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Stagg Music Booster Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2010

In Attendance: Monica Wehmeier, Laura Bennett, Stephen Maier, Colleen Jahn, Missy
Pietruszynski, Chris Betz, Bob Mecozzi, Melissa Gracias, Karen Chodora, Chris
Chialdikas, Dalia Olsauskas, Dan Ciametti, Vicki Sistos, Toby Motyka, Heather Page,
Lisa Gonzini, Margaret Kristufek, Dale Kristufek, Linda Campbell, Helen Makropoulos,
Crystal Page, Brian Szott, Dean Diaz, Fred Specht.

Call to Order: 7:04pm

 Motion made by Dalia Olsauskas
 Seconded by Chris Betz

Review of February 16th, 2010 Minutes:

 Motion made to approve minutes by Chris Betz
 Seconded by Bob Mecozzi
 Minutes Approved

President’s Report: Monica Wehmeier

 Bill Popp is officially resigned as the President of Stagg Music Booster’s
 The resignation has been accepted by the Executive Board
 Monica Wehmeier is President

Vice-President: *** Position Open***

Treasurer Report: Stephen Maier

 February 2010
o Inflow of money $4,942.51
o Expenditures of money $2,954.61
o Student fund inflow $0.00
o Student fund outflow $1,527.37
 March 2010
o Inflow of money $6,674.58
o Outflow of money $7,007.34
o Student account income $0.00
o Student account outflow $0.00

Secretary Report: Laura Bennett

 No Report

Director’s Report:
Band: Mr. Mecozzi
 February Happenings:
o 17th, 18th, Pit Orchestra Auditions, 19th first rehearsal after school
o 19th, Pep Band ( 5:45pm call time- Orange and Blue)
o 24th, Pops Concert( 6:00pm call time and 7:00pm show)

o 26th, Pep Band (5:45pm call time)
 March Happenings:
o 1st, 2nd, 8th, after school rehearsals for upcoming concert
o 9th, Band Concert had a great turn out
o 17th, Jazz Performance at the Hickory Hills Community Center
o 20th, Jazz Performance at the Spring Craft Show
o 29th, Common Plan meeting for all interested Drum Majors
o Throughout the month there will be Pit rehearsal for Musical
o 3/31/10 Marching Band Meeting in the PAC
 Marching Band Camp at Allerton:
o August 6th, Seniors arrive
o August 7th, Rest of group arrives
o August 11th , Return home
 Band of America:
o Kevin Specht played

Choir: Mr. Betz

 March 10th choir concert was great
 Choir to get 4 new risers
 Next year will have- Choral(old varsity) , Women’s, and Concert Choirs
 20 seniors signed up for next year
 New teacher from Andrew’s H. S. coming to Stagg to teach Music Theory and
Guitar class
 Music class for the Special Need Students to be added in the future
 Have obtained 5 new guitars and 1 new tuner
 Future will have a Welcome Week for entering Freshman
 Tuesday after Spring Break is the Choral Festival ; Andrew H. S. is hosting
(Sandburg, Andrew , and Stagg)
 Stagg Choir needs polo shirts for $16.00

Guard: Missy Pietruszynski

 February 27th was the Winter Guard Show
 Stagg placed 2nd,
 Thank-you to all those who helped
 There was some reported theft at the show that occurred in the rooms were the
teams placed their belongings. Reports to police department made. Will look in to
how we can prevent this in the future.
 Next competition is this upcoming Saturday at 10am at Lincoln Way East

Division Chair: Sandy Mech

 Not in attendance

Membership: Colleen Jahn

 No Report

Committee Report:
Search Committee: Carolyn Baca and Karen Chodora
 Reported that the search is going well

Ways and Means: *** Position remains open***

 Market Day –Salley McGrath
o No report
 Spring plant sale- initial contact to get sale underway has been made with Sid’s
Nursery. Laura Bennett and Vicki Sistos to run sale
 First Aid Kits: Currently no one has come forward to due this fundraiser –
previously discussed doing over the summer
 Spring Craft Show
o Written report sent by Karen Lencioni and Patty Campioni
o 100 crafters/vendors with 109 spaces sold as of 3/16/10
o Signs placed in the community
o Volunteer spots are filled
o Advertising covers from Garfield Ridge, Beverly, Lockport, Lemont and
o Jazz Band , Business Casual , Those Guys performing
o Per Sandy Mech Bingo is not allowed as it is considered gambling
o Thank-you for all your support
 Music Awards Banquet: Margaret Krustafek
o Chris Chialdikis is creating the Senior video and it is going well
o Banquet set for April 26th, 2010 at the Sabre Room
 Jamboree:
o Discussed getting the Ad Book started earlier this year-have the ad book
available to do over the summer break
 Marching Band: Dalia Olsauskas
o Marching Band Meeting will be 3/31/2010 regarding next years program
o Liza Gonzini will be working with Dalia on the Marching Band
Committee for the 2010-2011 year

External Communications:
Website- No report

Assistance and Scholarship: Donna Husar and Anna Kibort

 Information and form is up on the website
 Applications can be placed into the choir/band room Booster mailbox
 Deadline April 7, 2010

Uniforms and Robes:

Concert Uniform- Linda Campbell

 Linda will look into the cost of purchasing garment bags for the uniforms when
the students travel

 Choir needs more robes and it is being looked into if this is a district 230 expense

Unfinished Business:
Spirit wear-
 We are interested in purchasing new and different spirit wear
 Current spirit wear will be sold at the Spring Craft Show at a discounted price
Summer Benefit Concert-
 Chris Betz is looking into this
 Maryanne Subley (who is playing piano in the musical) has past experience into
organizing the Madrigal Dinners
Music Booster Closet- Reported by Monica Wehmeier
 Thank-you to all involved in the cleaning and reorganization of the closet
Senior Party –
 May 22, 2010
 Music Booster hosting the Rock Band Room
 Will need Volunteers to go to Deerfield and pick –up the 2 guitar heroes and 2
dance revolution ** Laura Bennett and Monica Wehmeier have volunteered**

New Business:
 Monica Wehmeier reported that Music Boosters would like to keep past members
welcome into the organization
 Many members have expressed the desire to continue to help volunteer after their
student/s has graduated
 Motion made by Chris Betz to vote on this
o Seconded by Laura Bennett
o 17 yes, 1 no, 1 undecided
 Category called “Friends of Boosters” to be created
o Would not be in charge of the event /but they would provide knowledge
and mentor active Booster members
o Will not be able to vote
o No lead position/ no chair position
o Dues not mandatory

Meeting Adjourned:
 Motion made by Chris Betz and seconded by Chris Chialdikas

Respectfully submitted by:

Laura Bennett
Music Booster Secretary

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