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QUARTER 3 - LESSON 7A Student’s name: ............................................... Class: 6C ..........

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of will or be going to and the verb in the brackets.
1. A: Why are you buying flour and eggs?
B: Because I ….’m going to make… (make) a cake.
2. A: I have decided what to buy Mum for her birthday.
B: Really. What………………………………………………………………………(you/buy) for her?
3. Did you ask Jackie to the party?
B: Oh no! I forgot! I …………………………………………………….(ask) her tonight.
4. A: Could I speak to Jim, please?
B: Wait a minute. I ………………………………(get) him for you.
5. A: What are your plans for the weekend?
B: I …………………………………………………………(spend) some time with my friends.
6. A: What are you doing on Friday night?
B: Oh, I …………………………………………………………(probably/stay) at home with my family.
7. A: Have you tidied your room yet?
B: No, but I promise I ………………………………………………….(do) it this afternoon.
8. A: Look at that boy!
B: Oh yes! He…………………………………………………….(climb) the tree.
9. A: Jason is very clever for his age.
B: Yes. He says he ……………………………………………(become) a doctor when he grows up.
10. A: I am too tired to cut the grass.
B: Don’t worry! I ………………………………………………… (cut) it for you.

II. Read the descriptions of some computer words. What is the word for each one?
1. It’s a small computer and you can carry it around. l…………………..
2. You look at this when you’re using your computer. s…………….…….
3. It’s small and you use it to move words, etc. around. m………...…..……
4. You find it on the internet. It gives you information. w………...………..
5. You use it for typing. k………….……….

III. Complete the letter. Write one word for each space.
Dear Mr. Lucas
I saw an advert on (1) ……………………internet for a shop assistant to work (2) …………………
Saturdays in your computer shop. I would (3) …………………to apply for the job.
I'm sixteen years old and I'm studying for my exams (4) ……………………school. My favourite subjects
(5)………………..…science and technology. I'm very interested (6)……………………computers and
I'm good (7) ………………… using them. I’m planning (8) …………………… study computing at
university when I'm older.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Jo Brains

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
I. Listen to Jake talking to Sally about II. Listen to Simon telling Mina about an
his holiday. For questions 1-5 afternoon at school when they discussed
choose A, B or C. jobs. What job is each person planning to
do? Write a letter (A-H) next to each person.
1. Jake is going away with
A his parents.
B a group of his friends.
C his friend’s family.

2. Jake is staying
A in a city.
B on the coast.
C in the mountains.

3. Jake is planning to
A go sightseeing.
B do water sports.
C visit a town. III. You will hear a telephone conversation
about a school trip. Listen and complete
questions 1-5.
4. Jake will be home on
A 7th August. Trip to newspaper office
B 11th August.
Day: Friday
C 18th August.
Meet in the: (1) ……………….…………………
5. The prize money is
Travel by: (2) …………………….……………
A $100.
B $400. Activities: tour
C $1,000.
(3) …………………….……………
Cost of trip: (4) £………………..……….………
Take: (5) ………………….………………

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2

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