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Stagg Music Booster Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2010

In Attendance: Sandy Mech, Missy Pietruszynski, Chris Betz, Bob Mecozzi, Monica
Wehmeier, Laura Bennett, Colleen Jahn, Dalia Olsauskas, Karen Chodora, Lisa Neufeld,
Salley McGrath, Dan Ciametti, Diane Jania, Tom Wehmeier, Melissa Gracias, Rich
Demma, Vicki Sistos, Martha Motyka

Call to Order: 7:07pm

 Motion made by Chris Betz
 Seconded by Colleen Jahn

Review of April 27th, 2010 Minutes:

 Motion made by Dalia Olsauskas to approve minutes
 Seconded by Chris Betz
 Minutes Approved

President’s Report: Monica Wehmeier

 No Report

Vice-President: OPEN POSITION

Treasurer: Stephen Maier Not in Attendance

 Inflow of money $2,361.59
 Outflow of money $ - 4,728.01
 Student account income $ 479.58
 Student account outflow $- 367.50
 See Attached Budget report sheets

Secretary Report: Laura Bennett

 No Report

Director’s Report:
Band: Mr. Mecozzi
 April- 28th Percussion recital
 May- 3rd Drumline Clinic, 6th Drumline tryout, 11th Final Band Concert, 12th, 13th,
14th Final Band Exams, 14th Patron of the Arts paper due
 What is coming up- May 20th Uniform turn in deadline, 24th Wind symphony
performs at Graduation Ceremony, 27th Uniform deadline for students that
performed at graduation, June 8th Woodwind and Brass marching band rehearsals
start, 9th Marching Band percussion rehearsals start, July 20th Mandatory Band
Camp Meeting in the PAC , July 29th Section leader camp, 30th Rookie camp,
August 2-6 Home camp, August 7-11 Camp Allerton, August 13th Parent night

Choir: Mr. Betz

 Since the last Booster’s meeting 7 new students have joined choir
 Choir had a performance done by a group of 8 young adults “Up in the air”
 Many students attended the performances during in school hours
 A $400.00 donation was made to them
 Varsity Choir will perform at the Stagg Graduation Ceremony
 Will be looking into obtaining NEW choral uniforms for the 2010-2011 school
year. Tuxedo’s for the men, and black dresses for the women

Guard: Missy Pietruszynski

 Tryouts began last week
 There were 13 girls, which is 4 more than last year
 June 1st practice begins 2X per week

Administrator’s Report: Sandy Mech

 No report

Standing Committee Reports:

Search Committee – Karen Chodora
 New Membership Chair is Debra Kwak
 Ways and Means remains an OPEN POSITION

Membership: Colleen Jahn

 Hospitality at the concerts went well
 Colleen stated she will be working with Jean Carey to create the “ Friends of
Booster’s” for the website

Ways and Means: Open Position

 SPRING PLANT SALE WITH SID’S Reported by Laura Bennett
Sales to Sids was $1,383.42
Student Accounts was $459. 58

Market Day- Salley McGrath
 Next pick up is May 26th , June 21st will be last one of the school year
 Looking for more volunteers for next year
 Students can get service hours
 Income for Booster’s was $3,782.19 for the school year
 % profit to change somewhat for next year

Craft Show-
 Looking for more volunteers for next years shows
 Fall show will be November 12, 13, 14 of 2010
 Spring show will be March 18, 19, 20 of 2011

Music Awards Banquet- Not in attendance, No Report

Jamboree- Not in attendance, No Report

Marching Band- Dalia Olsauskas

 July 20th Mandatory Meeting in PAC

External Communications- OPEN POSITION - No Report

Uniforms – Report Read by Laura Bennett for Linda Campbell and Gina Kearns
 Uniforms due May 20th , dry cleaned in bag and with a ticket on the bag,
names are to be clearly marked, Wind Symphony students performing at
graduation due back on May 27th
 Fernwood Cleaners on 111th and S.W. Hwy. offers a discounted rate

Unfinished Business:
 Election Ballots for the school year 2010-2011 passed out by Karen Chodora of
the Search Committee
 Votes Counted by Administrator Director Sandy Mech
 Results are as followed: President- Monica Wehmeier, Vice President- Lisa
Neufeld, Treasurer- Rich Demma, Secretary -Laura Bennett

Budget for the 2010-2011 School Year:

 Mr. Mecozzi would like to add Jazz Band to Co- Curricular
 Mr. Mecozzi proposed budget of $28,000.00
 Mr. Betz Budget reported $3250.00 (Same as last year)
 Missy Pietruszynski proposed budget $11, 850.00
 New Guard Equipment needed and there are more girls for the new school year
 2010 Net income $46,476.14
 2011 Proposed Budget $45,153.00
 Stagg Idol Candy previously a donated expense- need to become part of next
years Budget
 Senior Party- recommendation made by Melissa Gracias to keep Music Booster’s
Donation at $400.00
 Senior Party Gift card Donations for the Rock Band Room decrease from 2
$100.00 to 2- $50.00 Best Buy gift cards for prizes
 Dalia Olsauskas asked what is left in the Senior Accounts- number to be reported
at next meeting
 Chris Betz motion made
 Seconded by Vicki Sistos


By-Law Changes:
 Bylaw changes were printed above the original paragraph for comparison
 The changes in RED relate to the Search Committee
 The changes in ORANGE relate to the Treasurer/Fiscal issues
 The changes in GREEN relate to the Standing Committee areas
 Changes were voted on and approved
 Revised Bylaw Changes approved on May 18th, 2010 will be available on the
Stagg Music Booster Website prior to the start of the 2010-2011 school year

Spirit Wear:
 Is currently being looked into by Laura Bennett and Vicki Sistos
 Will have an update at the August Meeting

Senior Party 2010:

 May 22 8pm to 1am
 Will decorate the Rock Band room the night before at 6pm
 Need Volunteers , please sign up
 Dan Ciametti to check on blue tape
 Laura Bennett to purchase the 2 -$50.00 Gift cards from Best Buy for prizes
 1 A.M. will be the take down time

New Business:
 None

Meeting Adjourned:
 Motion made by Dalia Olsauskas
 Seconded by Missy Pietruszynski
 Meeting adjourned at 8:59pm

Respectfully Submitted by:

Laura Bennett
Music Booster Secretary

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