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Stagg Music Booster Meeting Minutes

February 16th, 2010

In Attendance: Monica Wehmeier, Stephen Maier, Laura Bennett, Colleen Jahn, Missy
Pietruszynski, Chris Betz, Karen Lencioni, Janice Recio, Dean Diaz, Diane Jania, Dalia
Olsauskas, Melissa Gracias, Bill Rice, Heather Page, Crystal Page, Patty Campione,
Vicki Sistos, Helen Makropoulos.

Call to Order: 7:06pm

 Motion made by Jan Recio
 Seconded by Dalia Olsauskas

Review of January 19th, 2010 Minutes:

 Motion made to approve minutes by Stephen Maier
 Seconded by Jan Recio
 Minutes approved

President’s Report: President Bill Popp

 Not in attendance

Vice-President’s Report: Vice –President Monica Wehmeier

 No report

Treasurer Report: Treasurer Stephen Maier

 No report this month

Secretary Report: Secretary Laura Bennett

 No report

Director’s Report:
Band: Mr. Mecozzi – Not in attendance
 February Happenings:
o Disney trip went very well. All performances were received well and the
students should be proud.
o 17th and 18th, Pit Orchestra Auditions –Sign up outside of band room
o 19th, First Pit Orchestra Rehearsal after school
o 19th, Pep Band
o 24th, Pops Concert
o 26th, Pep Band
 March Happenings:
o March 1st, 2nd, 8th, Band rehearsals after school for concert
o 9th, Band Concert 7pm PAC
o 10th, Choir Concert 7pm PAC

Choir: Mr. Betz
 Next year three choirs- Women’s 19 registered, Concert 31 registered, Choral 56
 Disney went very well
 Kaki pants/Choir polo shirt for the uniform worked well
 Gabby Ciametti won American Idol in Disney- she is eligible to try out for any
American Idol in the future
 Allison Vollinger also made it to the American Idol finals

Guard: Missy Pietruszynski

 9 Guards went to Disney and all went well
 Winter Guard has not received below a 3rd place yet
 Central is this weekend
 Color Guard Winter Show at Stagg on Saturday 2/27/10 , still looking for

Division Chair: Sandy Mech

 Not in attendance

Membership: Colleen Jahn

 Hospitality will be present at the March 9th Band Concert and the March 10th
Choir Concerts
 Looking for 5 volunteers per day for the March 20& 21 craft show
 Consider switching next year- Band hosts Choir concerts and that Choir hosts
Band concerts

Committee Report:
Ways and Means: *** Position remains open***
 Spring plant sale- Laura Bennett will make contact with Sids / Vicki Sistos to
 First Aid Kits- possibly do over the Summer

 Summer band concert- possible Summer benefit (concert in the park), Choir and
 Craft show- reported by Karen Lencioni and Patty Campione
o 54 crafters are signed up , collected $5,014.50
o Thank –you to all who helped with the Fall Craft Show
o Stephen Maier will help place 9 signs throughout the area promoting the
craft show
o Looking at “ split the pot ” or “ Bingo”
o Sign –up sheets will be available at both concerts in March for volunteers
 Music Awards Banquet- no report
 Jamboree- no report
 Marching Band-no report

External Communications: ***position remains open***
Website-No report

Assistance and Scholarship:

 Donna Husar and Anna Kibort are in the process of preparing this years

Uniforms and Robes:

Marching Band- Reported by Crystal and Heather Page

 All uniforms for the Disney trip went well

Concert Uniform: No report

Choir: Reported by Mr. Betz

 New polo shirt for choir is working well

Search Committee:
 Carolyn Baca, Karen Chodora, and Scott Pratus are on this years Search
 Committee
 “Many Hand Make Light Work” reminded to us by Monica Wehmeier

Unfinished Business:
 A notice for a Booster Member to come forward and take over the craft show
next year will be placed ASAP, on the Stagg Music Booster Website until March
1, 2010
o (Motion made by Monica Wehmeier and Seconded by Chris Betz)
o ( Vote taken by all present – one no and 17 yes)
 There is currently a written agreement that Karen Lencioni and Patty Campione
are outside contractors
 There will no longer be ANY FOOD ALLOWED in the booster closet
 Laura Bennett is currently working with Sandy Mech and the Directors to get it
cleaned and reorganized.
 Some of the old spirit wear is going to be donated to the Senior Party this year

Meeting adjourned: 8:11pm

 Motion made by Jan Recio and seconded by Dalia Olsauskas

Respectfully submitted by:

Laura Bennett
Music Booster Secretary


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