Task: Produce FIVE Posters (As Part of A Collection), Aimed at Your Local or School Community, Advocating For Equality in at Least ONE Chosen Field

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Research Question: How can we advocate for equality in our local community?

Task: Produce FIVE posters (as part of a

collection), aimed at your local or school
community, advocating for equality in at least
ONE chosen field
Description and Goals
This is an Advocacy Task. You must choose to explore at least ONE field. Use the list below to help prompt your inquiry:

 Racism
 Education
 Health and ableism
 Water (access and quality)
 Gender pay gap across different countries AND/OR time periods
 Animal rights

You may want to explore:

 Recent events and news items reported throughout varied news sources such as (but not exclusively): international press,
YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, local press
 Relevant official law and policy, and the enforcement of such policies
 Engagement with the International Community and other external agencies such as the Dubai Police and the United
Nations (U.N)

When referencing, you must use the Harvard referencing method.

Let’s get you started:

First, you must understand the issue you are tackling. To do this, you must identify and review two national responses inequality
(minimum of two). You could also observe examples of good and bad practice by at least two nations.

Next, you must use and apply your new knowledge to produce a collection of FIVE posters aimed at your local community to
raise awareness, tackling anti-racism and equality. You must have a clear sense of purpose and branding throughout your

Finally, you must write firm recommendations for at least two nations, in order to improve the lives of discriminated groups.

Deadline: Sunday 29th November 2020

How does this qualify as Service as Action?

This is an example of Advocacy as Service wherein ‘students speak on behalf of a cause or concern to promote action on an issue
of public interest. Examples include initiating an awareness campaign on hunger in the community, performing a play on
replacing bullying with respect, or creating a video on sustainable water solutions’ to meet the needs of a local community
(IBMYP 2020).

Discuss all of the above with your tutor and your peers. Are you ready to begin this Service as Action learning project? Now, it’s
time to for you to stop reading and get stuck in! You will notice parts that need you to do some thinking and some writing.

Research Question: How can we advocate for equality in our local community?
Activity Aims
During this project, I aim to…

In the next section, you must explain the actions you will take to demonstrate progress against each learning outcome. The first
one has been started for you.

How will I progress against the learning outcomes?

Learning Outcome 1; become more aware of my own strengths and areas for growth
During this project, I will be organising my research using time management and self-organisation. I know that I struggle to…
therefore, when I face challenges, I will need to remember to…
Also, this project will develop my analysis skills when I…

Learning Outcome 2; undertake challenges that develop new skills

write here

Learning Outcome 3; discuss, evaluate and plan student-initiated activities

write here

Learning Outcome 6; develop international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism and intercultural
write here

How will I progress as an IB learner?

IB learners are: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers,
balanced, and reflective.

I intend to…

In order to help guide your completion of this Service as Action, follow the steps and complete the boxes. The boxes are a loose
guide to the expected content of your research, analysis, and recommendations. It is expected that you may exceed these boxes
and that is fine.

Your form tutor will provide time for you to share and evidence your progress during Service Sunday and other discrete sessions.
You must be proactive in completing this project.

Research Question: How can we advocate for equality in our local community?
Step 1: Identify and review two national responses to inequality (your teacher has provided an optional first
case study to get you started. If this case study does not apply to you, you can find relevant case studies using
the same website):
Case Study 1: United Arab Emirates, https://www.thenational.ae/uae/government/anti-discrimination-law-enacted-across-uae-

Case Study 2: (you must do independently)

Research Question: How can we advocate for equality in our local community?
Step 2: Produce FIVE posters (as part of a collection), aimed at your local or school community, advocating for
greater equality in your chosen field. Showcase relevant knowledge and sustain a clear brand and purpose,
throughout your collection. Screenshot your collection in the box below. You may need to make the box bigger
to fit your work in.

Research Question: How can we advocate for equality in our local community?
Mid-point reflection:
Reflect on your progress through the project against your aims and learning outcomes. You should write one paragraph per
learning outcome.

I was successful in…

I struggled to…
I am already seeing progress in my skills and ability to…

Step 3: Recommendations. Write firm recommendations for at least two nations, in order to improve the lives
your identified group(s).

Research Question: How can we advocate for equality in our local community?
Final Reflection
How did I progress against each learning outcome?
Write here

How did I progress as an IB learner?

Write here

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