Proper Solid Waste Management

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Proper Solid Waste Management: A Clear Solution to Prevent Health and Environment


(Novielyn D. Bayang BTLed HE3)

Solid waste management is everyone’s business and it is a universal issue that matters to

every single person in the world. Behind the individuals and households daily living, waste

become a broader challenge that affects heath, livelihood, environment, and prosperity.

In recent years, wastes that had been dumped into the river by people become a disaster

to every living thing. After a heavy rain, most places like Metro Manila faced to floods wherein

low-income families are the most affected; people on the squatter areas who live near the river

sites like in Pasig, who also throwaway their wastes in the river, leaving them susceptible to

serious health problems. Poor management of wastes contaminates rivers and oceans caused

flooding, transmitting diseases, respiratory problems, harming animals and the development of

tourism. While the country is rapidly developing, wastes also increases; and the root of

transforming nature into garbage is the human.

After more than a decade, the government enacted a law that is concerned to solid waste

and to environment called R.A no. 9003 or Ecological Solid Waste Management. The R.A no.

9003 prohibits the use of open dumps for wastes disposal and converts it into sanitary landfill by

Local Government Units (LGUs). The LGUs established sanitary landfills to clean the

surroundings as well as canals, roads, streets and rivers. There are several mechanics that both

the governmental and non-governmental institutions have come up. Example of such methods is

recycling solids. Therefore, all of us re advised to dispose solid wastes at specific place. It is

from there, the government that deal with recycling of the waste picks them. Secondly, we can

also manage solid waste by reducing and reusing them. These are also the best preferred method
when managing wastes. By applying these methods, we as human beings, enjoy many

environmental benefits such impacts are reduction or prevention of emission of harmful green

house gases, and amount of pollutants released in the air does also reduce. Due to the benefits of

theses methods, we should adopt and start using them when managing solid wastes. The

collection of the wastes is normally done by the authority. This is done by method of regular

collections; it is advised and important to collect waste twice a week.

In conclusion, all the stake holders should educate the public on the importance of

conserving environment by managing solid wastes. By educating people, they will learn the

impacts which one can benefits through managing wastes. They should not only create the law

but also implement that law. Finally, the government should create either two days or more. This

should be put aside for the purpose of awarding those who successfully participated in managing


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