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Angeles City


SASOFT Engagement Activity 1 | Module 5 - Descriptive Statistics

Name: Shiori B. Bano

Course: BSA - III

Solutions and Presentation of Results:

1. Present the Results in Table Format
2. Make a Textual Presentation of the Result

Solutions and Presentation of Results:

Table 1
Distribution of the Bank Borrowers in terms of Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment Frequency Percent

Did not complete high school 460 54.1

High school degree 235 27.6
Some College 101 11.9
College Degree 49 5.8
Post-undergraduate degree 5 0.6
Total 850 100

Textual Representation of Result

Nearly all of the borrowers in the US Commercial Bank fit in to the educational attainment
bracket of did not complete high school with 460 or 54.1% followed by the borrowers at the educational
attainment bracket of High school degree with 235 or 27.6%.
Solutions and Presentation of Results:
Table 2
Distribution of the Bank Borrowers in Years in the Current Address
Years in the Current
Frequency Percent
5 years and below 358 42.1
6 - 15 years 350 41.2
16 - 30 years old 139 16.4
31 years and above 3 0.4
Total 850 100
Years in the Current Deviation
Address: Central and
Dispersion 8.37 ±6.895

Textual Representation of Result

Nearly all of the borrowers in the US Commercial Bank fit in to the Years in the Current Address
bracket of 5 years and below with 358 or 42.1% followed by the borrowers at the Years in the Current
Address bracket of 6 - 15 years with 350 or 41.2%. The common Years in the Current Address of the
borrowers was 8.37 with dispersion from 1.475 to 15.265 years.

Solutions and Presentation of Results:

Table 3

Distribution of the Bank Borrowers in Loan Amount

Loan Amount Frequency Percent

1,000 (Minimum Loan) 318 37.4

2,000 - 10,000 (Regular Loan) 376 44.2

11,000 - 50,000 (Business Loan) 140 16.5

51,000 - 75,000 (Corporate Loan) 6 0.7

76,000 - 100,000 (Executive Loan) 10 1.2

Total 850 100

Median IQR

Loan Amount: Central and

2,000 ±6000
Textual Representation of Result
Nearly all of the borrowers in the US Commercial Bank fit in to the Loan Amount bracket of
2,000 - 10,000 (Regular Loan) with 376 or 44.2% followed by the borrowers at the Loan Amount bracket
of 1,000 (Minimum Loan) with 318 or 37.4%. The common Loan Amount of the borrowers was 2,000
with dispersion from -4,000 to 8,000 worth of loan.

Solutions and Presentation of Results:

Table 4
Distribution of the Bank Borrowers in Household Income

Household Income Frequency Percent

1,000 - 50,000 602 70.8

51,000 - 100,000 190 22.4
101,000 - 150,000 40 4.7
151,000 - 200,000 8 0.9
201,000 - 250,000 5 0.6
251,000 - 300,000 5 0.6
Total 850 100
Median IQR
Household Income: Central
35,000 ±32,000
and Dispersion

Textual Representation of Results:

Nearly all of the borrowers in the US Commercial Bank fit in to the Household Income bracket of
1,000 - 50,000 with 602 or 70.8% followed by the borrowers at the Household Income bracket of 51,000
- 100,000 with 190 or 22.4%. The common Household Income of the borrowers was 35,000 with
dispersion from 3,000 to 67,000 of household income.
Solutions and Presentation of Results:
Table 5
Distribution of the Bank Borrowers in Debt to Income Ratio
Debt to Income
Frequency Percent
0 - 9.99% 488 57.4
10% - 19.99% 291 34.2
20% - 29.99% 58 6.8
30% - 50% 13 1.5
Total 850 100
Median IQR
Debt to Income
Ratio: Central and 8.7 ±8.7

Textual Representation of Results:

Nearly all of the borrowers in the US Commercial Bank fit in to the Debt to Income Ratio bracket
of 0 - 9.99% with 488 or 57.4% followed by the borrowers at the Debt to Income Ratio bracket of 10% -
19.99% with 291 or 34.2%. The common Debt to Income Ratio of the borrowers was 8.7 with dispersion
from 0 to 17.40.

Solutions and Presentation of Results:

Table 6
Distribution of the Bank Borrowers in terms of Previously Defaulted

Previously Defaulted Frequency Percent

No 644 75.8
Yes 206 24.2
Total 850 100

Textual Representation of Results:

Nearly all of the borrowers in the US Commercial Bank fit in to the Previously Defaulted bracket
of No with 644 or 75.8% followed by the borrowers at the Previously Defaulted bracket of Yes with 206
or 24.2%.

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