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Getting State and Local Budgets Under Control

Starts  with  Reducing  Costs  of  Government  Workers’  Salaries  and  Benefits
Nebraska  is  in  “ Top  Ten”  in  the  country
in  percentage  (17%)  of  workforce  employed  
by  State  and  Local  Governments  
Source:  US  Bureau  of  Labor  Sta;s;cs

Recommended  SoluJons
9  measures  have  been  introduced  in  the  Unicameral  
proposing  changes  to  Nebraska’s  laws  governing  
public  employees  -­‐  which  are  best?
(Other  bills  are  LB397,  LB482,  LB555,  LB623,  
LB624,  LB619)
LB664:  Repeals  the  Industrial  RelaDons  and  State  
Employee  CollecDve  Bargaining  Act  and  prohibits  
collecDve  bargaining  by  government  enDDes  in  
Current  Nebraska  Law  Must  Be  Changed LR29CA:  An  proposed  amendment  that  would  go  
before  voters  in  November  2012  to  make  the  
• Public  employee  salaries  are  NOT  based  currently  on  what  the  
prohibiDon  part  of  Nebraska’s  ConsDtuDon.
employer  can  afford  -­‐  it  is  based  on  what  is  prevalent.
LB564  +  LR29CA:  LB564  makes  significant  reform  
• Comparable  figures  are  used  from  large  ci4es  like  Kansas  City,  
to  the  way  the  CIR  operates;  Senators  may  be  
Chicago,  and  St.  Louis.
persuaded  to  pass  LB564  and  leave  the  decision  
• Public  employee  unions  make  agreements  and  can  then  take  their  
to  prohibit  collecDve  bargaining  to  the  people  in  
case  to  an  enDty  called  the  Commission  of  Industrial  RelaJons  
Nov.  2012.
(CIR)  and  get  more  money  and  benefits.
• The  CIR  members,  appointed  by  the  Governor,  are  not  elected  by,  
nor  answerable  to  taxpayers  -­‐  yet  their  decisions  impact  us  a  great   *What  YOU  Can  Do*
deal.   ATTEND  HEARINGS  on  the  proposed  bills:
• Nebraska  is  the  only  midwestern  state  with  public  employee   Monday,  February  7
contracts  mandaDng  staffing  levels;  in  some  ciDes  police  and  fire   1:30pm  -­‐  Start  ;me  (see  below!)  runs  ‘Jl??
chiefs  don’t  determine  staffing,  the  union  contract  does. State  Capitol  Room  1524
1445  K  St.,  Lincoln

A  large  public  turnout  is  needed  to  show  Senators  

IMPACT  ON  NEBRASKA  TAXPAYERS: that  Nebraskans  want  meaningful  reform  on  this  
• The  City  of  Omaha  police  contract  resulted  in  tax  increases  in  2010 issue.
• In  January,  2011,  Omaha  was  ordered  to  pay  fire  fighters  $2.2  
million  in  raises  for  2009,  even  though  the  union  had  agreed  to  lower   Have  to  work  on  Monday?  
wages.  (Source:  Omaha  World-­‐Herald) The  hearings  are  likely  to  run  into  the  evening,    
• Lincoln  fire  fighters  make  $80,000  per  year,  on  average,  but  recently   so  it  maybe  possible  to  aJend.  InformaDon  we  
received  6%  -­‐  10%  wage  increases.  (Source:  Lincoln  Journal  Star) have  received  indicates  LB664  and  LR29CA  will  
• Many  State  employees  have  re4rement  plans  that  are  guaranteed   be  the  last  bills  heard.
pay  outs;  federal  government  and  taxpayers  have  had  to  bail  them  
out  mul4ple  4mes  since  2008  while  their  own  401k  balances  shrink Can  you...
1. Tell  at  least  5  people  about  the  hearings  and  
the  CIR  issue,  by  calling,  emailing  and  /or  
prinDng  and  handing  out  a  few  flyers?
Bills  can  be  read  in  full  at 2. AJend  the  hearings  yourself  or  get  someone  
Hearing  day  not  the  end  of  the  issue! you  know  who  can?
For  updates,  much  more  informaJon  on  this   3. Prepare  a  brief  statement  of  support  and  bring  
and  other  issues,  visit: to  the  hearing*  or  send  to  the  CommiJee  
Members  and  your  Senator? *If  aHending  hearings,  bring  12  copies

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