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Productivity Excel Template

Let us take the example of a production manager who wants to assess the productivity of all the employees in the company
department, the company had produced 150,000 units last quarter, which required 20 labors to work for 22 days a month
and 8 hours per day. Calculate the productivity of the employees in terms of units produced per hour.

Particulars Value
Output 150,000
No. of Labors 20
No. of Months 3
No. of Working Days per Month 22
No. of Working Hours per Day 8

Input of Man Hours is calculated using the formula given below

Input = No. of Labors * No. of Months * No. of Working Days
per Month * No. of Working Hours per Day

Input 10560

Productivity of the Employees is calculated using the formula given below

Productivity = Output / Input

Productivity 14.2
employees in the company. According to the accounts
work for 22 days a month
Let us take another example where the senior management of the company wants to calculate the productivity of its emplo
generated per employee. During 2018, the company generated $35.0 million as revenue and the company started the year w
and ended the year with 220 employees. Calculate the revenue per employee for the company based on the given informati

Particulars Value
Revenue (Output) $35,000,000
Opening Employee Count 200
Closing Employee Count 220

Average No. of Employees (Input) is calculated using the formula given below
Average No. of Employees (Input) = (Opening Employee Count + Closing Employee Count) / 2

Average No. of Employees 210

Revenue per Employee (Productivity) is calculated using the formula given below
Productivity = Revenue (Output) / Average No. of Employees (Input)

Revenue per Employee $166,666.67

late the productivity of its employees in terms of revenue
d the company started the year with 200 employees
any based on the given information.
Let us take another example to illustrate the use of productivity in a corporate set-up. Let’s assume that a team lead at a fin
decides to assess the level of productivity of his three newly recruited financial analysts - Jason, David, and Henry. He decide
months in the company as the input and no. of cases executed as the output to calculate the productivity ratio. The followin
information is available, Based on the given information, Calculate who is the most productive analyst.

Analyst Jason David Henry

No. of Months Served 4 7 5
No. of Cases Executed 16 25 19

Productivity is calculated using the formula given below

Productivity = No. of Cases Executed / No. of Months Served

Jason David Henry

Productivity 4.0 3.6 3.8
assume that a team lead at a financial services company,
son, David, and Henry. He decides to use the no. of
e productivity ratio. The following

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