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Hannah Judy

Dance Kinesiology Lab

Professor Desko
December 2, 2019
Feldenkrais Method

The somatic practice known as the “Feldenkrais Method”, was created by Dr.
Moshe Feldenkrais. At the age of thirteen, Feldenkrais immigrated to Israel, but was
originally born and raised in Russia. He was highly educated and earned degrees in
electrical and mechanical engineering. Feldenkrais then proceeded to further his
education and moved to Pairs where he obtained his D.Sc. in Physics. Not only did he
make time for his education, but also was engaged in physical activities. Feldenkrais
activities included soccer and martial arts. After studying the practice of Judo, under the
originator Jigoro Kano, Feldenkrais was able to earn his black belt. He was one of the
first Europeans to accomplish this discipline. Later in his life he developed the
“Feldenkrais Method”, after experiencing a chronic knee injury. Feldenkrais was able to
apply his knowledge of neurology, physics, body mechanics, psychology, and learning
theory to develop a method that involved human function and growth. This method is
now practiced by thousands of people across the world.
The Feldenkrais Method focuses on self-improvement. Since the method is
considered a somatic education, it involves becoming aware of your body sensations
through movement, to progress towards a positive energy. The Feldenkrais Method is
built on the principles of physics, biomechanics, and human development. Using this
research, the method involves stimulations to the brain while maintaining awareness
and attention to your movements. Through gentle motions, one is able to experience
enhancements in coordination, breathing, balance, flexibility, thinking, and emotional
connections. Learning is able to occur because of neuroplasticity. This activity in the
brain is possible because of the neural pathways created from stimulations caused by
body awareness. Neuroplasticity involves new connections to form in the brain allowing
for the brain and nervous system to grow. This process most often occurs in children,
but is also able to occur in adults. After intensely studying neuroplasticity, researchers
have found that focusing on different gentle movements, stimulates neuroplasticity. By
experiencing different movements, one is able to mentally connect with the physical
The Feldenkrais Method can be used for many different circumstances. Some
may seek this method to relieve pain, expand skills/ abilities, and to gain a greater
sense of creativity. In addition, some might practice this method if they suffer from
strokes, cerebral palsy, or sclerosis because of its connection with the central nervous
system. The Feldenkrais Method is not a strenuous practice. This method is directed
towards people at all levels. It involves slow, light movements that one is able to explore
at their own pace. Classes can be taught in a group setting or one-on-one, depending
on the lesson. Modifications can be made to every movement to allow people to explore
personal limitations and strategies. The ability to alter the practice makes it inclusive to
The classes that teach the Feldenkrais Method may seem similar to yoga, a
massage, or tai chi. However, the Feldenkrais Method is very different from all of these
practices. The method differs from yoga because it does not require any flexibility or the
need to stretch/hold positions. Massage therapists focus on movement of soft tissue
rather than focusing on the nervous system. Unlike tai chi, goals can be reach through
the Feldenkrais Method, without continuous training. The idea behind this method, is to
find ways to improve your current status. There are ways in which one can find new
strategies to better incorporate their skills, in order to make a task easier. This can be
achieved through the Feldenkrais Method.
There are two different training techniques that involve the Feldenkrais Method
“Awareness Through Movement”, which is a group class, and “Functional Integration”,
which is a private session. A normal group lesson would include a calm and relaxing
atmosphere. The pace of the class would be relatively slow and last 30-60 minutes. This
type of class might be taught by standing, sitting, or lying on the floor. The instructor will
incorporate a variety of small movements that will allow one to become attentive to the
connections made between each motion. As one proceeds through the session, they
should start to realize how their muscles are beginning to recognize and release
unnecessary tensions. This is due to the repetitive neuromuscular actions that the
student is becoming more aware of. During a private lesson, the instructor teaches the
session through physical contact with the student. Through noninvasive touch, the
instructor is able to broaden the student’s movements. It’s important that the instructor
and student communicate in order to find the most comfortable means for the student.
Different sessions are held accordingly to the needs of the student.
Dancers may benefit from this method in different ways. Dancing involves
moving the body in various ways to get from one movement to the next. Through the
Feldenkrais Method, a dancer would be able to gain knowledge about easier ways to
connect steps and movements. They would learn to incorporate less strenuous
chorography and be able to utilizes more energy. For instance, one lesson instructs the
students to lie on their stomachs and cross their arms in front of their chests. They are
then asked to slowly roll over to their side and experience the ease of this motion.
Dancers roll on the floor and incorporate this small motion in many routines. By
becoming more aware of this small movement, a dancer would be able to utilize this
method to find the easiest way to achieve rolling over in their chirography. As dancers,
we need to take care of our bodies. These strategies will enhance the mental state of
the dancer as well. Since the Feldenkrais Method improves your creative way of
thinking, dancers can benefit by better envisioning their choreographing. Due to dancing
being so tough/ damaging on one’s body, this method could also serve as a healing
process. By incorporating the central nervous system, healing could occur be releasing
tensions and becoming more aware of what your body is enduring. Any process that
bring you more conscious of your physical and mental state is important for dancers to
There are so many benefits that are gained from practicing the Feldenkrais
Method. This method is able to help heal injures and chronic pain. Not only is it capable
of healing, but it also allows one to relive stress and find a deep relaxation. By attending
lessons, one will feel improvements in their physical being, as well as their mental state.
This method allows people of all ages and abilities to experience advance their way of
living. It’s important that more people become aware of this method so that it is able to
expand and be taught by more throughout the world. We need to take time to focus on
these small movements before we advance to more strenuous physical/ mental tasks.
The Feldenkrais Method is beneficial to all and helps us to continuously grow and learn.
Work Cited

“Feldenkrais Method® FAQs.” Feldenkrais Method,


“About the Feldenkrais Method.” Feldenkrais Method,


Team, GoodTherapy Editor. “Feldenkrais Method.” GoodTherapy, GoodTherapy,

Hillier, et al. “The Effectiveness of the Feldenkrais Method: A Systematic Review of the
Evidence.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Hindawi, 8 Apr. 2015,

Buchanan, Patricia A. The Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic Education. INTECH Open Access
Publisher, 2012.

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