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Department of Computer Science

American International University-Bangladesh

Software Development Project Management
Fall 2020-2021
Total marks: 10

Question 1: American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) is one of the prestigious

private universities in Bangladesh. AIUB has moved from its temporary campus located in
Banani, Dhaka to its permanent campus in Kuril, Dhaka.
Identify the negative stakeholders of AIUB.


A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected
by the business. Project stakeholders may have a positive or negative impact on the project, or
be positively or negatively impacted by the project. Project stakeholders may have a positive or
negative impact on the project, or be positively or negatively impacted by the project.
A positive stakeholder sees the project’s positive side and is benefitted by its success. These
stakeholders help the project management team to successfully complete the project. A
negative stakeholder sees the negative outcome of the project and may be negatively
impacted by the project or its outcome. This type of stakeholder is less likely to help your
project be completed successfully.

The negative stakeholders of AIUB in these regards are:

1. Service and industry partners

2. Employment agencies
3. Food Providers
4. Insurance companies
5. Utility (Water, electricity, gas) providers
6. Contracted Service providers
7. Industry Foundations
8. Neighbors (local Families)
9. Social Services
10. Special interest groups
11. Supervisory Institutions
12. Sponsoring religious organizations
13. Local authorities
14. Material supplies
15. Third party vendors
16. Other universities or institutions
17. Vendors and suppliers

Question 2: ABC University is a higher education institute which used to be managed by a local
government authority but has now become autonomous. Its payroll is still administered by the
local authority and pay slips and other output are produced in the local authority’s computer
center. The authority now charges the university for this service. The university management is
of the opinion that it would be cheaper to obtain an ‘off-the-shelf’ payroll system and do the
payroll processing themselves.
Would the project to implement an independent payroll system at the ABC University be an
objective-driven (objective-based) project or a product-driven (product-based) project? Explain.

Let us take a look at what the difference is between an objective and a product-based project to
address this issue.:

Product Driven Project:

 A project will create a new product to solve the issue.
 The customer will provide descriptions of the product.
 As a new system is being designed from the ground up, it is very costly.
 It is customized according to the specifications of the client.

Object Driven Project:

 A project is designed to accomplish a business goal
 The customer may have problem and ask a specialist to suggest a solution

The difference between the two, as we can see. One is based on a product, and the other is
based on the objectives the organization needs to accomplish. So, the project to implement an
independent payroll system at the ABC University would be an Objective driven (objective-
based) project.
Because here they want to solve a problem not make the whole project and the project-based
project is so expensive but they want a cheaper solution just to change the process. They want
a new feature in their programs. So, it is not necessary to create a new program for adding
some features.

So, in conclusion it can be said that it is an objective driven or objective based project.

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