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In Attendance: Dalia Olsauskas, Chris Chialdikas, Ismadi Wooten, Dan & Linda Malone, Brana &
Juan Gallegos, Margaret Kristufek, Jan Recio, Shirley Diaz, Dan Ciametti, Bill Rice, Tom & Crystal
Page, Patty Campione, Kawal Chhabra, Helen & Steven Makropoulos, Anna Kibort, Linda Campbell,
Lynda Schiappa, Mr. Moan, Mr. Mecozzi, Sandra Mech.

Meeting called to order at 7:17pm.

Previous Minutes: Motion to approve Dan Malone, second Dan Ciametti.

President’s Report: Thank you to everyone for all they have done.
There are a lot of activities coming up: Jamboree, Craft Fair, concerts, etc.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s report accepted as presented. Chris C. was asked the turn around
time for an invoice; answer—about 2 weeks.

Director’s Reports:
Mr. Mecozzi stated that the Marching Chargers would finish up their season with their performance at
the Jamboree. He reviewed the outstanding performance of the Marching Charges and Guard
throughout the season. The Fall Band Showcase concert is scheduled for October 22 @ 7pm. The
concert band will wear their marching uniforms all others will be in concert attire. During the
performance there will be a slide show of Chris C’s pictures taken throughout the season.

The Jamboree is this Saturday, October 25; with a 2:30 call for students, warm-up in the Wellness
Center at 3pm.

IMEA results: 8 band students—Ashley Shares (flute), Bobby Anglin (clarinet), Christian Busta
(trumpet), Matt Wagner (euphonium), Chris Doherty (euphonium), Jeff Byrnes (euphonium), Kevin
Specht (tuba), Jesse Kearns (tuba). November 22 is the festival @ Downers Grove HS.

Holiday concert—December 9—7pm PAC.

Kate Alstadt: Guard has placed first in their class at all three competitions attended this year. Lincoln-
Way, Metamora, and Mahomet-Seymour. Once the season is over, there is a week off until Winter
Guard season begins. We do accept new members for winter guard. Those interested should be
encouraged to try out. Missy Pietruszynski will be the official director with Kate helping out.
Tentative practice schedule is Monday and Wednesday nights with Saturday practices added during the
competitive part of the season (Jan-March).

Contest calendar for 2009:

Saturday, Jan. 17—South Side Preview show with other local and D230 guards (place TBA)
Saturday, Jan 24—Naperville Central Contest
Sunday, Feb. 15—Cavaliers-hosted contest, held at Conant H.S.
Saturday, Feb. 21—Lake Central Contest (Indiana)
Saturday, Mar. 7—Stagg Contest (tentative start time is 4pm)
Saturday. Mar., 28—Midwest Color Guard Circuit Championship Finals-LaPorte H.S. (Indiana)
Sunday, Mar. 29—Circuit Championship Finals-LaPorte H.S.

Lots of volunteer needed for the winter guard contest on Saturday, March 7. Please add the date to
your calendar and help us out. Sign up coming out in January. Thanks.

Mr. Moan: Choir near end of Ovation tryouts.

Junior - Chris Rice is representing choir at the Senior IMEA District One Chorus on Nov. 22 at
Downers Grove South HS, plus there are seven representing Stagg in the 9/10 chorus the same day.
Allison Vollinger – Soprano, Nicole Kamzic and Gaby Ciametti – Altos, Chris Mendez and Andreas
Gracias – Tenors, Anthony Jonas and John Jegerski – Basses.

Fall Concert completed with Madrigals and Treble and Varsity Choirs performing. Holiday Concert
Dec. 10 next on the agenda.

Madrigal calendar is getting filled up with singing dates.

Administrator’s Report:
Sandra Mech stated that District 230 is focusing on going green. Suggested that we try going green
with market day. Try cutting down on the amount of mailings going out. Costing $.59/each to mail.
Notified us that there are not sufficient funds in account for postage. Suggestion made to go through
mailing list to take off people who have not ordered in the past three months.

Committee Reports:
External Communications: Chris C. stated that he has posted two more shows on his website. Robert
Wooten will be putting together the senior video.
Membership: No report.
Jamboree: This Saturday, Oct. 25. Six bands and Eastern Illinois Panthers will perform. Volunteers
look good. Concessions will be open until 5:15pm. Could use funds for concession stands. Suggest
that Mr. Mecozzi ask for donations at the concert. There will be a form included in the program for
this purpose. Photographer asked to take photos in gym, including our band. Making DVD’s also. The
Jamboree info will be on the Stagg Marquis. Notice to be sent out to Jr. Highs about Jamboree. Local
papers will also have info on Jamboree. Volunteers should report at noon in Driver’s Ed lot.
Trips & Competitions: Congratulations to our Chargers for all the awards earned this season! Thank
you to Mr. Mecozzi, Mr. Colombo, Ms. Alstadt and Missy P. and staff for all their hard work with our
students. Thank you to all volunteers who helped with the season, esp. to those whose final season it
was: Linda & Dan Malone; Jean Kristufek. Ismadi Wooten; Juan & Brana Gallegos; and Dee Savide.
Special thanks to Toby & Martha Motycka - for buying extra water/ice for Metamora-the day was hot!
Dalia suggested buying uniform fabric for the sashes (as was done in the past) and continuing with the
juniors decorating the sashes of seniors. Dalia looking for marching band camps for next year.
Marching Uniforms: Linda Malone stated that all uniforms need to be cleaned and returned by
November 3. There will be late fees for those not returned on time. Mr. Mecozzi will make an
announcement at the concert. Thank you to all who washed parkas. Didn’t need to tell the students;
they noticed and were very thankful.
Concert Uniforms: Linda Campbell stated all attire has gone home for concert band. Still collecting
money. Madrigal dresses came in today. Wind Symphony dresses are in. Black Tie Formalwear alter
pants, bill coming in. Suggestion made for next year that measurements be taken the first week of
school. Order needs to be place by September 1.
Ways and Means: Jamboree—ad book is ready to print tomorrow. Printing 400 copies. Suggestion
made to charge $2.00 for ad book. Request tent by entrance in case of rain.
Craft Fair—Flyers available for posting; please take if you can help. Sign up sheets for help and items
needed available. Patty Campione will be in lobby after band concert with the sheets. Need money for
craft show, setting up cash boxes. Also need money for postage, because the week after the current
craft show, invitations are sent out for the spring show. Chris C. needs receipts to get reimbursement.
Consider bringing mailings to Stagg to mail thru their meter. Currently 85 crafters signed up. No baby
sitting available, too much liability. Mr. Mecozzi checked; we could use the movie room. Thank you
to Dan Malone and Jim Wolz for setting up Craft Fair signs around town. There are sign up sheets for
students in the band room and Service Learning center.
Butter braids—are done. Orders were due this past Monday. Only 16 participants; price up a little.
Pick up same day as Market Day.
Fall Garden—Ted’s Greenhouse—no participants.
Holiday Decorations—forms are available for sale. Orders are due November 14; pick up Saturday
December 6, 10am-Noon.
Hospitality—Looking for someone to do Choir concerts. Linda Campbell has agreed to do holiday

Fundraising: Suggestion was made by Lynda Schiappa to consider a plant sale, since Palos Park
Service League has discontinued their sale. Suggestion by Crystal Page to consider a garage sale.
Bring items to sell, Music Boosters charge $20/table/space. Mr. Lewis has asked if we would sell
concession items at Stagg Idol with Music Boosters keeping monies collected. Music Booster said



Thank you to Mr. Mecozzi for acquiring the Eastern Illinois Marching Panthers, with our only expense
being to feed the group.

Motion to adjourn by Chris C., second by Dan Malone. Meeting adjourned at 8:47pm.

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