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Republic of the Philippines


Graduate School, College of Teacher Education
Normal Road, Baliwasan, Zamboanga City 7000
Tel. No. 991 – 1771, 991 – 1040



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Human Resource Management
(EDAD 303)

Submitted to:


Course Professor

Submitted by:

Ed.D. Student

The success of any organization largely depends on its people. In an

educational institution, these employees are largely composed of teachers
who work together with other staff for a common goal. They carry out the
organization's day to day operations, thus, their performance mirrors the
overall organization's performance. The quality of their work including their
effectiveness and efficiency towards their work greatly determines the
success and failure of an organization they belong to. High productivity
means good performance while low productivity of employees means poor
performance, which is a downside for the organization. Figuratively, these
employees serve as the vehicles that take an organization towards reaching
its destination – the vision. From program design to program
implementation, decision-making, management, administration and the like,
they lead the organization in realizing its purpose. Thus, in order for an
organization to achieve its goals, it needs to ensure that it is directing its
course in the right trajectory, thereby making sure that its key actors are in
place and are performing at their best and the only way to do this is by
assessing the views and feelings of their employees toward their job. In
other words, their satisfaction of employees towards their job needs to be
determined and must be given a high priority as it can impact greatly on
employee productivity and performance (Inuwa, 2016).

Inuwa (2016) states that employees' performance is instrumental to

the growth and profitability of an organization. Highly productive employees
are great assets to any organizations because of their great contributions
while low productive ones can be liabilities as they affect the achievement of
organizational goals and objectives as well as the realization of its long-term
vision. That is why, the organization should make sure that teachers and
other staff perform their duties and responsibilities, and are not stressed or
dissatisfied with their job for which according to Pushpakumari (2008),
satisfied individual employee and his effort and commitment are crucial for
the success of the organization. Further, job satisfaction has significant
managerial implications. If the job satisfaction is high, the employees will
perform better. On the other hand if the job satisfaction is low, there will be
performance problems. When an employee feels satisfied about the job,
he/she is motivated to do greater effort to the job performance. Then it
tends to increase the overall performance of the organization
(Pushpakumari, 2008). Khalil, Hussain, & Ilyas (2017) also added that job
satisfaction is always inter-linked with performance. If teachers are satisfied
with their job, they will be more involved in and committed to their
profession. Satisfied teachers teach the students with passion and devotion
to get the maximum results from the students. Employees’ satisfaction
increases their commitment, creativity and production for their employers
(Khalil, Hussain, & Ilyas, 2017).

Spector (1997) states that job satisfaction centres mostly on the

feelings on individuals about their entire job, which emphasizes on the level
to which individuals like or hate their jobs. Therefore job satisfaction serves
as a benchmark on how employee either feel positive or negative about their
job and that is the main reason why job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are
always present at certain point and situation (Davis, Nestrom 1985).
Similarly Aziri (2011) assert that the level of job satisfaction is within the
range of extreme satisfaction and extreme dissatisfaction. Also, according
kaliski (2007), job satisfaction can be perceived as feelings of
accomplishment and how successful an employee is on his/her job which can
have a direct relationship to employee performance as well as wellbeing of
the employee. Moreover, George and Jones (2008) suggest that job
satisfaction is composed to beliefs and feelings that individuals perceive
about their respective jobs.
Factors Determining Job Satisfaction Rue and Ryaes (2003) suggest
that job satisfaction is determined by some element in the workplace which
include financial packages like salaries, opportunities, advancement, working
conditions, and work group, further the resultant effect of the determinant
serves as yardstick for job satisfaction of dissatisfaction as well as what the
outcome will be, as asserted by Aziri (2011) that when discussing issues
regarding job satisfaction, job dissatisfaction should be considered in order
to ensure balance. Squires, Hoben, Carleton and Graham (2015) argued that
though, dissatisfied employees may not quit their jobs, but such feeling of
dissatisfaction can impact on them, their colleagues as well as their quality
of performance and the service they deliver in the sense that such
dissatisfied employees have tendencies of displaying hostility on other
employees in the workplace.


Job Characteristics Model

The Job Characteristics Model (also known as Jobs Characteristic

Theory) enables an organization to improve employee performance and job
satisfaction by means of adjusting the job itself. The model states that if an
organization does this successfully it can create the conditions for an
employee to thrive in their role. This means that the employee will be
motivated, perform to a high level, and be satisfied by their role.

Earlier in the 20th century, jobs had been systematized and simplified
to increase productivity and maximize production. Job Characteristics Theory
(JCT) came about because the intended benefits of increased systemization
often never materialized because of increased employee dissatisfaction.
These days, the Job Characteristics Model comes under the concept of
work design or job design, where the emphasis is on shaping a role to
satisfy the needs of both the organization and the individual.

Five Core Job Characteristics

1. Skill Variety

Refers to the degree to which the job requires different skills and

2. Task Identity

This refers to the degree to which the tasks of the job are clearly
identifiable, and have a visible outcome. The theory states that if the
employee understands what needs to be done, understands when they are
finished, and are able to see the outcome of what they achieved at the end,
then they will feel that they are doing meaningful work.

3. Task significance

Refers to the degree to which the task has impact. Impact can mean a
lot of different things. It could mean that the task has impact within the
organization. It could mean that the task has impact to the bottom line or
even to society as a whole.

4. Autonomy

Autonomy is the degree of freedom an employee has to complete their

work. It is the degree to which the employee is free to choose how to go
about doing specific tasks, and the degree to which they can choose how to
schedule their tasks. The Job Characteristics Theory states that employees
with more autonomy will have a greater sense of responsibility towards the
results of their work, and therefore do a better job.

5. Feedback

Refers to the degree to which the employee is kept informed about

how well they are doing in their role. The theory states that more feedback
leads to increased knowledge for the employee about the results of their
work. If an employee is given good feedback about the work they are doing
then their self-esteem will be boosted and they’ll be motivated to keep doing
what they are doing.

If an employee receives negative feedback quickly then this provides

them the opportunity to make adjustments and corrections to their work
before any major consequences are experienced.

Teachers’ performance is linked with teachers’ job satisfaction. When

teachers are satisfied with their job, most likely they happily carry out their
day to day tasks, and also perform their duties and responsibilities
effectively and efficiently with full of zest. They are also motivated and more
driven to help the organization in the realization of the organization’s goals
and objectives thus, it is therefore important to determine their feelings,
attitude and perception toward their job. This can be done periodically using
a Job Satisfaction tool which is designed by applying the concept of Job
Characteristics Model that include the 5 job characteristics that affect
employees’ job satisfaction to include skills, task identity, task significance,
autonomy, and feedback. The results obtained from the evaluation should
serve as the basis to

 improve teachers’ performance;

 increase the retention of promising beginning teachers; and
 promote the personal and professional well-being of teachers

From the abovementioned theory relating to the significance of

determining employees’ satisfaction towards their job, it is therefore
recommended to:

 design or adopt a highly reliable Job satisfaction tool

incorporating the Job Characteristics Model and conduct it
among teaching and non-teaching staff at least every semester
 provide a dynamic and healthy workplace for teachers
 provide timely feedback to teachers about their performance
 provide equal opportunities for all employees in terms of
personal and professional growth
 create a dynamic instead of static work-scheme for all so that
everyone gets the chance to be exposed to new experiences
and learning – this means, when it comes to designations or
ancillary work assignments, it is suggested to make it
 provide personal, professional and emotional support for
teachers especially to the new ones
 create a task or problem-focused support system within the
organization thereby assigning veteran teachers to mentor or
coach the beginning teachers in the field

Danica Bakotić (2016) Relationship between job satisfaction and

organisational performance, Economic Research-Ekonomska
Istraživanja, 29:1, 118-130, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2016.1163946

Pushpakumari, n.d. The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance

Stansbury, K. & Zimmernman, J. (n.d.). Designing Support for Beginning


Adikom, I. Human resources management practices and job satisfaction of

senior secondary school teachers in rivers state, Nigeria.

Ragupathi, K. & Hubballl, H. (2015). Scholarly Approaches to Learning

Technology Integration in a Research-Intensive University Context:
IMpach of a New Faculty Initiative.

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