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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


Did you know fashion How do you plan to What can Sunrisers STUDENT EDITION
TODAY’S trends have changed
according to the
spend your weekend?
What are you
Hyderabad do to keep
the momentum going?
Newspaper in


socio-political dynamics? reviewing this week? PAGE 4



nited under the Swedish activist WHO MADE HIS

Greta Thunberg, young people ral-
lied worldwide recently to demand CLIMATE CRUSADER WARNS
urgent action to halt the catastroph- One of the world's
ic climate change, in their first global protest, youngest climate change I will go to the
Moon, and I will
since the coronavirus crisis began. With wild activists, Licypriya Kangujam,
weather wreaking havoc across the world — is leading a youth movement research on how we CLUE 1: The 74-year-old is a
from fires ravaging the US West Coast, to on climate change, and has can get fresh air to Chartered Accountant from the
abnormal heatwaves in the Siberian Arctic, urged PM Narendra Modi and law- breathe, how we can Institute of Chartered Accountants in
and record floods in China — the organisers makers to pass a new law, aimed at get fresh water to England & Wales
said, their aim was to remind politicians that capping carbon emissions in the drink, and how to
CLUE 2: Born in Lahore, Pakistan,
world's third-largest producer of green- grow crops
while the world focused on Covid-19, the cli- he's also a nephew of legendary
house gases. Born in Manipur, Kangujam there, because

mate crisis was more acute than ever. The actor Dev Anand
has been outraged by the air quality, she has our planet is
protesters also CLUE 3: He debuted as an actor in
seen in Delhi. "I am fighting to save our planet dying soon
called for a the 1974 movie, ‘Ishq, Ishq, Ishq’
‘Global Day of and our future," she said as she protested outside
Climate parliament in New Delhi recently.
Union ministry of information and

Fridays for future broadcasting has appointed the film-

maker as the new President of Film
and Television Institute of India (FTII)
Society, and as the Chairman of FTII

Governing Council




rice of Beatles memorabilia that is likely
ALERT to fetch at the Sotheby's auction.
UPCOMING BOOK Sotheby's is hosting an online auction this
month of Beatles memorabilia to mark the 50th

piritual teacher and author Sadhguru is
all set to write a book on karma, its many anniversary of the British band breaking up.
aspects and destiny in his upcoming
book, titled, 'Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Creat- The sale offers items spanning the band's entire SPORTS
ing Your Own Destiny'. Sadhguru said, "When performing career, including a signed copy of the

I looked at the variety of misconceptions sur- hree weeks after he
Fab Four's first single from 1962, 'Love Me Do',
rounding the word ‘kar- defaulted in the US Open
ma’, I saw that it is one valued at between $19,000-$25,400. Other items
on sale, include a pair of John Lennon's unmis- for hitting a line judge
of the most misun-
FACTOID with a ball, Novak Djokovic got

derstood aspects of early four in 10 consumers have been takable glasses and his school detention sheet
life. This needed clar- involved in a bullying incident online his quest for an 18th Grand Slam
ification. People need at their workplaces and outside, a Mi- title, back on track with a 6-0, 6-
to see that karma is
not just bondage, it
crosoft study has revealed. Across India, 38
per cent of consumers (34 per cent adults and
SALTY LAKE, PONDS MAY BE GURGLING 2, 6-3 victory over Mikael Ymer
can also be-
come a process
43 per cent teenagers), said they were involved
in a "bullying incident". Nearly 25 per cent BENEATH SOUTH POLE ON MARS SPACE in the French Open on Tuesday.
 Russian 13th seed Andrey

of liberation. respondents said, they were the target and network of salty ponds
This book has 17 per cent a bystander or witness to bully- may be gurgling beneath  Roughly 4 billion years ago, Mars was warm and wet, like the Earth. Rublev came two sets and 5-2
been con- ing or harassment. Mars' South Pole along- But the Red planet eventually morphed into a barren, dry world, it down to beat American Sam
ceived as side a large underground lake,
remains today All this potential of the presence of water, raises the Querrey 6-7(5), 6-7(4), 7-5, 6-4,
a manual raising the prospect of tiny, swim-
of this  The results also show that 38 per ming Martian life, scientists have possibility of microbial life on or inside Mars. High concentrations of 6-3 in three hours and 17 minutes
process." cent of people in 32 countries say claimed. The scientists widened salt are likely keeping the water from freezing at this frigid location,
their coverage area by a couple the scientists noted. The surface temperature at the South Pole is an  In the women’s singles, sur-
they've been involved in a bullying
hundred miles, using even more estimated minus minus 113 degrees Celsius, and gets gradually prise US Open semi-finalist
 The book will dive deep into under- incident as the target of the bullying, data from a radar sounder on the
someone who displayed bullying behav- warmer with depth nThese bodies of water are potentially interesting Jennifer Brady let slip two match
standing karma, its different aspects European Space Agency's Mars
points in a 6-4, 3-6, 9-7 loss to
iours, or as a bystander Express orbiter, two years after biologically and “future missions to Mars should target this region,”
and its consequences— all decoded
 The study polled teenagers, aged 13- identifying what they believed to the researchers wrote 17-year-old Clara Tauson. Tauson,
with new perspectives by Sadguru. The be a large buried lake.
17 and adults aged 18-74, about their a former junior World No.1, is
book will give the readers a sense of In the latest study, the scien- kilometres across, and buried 1.5 er bodies of water surrounding
awareness and an opportunity to cre- online experiences and exposure to tists provide further evidence of kilometres beneath the icy sur- the lake. These ponds appear to making her Grand Slam debut
ate and navigate their destinies online risks this salty underground lake, es- face. Even more tantalising, be of various sizes and are sepa-
timated to be 20 kilometres to 30 they've also identified three small- rate from the main lake.
 'Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Creating
Your Own Destiny' is expected to be
released in early 2021

 The National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) has been set at 25, 30 and 40 grams per day,
According to the scientists, this was
added another 5kg to the ideal weight of respectively, for an adult man and 20, 25 and
because nutritional food intake had gone
Indians. While the weight of an ideal or refer- up. Also, data from rural and urban
30 grams per day, respectively, for an adult
ence Indian man was 60kg in 2010, it has now areas was taken into account this time woman
increased to 65kg. In case of women, it has as against only urban data 10 years ago.  The calcium requirement proposed as RDA
gone up to 55kg from 50kg, a decade ago A premier nutrition research body of for an adult man and an adult woman is
 Along with this, the earlier height for a ref- the Indian Council of Medical 1,000mg per day. It was 600mg per
erence Indian man was 5.6 feet (171cm) and a Research, NIN, has also day in 2010

he title of M Night Shyamalan's upcoming revised its recommended
thriller is 'Old', the director has announced. woman was 5 feet (152cm). It is now revised to
dietary allowance (RDA)  Common salt intake remains
The filmmaker took to Twitter to share the 5.8 feet (177cm) for a man and 5.3 feet
update. "Feels like a miracle that I am shooting the and estimated average at 5 grams per day with the
(162cm) for a woman. This will now be taken
first shot of my new film. It's called 'Old'," tweeted a requirement (EAR) of sodium intake limited to 2
masked Shyamalan holding a clapperboard. He also for normal body mass index (BMI)
nutrition for Indians in grams. An intake of 3,510mg
shared the artwork of the film — a depiction of an
hourglass, with people tumbling instead of sand,  The visible fat intake for individuals with its 2020 report potassium is recommended
and the text reading, "A New Trip from writer/di- sedentary, moderate and heavy activity has per day
rector M Night Shyamalan. It's only a matter of time."
Shyamalan, who has written the script, will also pro-
duce the project.
02 “Life is short, but there is always time
enough for courtesy.”

How Fashion trends

. . .

a n g e d

ha v e c h

ionable at the start of the ‘80s.

● Women also wore a mix of fitted and
loose styles throughout 1980, and paired
their ensembles with chunky jewelry.

● Women mixed athletic wear into their
In the ‘60s and ‘70s, people everyday attire.

1 experimented with styles such

as bell-bottom pants, unbut-
toned shirts, and flowing jump-
suits — all of which were influenced
by music and social movements.
● At the start of the ‘90s, jackets became
a staple part of many outfits.

➤ What is Cottagecore? Is “an aes-

thetic movement that draws togeth-
1960s er all of the best parts of going off
By the ‘80s and ‘90s, people and living in a cabin in the woods.”

favoured celebrity-inspired The rustic lifestyle became extreme-
ensembles, especially those 1970: ly popular around March 2020, when
worn by icons like Naomi ● Hippie-inspired pants and mod-style the COVID-19 pandemic began, and
Campbell and the late Princess Diana. shirts were popular at the start of has now extended into fashion...
the ‘70s.
● According to Vintage Dancer, fashion in

Throughout the 2000s, design- this decade “Couldn’t decide what direc-

tion to take or what past decade to emu-
ers have borrowed heavily from late.” As a result, men wore a mix of
● Platform shoes came back into style.
clothing trends popular in past everything, including turtlenecks, neck
decades, like animal-print scarves, and wide-legged pants.
1972 ● Plaid was extremely popular in the
garments and tiny handbags. middle of the ‘90s.
● Rather than following a single
I trend, people aimed to dress in

Logo-mania originated
In 2020, welcome a way that expressed their

in the late ‘90s.
cottagecore. Know more here...
1973: 2001:
●Many people wore
● Disco styles started to
THE STYLE MAP emerge from the fashion
head-to-to denim.

1960-1961: ly worn by women enter-
1974: ● Wedge sneakers
● Matching coats and dresses ing male-dominated work became trendy.
1986 ● Both men and
were all the rage. fields in the early ‘60s.
The look was said to blend women donned suits.
● In the early ‘60s, many peo-
1966 ● Suit-style dresses
ple still sported styles that masculine and feminine ● Men started
styles beautifully. became very
were popular in the ‘50s. wearing patterned
● The style is still worn mod movement is said to 1968: fashionable.
During this time, women often suits.
layered loose-fitting coats over frequently today — sometimes have originated from a small group of ● People loved wearing styles inspired by
matching dresses and complet- even as a political fashion London-based young men who listened to the film ‘Bonnie and Clyde.’ In particular, 1975: 2018:
statement. modern jazz, according to the BBC. men often wore pinstripe suits paired ● Everyone want-
ed their ensembles with ● People couldn't
with hats in solid colours. ed to wear a jumpsuit.
coordinating hats, gloves, get enough of mono-
and short heels. 1965: 1966: chromatic outfits.
● The mod trend spread from ● Women’s fashion was also influenced by 1969: 1980:
the mod movement. Rather than wearing ● Bold,
1960-1963 the UK to the rest of the world. ● Many shoes from this period
● Bow collars came into style. ● Mod, short for modernism, sleek suits, women donned polka-dot featured short and chunky heels, were 2001
● An aesthetic called
was a subculture known for its ensembles, black-and-white pan- made of leather, and reached just above colours
● According to ‘Paste’ maga- Acti cottagecore has com-
focus on music and style. The vitie
s elled dresses, and boots. the knee. were fash-
zine, bow collars were common- pletely taken over.
Credit: Insider and Other Agencies


Is tofu healthier

ANCIENT STORIES Q.1) Which Q.3) ‘Jane Eyre' was sister?

than paneer?
is the first Harry written by which Bronte A. Anne B. Charlotte C. Emily
D. None of the above
Potter book?

IN THE A. HP and the Goblet of Fire

B. HP and the Philosopher’s
C. HP and the Chamber of
Q.4) What is the book
‘Lord of the Flies’ about?
A. A round trip around the USA


D. HP and the God of Small
B. A swarm of killer flies
C. Schoolboys on a desert
island D. None of the above
SHUBIRA PRASAD, author of The Demons of Jaitraya Q.5) In which century
Q.2) What was the
was Geoffrey Chaucer’s

s modern India nationality of Robert
takes big leaps in Louis Stevenson, writer Canterbury Tales written?
areas of science, A. 13th–14th B. 14th–15th
of ‘Treasure Island’?
technology and A. Scottish B. Welsh C. 15th-16th D. 16th–17th
research, it is also C. Irish D. French
finding itself deeply steeped
in ancient Indic culture. Our A N S W E R S
ancient texts have stood the
test of time from the Satyuga 1. B) HP and the Philosopher’s Stone 2. A) Scottish 3. B) Charlotte
or the era of the truth to the 4. C) Schoolboys on a desert island 5. A) 13th–14th
present Kalyug which is the
era of Kali. An- change in scenario and the
cient stories have
taught generations
human civilization,
about the art of liv- been transposed into

ing. They teach us
the difference be-
the modern times.
Many modern
Bat flower oft, creamy, mushy and deli-
cious, both paneer and tofu
ing to be a much healthier alternative
than paneer (cottage cheese). With
tween right and day writers are Tacca chantrieri is an unusual plant with can amp up the taste of any around 37% of vegetarians, India has
wrong. And they reimagining our texts black flowers. Also called the bat flower, it is bland meal with their de- been predominantly a vegetarian na-
teach us about and making it inter- a species of flowering plant in the yam fami- ■”Formerly” is something that lightful taste and texture. tion, wherein the consumption of plant
respect and care. esting and suitable for happened before. While paneer based proteins
ly, Dioscoreaceae. The flowers can grow up has been pre- Why Paneer
From time im-
memorial our gods
young people.
‘Demons of Jaitraya’,
to 28 inches ■”Formally” (adj) in a formal manner. dominantly
Why Tofu has been more
than animal
have been believed to
have come down from
I too have reimagined
Hanuman who is be-
lieved to be immortal,
and have long
‘whiskers’. They
HOW NOT TO DO IT: ✘ used in Indian Cottage cheese is
cuisine to add loaded with the good-
Made with soybean
milk, tofu is prepared
But decid-
the heavens, take hu-
are somewhat ■ The store was formerly opened soul to curries,
ness of healthy fats by curdling the soy milk ing what’s bet-
man forms or avatars, to be training a team parathas, ter – tofu or pa-
on Tuesday. pakodas and and milk proteins,
and is believed to be a neer – can be a
mingle with them and of young warriors in bat-shaped.
lead them to fight and our century to fight ■ It was a custom formally observed. what not, tofu which makes paneer a low-calorie substitute bit tricky. If
Native to tropi-
to regular cottage

destroy the evil. They have taught the the demons and the has been a great source of you have been
cal regions of HOW TO DO IT PROPERLY:
rest of the humanity the code of con- negative energies. All quintessence cheese. This is a weight watch-
duct for living a righteous and happy writers bringing alive these stories Southeast Asia of Oriental nutrition for great for er or a fitness
■ The store was formally opened
life. These teachings were captured in through mythology are doing so to including cuisines like healthy bones, enthusiast or
our Vedas and Puranas. In the present ensure that the young follow the tenets on Tuesday. Chinese, Thai teeth and
weight want to switch
Thailand, watch- to a protein
age where crime, corruption and im- of these epics that form the core of our ■ It was a custom formerly observed. and Japanese.
moral behaviour is at its peak, the culture and our identity. Malaysia, and southern China, they prefer Interest- ers. rich diet, then
■ Gaidar was formerly the vice
teachings of these great ancient texts Being rooted helps young become shade to sunlight and need lots of water. Bat ingly, both pa- here’s all you
like Ramayana, Mahabharat and the more confident. It is only when our governor of the Kirov Region. neer and tofu are a great source of need to know about the differences
flowers grow best at high humidity in well-
Bhagwad Gita continue to spread its young understand and follow the prin- ■ He was formally certified as a CA. protein. However, with an increas- between paneer and tofu,
message for leading a better life. ciples of out ancient books that we will
drained soil with good air circulation. ing inclination towards healthy eat- before you add these to your
Through decades and centuries of comfortably sail through this Kalyug. ing, tofu has paved its way, claim- regular diet.


It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
is the
Capacity to

indi Pakhwara
was celebrated at Vision into
Sainik School Bi- Reality
japur from Sep-
tember 14 to 28, 2020. The
celebration was primarily
aimed at encouraging non-
Hindi speakers to acquire
command over the language
and develop an interest in
Hindi literature.
The celebrations com-
menced with the inaugural
ceremony on September 14,
Leaders motivated to make
2020 on the occasion of Hin-
di Diwas. Principal Capt school, parents proud
(IN) Vinay Tiwari inaugu-
o inculcutate the lead- name, class, and designa-

T ership qualities in stu-
dents and to give them
the feel of a administrstive
tion, that they were elected
Head Girl Aditi Vinay
APPOLLO NATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL graph writing and dialogue spoke on the 'Importance of
body, a Student Council con-
sisting of the senior and
and Head Boy Adarsh
Sasikumar led the council
rated the Hindi fortnight. writing contests were also Hindi as a Link Language'. junior students was formed to take their oath as they

indi diwas celebra- Speaking on the occasion, held. Cadets were assigned Vice-principal Lt Cdr after voting and selection by were vested with the pow-
tions went online this he stressed upon the im- biographies of famous mil- Ravikant Shukla, admin of- their teachers.
time, but it didn’t portance of Hindi as a Na- itary leaders to review, apart ficer Major Vikram Singh, The Virtual Investiture
dampen the children’s tional Language. from books of their choice. SM, and senior master C Ceremony for this academ- SHERWOOD
spirits. They were in fact more A variety of competi- The concluding cere- Rama Rao and staff mem- ic year 2020-2021was held on
motivated to give their best. With tions were held throughout mony was held on Sept 28, bers enthusiastically par- September 23.We had all our HIGH
the help of their teachers they the fortnight, commencing 2020. ticipated in the Hindi fort- council members, their par-
performed a plethora of pro- with essay writing on 'At- On the occasion, asst night celebrations. Staff of ents, principal Agnes Davies ers of their office by their
grammes such as skits, dances, manirbhar Bharat' and 'Hin- prof and head of Hindi dept the Hindi dept successfully and the four house mis- principal. In her address,
songs, short stories, role play on di as a National and Official at Anjuman Arts, Science coordinated the programme tresses along with a few the principal motivated
important Hindi poets. It was an Language'. Hindi story writ- and Commerce College, Vi- through the digital plat- teachers present for the each one to work to their
entertaining session. ing, poem writing, para- jayapura, M A Peeran, form. event. The ceremony start- best and make their parents
ed virtually with a presen- and teachers proud of their
tation on each council mem- decision to elect them to
ber, highlighting their their post.

Teachers prepare
material for govt contest
he ministry of educa- on the given topics.

T tion, in partnership
with MyGov, has or-
ganised an online competi-
tion for teach-
Works by teachers Va-
jrashwini, Sadhana and
Vidyashree were chosen for

ers on "prepa- SHIKSHA SAGAR HIGH

ration of com-
m u n i c a t iv e SCHOOL, SANJAYNAGAR
Let the colours speak for you material" re-
lating to the new NEP 2020.
The participating teachers
had to prepare a poster, a
entry into the competition,
a these have been uploaded.
The school wishes them
eekends! They are just the presentation or a short film good luck.

W ideal time to catch up with

our passion and let the cre-
ativity find expression.
One weekend I decided to paint a
heart on a piece of waste wood that
was lying aroun. The results were
Today a Reader; Tomorrow a Leader
quite satisfactory. So I decided to
lighten up my mundane weekends by BVM GLOBAL SCHOOL
doing some painting on junk.
Over the weeks, I have painted t school “reading” is always treat-
on Rocks, CDs and used bottles. I've
used acrylic paints as normal paint
does not stick on surfaces such as
A ed as an important skill. As part
of a week-long reading celebra-
tions, students from KG to class V were
engaged in various reading activities.
plastic or glass. The children of KG and classes I
Starting up is always the difficult and II were accompanied by their moth-
ers in a unique “Mom and Me” reading
part as it's hard to decide what to
programme. IT provided a platform for
paint. I use two methods to over- you can paint on and start filling in your colours. Let the mothers to bond further with their
come that issue. I start off by using random colours your imagination flow and even if your art isn't perfect, child over a good story. Children loved
which will surely look chaotic in the beginning but soon sharing with the rest of the class the
it'll give you immense satisfaction wonderful experience they had during
you'll start getting ideas from the very mess u made. and a little something to add this reading time with their mother.
I also take inspiration from the internet. There are to your home decor. The students at BVM Global are of looking through old story books and sories. “They eagerly participated in
tons of easy stuff you can paint even if you are not an constantly engaged in various activi- working hard to make a colourful pres- the Q & A round also,” says Samhitha.
artist. OSHIN PIA CUTINHO, ties to encourage and hone their in- entation,” shares Purvikalyani. An- Students of class V had a good time
class XII, Schoenstatt St herent talents with the belief that mak- other student, Roshini, says that “it was reading out loud snippets from their
Weekends are the best time to bring out the cre- ing of a “leader“ is a gradual and a com- a fun-filled experience in handling a favourite books in a virtual reading ses-
ativity within you so why not try turning some Mary's PU College, prehensive process. And so the children class for the younger students.” The sion. This session also included some
junk into a piece of art? Find literally anything Bengaluru of classes III and IV were involved in class X students held the story telling fun elements such as “Fastest First”
interesting story sessions conducted by session with an aplomb fully equipped and “Tongue Twisters” , which the chil-
class X students. “I enjoyed the process with presentations, props and acces- dren thoroughly enjoyed.

Many twists and turns, with

witchcraft and wizardry ALLURING SKY:

Witchcraft or Witchery is a 'life and death' situa- YASHITA SAMAL,
broad term that refers to the tion where in, if he BOOK: class V, Delhi Public
practice of magical spells and doesn't crack the THE PALE School, East
abilities. case against the Bengaluru
The Pale Horse clock, his beloved
revolves around sever- would be choked and
al unexpected murders blocked. CHRISTIE
in the town and the The story is full
idea is to spill the dark of twists and turns and
truths and practices of has many surprises. It larly
the witch in the town. showcases how a murder- take a liking for the book and will
Being a potter head er can be wise and wit- find themselves absorbed by the
and a great fan of less at the same time. central idea of the story as witch-
Christie, this book People of all ages will craft and wizardry is something PRIDE IN OUR
attracted me as enjoy reading this book they have probably enjoyed in the CULTURE:
it was based as the story is exciting, Potter series as well. APARAJITHAN S,
on wizardry. and of course, the book PRERANA M P, class IX, KLE class VI , United
The protagonist is very well-written. All Society's School, Rajajinagar, International
is placed in a potter heads will particu- Bengaluru School, Bengaluru

04 It’s about battles on the field. It’s about do-or-die situations. It’s about
just one goal. It’s about victory. In short, it’s about playing fair.
Howzzat? Well, that’s SIMPLY SPORTS!

After two losses on the trot, Sunrisers Hyderabad notched up its first win after beating Delhi PREVIEW

MI, KXIP look to move on

Capitals by 15 runs. Going forward they must tick all the right boxes

Can Sunrisers Hyderabad keep after heartbreaking losses

the MOMENTUM going? C oming off

breaking losses, the
League game be-
tween Mumbai In-
Ishan Kishan
led a remark-
able fight-back,
chasing 202,
before Mumbai
Bumrah’s inconsistency
is a big worry
dians and Kings XI went down to Royal Chal- Mumbai Indians are blessed
Punjab will be a test lengers Bangalore in a
of character for both Super Over.
with a splendid batting firepow-
CRUCIAL FOR SRH sides as they look to re- Defending cham- er with the likes of Rohit,
gain momentum. pions Mumbai Indi- Suryakumar Yadav and Ishan
KXIP were at the re- ans lost their opening Kishan at the top-order, fol-

avid Warner ceiving end of the high- game but bounced lowed by the big-hitting
and Jonny est successful run-chase in back to beat Kolkata Pollard and Hardik
Bairstow did
the bulk of the scor-
MUST KEEP THE the tournament history as
Rajasthan Royals over-
Knight Riders. How-
ever, Rohit Sharma's
Pandya. A major cause
of concern for them
ing for SRH last sea-
son. Warner was the
MIDDLE ORDER INTACT hauled a target of 224 with
three balls to spare on
men failed to cross
the line against will be pace ace


leading run-scorer in Jasprit Bumrah’s

o strengthen SRH's batting, the sea- Sunday. While RCB. Similarly, af-
the 2019 edition, scor- soned Williamson was drafted in at the Kieron Pollard ter losing to Delhi inconsistency. The
ing 692 runs in 12 expense of Mohammad Nabi. There and Capitals in their speedster has
matches at an aver- is no doubt that Kane Williamson is an in- opener, KXIP picked up only
age of 69.20. Bairstow telligent cricketer. He with his deft moves came back three wickets in
scored 445 runs in 10 kept Sunrisers scores ticking. Converting strongly
matches at an average one into twos is his forte which he does by to register their
as many games.

of 55.62. Put in to bat running hard but now he also cracked occa- first points by
against DC, Bairstow sional fours or sixes every fifth defeating RCB.
(53 off 48) scored his sec- ball. For SRH, he has now solved Rashid Khan But, despite a fab-
ond fifty of the tourna- the middle batting or- ulous batting dis- Photo: PTI
ment, while David Warn- der hurdle by scor- play, they lost to Ra-
er (45 off 33) and Kane ing brisk (41 off 26). ACCURATE BOWLING IN jasthan.
Williamson (41 off 26) KXIP have failed
also came up with precious DEATH OVERS to tighten the screws
contributions, helping Sunrisers Hyderabad’s (SRH) when it mattered most.
Sunrisers Hyderabad post Kane Williamson In their two losses, they
a fighting total of 162 for loss
skipper David Warner revealed were in a good position
of four wickets. that the side had worked “really but could not grab the
hard” on their death bowling moments. Their bowling
after the two defeats in the looked out of sorts
It was a big call against Rajasthan as they Jasprit Bumrah
(inclusion of ongoing Indian Premier League. failed to defend a big to-
Williamson in Rashid Khan's brilliant perform- tal with Rahul Tewatia
playing XI) ance and Bhuvneshwar Kumar's hitting pacer Sheldon
Cottrel for five sixes in
but, at the end of gutsy show with the ball guided
an over to win the match
the day, if we get our SRH to a 15 run win over Delhi for his team. PTI
top four batting right Capitals. It was also their first
win in the tournament. “We
and back our bowlers,
worked really hard on our death MI must get Rahul and Mayank early
we will come good. For
us, it is important to bowling, and today they were all Skipper KL Rahul and Mayank Agarwal have made inspir-
establish in the fantastic. We pride ourselves on Mayank Agarwal ing starts this season, hitting a century and a fifty each, and
our running between the wick- getting the duo out early will be the key for Mumbai. Against
David Warner David Warner, SRH ets. If we are not getting Rajasthan, the pair shared a 183-run opening stand with Agarwal
skipper boundaries, we run scoring his maiden ton while Rahul, fresh from recording the high-
hard,”Warner said. est score by an Indian in IPL history, hit a 54-ball 69.

Photo: PTI

Djokovic, Pliskova advance to second Mustafizur Rahman

Bowling yorkers is all about having confidence:
Kagiso Rabada

round at Roland Garros rues missing out on IPL


Russian 13th seed Andrey
Rublev came back from
the brink to beat American
Sam Querrey in five sets.

Jelena Ostapenko, the

2017 champion, put out If the BCB knew that the Sri Lanka series
seasoned American
W orld number one Novak
Djokovic dominated his
first round match at the
French Open 2020 as he swept aside
Sweden's Mikael Ymer in straight
Madison Brengle 6-2, 6-1.
would be postponed, they would have given me the NOC
(No Objection Certificate) for IPL. But whatever happens,
happens for the best. I may have earned BDT
(Bangladesh Taka) 1 crore had I played the IPL.
sets. Djokovic defeated Ymer 6-0,
World number six Stefanos
Mustafizur Rahman, Bangladesh pacer
6-2, 6-3 in just 98 minutes and dur- Tsitsipas clawed his way
ing the course of his win, one of
the most notable features was his
use of the drop shot. "I think it's a
great variety shot, the dropshot. I
think it's important tactically to
back from two sets down
to beat little-known Jaume
B angladesh pacer
Mustafizur Rahman
rues missing out on
playing in the IPL and the
perks that come with it af-
Cricket (SLC) to reschedule
the three-match Test series
next month, as the board was-
n’t willing to comply with the
14-day quarantine rule pro-
have it and to use it at the right Munar 4-6 2-6 6-1 6-4 6-4 ter the postponement of his posed by the host nation in
time so that you can keep your op-
ponent always guessing what the
and survive a French Open national team's tour of Sri
Lanka amid the COVID-19
view of the pandemic. “Sri
Lanka's proposal to have us
next shot is," he said as per the ATP first round scare. pandemic. quarantined for 14 days didn't
Tour website. IANS Bangladesh Cricket Board seem possible for us,”
(BCB) President Nazmul Mustafizur was quoted saying
Hasan had asked Sri Lanka by ‘Cricbuzz’. PTI

Q8: What is -40 divided by -4?

Q11: Predecessor of -9 is
Q16: Product of two negative
integers is always

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE a) -10 ❑ b) 10 ❑ c) 40 ❑ d) -40 ❑ a) -8 ❑ b) 10 ❑ c) -10 ❑ d) 8 ❑ a) Negative ❑ b) Positive ❑

c) 0 ❑ d) 1 ❑

MATHS QUIZ | Theme: Miscellaneous Q9: Sum of two negative

number is always
a) Positive ❑ b) Negative ❑
Q12: Successor of -1 is

a) -2 ❑ b) 0 ❑ c) 1 ❑ d) 2 ❑ Q17: Absolute value of -11 is

c) 0 ❑ d) 1 ❑ a) -10 ❑ b) 10 ❑ c) 11 ❑ d) 0 ❑

Q1: What is 0 divided by 1? a) 8 ❑ b) 16 ❑ c) 64 ❑ d) 48 ❑

Q13: Which number is a

a) 1 ❑ b) 0 ❑ c) -1 ❑
d) Cannot be computed ❑ Q5: 0.95 Is the same as?
a) Negative ❑ b) Positive ❑
Sum of two positive
number is always
multiplicative identity
for the whole numbers
a) 0 ❑ b) 1 ❑ c) 2 ❑ d) 3 ❑
Q18: The mean of the first five
whole number is
a) 2 ❑ b) 5 ❑ c) 3 ❑ d) 4 ❑
a) 9.5% ❑ b) 95% ❑ c) 950% ❑
c) 1 ❑ d) 0 ❑

Q2: What is 2 divided by 0?

a) 2 ❑ b) 1 ❑ c) 0 ❑
d) 0.095% ❑

Q14: What will be the

Q19: :A data can have .......
d) Cannot be computed ❑ Q6: Which number is prime?

a) 6 ❑ b) 16 ❑ c) 1 ❑ d) 11 ❑
multiplicative inverse of -8
a) 8 ❑ b) 1/8 ❑ c) 1/-8 ❑ d) 0 ❑ a) Only one ❑ b) Only two ❑
c) Only three ❑ d) more than one ❑

Q3: Do you know, what -1 + 1

Q15: On dividing a negative than one

Q7: Evaluate the expression integer by another
16- b) Positive 17- c) 11 18- a) 2 19- d) more

a) -2 ❑ b) 2 ❑ c) 0 ❑ d) 1 ❑
b) 0 13- b) 1 14- c) 1/-8 15- b) Always positive
3+4/4 negative integer the quotient will be 10, 9- b) Negative, 10- b) Positive, 11- c) -10, 12-
a) 3 ❑ b) 4 ❑ c) 19 ❑ d) 0 ❑ a) Always negative ❑ b) Always positive ❑ 3- c) 0 4- b) 16, 5- b) 95%, 6- d) 11, 7- b) 4, 8- b)

Q4: What is 2 to the power 4? c) Either negative or positive ❑ d) 1 ❑ ANSWERS: 1- b) 0, 2- d) Cannot be computed,

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