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BUS 305 Handout 5 Spring 2019


Channels are how a business reaches the customer, in order to deliver the product or service.

There are three ways to communicate and interact with customers

Type of channel Purpose Example

Communication Raise awareness about a company’s products and Company website
services Brochure
Help customers evaluate the value that the Call
company is offering
Distribution Allow customers to purchase and take delivery of Company store
specific products and services. Home delivery

Sales Deliver value to customers Salesforce

Provide post-purchase support Repair center

1 Channels can be owned by the company, or the company may enter into partnerships to create
channels. Own channels cost more, but allow a company to keep more of the sales revenue. Partner channels
allow for expansion, at lower cost. Finding the right mix of channels is crucial for bringing the value
proposition to the market.

Direct Indirect

Sales force Own stores

Own Web sales

n/a Partner stores

Partner Wholesale distributor
Partner website

2 Channel Phases

Channels take you through five phases with the customer. A particular channel can cover one or more phases.

Awareness Evaluation Purchase Delivery After sales

3 Key Questions for entrepreneur

• Through which channels do customers want to be reached?

• How are channels integrated?
• Which ones are cost-efficient?
• How do they integrate with customer routines?

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