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General Principles (review frequently, perhaps even from set to set):

- always initiate from the working muscle

- aim to fully lengthen and fully shorten the muscle (unless otherwise stated)
- contract through the entire range of motion
- keep in mind that a muscle is fully lengthened when its antagonist is fully contracted
- keep constant tension on the working muscle (no pause at the top / bottom unless stated)
- always aim for full flexion and full extension (unless otherwise stated)
- always try to work in straight lines
- no extraneous movement from the body


- 1 1/2’s: perform the half rep in the strongest half of the range
- 21’s: begin in the weakest half of the range


- week 1: 1 set for all exercises (unless otherwise stated)

- week 2: add 1 set to each exercise
- week 3: add another set to each exercise
- week 4: go back to week 2 set totals but increase poundage by 3 - 5% on all lifts




Single Leg Abductions (pull weight away from body) (reps: 20, tempo: 4-1-4-1)
Single Leg Adductions (pull weight towards body) (reps: 20, tempo: 4-1-4-1)

- chest up, abs tight (keep upper-body stationary)

- one hand on a support for balance, other hand on hip

- initiate movement with heel

- no external rotation of hip (keep neutral) and move in a straight line
- don't allow weight stack to 'touch down' during the movement

Single Leg Leg Extension (reps: 15, tempo: 3-1-1-0, 1 1/2’s)

- chest up
- shorten quad from both ends
- keep hips, knees and ankles in a line
- arms in place so butt doesn't elevate

- keep patella (knee-cap) pointing towards ceiling

- no internal or external rotation of hips

- if you can't achieve 15 straight reps, 'rest / pause' for 15 seconds until completion

Single Leg Leg Curl (reps: 15, tempo: 3-1-1-0, 1 1/2’s)

- keep pelvis down / drive it into the pad (no letting your butt come up)
- contract quads at the bottom

Single Leg Back Extension (reps: 6, tempo: 5-1-5-0)

- avoid hip obstruction: adjust pad to about 2 - 4" below hip joint (around midline of pelvis)

- alternate starting leg from workout to workout

- keep chest up throughout the movement (no rounding of lower back)

- shove heel back and contract glutes to come up using hamstrings (not by moving the
upper body)

Single Leg Glute Raises (reps 6, tempo: 5-1-5-0)

- heel on bench, or foot on edge of bench

- thrust pelvis towards ceiling (really squeeze glutes)

- when you think youʼve gone up high enough, go 2 inches further
Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift (reps: 20+, tempo: 3-1-3-0)

- place dumbbell / water bottle approx. 18 to 24” in front of foot (dependent on height); be
barely able to touch it at the bottom of the movement, despite really stretching

- head up, chest up

- bend front leg ‘slightly’ depending on how much glute recruitment is desired (more bend,
more glute)

- back leg straight and out behind (in the air), reach for dumbbell with arm from same side
- at the bottom, drive heel into platform and contract glutes to come up

- for balance: opposite arm out to side and pick a focal point

Deficit Deadlift (reps: 8, tempo: 6-1-3-0, 2 sets)

- stand or create 4” to 6” platform (ensure it’s a very stable surface)

- grab bar as wide as possible

- heels together, drop butt, lift up head and chest, then drive up from heels (don’t let body
fall forward)

- at the bottom each time, rest weight on the ground and ‘reset’


Shrugs: Behind Body / Side Body / In Front (reps: 8, tempo: 3-2-2-0, 2 sets)

- use lifting straps if you wish

- pull everything back / retract scapula

- contract core and glutes (don’t let hips come back and forth)
- lock out arms

- come up right to the top of the neck and really squeeze




* Common to all prescribed bicep exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- head up, chest up, shoulders back

- no body movement (including upper arm) other than from bicep and brachialis
- keep hips back behind the shoulder relative to body position (stick butt out a little)

- squeeze DB / BB with a nice even grip of the hand (not too tightly, just a firm hard grip)
- turn wrists back (exception: hammer curls - keep neutral), never curl them
- keep elbows back relative to body (exception: face down DB curls)

- full elbow flexion / range of motion (avoiding any shoulder movement)

- contract triceps at the bottom and aim to touch forearms to biceps at the top

Seated Hammer Curls (reps: 15, 1 1/2ʼs)

Palms Up Biceps Curl (reps: 21ʼs, tempo: 4-2-2-0)

Face Down Incline Dumbbell Curl (reps: 12, isometric holds)

(one arm up to curl position, hold while curling the other for 3 reps, then switch)

Seated Incline DB Curls (reps: 8, tempo: 6-1-3-0)



* Common to all prescribed back / lat exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- chest up, head up, shoulders back and depressed, back flat (throughout)
- elbows as close to body as possible

- extend scapula (shoulder blades) on the way down, let shoulders roll forward, retract
scapula on the way up (no movement from the shoulder joint)

- relax arms and minimize their involvement (push and pull using only the scapula / lats)
- pull through elbows (as opposed to the hands)
- pull elbows behind as far as possible at the top (while keeping chest up)

Reverse Machine Flyes (reps: 15, 1 1/2ʼs) (for back, not rear delts)

Bent Over Rows (reps: 21ʼs, tempo: 4-2-2-0)

- bend over to about 90 degrees

- avoid shrugging (keep shoulders depressed)
One Arm Dumbbell Rows (reps: 12, isometric holds (2 seconds at the top))

* begin with left arm, once complete immediately perform next exercise with the same
arm. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat process with right side.

- angle of knee and hip on bench should be greater than 90 degrees (obtuse angle)
- shift all the way ʻforward and outʼ so the weight is supported by the lat (not the arm)
- head neutral

- don't allow body to slip back, re-shift weight forward every rep
- during the isometric hold, observe whether it's the lat supporting the weight (if not, fix it)

One Arm Seated Cable Row (reps: 8, tempo: 6-1-3-0)

- bend knees slightly

- no leaning forward from hips

- when initiating the movement, think about 'shoving' down

- a 'little' rotation once the elbow is right the way back is ok, though finish the rep first (2
separate movements)

Wide Grip Pulldowns (reps: 15, 1 1/2ʻs)

- wrists, elbows and forearm in straight line perpendicular to ground (position body as
appropriate to achieve this (slide butt forward if necessary))

- curl chest up towards bar at the bottom

Reverse Grip Pulldowns (21ʼs, tempo: 4-2-2-0)

- neutral grip: directly above shoulders

- drive chest up at the bottom


Straight Arm Rope Pulldowns (attach 2 ropes) (reps: 12, isometric holds)
(2 second isometric holds behind body with locked-out triceps, every 3rd rep)

- begin bent over with a maximally stretched lat

- pivot from hips and bring them forward at the bottom
- come way back behind your body and lock out triceps

- focus on really ʻshovingʼ the shoulders down

- keep head neutral throughout

Underhand Chin-Ups (assisted if necessary) (reps: 6, tempo: 6-1-3-0)

- really ʻdriveʼ chest up

OPTIONAL FOREARM SUPERSET (reps: 20, tempo: 3-1-1-0, 2 sets)

- really ʻsqueezeʼ at the top on both exercises

Forearm DB Flexion (palms up): roll dumbbell all the way down to fingertips
Forearm DB Extension (palms down)



* Common to all prescribed calf exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- chest up, head up

- lock out quads, contract glutes and abs (exception: seated calf raises)

- focus on driving the weight through the big toe, not via the outsides of the feet
- try to pull knees and ankles together
- keep knees stable throughout (no bend or extension, try to almost lock them out)
- ensure full ankle flexion and extension

- when you think you're up all the way, go a little further (aim for a 'huge peak
- only come up from the bottom when the tibialis anterior at the front contracts

CALF GIANT SET (reps: 10, tempo: 3-2-2-0, 2 sets)

Seated Calf Raise

Standing Calf Raise
Leg Press Calf Press: push hamstrings into pad to lock-quads out
Donkey Calf Raise: lean forward a little from hips (not spine) / push weight away with butt
Stand on Toes (reps: ALAP, Isometric holds): hold onto a support


* Common to all prescribed quad exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- head up, chest up (directly over or even slightly in front of hips)

- keep hips, knees and ankles in a line

- don't focus on trying to get your body up from the ground / platform, think about
pushing the ground / platform away from you (exception: single leg leg extensions / leg

Single Leg Leg Extensions (reps: 12, isometric holds, sets: 2)

(3 second isometric holds at the top every third rep)

- shorten quad from both ends

- hold body in place with hands / arms so butt doesn't elevate
- keep patella (knee-cap) pointing towards ceiling (no internal or external rotation of hips)

Single Leg Leg Press (21ʼs, tempo: 3-1-1-0)

- even weight distribution (push with the whole foot)

Bulgarian Split Squats (reps: 12, isometric holds)
(3 second isometric holds half way up every third rep)

- aim for a really good stretch of hip on back leg

- try to get back knee all the way down to ground

Front Lunge (reps: 8, tempo: 3-1-1-0)

- big step forward


One Leg Bench Step Up (reps: 20+, tempo: 3-1-1-0)

- hold something for support if necessary

- really focus on the glutes and quads

- bodyweight over front leg / quad

- ensure back leg is not too close to bench
- achieve as much hip extension as possible (while keeping chest up)

- only use the power and force of the front leg to come up
- stand right up and lock out hip at the top
- body should go straight up and down (not back and forth or rotating)

- barely touch the ground on the way down before coming back up
- go as deep as possible (try for knee angle greater than 90 degrees)

Single Leg Hack Squat (reps: 12, tempo: 3-1-1-0)

- use a spotter if you can

- make sure your feet are up a little higher

- really consciously focus on the glutes
- don't 'stall' during the exercise (constant movement)

Squats (reps: 8, tempo: 6-1-3-0, 3 sets)

- if you have a longer than normal femur (thigh bone) and / or don't have great flexibility in
your hips and hamstrings, perhaps elevate your heels between 1/2 an inch to 2 inches
during the movement.

- don't allow body to ʻfall forwardʼ at all




* Common to all prescribed triceps exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- chest up, head up (no slouching)

- shoulders back / pull shoulder blades together, engage lats
- elbows back
- keep torso vertical or 'very slightly' forward
- contract glutes and core

- touch forearms to biceps at the top / bottom (depending on the exercise)

- don't let shoulders internally rotate
- keep wrists neutral throughout
- take a firm grip on the bar / rope (not tight, but firm)

Reverse Grip Triceps Push down (reps: 15, 1 1/2ʼs)

- ensure triceps are in line with elbows (wide grip)

- think about shoving the bar into the thighs at the bottom

Overhead Rope Extension (21ʼs, tempo: 4-2-2-0)

- can use a rope or a bar

- maintain beginning elbow position (ideally they should be ʻinʼ a little)


Bench Dips (reps: 12, isometric holds)

(3 second isometric hold at the top every 3rd rep)

- keep butt close to bench

- full flexion of elbow at the bottom

- if unable to achieve target reps, extend set by bringing feet to ground and gradually bring
them closer and closer until completion

Close Grip Pressdowns (reps: 8, tempo: 6-1-3-0)

- the handle is variable

- take a narrow grip

- think about shoving bar into thighs at the bottom

- mentally think about creating an 'arc' as opposed to just going straight up and down

* Common to all prescribed shoulder exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- chest up, head up, abs tight / shortened

- shoulders down and depressed
- keep torso vertical or 'very slightly' forward (contract glutes)
- wrists neutral

Incline Dumbbell Front Raises (reps: 15, 1 1/2ʼs)

- come up to about 60 degrees (stop short of going straight at the top)

- right down to thighs at the bottom
- really ʻsqueezeʼ the front delts

Standing Cable Lateral Raise (21ʼs, tempo: 4-2-2-0)

- the part of the muscle on top is where isolation will be (palms down for side delt focus)
- fine to come down and across the body (providing tension stays on working muscle)
- think about trying to reach the side wall on way up

Seated Side Lateral Raises (reps: 12, Isometric holds)

(3 second isometric holds at the top every 3rd rep)

- keep side delt on top

- start / end about 30 degrees from the body (just short of where tension is removed from
the working muscle)

- think about initiating through the elbow as opposed to the hand

- consciously try to relax biceps, triceps and forearms, as well as the hands a little during
the isometric contraction; only hold dumbbells with the delts

- think about reaching for the opposite walls

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (reps: 8, 6-1-3-0)

- start in a position where a vertical external rotation (a vertical forearm) can be maintained
(may need to slide butt forward to achieve this) - perhaps assess this from set to set

- keep wrists above elbows and in line with where you're strongest in the range
- try to stabilize the weight in-between the chest and the back ideally

- keep arms slightly outside of the shoulder joint

- big stretch at the bottom (keep the abs shortened to find the bottom position)

* Common to all prescribed chest exercises below (unless otherwise stated):

- shoulders down and depressed (throughout)

- abs tight (no arching) / press lower back firmly into pad
- head up (pushed into pad looking straight ahead)
- wide stance

- retract shoulder blades together at the bottom

- keep wrists outside of shoulder joint
- focus on pushing the body / trunk into the pad (not the weight away from the body)

Flat Dumbbell Flyes (reps: 15, 1 1/2ʼs)

- slight bend in elbows (find the point at which there is maximum tension / stretch in the
chest at the bottom (not in the biceps))

- move dumbbell in a straight line perpendicular to the ground

- at 45 degrees on way up, straighten elbows, lock triceps and try to bring elbows
together (not hands)

Incline Dumbbell Presses (21ʼs, tempo: 4-2-2-0)

- contract back, bring elbows down, maximum stretch of chest (elbows well below

- bring hands up until directly over shoulders at the top (wrists directly above elbows)

Machine Pec Flyes (reps: 12, Isometric holds)

(2 second isometric hold every 3rd rep)

- if feeling too much of a stretch in biceps, bend elbow a little

- at 45 degrees on the concentric, straighten elbows

- bring hands together though focus on trying to bring elbows together

Machine Chest Press (reps: 8, tempo: 6-1-3-0)

- neutral elbow position (about shoulder height)

- initiate from ʻouterʼ pec

- focus on bringing the humorous across the body
- 'shove' handles together


* as per day 2

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