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Humanities Stage 6 

Teacher: Ms Stephanie Cross 
Week Beginning: Week 11 of Term 1  Unit 2: Mountains  CLASS: Year 6 

Activities (see notes below re:   

differentiation details, etc.)  W   
W: whole class; G: group; I: individual  G 
Da Timin Framewor Learning Objectives  Success Criteria I  Resources  Evidence of  Class Work 
y  g  k Code  achievemen /  
t  Homework 

4/1 10.00  -  Mountains and the    1 Before starting today’s lesson, complete    Student     
1/2 -  weather   last week’s lesson on the types of  Book Page 
02 11.00    mountains. A quick recap on the previous  24 and 25 
0  To summarize the effects  lessons too. 
of mountains on the   
weather and to examine  2 Students will cover subtopics on: 
the process of  -mountains and temperature 
weathering on rocks.  -mountain weather and land use 
-what is a rain shadow? 
3 Explain to the students in how the 
temperature is associated with the 
mountains based on page 24. 
4 Ask students what is a rain shadow? Get 
students to read on page 24.  
5 Explain to the students based on page 24. 
6 Ask students what weathering is. Explain 
on weathering based on page 25. 
7 Show students some images on glaciers 
and ask students what those pictures 
8 Show students a video on how a glacier is 
formed. Explain on glacier based on page 
9 Lesson to be continued.  

5/1 11.00  -  The Himalayas     1 Ask students about the Himalayas.    Student     
1/2 -      Book Page 
02 12.00  To introduce the  2 Students will be given 5 minutes to do a  26 and 27 
0  geography of the  small research on the Himalayas. 
3 Explain to the students on the formation 
and features of the Himalayas based on 
page 26. 
4 Ask students to read climate and land use 
based on page 26. Explain to the students 
the details. 
5 Ask students what minerals can be 
obtained from the Himalayas. Explain to 
the students based on page 27. 
6 Students will do a small research on 
forests and flooding. Explain to the 
students based on page 27. 
7 Lesson to be continued. 

Organisation: details of differentiation/groups/adult role (linked to  Notes/extension opportunities/homework 

activities)  Q & A : Question & Answer 
D : Discussion 
    O : Observation 
M : Marked work 


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