Science 9 2nd Quarter

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GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards
How atoms combine with other atoms by transferring or by sharing
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies
Explain the formation of ionic and covalent bond. S9MT-11a-13
The learners should be able to:
Show the relationship
Compare electronegativity
Identify the number of Write the Lewis Symbol of among the numbers of
and ionization energy
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES Pre-assessment valence electrons of
values of metals and non-
the common metals and valence electrons,
atoms. non-metals. electronegativity and
ionization energy.
Chemical Bonding
II. CONTENT Pre-test
1.1 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other
A. References LM, TG
Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 91 pp. 91-92 pp. 91-92 pp. 92 pp. 93
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 112-113 pp. 113-115 pp. 113-115 pp. 115-117 pp. 115-117
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  EASE II. Chemistry  EASE II. Chemistry  You and the NAtural  Science and
Module 14. Lesson 1 Module 14. Lesson 1 World Science pp. Technology Third
 .BEAM III. Unit 7.18  .BEAM III. Unit 7.18 126-130 Year. Amelia P.
Demonstrate Demonstrate Mapa, Ph.D.,
understanding of the understanding of the Trinidad B. Fidelino;
processes. Bonding processes. Bonding Lilia M. Rabago,
Module 1. March Module 1. March Ph.D., 2001. pp.
2009 2009 105-106
 EASE Science 1.  EASE Science 1.
Module 6. Lesson 1. Module 6. Lesson 1.
 Science and  Science and
Technology III. Technology III.
Chemistry Textbook Chemistry Textbook
for Third Year. for Third Year. Mapa,
Mapa, AMelia P., AMelia P., Ph.D.
Ph.D. 1999. pp. 1999. pp. 111-115
111-115  Science and
 Science and Technology III:
Technology III: NISMED. 1997. pp.
NISMED. 1997. pp. 270-273
270-273 Science and Technology
 Science and
II. Chemistry Textbook.
Technology II.
NISMED. 2012. pp.
Chemistry Textbook.
NISMED. 2012. pp.
329-333 
 com/watch?


Preparation Video presentation Video presentation Games: Match it!! Games: Word Hunt
about valence electron about electronegativity
of an atom. and ionization energy Match the symbols to Finding of words
values of metals and the names of elements. inside the box.
ELICIT  Valence
 Electron
 Electronegativity
 Ionization energy
 Atoms
 Element
Overview 1.What can you say 1.How can you identify Background check: Review
about the video? the electronegativity 1.Who is the proponent
and ionization energy of Lewis Symbol?
2.What elements are values of an element?
ENGAGE found in the video?

3.Describe valence
Present topics found in Working in groups, Working in groups, Working in groups, Working in groups,
the module students will follow students will follow students will follow students will follow
guided activity. guided activity. guided activity. guided activity.
Activity 1: Mapping the Activity 1: Mapping the Activity 2: Lewis Symbol Activity 2: Lewis
Periodic Table Periodic Table Symbol
Give learning 1.Group reporting 1.Group reporting 1.Group reporting 1.Group reporting
EXPLAIN 2.Answer guide 2.Answer guide 2.Answer guide 2.Answer guide
questions questions questions questions
ELABORATE Introduction of the topic 1.How can you identify 1.How is 1.How would you write 1.In the Periodic table
the number of valence electronegativity value the Lewis Symbol of of Elements, where
electron? differ from ionization common metals and can you find the
energy value? non-metals? electronegativity and
2.What are the number ionization energy
of valence electrons of 2.What are the dots in values of an element?
the given atoms? the Lewis Symbol of an
element represent? 2.How are the number
of valence electron,
electronegativity and
ionization energy
values relate with each
Pre-test Identify the number of Write the Write the Lewis Symbol Use the periodic table
valence electron of the electronegativity and of common metals and to determine the
following elements. ionization energy values non-metals. number of valence
of the element. electron,
1. Bromine *Please refer to Periodic 1. Bromine electronegativity and
2. Magnesium Table of Elements 2. Magnesium ionization energy
3. Silicon 3. Silicon values of the element.
4. Krypton 1. Bromine 4. Krypton
5. Carbon 2. Magnesium 5. Carbon  Bromine,
EVALUATE 3. Silicon Magnesium, Silicon,
4. Krypton Krypton, Carbon
5. Carbon
Arrange these
elements in increasing:
a. valence electrons
b. electronegativity
c. Ionization energy.
Bring a Periodic Table of Give ten (10) elements Give ten (10) elements Give ten (10) elements
Elements. then write its number then write its then write its Lewis
of valence electron. electronegativity and Symbol. *except for the
*except for the ionization energy elements that are
EXTEND elements that are values. *except for the already given in lesson
already given in lesson elements that are
already given in lesson


From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned

 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover

which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:
GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards
How atoms combine with other atoms by transferring or by sharing
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies
Explain the formation of ionic and covalent bond. S9MT-11a-13
The learners should be able to:
Explain how ionic bond is Illustrate how ionic bond Show how ions are Explain how covalent
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES Explain what an ion is.
formed. is formed. formed. bonding takes place.

II. CONTENT Chemical Bonding

1.1 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
LM, CG, TG and other
A. References LM, CG, TG and other Learning Resources LM, CG, TG and other Learning Resources
Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 93-96 pp. 96-97 pp. 98-102
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 118-119 pp. 118-119 pp. 120-121
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  Science and Technology II SEDP Series. AMelia  Science And Technology III SEDP Series.  You and Natural
P. Mapa, Ph.D., Trinidad B. Fidelino; Lilia M Amelia P. Mapa, Ph.D., Trinidad B. Fidelino, World Science pp.
Rabago, Ph.D., 2001. pp. 105-106 Mona Lisa Intong, Lilia M. Rabago, Ph.D. pp. 138-139
 118-120 
 com/watch?


Video presentation of Game: Scrambled Video presentation Question and answer. Video presentation of how
how ionic bond is Words showing an ion. covalent bonding takes
formed. place.
 Ionic
ELICIT  Electrons
 Transfer
 Electronegativity
 Octet
 Bonding
ENGAGE 1.What can you say Recalling of terms. 1.What does the video 1.Do you think there 1.What can you say
about the video? all about? are elements or atom about the video?
that cannot be an ion?
2.What is Octet Rule?
Working in groups, Refer to activity 3 Continuation of activity Refer to activity 3 Working in groups,
students will follow 3 students will follow
guided activity. guided activity.
Activity 3: Bonding by Activity 4: Bonding by
Transfer of Electrons Sharing of Electrons
1.Group reporting 1.Answer guide 1.Group reporting 1.Answer guide 1.Group reporting
EXPLAIN questions questions
1.What is ionic bonding? 1.Give another 1.What is an ion? 1.How are ions 1.What is a covalent
example showing ionic formed? bond?
2.Why do we need the bonding between two 2.What is the difference
elements’ atoms between cation and 2.Illustrate on the 2.What are the two
electronegativity values anion? board how ions form. types of covalent
ELABORATE in forming ionic bond? bonding?

3.How would we
determine if what type
of covalent bond will
take place?
1.How can you say that Test the elements 1.How can an atom *Refer to Tuesday Identification:
ionic bonding will take using their become ion? evaluation
place between two electronegativity 1.Bonding by sharing of
atoms? values, and then Identify which element electrons
illustrate how ionic is a cation or an anion. 2.The electronegativity
bonding between two difference is equal to 0.4
or less
atoms are formed.
EVALUATE 3.The electronegativity
difference is less than 1.9
1.Potassium (K) and and more than 0.4
Fluorine (F) 4.___________ make up
non-polar covalent
2.Magnesium (Mg) and bonding.
Sulfur (S) 5.___________ elements
make up polar covalent
EXTEND 1.Will all combination of What are cations and 1.What type of elements Test the elements
two element form ionic anions? are usually cations or using their
bond? Why? anions? electronegativity
values, illustrate how
ionic bonding between
two atoms are formed,
and identify which is
cation or anion.

1.Calcium (Ca) and

Sulfur (S)

From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned

 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:
GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A.Content Standards How atoms combine
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: with other atoms by
Forces that hold metal together
transferring or by
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies Recognize different types of
The learners should be able to: compounds (ionic or
covalent) based on their
Explain properties of metals in terms of their structures.
properties such as melting
point, hardness, polarity,
electrical and thermal
conductivity. S9MT-11B-14
Recognize the ionic and Describe the properties
Relate the properties of
Illustrate the sharing of Make a model of metallic covalent compound based
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES metals to the kind of bond of metals in terms of
electrons. bond. on their physical
they are made of. its structure.
II. CONTENT Chemical Bonding
1.1 Ionic and Covalent
1.2 Metallic Bonding
A. References LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other
Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 98-102 pp. 102-103 pp. 103 pp. 103 pp. 104
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 120-121 pp. 121 pp.122 pp. 123 pp. 124
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  EASE Science II.  PHOENIX; You  BEAM M. Unit 8. 20  Chemistry III  Science and
Chemistry module 14. and natural world Demonstrate textbook, Mapa, Technology III:
Lesson 1. science pp. 138-139 understanding of Amelia P., Ph.D., Chemistry textbook.
 Chemistry II  You and the chemical bonds. 2001 pp 113- NISMED. 2012. pp.
textbook. Mapa, natural world Metallic Link. Module 115 333-334.
Amelia P., Ph.D., science third year 3.  Science and
2001. pp 117-120 secod edition. E.  technology III:
 Science and Mendoza, Teresita F. om/watch? Chemistry
Technology III. Relegioso pp. 104- v=Bjf9gMDP47s textbook.NISMED.
NISMED. 1997. p283 105 1997. pp. 279-280
Concept identification: Video presentation Video presentation of Question and Answer. Word hunt:
showing metallic how metallic bonding
 C__AL__T B__D_N_ bonding. relates to metallic *possible words
 P__A_ properties.  LUSTER
 _E__L A_D N__-  HEAT
 D_AT__IC
Review What can you say What does the video all What do you think will What do you think are
about the video? about? happen if you heated a these words?
ENGAGE salt? How about a
Refer to Activity 4 Working in groups, Continuation of activity Working in groups, Recalling activity 5
students will follow 5. students will follow (Metallic Properties)
guided activity. *Table 3: Metallic guided activity.
EXPLORE Properties
Activity 5: Bonding Activity 6: Differences
among Metals between Ionic an
Covalent Compounds
Answer guide questions 1.Group reporting 1.Group reporting 1. Group reporting 1.Group reporting
EXPLAIN 2.Answer guide 2.Answer guide
question questions
Illustrate examples of 1.How do metals attain 1.How would you relate 1.What type of 1.What are the
polar and non-polar their stability? metallic bonds to compound conducts different properties of
covalent bonding. metallic properties? electricity? a metal?
2.How do metals bond?
ELABORATE 2.Why are some 2.How can these
compound soluble in properties affect the
water while others are uses of metals?
EVALUATE Test the elements using True or False: Give one (1) property of Give one (1) property of Multiple Choices:
their electronegativity a metal and explain its an ionic and covalent
values, identify if it is 1.Metals tend to lose relation to metallic compound and explain. a. Luster
polar or non-polar electron to become bonding. b. Ductility
covalent bonding, then stable. c. Malleability
illustrate how sharing of 2.Metals have low d. Conductor of Heat
electrons are formed. ionization energy e. Conductor of
value. Electricity
1.Propane (C3H7) 3.Metals are attracted f. Hardness
2.Fluorine gas (F2) to negatively charged g. State
4.Metallic bonding is 1. Metals can be
the same with ionic flattened or can be
and covalent bonding. formed into sheets
5.Metallic bonds are when being
formed from the hammered.
attraction between a 2. Metals can be
freely moving electron drawn into fine wire.
and a positive nucleus. 3.Metals have the
ability of reflecting
4.Metals are solid at
room temperature
except for mercury.
5.The electrons are
free to move within the
Bring a drawing pen. Give ten (10) uses of a Bring the materials for What are the different
metal. tomorrow’s activity. properties of a metal?
*Please refer to LM

From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned

 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?
GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:
Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:

GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A.Content Standards 1. How atoms combine with other atoms by
The types of bond that carbon forms that result in the diversity of carbon
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: transferring or by sharing.
2. Forces that hold metal together.
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies Explain how ions are 1.Explain the Explain how the structure of the carbon atom affects the type of bonds it
The learners should be able to: formed. S9MT-IIe-f-16 formation of ionic and forms.
covalent bond. S9MT- S9MT-IIg-17
2.Recognize different
types of compounds
(ionic or covalent)
based on their
properties such as
melting point,
hardness, polarity,
electrical and thermal
3.Explain properties of
metals in terms of their
structures. S9MT-11c-
4.Explain how ions are
formed. S9MT-IIe-f-16
Evaluate students’
Evaluate students’ prior Recognize the uses of Observe the properties
Describe how ions are knowledge on the
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES knowledge about common organic of common organic
formed. lessons on Chemical
organic compounds. compounds. compounds.
II. CONTENT Chemical bonding
The Variety of Carbon Compounds
Chemical bonding 1.1 Ionic and
Pre-assessment 2.1 Carbon Atoms
1.2 Metallic Bonding Covalent Bonding
2.2 Organic compounds
1.2 Metallic Bonding
A. References LM, CG, TG and other
Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 91-104 pp. 105 pp. 105-107 pp. 107-108
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 113-124 pp. 128-130 pp. 131-132 pp. 132-133
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  EASE Science I
Module 6
 EASE Science II.
MOdule 14. Lesson 1
 Chemistry III
Textbook, Mapa,
Amelia P. Ph.D.,
2001 pp 92-94
 Science and
IIIChemistry Textbook
NISMED 2012. pp.
 Science and
Technology III:
Chemistry Textbook
for Third year. Mapa,
AMelia P., Ph.D.,
1999, pp. 110
ELICIT Video presentation Quick review. Preparation Picture presentation of Scrambled words:
about ions. some organic
compounds. 1.PEIPRREOTS
What can you say about 1.Set rules for the test. Overview What are shown in the What do you think are
the video? pictures? these words about?
2.Give general
ENGAGE instructions.

3.Explain each type of

Recall activity 3 on the Answering of the Present topics found in Working in groups, Working in groups,
formation of ions. summative test. the module students will follow students will follow
guided activity. guided activity.
Activity 1: Organic Activity 2: Properties of
Compounds: Are they Common Organic
useful? Compounds
Answer guide questions. Checking of papers. Give learning Group reporting and Group reporting.
EXPLAIN competencies answering guide
1.What is an ion? Answer questions Introduction of the topic 1.What are the uses of 1.What are the
raised by the students organic compounds? properties of common
2.How are ions form? about their paper. organic compounds?
2.Are we using organic
3.What is the difference compounds in our 2.Why is it important
ELABORATE between cation and everyday lives? Give to know the properties
anion? example. of the organic
4.Give examples of
cation and anion.
EVALUATE Identify which is cation 1.Recording of scores. Pre-test Identify the uses of the Identify which property
and anion in the given following organic of common organic
compounds. 2.Item analysis. compounds. Choose the compound is
letter of your answer. described.
compound cation anion Items may have more
1.FeSO4 than one answer. 1.A measure of a
liquid’s resistance to
1.Benzene flow.
2.Saturated/Unsaturate 2.The measure of how
d Oil easily the material
3.Butane burns.
4.Glucose 3.The materials is
either solid, liquid, or
a.Beverage gas.
b.Food 4.Determined by the
c.Antiseptic smell of the
d.Fuel compound.
e.Cleaner 5.It is the tendency of
the compound to
Review your notes for What are organic Bring the following Give and define two (2)
the summative test compounds? materials: properties of common
tomorrow. organic compounds.
EXTEND 1.paper and pen
2.pentel pen
3.Manila paper
From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned

 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:
GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards
The types of bond that carbon forms that result in the diversity of carbon compounds.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies Explain how the
The learners should be able to: structure of the carbon
Recognize the general classes and uses of organic compounds.
atom affects the type of
bonds it forms.
Relate the properties to Recognize common Identify the type of Investigate how common organic compound
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES their uses. kinds of alkanes, bonds formed in ethyne can ripen fruits faster than the natural
alkanes, alkenes,
alkenes, alkynes and Relate the structure of
their uses. alkanes, alkenes,
alkynes to their
II. CONTENT The Variety of Carbon Compounds
2.1 Carbon Atoms
2.2 Organic compounds
A. References LM, CG, TG and other
Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 107-108 pp. 108-110 pp. 108-110 pp. 111-112
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 134-135 pp. 135-136 pp. 135-136 pp. 137-138
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  EASE II MOdule 14.
 Chemistry III
textbook Mapa,
Amelia P., Ph.D.
2001 pp. 343-356
 Science and
Technology NISMED.
1997. pp.334-340
 Science and
Technology III;
Chemistry Textbook
for third year . Mapa,
Amelia P., Ph.D.,
1999 pp. 349-353
ELICIT Match Up!! Picture presentation of Picture presentation of Question and answer Question and answer.
different hydrocarbons. different hydrocarbons. about using of
Match the properties of “kalburo”.
common organic
compounds to its
possible uses.

Properties: Uses:
Viscosity Fuel

Review about uses and 1.What is/are the 1.What can you say 1. How would you ripen 1.What do you think
properties of common similarities of the about the picture? a fruit faster than will happen to the two
organic compounds. pictures? natural? sets of bananas?
ENGAGE 2.What do you call the
2.What are the lines between the
differences? compounds?
Continuation of activity Working in groups, Continuation of activity Working in groups, Continuation of
2 (Properties of Common students will follow 3 (Hydrocarbons) students will follow activity 4 (Which
Organic Compounds) guided activity. guided activity. bananas will ripen
EXPLORE Activity 3: Activity 4: Which
Hydrocarbons bananas will ripen

~End of Session~
Answer guide questions. Group reporting. Answer guide questions. Group reporting and
EXPLAIN answering of guide
1.How would you 1.What are the group 1.What are alkanes, 1.What compound did
indicate the uses of an of families of alkenes and alkynes? we use to ripen the
organic compound hydrocarbons? bananas faster?
based on its properties? 2.How do they differ
Give examples. 2.What are the with each other 2.What composes this
examples for alkanes, according to their type compound?
alkenes and alkynes? of bonds?
ELABORATE 3.What are the
3. How can the number properties of this
of carbon present in a compound?
hydrocarbon affect its
properties? Give 4.How can this
example. compound ripen the
bananas faster than
the natural way?
Put check in the given Identify which group Identify which group Explain (5pts)
properties and uses if it the following the following
corresponds with the hydrocarbons belong. hydrocarbons belong 1.How can a calcium
Properties Uses compound. based to their carbide ripen the fruits
o pf bv v f a c f 1.Decyne condensed structural faster than the natural
d hl ei o o n l u 2.Octene formula. way?
o aa vs l o t e e 3.Heptene
r sm ec a d i a l
em ro t s n 4.Nonane 1. HC C—CH2—CH3
a as i e e 5.Acetylene (triple bond)
b gi l p r 2. CH3—CH CH2
i et i t (double bond
l y t i
3. CH3—CH3
i y c
t 4. CH3-CH2-CH CH-
y CH3(double bond)
5. CH3—C CH (triple

s How do the properties of Give the condensed Identify which group
a common organic structural formula of the following
compounds are related the following hydrocarbons belong
r with its uses? hydrocarbons. based to their
a condensed structural
t EXTEND 1.Decyne formula and give the
e 2.Octene name of the
3.Heptene hydrocarbon.
i 5.Acetylene CH3-CH2-C C-CH2-
l CH2-CH2-CH3
G V. REMARKS The lesson will continue
l the next day for better
result of the activity.
s From the Evaluation,
e No. of learners who earned
 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:

GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards
The types of bond that carbon forms that result in the diversity of carbon compounds.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies Recognize the general classes and uses of organic compounds. S9MT-11h-18
The learners should be able to:
Identify similarities in Relate the structures
Recognize the uses of the structures of Relate the similarities to Give the common uses of acetone and
common alcohols. different kinds of the common properties. of acetone and formalin. formalin to the
alcohols. carbonyl compounds.
II. CONTENT The Variety of Carbon Compounds
2.1 Carbon Atoms
2.2 Organic compounds
A. References LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other
LM, CG, TG and other Learning Resources
Learning Resources Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 113-114 pp. 120-121
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 138-139 pp. 140
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal  Chemistry III  EASE Science II.  Science and  Chemistry III  Chemistry III
Textbook. MApa, Module 16. Lesson Technology III: textbook. Mapa, Amelia textbook. Mapa,
Amelia P., Ph.D., 2. Chemistry textbook. P., Ph.D. 2001 pp Amelia P., Ph.D.
2001 pp.356-367  OSHP CHemistry NISMED 2012. pp 84-91 171-183 2001 pp 171-183
 Science and module 16. Lesson  Chemistry II  Science and  Science and
Technology III. 2. Science and textbook. Mapa, Amelia Technology III, Technology III,
NISMED. 1997.pp. technology III: P., Ph.D., 2001 NISMED, 1997 pp. 112- NISMED, 1997 pp.
331-340 CHemistry Textbook pp. 174-183 113 112-113
 Science and NISMED. 2012. pp.  Science and
Technology III: 84-91 Technology III NISMED.
Chemistry textboook 1997. pp. 112-123
for third year. Mapa,
Amelia P. Ph.D.
1999 pp. 367-373
B. Other Learning Resources
Picture presentation of Picture presentation of Question and answer. Picture presentation of Word hunt:
different alcohols. the structural formula acetone and formalin?
of common alcohols. *possible words to find

ELICIT Formalin
ENGAGE 1.What can you see in 1.Can you identify the Review on properties of 1.What do we use to Review on the uses of
the pictures? names of the hydrocarbon. remove our nail polish? acetone and formalin.
structural formulas
2.What do you think are seen in the picture 2.What is used by
in the picture? based on the number embalmers to preserve
of carbons present? human cadavers?
What are the names of
the formulas?
Working in groups, Continuation of activity Continuation of activity Working in groups, Continuation of
students will follow 5 (Alcohols and their 5 (Alcohols and their students will follow activity 6 (What is
guided activity. Uses) Uses) guided activity. Common between
EXPLORE Acetone and Formalin)
Activity 5: Alcohols and Activity 6: What is
their Uses Common between
Acetone and Formalin?
EXPLAIN Group reporting. Group reporting. Answer guide questions. Group reporting. Group reporting.
1.What is an alcohol? 1.What have you notice 1.What are the 1.What is an acetone? 1.What are the
to the structural properties of alcohol? molecular formulas of
2.Where do we usually formula of the different 2.What is a formalin? acetone and formalin?
found alcohol? kinds of alcohols? 2.Do alcohols with
different kinds still have 3.What is/are the uses 2.How would you write
3.What are the uses of 2.What are the the same properties? of acetone and it in its structural
alcohol? similarities of the Why? formalin? formula?
ELABORATE structural formula of
the alcohols?

3.How would we
determine that the
given compound is an
Match column A with With the given Explain (5pts) Explain (5pts) Explain (5pts)
column B. Write the structural formulas of
letters only. different compounds, 1.What makes the 1.Why are acetone and 1.What is/are the
pick out which are alcohols differ on the formalin important? difference and
Column A alcohols and encircle properties they have? similarities between
1.ethyl alcohol its determinant. acetone and formalin?
2.isopropyl alcohol
3.methyl alcohol
EVALUATE *write the structural
Column B formula of:
a.fuel Ethene
b.beverage Butane
c.cleaner Methanol
d.disinfectant Methane Propyne
Isopropyl alcohol
EXTEND Explain: Answer on your Explain: Answer on your
notebook: notebook:
1.Why is alcohol 1.What is an acetone
important? 1.What are the and a formalin? 1.What are the
properties of alcohol? molecular formulas of
acetone and formalin?
From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned

 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:
GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards The types of bond that carbon forms that result in The unit, mole, that quantitatively measures the number of very small
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the diversity of carbon compounds. particles of matter.
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies 1.Explain how the
The learners should be able to: structure of the carbon
atom affects the type of
Recognize the general bonds it forms.
classes and uses of S9MT-IIg-17
Use the mole concept t express mass of substances. S9MT-Iii-19
organic compounds. 2. Recognize the
S9MT-11h-18 general classes and
uses of organic
compounds. S9MT-
Relate the structures of Evaluate students’
Record the mass with Relate the mass of the
acetone and formalin to knowledge on the Measure the mass of
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES the correct number of object to the number of
the carbonyl lessons on the Variety an object.
significant figures. pieces per item.
compounds. of Carbon Compounds.
II. CONTENT The Variety of Carbon Compounds
Mole Concept
3.1 Mass
2.1 Carbon Atoms
3.2 Moles
2.2 Organic compounds
3.3 Percentage Composition of a Compound
A. References LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other
Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 118-119 pp. 105-119 pp. 120-121 pp. 120-121 pp. 120-121
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 140 pp. 131-140 pp. 147-149 pp. 147-149 pp. 147-149
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  Chemistry III  Chemistry Textbook.  Chemistry Textbook.  Chemistry
textbook. Mapa, Amelia Mapa, AmeliaP., Ph. Mapa, AmeliaP., Ph. Textbook. Mapa,
P., Ph.D. 2001 pp D., et. Al. 2001. pp. D., et. Al. 2001. pp. AmeliaP., Ph. D., et.
171-183 171-183 171-183 Al. 2001. pp. 171-183
 Science and  Science and  Science and  Science and
Technology III, NISMED, Technology III, Technology III, Technology III,
1997 pp. 112-113 NISMED, 1997 pp. NISMED, 1997 pp. NISMED, 1997 pp.
 112-113 112-113 112-113
Video presentation Quick review. Picture presentation of Question and answer. Question and answer.
about acetone, formalin different measuring
ELICIT and other carbonyl instruments.
What can you say about 1.Set rules for the test. 1.What can you see in Review about What do you think will
the video? the pictures? identifying significant happen to the mass of
2.Give general figures. an object if the item is
ENGAGE instructions. 2.What are the uses of doubled, or tripled?
these item in the
3.Explain each type of pictures?
Continuation of activity Answering of the Working in groups, Continuation of activity Continuation of activity
6 (What is Common summative test. students will follow 1 (Counting by Getting 1 (Counting by Getting
between Acetone and guided activity. the Mass of an Object) the Mass of an Object)
EXPLORE Formalin?)
Activity1: Counting by
Getting the Mass of an
Answer guide questions. Checking of papers. Group reporting. Group reporting and Group reporting and
EXPLAIN answering guide answering guide
questions. questions.
1.What is common Answer questions 1.Give different kinds 1.How would we 1.One (1) mole of a
between the structure of raised by the students of instruments used to identify the significant substance is equal to
acetone and formalin? about their paper. measure mass of an figures in the given set 6.02x10 23 particles
object. of numbers? (Avogadro’s number)
2.What types of bond do
acetone and formalin 2.Why do we need to 2.What is the
ELABORATE have? measure the mass of relationship between
an object? Give the number of moles to
3.How can we determine examples. its mass?
that a compound belong
to carbonyl group? 3.How many mongo
seeds are equal to 3.50
moles of mongo seeds?
EVALUATE With the given 1.Recording of scores. Give the mass of the Record the mass of the Answer the following?
structural formulas of following objects. following object with
different compounds, 2.Item analysis. correct number of 1.How many bananas
pick out which belongs 1.stone significant figures. are equal to 7.50 moles
to carbonyl group and of bananas?
encircle its determinant. 3.umbrella
4.filled water tumbler 2.stone 2.How many moles of
*write the structural 5.vase 3.umbrella rice grains are equal to
formula of: 1.807 x 10 24 grains of
Ethanol rice?
Review your notes for Answer on your Answer on your Answer on your
the summative test notebook: notebook: notebook:
EXTEND tomorrow.
1.What is a mole? 1.What is a significant 1.What is Avogadro’s
number? number?
From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned

 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:
GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards
The unit, mole, that quantitatively measures the number of very small particles of matter.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies
Use the mole concept t express mass of substances. S9MT-Iii-19
The learners should be able to:
Record the mass Convert the number of items to its equivalent
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES Measure the mass of a given number of objects. showing the precision of mass in grams or vise versa using the equivalent
the measuring device. taken from the result of the activity.
II. CONTENT Mole Concept
3.1 Mass
3.2 Moles
3.3 Percentage Composition of a Compound
B. References LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other LM, CG, TG and other
Learning Resources Learning Resources Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 120-121 pp. 120-121 pp. 120-121
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 149-150 pp. 149-150 pp. 149-150
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  Chemistry III  Chemistry III  Chemistry III
textbook. Mapa textbook. Mapa textbook. Mapa
Amelia P. Ph.D., Amelia P. Ph.D., Amelia P. Ph.D.,
2001 pp. 171-183 2001 pp. 171- 2001 pp. 171-183
 Science and 183  Science and
Technology III,  Science and Technology III,
NISMED, 1997 pp. Technology III, NISMED, 1997 pp.
112-113 NISMED, 1997 pp. 112-113
ELICIT Picture presentation of Scrambled words: Question and answer. Question and answer. Review.
different weighing tools.
What do you think are What are these words What do you think will Review. 1.If a mango has a
the common uses of about? happen if the mass of 200g, how
ENGAGE these objects in the measuring instrument many mangoes are
pictures? you use is not precise? there in 1kg?
Working in groups, Continuation of activity Continuation of activity Continuation of activity Continuation of
students will follow 2 (Total Count vs. 2 (Total Count vs. Mass) 2 (Total Count vs. Mass) activity 2 (Total Count
guided activity. Mass) vs. Mass)
Activity 2: Total Count
vs. Mass
Group reporting. Group reporting. Group reporting and Group reporting and Group reporting and
EXPLAIN answering of guide answering of guide answering of guide
questions. questions. questions.
Description of the What will happen to Why do we need to 1.How much is the 1.How many plastic
different weighing tools. the mass of an object if secure the precision of mass in grams of a 15 bottle cap are there in
ELABORATE you double or triple the our measuring device? pieces soft drink crown? 30g?
number of items? Give example.
Identify what type of Answer the following: Answer the following Analyze and answer the Analyze and answer
weighing tools are seen with the use of a precise following: the following:
in the pictures. 1.How much is the measuring device:
mass of 2 books? How 1. If a 1-peso coin has a 1. Ellen’s notebook
1-5. *picture of different about 5 books? 1.chalkbox mass of 2.8 grams, has a mass of 72
weighing tools 2.board eraser what is the mass of six grams. How many
3.notebook 1-peso coin? notebook does Ellen
2. A pair of guava has a have if she carries 360
EVALUATE mass of 90 grams, what grams of it?
is the mass of 7 2. There are 50
guavas? pingpong balls in the
box, and has a total
mass of 115 grams.
How many pingpong
balls are added if it
becomes172.5 grams?
Bring the following: (per Answer on your Answer on your Bring the following:
group) notebook: notebook: (individual)

5 plastic bottle caps (in 1.What is the 1.Record your mass 5 plastic bottle caps (in
EXTEND the same brand) relationship between with a precise weighing the same brand)
5 soft drink crowns the number of object to scale. 5 soft drink crowns
(same brand) its mass? (same brand)
5 10-centavo coins 5 10-centavo coins
From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned

 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:
GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards
The unit, mole, that quantitatively measures the number of very small particles of matter.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies
Use the mole concept t express mass of substances. S9MT-Iii-19
The learners should be able to:
Apply the mole
Compute for the molar mass of common Describe the relationships among the number of
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES concept in completing
substances. moles, mass and number of particles.
a given set of data.
II. CONTENT Mole Concept
3.1 Mass
3.2 Moles
3.3 Percentage Composition of a Compound
A. References LM, CG, TG LM, CG, TG LM, CG, TG LM, CG, TG LM, CG, TG
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 121-122 pp. 123-124 pp. 124-125
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 151-152 pp. 152-153 pp. 153-154
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
ELICIT Reviewing of the Periodic Review about common Video presentation Word Hunt: Question and answer.
Table of Elements. compounds. about moles, mass and
number of particles. *possible words

Question and answer Question and answer Question and answer Review Review elements in the
about the name, symbol about the name and about the mass of the Periodic Table and
ENGAGE and atomic mass of the symbol of some elements (refer to common compounds.
elements. compounds. Periodic Table of
Working in groups, Continuation of activity Working in groups, Continuation of activity Working in groups,
students will follow 3 (The Mass of One students will follow 4 (The Relationships students will follow
guided activity. Mole of a Substance) guided activity. among Number of guided activity.
Moles, Mass, and
EXPLORE Activity 3: The Mass of Activity 4: The Number of Particles) Activity 5: The
One Mole of a Substance Relationships among Chemist’s Mole
Number of Moles, Mass,
and Number of Particles
Group reporting Group reporting and Group reporting. Group reporting and Group reporting and
EXPLAIN answering of guide answering of guide answering of guide
questions. questions. questions.
1.What is a molar mass? 1.How can we identify 1.How would we identify 1.How would we identify 1.When is a particle
the molar mass of a the number of moles the number of particles classified as an atom,
2.How can we identify compound present in a substance? present in a substance? a molecule or a
ELABORATE the molar mass of a substances? Give Give example. Give example. formula unit?
substance? Give example.
Identify the molar mass Refer to Science 9 LM – Give the mass(g) and Give the number of Refer to Science 9 LM
of the following page 152. number of moles of the particles of the page 154.
elements: following: following:

EVALUATE 1.Gold (Au) 1.Magnesium (Mg) 1.Magnesium (Mg)

2.Magnesium (Mg) 2.Tin (Sn) 2.Tin (Sn)
3.Phosphorus (P) 3.Ammonia (NH3) 3.Ammonia (NH3)
4.Tin (Sn)
5.Aluminum (Al)
Bring the following: Identify the molar Give the mass(g) and Give the number of
mass of the following: number of moles of the particles of the
1.water following: following:
EXTEND 2.salt 1.Fluorine gas (F2)
3.sugar 2.Butane (C4H10) 1.Water (H2O) 3.Water (H2O)
2.Agua Oxinada (H2O2) 4.Agua Oxinada (H2O2)
From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned
 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:
GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level GRADE 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE 9
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second (2nd)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards
The unit, mole, that quantitatively measures the number of very small particles of matter.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
B. Performance Standards Analyze the percentage composition of different brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage
The learners should: composition
C. Learning Competencies 1.Use the mole concept
The learners should be able to: t express mass of
substances. S9MT-Iii-
Use the mole concept t 19
Determine the percentage composition of a compound given its chemical
express mass of 2.Determine the
formula and vise versa. S9MT-IIj-20
substances. S9MT-Iii-19 percentage composition
of a compound given its
chemical formula and
vise versa. S9MT-IIj-20
Realize that the amount
Evaluate students’
of substance intake can
Prepare a concept map Apply the concept of percentage composition in knowledge on the
DAILY TASK / DAILY OBJECTIVES be monitored with the
on the mole. choosing grocery items. lessons on the Mole
use of percentage
II. CONTENT Mole Concept
3.1 Mass
3.2 Moles
3.3 Percentage Composition of a Compound
B. References LM, CG, TG LM, CG, TG LM, CG, TG LM, CG, TG
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 126 pp. 127-132 pp. 131-133 pp. 120-133
2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 155 pp. 155-158 pp. 155-158 pp. 147-158
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Question and answer. What do you buy when Divide the class into What grocery item do Quick review.
you do grocery different classifications you usually
ELICIT shopping? and apply it in a pie consume(eat)?
Review about matter. What elements 1.How can you describe 1.What are the 1.Set rules for the test.
compose the following a pie graph? ingredients of these
compounds: grocery item? (Give 2.Give general
2.What does a pie graph example of grocery item instructions.
ENGAGE 1.Ammonium sulfate - shows? and see its ingredients)
(NH4)2SO4? 3.Explain each type of
2.What substances test.
2.Glucose - C6H12O6 compose the ingredients
of the grocery item?
Working in groups, Working in groups, Continuation of activity Continuation of activity Answering of the
students will follow students will follow 7 (It’s Grocery Time) 7 (It’s Grocery Time) summative test.
guided activity. guided activity.
Activity 6: Mole Map Activity 7: It’s Grocery
Group reporting. Group reporting. Group reporting and Group reporting and Checking of papers.
EXPLAIN answering of guide answering of guide
questions. questions.
1.What makes up a 1.What is percentage Give example of 1.How can the use of Answer questions
matter? composition? showing the percentage percentage composition raised by the students
composition of a help you to monitor the about their paper.
ELABORATE 2.Amount of matter can 2.How would we get compound using a pie amount of a certain
be expressed in terms of the percentage graph. substance that you
_____. composition of a intake?
EVALUATE Complete the statement Compute for the Show the percentage Explain: 1.Recording of scores.
below. percentage composition of the
composition of the following compounds 1.What would you do to 2.Item analysis.
“Matter is made up of following grocery items: using a pie graph. adjust the amount of
_____ which may be your substance intake?
_____, _____, or _____ 1. Glucose - C6H12O6 1.Glucose - C6H12O6 Give example.
whose amount may be 2. Monosodium 2.Monosodium
expressed in terms of glutamate - glutamate -
_____, whose mass is C5H8NO4Na C5H8NO4Na
expressed in _____,
equal to _____.”
Bring grocery items Give the percentage Show the percentage Review your notes for Review all your notes
containers or packages. composition of composition of the summative test on for your periodical
EXTEND VINEGAR. VINEGAR using a pie the next day. exam.
From the Evaluation,
No. of learners who earned

 80% and above

 below 80%.
Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who:

 have caught up with the lesson

 continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these works?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

GRADES 1 TO 12 Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher: School Head:
Signature: Signature:
Date Submitted: Date:

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