!ST Day MAPEH 3 3rd Long Test

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Name: ______________________________________________________Date: ________

Long Test in MAPEH 3
Third Quarter
I. Directions: Identify the following statement. Choose your answer from the box below.
Write only the letter of the correct answer.
a. contour b. melody c. pitch d. pitch syllable names
e. slurred notes

______1. The names of the three pitches used in the song DO, RE and MI.
______2. The notes of different pitches that are connected with a curved line.
______3. The high and low sounds in music are called _____.
______4. The pitches are combined or arranged into patterns to make up a ____.
______5. The notes on the staff show if the melody Goes Up, Goes Down, or stays the same that
musicians refer to as ______.
II. Directions: Read the following statement. Write Gardner if the statement is correct and
School if it is incorrect.
________1. Songs are made up of melody patterns that go up, go down, or stay the same.
________2. The notes on the staff help us determine the melodic shape of a song.
________3. FA is higher than MI but lower than SO.
________4. The pitch MI is a whole step away from FA.
________5. The pitch SO is a half-step away from LA.
III. Directions: Write the melodic patterns on the staff using whole notes.
1. 2.

3. 4.


IV. Directions: Below are melody patterns of songs that are familiar to you. Read and write
the initials of the pitches on the lines under the notes.

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I. Directions: Identify the following statement. Choose your answer from the box below.
Write your answer on the blank before each number.
Printing platePrintmaking Stencil Prints Letters typefaces
Abstract Shapes Repetition Emphasis Colors ink the plate

_____________1. This is the surface onto or into which the image is placed.
_____________2. This is done usually with a brayer, an ink pad or a paintbrush with paint on it.
_____________3. These are lines that are combined to form words that you can read.
_____________4. The styles of lettering for the printed material.
_____________5. The most important in letter stencils.
_____________6. This is another type of shape, aside from geometric and organic.
_____________7. This is an art where person can transfer an inked image from one surface to
_____________8. These are images created by cutting out a design or shape from a piece of
_______________9. A good print design uses these 10. ______________ principles of art.
II. Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect.
_______1. One of the coolest things about printmaking is that you are able to show and put
different shapes together.

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_______2. If you want your stencil print to stand out, show an area where there is a contrast in
the shapes you repeated.
_______3. Always remember, a good print design uses repetition and proportion of shapes.
_______4. When making stencils, make sure they are sturdy.
_______5. Prints made by artists may be realistic or abstract.
_______6. Letters are example of lines.
_______7. A typeface is different from a type of style.
_______8. Each typeface is capable of expression.
_______9. Repetition and emphasis cannot be shown in letter stencils.
_______10. Colors are not important in letter stencils.
III. Directions: Inside the box, create a letter stencil of the sign “No to Bullying” that shows
emphasis. (5 points)

IV. Directions: Draw shapes that you can use for your stencil print. Remember to include
abstract shapes. (5 points)

I. Directions: Read each situation and determine if the manipulative skills are done
properly or not. Put a check (/) if it is properly done, and cross (x) if it is not.
______1. Kian kicks the ball by swinging his leg forward and hitting the ball below its center
with the instep of his foot.
______2. Angelo dribbles the ball by bouncing it in front of his bag without the ball touching his
______3. Nathalie stands beside the ball to kick it her eyes are focused on the other players.

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______4. Matt dribbles the ball by bouncing it with one hand and pushing it downward using the
palm of his hand.
______5. Nelson swings the bat by shifting his weight and taking a stride. He slides his hands
toward the ball and makes a follow through.
II. Directions: Describe the term being described in each sentence. Encircle your answer.
1. These are ways of handling an object, like ball with the hands, feet, or other body parts.
Manipulative skills races relays
2. These games are usually played during town fiesta to create a festive atmosphere and to show
the richness of Filipino culture.
Racing game Indigenous games Relay game
3. The goal of this game is for the “it” to find those who are hiding after reciting a chant.
Patintero Taguan (Hide and Seek) Tumbang Preso
4. This popular game is sometimes called Harang Taga or Tubigan because water is used to mark
the grid lines on the soil.
Patintero Luksong Tinik Tumbang Preso
5. The goal of this game is to jump over the thorns of the “it” team.
Patintero Luksong Tinik Tumbang Preso
6. This is a game that uses an empty milk can and rubber slippers.
Patintero Luksong Tinik Tumbang Preso
7. It means boucing the ball with hands or giving it a series of kicks and pushes with the feet.
Dribbling Kicking Batting
8. It means hitting a ball with a bat.
Dribbling Kicking Batting
9. It means hitting the ball with either the top, inside or outside part of the foot.
Dribbling Kicking Batting
10. The goal of this game is to kick the ball and go back to the line after catching the ball thrown
by the other player.
Musical dribbling Kick and Run Circle Soccer
III. Directions: Arrange the following steps on how to play the following games.
A. Taguan. Write numbers 1 to 6 before each statement.
_____Choose someone to be “it”.
_____A runner is out if the “it” sees and tags him or her by calling out his or her name, and
shouting the word. “Taya”
_____The “it” stays at his station, covers his or her eyes, and recites the chant while the runners
_____When the runners are safe in their hideouts, they shout “it”.

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_____ The runners secretly go back to the station or base to be safe from being tagged while the
“it” is away from the base.
_____The tagged runner becomes the new “it”
B. Patintero. Write numbers 1 to 4 before each statement.
_____The knockers take turns in hitting the can with their pamato.
_____The knocker recovers his or her pamato before going back to the taw line.
_____If the first knockers knock down the can, the prisoner puts it inside the circle in an upright
position and then runs after the first player.
_____If the prisoner tags the knocker, the knocker becomes the new prisoner and the first
prisoner becomes a knocker.
IV. Directions: Enumerate the following. Write your answer on the blank.
A. List three manipulative skills that you can do with the ball.
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
B. What are the four indigenous games in the Philippines.
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________

I. Directions: Read the following statement. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is incorrect.
______1. A consumer has the right to be informed about products and services.
______2. Filipinos do not have folk beliefs and practices about health.
______3. One of the responsibilities of the government is to protect the health of consumers.
______4. A child should ask a health care expert only when he or she is sick.
______5. Media is one of the source of health information.
______6. Everyone is a consumer but not everyone is a wise consumer.
______7. A wise consumer makes better decisions.
______8. The wise sellers make sure that they only benefit from the transaction and not for the
sake of the customers.
______9. The wise buyer must know that health products and services should be used only when
it is needed.

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_____10. If you will not look for facts and do not double check the claims about these products
and services, you will end up wasting time and money.
II. Directions: Identify what is being described in the following statement. Use the first
letter as your clue.
C_____________1. A person who chooses and uses products and services.
C________________2. The study of products and services that have an effect on your health
physically, psychologically, and socially.
W________________3. This person makes better decisions because of the pieces of information
he or she gathers about products and services and carefully evaluates them if they are true and
P________________4. Examples of this category are medicines, food, and clothes.
S________________5. Examples of this category are repairs, garbage collection, and medical
III. Directions: Write C on the line if the person is a consumer and WC if the person is a
wise consumer.
______1. Hanna looked around and compared different snacks before buying.
______2. Derick buys a medicine because he is sick.
______3. Thomas did not eat her breakfast meal. He bought it only because it has a free toy.
______4. Cindy ask a questions about vitamins from a registered pharmacist.
______5. Peter buys the first item he sees on display at the grocery.
______6. Anton had a basketball injury. While searching for a therapist, he observed how one in
their village provided real care for his parents. He suggested to his mom to choose him to be his
______7. Cassandra ask her parent to buy an item that she sees on T.V.
______8. Glaiza buys the most expensive dress because she saw it on TV with her favorite
______9. Ana’s mother was sick; she doesn’t know what to do so she buys a medicine near their
______10. Before buying Nina see to it that she checks the label and expiration of the product.

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