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Mamucod, Clarence T.

Archi 3B

Honestly, I have doubts with the nuclear energy I don’t feel safe even if it saves a lot of money

to the consumer because of the process and the terms of it. They actively promote approaches

that reduce emissions of all sorts, which will improve air quality and peoples’ health. That means

protecting the Community Choice Energy providers from the big utilities, – but they prevailed by

working hard with allied organizations up and down, and protecting the economics of rooftop

solar. Though nuclear energy does not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during energy

generation, it is absolutely not clean energy. Uranium ore mining, and the use of monumental

amounts of concrete to construct the plants generate massive greenhouse gas emissions.

We acknowledge that the solution isn’t to immediately begin dismantling the nuclear plants

currently in operation. It will take some time to meet the demands for the energy generated by

nuclear power with renewable sources, such as wind, solar, and water-driven systems and

economical storage. We would much prefer that the billions or millions going into nuclear

energy instead be invested in speeding the development of renewable sources.

It may protect air quality, land footprint is small, produces minimal waste I still found risky.

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