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Kashada Jones

Learning Environment Observation Reflective Essay
I think that the class was very eager to learn and they all seemed very actively engaged in the
lesson for the day. During group discussion, every group seemed to be working together as a
team and I enjoyed how they were able to get help and work in pairs for the board work. I like
how students go the opportunity to share work before the class and work with partners to help
them better understand work that may have been difficult. From the angles displayed I do not
recall the learning goals or expectations being present in the class but I do recall the teacher
having a student read them from a board, not in the camera frame, and then having the entire
class repeat the objectives for the day.
From the angles in the video, I do not recall being able to see exactly what student work was
displayed but, I do recall seeing student work presented. I think presenting student work is very
important because it gives students boosts of encouragement and it lets students know that they
too can achieve this with their work. Students work is also a reflection of the teacher, what we
teach, how we teach, and what we want our students. I think that if you do not display students
work, they will feel as if they have not accomplished anything worth being posted before the
class or school.
Based on the video I do feel that this teacher really cares about their students learning the
information being presented. The information is presented at a class level, group level, table
level, and individual level. They make their presence known around the classroom, they walk
around and monitor conversation and offers help where needed. Teachers sat down with students
and helped them to make connections to the work presented before them.
The frames do not show the detailed procedures and routines but, I am sure that they are clear in
the classrooms. The students knew what they were supposed to be doing to show they were
working on task, they also know what the hand signals and songs meant and they lowered their
noise levels and gave their attention to the teacher at the front of the class. In one class I do see
displays of rug rules and an active listening poster to remind the students of what to do. I like
that the teacher asks for students’ responses, and then asks another student to repeat what they
heard for clarification and to show that they were focused on the speaker. I feel that these
routines and procedures were effectively implemented because students were actively engaged,
and the teachers were able to gather their attention with signals, claps, and songs. I feel this
shows just how well the routines and procedures are implemented.
All classrooms were very well managed. Not one time did I hear any teacher yell or raise their
voices, they all had hand signals, claps, songs, and phrases that gathered the attention of their
students and one teacher even used a pause system to clarify meanings and verify the students
thoughts. I think this all shows just how well managed and how well behaved the students are.
There was never a moment where I saw any student being disciplined in a way that was
embarrassing or demeaning. I feel that all classes, even at different grade levels, were very well
managed and behaved and the class rules and procedures helped to keep the class engaged but
did not let them drift with too much free time to chat outside of the lessons. Teachers made their
presence known so that students knew to stay on track and the teacher could monitor their
activities and help when needed.

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