8 [2001] 634±649 improper estimate are the major causes of and not likely for the project under study.
concerns. All the packages are equally However, these factors are vulnerable for
vulnerable from fund flow problem. all work packages and appropriate
However, the ``river crossing'' and contingency plans are strongly
``pipeline laying'' packages are prone to recommended for each package.
improper estimate due to more
. The ``pipeline laying'' work package is the
uncertainties in design and most risky package with a probability of
failure of 0.317. The major factors for
implementation methodology selection.
possible failure are changes in scope,
Although the organizational risk is less
change in engineering and design, fund
vulnerable for the project under study,
availability, vendor's capability,
consultant and contractor's capabilities
abnormal natural calamity and land
are os some concern to the management of
acquisition. The ``river crossing'' work
project. The ``river crossing'' work
package with probability of failure 0.286
package is the most susceptible from comes next. The main contributing factors
consultant and contractor's performance. are scope change, implementation
The capability of owner's project group is methodology selection, engineering and
required for achievement of all the work design change, and improper estimate
packages. there on. The ``station construction'' work
. Although the project under study is not package is vulnerable from scope change
particularly vulnerable from statutory and has 23 percent probability of failure.
clearance risk, care should be taken for
getting environmental clearance and Risk mapping
explosive clearance on time for trouble All the factors were organized as per their
free implementation. probability and severity (effect on time and

Figure 4
AHP model for determining riskiness of project

[ 640 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey Table I
Decision support system for
risk management: a case Comparison matrices in factor level
Financial and Organizational Acts of God
Management Decision Factors Technical risk economical risk risk risk Clearance risk Likelihood
39/8 [2001] 634±649
Technical risk 1 3 4 5 5 0.479
Financial and
economical risk 1/3 1 2 4 3 0.228
risk 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 0.146
Acts of God risk 1/5 1/4 1/2 1 2 0.064
Clearance risk 1/5 1/3 1/3 1/2 1 0.083
Note: Consistency ratio: 0.042, hence acceptable

cost) characteristics as indicated in Table III. in scope of any of the work packages, there
The factor scope change has been identified will be considerable implications on design,
as the most vulnerable for the project under planning and implementation program.
study as it has high probability of occurrence These will cause considerable time and cost
as well as high severity. If there is a change overrun in project. The factors like, land

Table II
Likelihood of risk in project
Station Other work
Likelihood River X-ing Pipeline laying construction packages
Factors Likelihood Sub-factors LP GP LP GP LP GP LP GP LP GP
Technical risk 0.479 Scope change 0.360 0.172 0.170 0.029 0.390 0.067 0.310 0.053 0.130 0.022
Technology selection 0.124 0.059 0.290 0.017 0.230 0.014 0.110 0.007 0.370 0.022
methodology 0.130 0.062 0.470 0.029 0.260 0.016 0.170 0.011 0.100 0.006
Equipment risk 0.073 0.035 0.330 0.012 0.210 0.007 0.280 0.010 0.180 0.006
Materials risk 0.080 0.038 0.170 0.007 0.350 0.013 0.260 0.010 0.220 0.008
Engineering and
design change 0.233 0.112 0.370 0.041 0.330 0.037 0.130 0.015 0.170 0.019
Financial and
risk 0.228 Inflation risk 0.152 0.035 0.250 0.009 0.250 0.009 0.250 0.009 0.250 0.009
Fund risk 0.383 0.087 0.250 0.022 0.250 0.022 0.250 0.022 0.250 0.022
Changes in local law 0.105 0.024 0.180 0.004 0.180 0.004 0.190 0.005 0.250 0.006
Changes in
government policy 0.105 0.024 0.250 0.006 0.250 0.006 0.250 0.006 0.250 0.006
Improper estimate 0.255 0.058 0.430 0.025 0.430 0.025 0.170 0.010 0.080 0.005
Organizational Capability of owner's
risk 0.146 project group 0.106 0.015 0.330 0.005 0.300 0.005 0.270 0.004 0.100 0.002
capability 0.283 0.041 0.370 0.015 0.330 0.014 0.220 0.009 0.080 0.003
Vendor's capability 0.448 0.065 0.210 0.014 0.290 0.019 0.400 0.026 0.100 0.007
capability 0.163 0.024 0.490 0.012 0.130 0.003 0.150 0.004 0.230 0.005
Acts of God 0.064 Calamity normal 0.440 0.028 0.410 0.012 0.350 0.010 0.140 0.004 0.100 0.003
Calamity abnormal 0.560 0.036 0.320 0.011 0.470 0.017 0.090 0.003 0.120 0.004
Clearance risk 0.083 clearance 0.026 0.022 0.250 0.005 0.250 0.005 0.250 0.005 0.250 0.005
Land acquisition 0.461 0.038 0.130 0.005 0.510 0.020 0.300 0.011 0.060 0.002
Explosive clearance 0.133 0.011 0.250 0.003 0.280 0.003 0.360 0.004 0.110 0.001
Other clearances 0.142 0.012 0.250 0.003 0.250 0.003 0.150 0.002 0.350 0.004
likelihood of
failure 0.286 0.317 0.229 0.169
Rank 2 1 3 4
Note: LP = local percentage; GP = global percentage

[ 641 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey acquisition, technology selection, 0r ˆ E…X r † ˆ xr p…x†
Decision support system for engineering and design change, contractor's x …1†
risk management: a case
study capability, vendor's capability and abnormal if X is discrete; or
Management Decision
calamity are rated as medium probability, as
39/8 [2001] 634±649 adequate planning for the project under
0r ˆ E…X r † ˆ X r f …x†dx ˆ
study prompts the executives to perceive …2†
these factors as less vulnerable. However, if X is continuous:
project will experience major time and cost
overrun, if any of the above factors occur The first moment about zero is the mean or
during project implementation. expected value of the random variable and is
Implementation methodology, fund risk, denoted by ; thus '1 =  = E(X).
improper estimate and materials risk are Again, the rth central moment of X or the
rated as medium with respect to probability rth moment about the mean of X is defined
of their occurrence as well as severity. The by:
other factors are perceived as either low 0r ˆ E…X †r ˆ x …x †r p…x†
probability or low severity. The factors …3†
if X is discrete; or
which have low probability and high severity
should be handled carefully with the Z
development of contingency plans. r ˆ E…X †r ˆ a… x †r f …x†dx
if X is continuous:
Overall impact on project
The factors that are in the zones having The second central moment,
medium to high probability and severity
were considered for further study. Severity of 2 ˆ E…X †2
the risk factors was calculated with the
is known as the variance of the random
consideration of their effect on each work
package and on each phase (planning, design,
Therefore, using the data from Table IV
materials, contract preparation and and equation (1) and (3), the following
implementation) independently with the statistical parameters were derived:
active involvement of project executives. . the expected increase in project duration
Table IV shows the probability and severity = 4.88 months;
of all risk factors. . the standard deviation = 2.686 months;
The results in Table IV were used to derive . the approved schedule of the project was
the expected time and cost overrun along 36 months;
with the respective standard deviations . the expected cost overrun = US$26.44
using the following formula (Canavos, 1984). million;
Let X be a random variable. The rth . the standard deviation = US$34.72 million;
moment of X about zero is defined by: and
. the approved cost was US$600 million.

Table III No management can be satisfied with a

Risk mapping in project level 50 percent chance of achievement. Hence,
more realistic time target was derived with
the application statistical model as shown by
Severity Low Medium High
Yeo (1990). Accordingly, increase in duration
High Calamity normal Land acquisition Scope change of project with respect to initial planning was
Technology selection determined with the application of following
Engineering and design mathematical relationship:
change ‰Xt Š= ˆ Z; …5†
Contractor's capability
Vendor's capability where:
Calamity abnormal Xt = increase in duration of time of project/
Medium Change in policy Implementation work package;
Capability of owner's methodology  = expected increase in project duration,
project group Fund risk 4.88 months;
Consultant's capability Improper estimate  = standard deviation of duration
Materials risk distribution, 2.616; and
Low Inflation risk Z = corresponding value from normal
Environmental clearance distribution chart against probability
CCE clearance value (90 percent confidence level in
Other clearances this case), 1.29.
[ 642 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey Therefore, the project will be completed with . to transfer; and
Decision support system for 8.3 months time overrun with 90 percent . to absorb.
risk management: a case
study likelihood.
The risk management group through
Similarly, the project will experience cost
Management Decision brainstorming session derived the following
39/8 [2001] 634±649 overrun of US$71.23 million with 90 percent
responses for the project under study:
likelihood. . carrying out detailed survey with the
Risk responses objective of minimum scope and design
Risk analysis results lead to derive a few change;
effective risk responses in line with the . selecting technology and implementation
following principles: methodology on the basis of owner's/
. to avoid; consultant's expertise, availability of
. to reduce; contractors and vendors and lifecycle
Table IV
. executing design and detailed engineering
Probability and severity of risk factors on the basis of selected technology and
implementation methodology and detailed
Severity survey;
Time overrun Cost overrun . selecting superior contractors,
Risk factors Probability (in months) (in US$million) consultants and vendors on the basis of
Scope change 0.172 8 90 past performance;
Engineering and design change 0.112 5 30 . scheduling project by accommodating
Technology selection 0.059 6 20 seasonal calamities;
Land acquisition 0.038 4 0 . planning contingencies and acquiring
Contractor's capability 0.041 6 30 insurance; and
Vendor's capability 0.065 8 30 . ensuring the availability of all statutory
Calamity abnormal 0.036 12 90 clearance before design and detailed
Implementation methodology 0.062 3 0 engineering.
Fund availability 0.087 2 0
Table V shows the estimated cost of the above
Improper estimate 0.058 2 0
risk responses for each work package.
Materials risk 0.038 3 0
Sources for cost data are the detailed

Table V
The cost data (US$ million) for each package against various responses
Tele- Building and
Pipeline River Station communication colony
Responses laying crossing construction and CP construction
Carrying out detailed survey with the
objective of minimum scope and
design change 12 6 6 3 3
Selecting technology and
implementation methodology on the
basis of owner's/consultant's
expertise, availability of contractors
and vendors and lifecycle costing 3 6 4 1.5 1.5
Executing design and detailed
engineering on the basis of selected
technology and implementation
methodology and detailed survey 1 1 1 1 1
Selecting superior contractors,
consultants and vendors on the basis
of past performance 22 16 10 2 2
Scheduling project by accommodating
seasonal calamities 6 ± 4 ± ±
Planning contingencies and acquiring
insurance 11 2 6 1 1
Ensuring the availability of all
statutory clearance before design and
detailed engineering 1 1 1 1 1
Total 56 32 32 10 10
Grand total 140

[ 643 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey feasibility report and cost estimate for the The expected money values (EMV) are then
Decision support system for project concerned based on other recently calculated for each alternative decision for
risk management: a case all the packages. Tables VI-IX show the
study completed projects and quotations from
vendors and contractors. calculations of decision tree approach of risk
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649 The next step is to form decision tree for management.
each work package with the consideration of Table X shows the decisions that emerge
probability and severity of failure and from the decision tree approach of risk
various possible responses. management:
The group decided the following decision Total cost for risk responses is US$65.65
alternatives: million which is much lower than US$140
. do nothing; million.
. carrying out detailed survey
(additional); Summary and conclusions
. using superior technology;
. engaging expert project team; and This study suggests a project management
. taking all responses as indicated in model with the application of risk
Table V. management principle. A decision support
system (DSS) has been developed in analytic
Figures 5-8 show the decision trees for the hierarchy process (AHP) and decision tree
work packages (pipeline laying, pipe laying analysis (DTA) framework that helps the
across river, station construction, and management of projects in making objective
telecommunication and cathodic protection) decisions. This DSS identifies risk factors
of the project under study. The probability that are inherent in the project under study,
and severity (time and cost) for each decision analyzes their effect on various activities and
alternative are derived from the risk analysis derives responses in line with project
study of each package and expert opinion objectives, organization's policy and
through brainstorming. business opportunities.

Figure 5
Decision tree for ``pipeline laying'' work package

[ 644 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey Figure 6
Decision support system for Decision tree for ``river crossing'' work package
risk management: a case
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649

Figure 7
Decision tree for ``station construction'' work package

[ 645 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey Figure 8
Decision support system for Decision tree for ``telecommunication and cathodic protection'' work package
risk management: a case
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649

Risk is by nature subjective. However, AHP through computer. Additionally, sensitivity

allows analysis of the effect of risk on project utility of AHP provides an opportunity to the
very objectively by determining the risk management group to observe the
probability of their occurrences. The nature of model outcome in different
probability and severity of each risk factor alternative decision situations. DTA helps in
are determined through active involvement selecting one among various decision
of the experienced persons from the field in alternatives.
an interactive environment. The information The following are the general benefits that
is collected in a very structured format in can be achieved from the application of risk
line with AHP requirement and processed management in any type of projects:

Table VI
The EMV for ``pipeline laying project''
Expected EMVa
Effect value (US$ million)
Cost Probability of Time Cost Time Cost
Decision alternatives (US$ million) failure (months) (US$ million) (months) (US$ million)
Do nothing 0 0.317 12 22 3.80 6.97 35.5
Carrying out detailed survey 12 0.158 2 4 0.32 0.64 15
Using superior technology 3 0.158 12 22 1.90 3.50 21
Engaging expert project team 22 0.317 2 4 0.64 1.30 28
Taking all responses as indicated
in table 56 0.050 2 2 0.10 0.10 56.9
Note: EMV = 0 + 3.8 X 7.5 + 6.97 = 35.5; Return on investment is $US7.5 million per month i.e. 15 percent of $US600 million per annum

[ 646 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey . The issue/problems of the project are . It encourages problem solving and
Decision support system for clarified understood and allowed for right providing innovative solutions to the risk
risk management: a case
study from the start. problems within a project.
Management Decision
. Decisions are supported by thorough . It provides a basis for project organization
39/8 [2001] 634±649 analysis of available data. structure and appropriate responsibility
. The structure and definition of the project matrix.
are continually and objectively
monitored. Specific benefits that were achieved by
. Contingency planning allows prompt, applying risk management technique in
controlled and pre-evaluated responses to managing project under study are shown
risks that materialize. below:
. Clearer definitions of the specific risk . Problems that were encountered while
associated with a project. executing a project were identified during
. It buildsup a statistical profile of planning phase. These helped in making
historical risk to allow better modeling for suitable responses for effective project
future projects. management by alternative design and

Table VII
The EMV for ``pipeline laying across river''
Effect Expected value
Cost Probability of Time Cost Time Cost EMVa
Decision alternatives (US$ million) failure (months) (US$ million) (months) (US$ million) (US$ million)
Do nothing 0 0.286 15 40 4.30 11.44 43.70
Carrying out detailed survey and
using superior technology 12 0.143 15 40 2.15 5.72 33.85
Engaging expert project team 16 0.286 8 20 2.30 5.72 39
Taking all responses as indicated
in table 32 0.050 2 8 0.10 0.40 33.15
Note: EMV = 0 + 3.8 X 7.5 + 6.97 = 35.5; Return on investment is US$7.5 million per month i.e. 15 percent of US$600 million per annum)

Table VIII
The EMV for ``station construction''
Effect Expected value
Cost Probability of Time Cost Time Cost EMVa
Decision alternatives (US$ million) failure (months) (US$ million) (months) (US$ million) (US$ million)
Do nothing 0 0.229 12 24 2.75 5.50 26.2
Carrying out detailed survey and
using superior technology 9 0.115 6 12 0.70 1.32 15.6
Engaging expert project team 10 0.229 2 4 0.46 0.92 14.5
Taking all responses as indicated
in table 32 0.050 2 4 0.10 0.20 33
Note: EMV = 0 + 3.8 X 7.5 + 6.97 = 35.5; Return on investment is US$7.5 million per month i.e. 15 percent of US$600 million per annum)

Table IX
The EMV for ``telecommunication and cathodic protection''
Effect Expected value
Cost Probability of Time Cost Time Cost EMVa
Decision alternatives (US$ million) failure (months) (US$ million) (months) (US$ million) (US$ million)
Do nothing 0 0.169 2 2 0.340 0.34 3
Carrying out detailed survey and
using superior technology 4.5 0.085 2 2 0.170 0.17 5
Engaging expert project team 3 0.169 0.5 1 0.085 0.17 3.80
Taking all responses as indicated
in table 10 0.050 0.5 1 0.025 0.05 10.25
Note: EMV = 0 + 3.8 X 7.5 + 6.97 = 35.5; Return on investment is US$7.5 million per month i.e. 15 percent of US$600 million per annum)

[ 647 ]
Prasanta Kumar Dey Table X effective means for managing a complex
Decision support system for The decisions that emerge from the decision project efficiently for fighting against time,
risk management: a case
study tree approach of risk management for each cost and quality non-achievement.
work package Though this study makes an effort
Management Decision
39/8 [2001] 634±649 to quantify risk by modeling the
Work package Risk response
probability, and severity of risk in line
Pipeline laying Carrying out detailed with the perception of the experienced
survey project executives, subjectivity could
Pipeline laying across Taking all responses as not be reduced to zero. The findings
river indicated in table and recommendations would be varying
Station construction Engaging expert project with the types of projects, risk perception
team of its management, organization's
Telecommunication and Do nothing objectives and policies and business
cathodic protection environment.

engineering, engaging superior Berny, J. (1989), ``A new distribution function for
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. Critical activities were identified and Research Society, Vol. 40, pp. 1121-7.
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Application questions
1 Develop a DSS for managing risk of 3 Develop a scenario in which effective
projects of your organization using the project risk management is used. How
methodology as described in this article. does the methodology used compare with
Is it possible to justify its benefit for the methodology proposed in this article?
effective implementation of project? 4 If project risk management is not being
2 Explain the human aspects of project risk practiced in your organization, how could
management. How does it affect the you suggest its use for effective project
selection of risk management tools and management to the board of directors of
techniques? your organization?

[ 649 ]

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