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Team B Descriptive Writing

The theatre was strenuous before the show, costume designers, performers,
writers, makeup artists, directors, and production designers, all getting ready for
one singular event. The seats start filling up, the fussy critics, naive audience
members and of course, the pompous literary fanatics, it was a full house.
Tension fills the air as the cast lined up in their elaborate ensemble, ready to
perform. My heart was racing, I could hear it pounding against my chest, my
breathing quickened, and my tongue was a bristly sponge, my mind went numb,
I was stupefied. This was the moment, the moment that we’d all been waiting
for, all the blood, sweat and tears, all the agonizing thought and labor, the
culmination of years of hard work, at last the apotheosis was reached as the
velour ruby curtains rolled up for opening night.
The crowd went wild as Juliet strutted onto the stage, bewitching the audience
with her mystifying yet majestic performance. When the rest of the cast joined
her for our first musical performance of the night, the crowd was ecstatic. The
enchantment was sustained throughout the play with the cast’s balletic
performance coupled with our costume designer Kristen’s wittily transformative
costumes, summons a beguilingly grim alternate universe.

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