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7 (P+) IN-I 4. INTRODUCTION : Allthe problems in Ie prior chapters that we have breated problems evein all basic variables including Slock or Aurplus Veriab leo were permitted to take any non-negative yeal Valuer (continuous or frockional). 1 war dame Alnce in mamy Aituations iF 14 yite possible er emice Bemoe fo hewe fractional Adutions. Fer example ibis quite Aemoible to we 10-25 kg Sf raw material 2-30 hewr 5 manpower ete. fuk Here ave many problems partiularly in busines and rcluatry Where Le often, He bractiimal Albion ave univealistic, because the umibé ame. nde divisible . For example it meaning lear to produce 5:67 tablea or to opem 4-25 Ahopping mol a fe vam 1°23 machines fo preduca. a pri hig Jn Auch Care integer programvnt play a Key rdle Whuve Aome or all TRaveg yired variables ave integer Valued. Transportation problem , Assignment | prob 4 are integer programm lem, Since He decision ees ane eitfay Zero ar one, Many ex decision problems cam neceaoitate integer programi amodelg» One Category df Auch problems deals with the teguemcny » cdhecsling end Youting clecisions, Shis i the main. veasonk Why iffeger Progroantting 14 So hperiomk or ‘marginal decisions. 2- DEFINITIONS: we A \inear programming problem in Which Some or all 5 the Variables ave veqpire! to be am tuleger valued {4 es INTEGER PROGRAMMING PROBLEM. Jf all He Variables ave bo be integer valued them. te problem is Galled a pire is Ogyraam olfumoibe He problem is Called mixed integer progyamme. Rurtfer ifall the variablen,.in Re optimum Adlution ave aliewed to take Values eilfer 0 or 1 29 in ‘do? or nd to do’ type deci Aions, ten the problem is called Zero-one integer programme: : 3. CUTTING PLANE CONSTRAINTS + Comider a pure integer progyomme Moximize Z (4) pubjeck to A 2 9.9 amd ave inkeyens + where A=(Oij)men, = 6G.Sen) = Ce," %) b = (by ba, bm) ; ,Poa? e problem (1) Wilk integer reotrvicon oteletec| Ahall be called elated L-P.P, She basic idea jm culting plame algovilim are an fpllows Given a pure integer progrommming problem (1-P.P), Selve yelated L-p.p. SF te ais table cnthaine Se Pica dite ae then HRak mut be He optimal sdlution 55 TP. P. Bub if Some eae in Ihe optim wm ASlution ave ndb'an integer then a ned Gosbradnh- is added lo tha original problem amd Adlve [fiz new related L-P.P. a We check Welker He nei ophanuan Soubion satidty [Re inbeger veparom ent ar ndk GF it Aakisky tho integer Yeytivement Hum Mak will be o tid - iSuukion to He original 1.P.P. OF om the Aurhamd some Sf Hi Variablen ave Al nok om inlegey Ham again a new Gmohaink is added amd the recess 14 Cmbnue umill ome Auch related L-P.P 14 found be have am all integer optimum Adtution AS thane ave hyperplanes Which Cu off a portion & the feanible yegion Sf the related LPP Re Conolvaint are Gilled cutting planes We now devive the mathematical form 65 sulting plames- MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION = Ignoring the integer restrichon 3 ia, protien (teh ae first sdlve fhe yelated 1-p-P by woual Aimplex metho and fer Simplicity we Shall anowme fat He optimal Adution contatm fiysk m-columms SL A Sm te basis B. Hence A Com be partaned into two Aub matricen A =([B,R) Where B containe bixst m-CSlumnds Se A amd R_ contains remaining (n-m) columns dp A+ She Greapending optimal Sauron 4 the pote * « aU xt = (26, 2] where The non-banie variables 2R =9 New Me Conslrainl eqpation A%=b gives : B,RJ [28] = 2 t [| > BxR+RAR=b > (BB) 28 +(84 R)Ze= BIE Swe = BYb ~(BIR)ZR | (es) Ince R conaishs dk the colunms ve Gihumns é te Simplex table ae cam express (2) in term dee Bth 9 ond BU = Bt Ay &) | Frem (2) using (3) oe JEN vohure NK = fils is a non- xm represents the optimal basis Sf lke velated |-P-P Sy problem ®- ‘Suppose thal tRe vif basic Variable of ag is nd am integer pub we wamb > do bo lek us Write (4) basic vewriablesf Sb ta be an integer. 7 ese Jew im he current optimal Asubton oll 7% Sor jE Nae Zero So tak— Yr 16 obo integer. lee Jy, = Wet fe , i Wy + Fj oo -@) arts amd ie fe ay leo Where Wee, Wg ore integra P Shen (6) beconner Fractional ports> SE re ama Sup venpeetively- xg. = (Wa - 24 8 fe- 2s g, = (Wr Zn bj 4) + ( 2 i %) = {1} +48} ee Ct) % ave integrol park amel frectienal whe [id and ff park 5 %Br. gf we Wish to modify new potion i integer Th Since each fy 79 omd 20 imply sh > the qpambity is} = fo 2 Xj comists 1a a pesikve— dpombity S5% Aubstrosted Fron omothur positive yore EN * s Fx, shiek is less thom umity + Shure fore He entire qromtity camnd be & positive integer « Sh ik is fo be am integer fRe current ASlution o Rab Re_ em we make {55 lp» be am integer © o, Heme, co) Bik mut be a mnegehive integer or Zero fests {ip =($.- Z04) <° oo @ JEN (g) is the veqpired cutting plame combraint derived by mn Yao Cane Sy pure imbeger programme. Bhid canabretinl- 14 Gomory i aded b Sy the velaked LPP and tem Adwed added to te optimal table by DUAL- SIMPLEX method. IMPORTANT NOTES ? () Every integer fearible gAution Sf original TPP ball Aokibly this Conotvaink ative, even then a non-negative (i) $8 Game Sy be TES . . fractional ont Sly ikan ve: yed ‘may be obkained - For exann| le e vay Istuveby HRe "non-negative fracttmmal 2) cambe bvittem an (-3 mot comidered how {iy Trowr above diseuasion, He have ; ‘opti \ i ees e the %p, Whose Fractional park Fy, 14 23) fund a ha» bem Acparraled Hing plane constraint if more Ran one banic Variable. ko dckewmmine He yc. Gomory’s cutting plane to Solve He problem Maximize Z = %4-% fubject to x 42% $4 6x, +2% £9 %, %2 Ye and ove inkegerS Selution ie first bind Re optimal Adlution Sb the related Lp.P. the Standard form the yelated L-PPT Maximize % = %-% 0% ta%y Aubjectto — %yt2% 4% = 4 6%) 42% x, % ye alecision Variables ' %3, %4 0 Slack Voriableo. row Solve the problem by Simplex method’ ao fellows cei -I Qo o @ le Pel > Ya 33 M4 EI Olay t 2 \ ° A ° YlI} ¢ 2 ° t ta maf, | oe $7} i= ° co @ |B [%| v3 © 1935p 1 ~Ye VY) } ap ° Y% Bg] oe OH All G-G yo amd 2g >0 So optimal basic feasible Adution A Me related 1-P.P har been reached amd is given by « x xe 2 3 0 may = (6) observations > Yhe decision variable x =3. is ndb am integer bub we veytive ithbe am inter. To obtain Ha integer sSWahion We we Gomory/S culling plane Constraint Here Yyo=S2lth » Wroel SoZ Yoo shroty » Wars0 S22 =t 1 é Jog sb soth + Woqza fa4e es =e JEN S g-(E% FESO Ss -4%-$%4 45 xj) <0 JEN > $-($% +3u)se 3S gag SF > 6x3 S44 HS OT Shik conslraink iS added be He previow optimum table amd we apply Duol-Simplex method ee 2 - o A cele fel % Ys 94 9S r i a! 5 We Ong irs 23/70 ‘ = i ‘ i Vet TE. 2°. 7 i) -8lp 1 > By] 0 0 7 V7 a isfy Yg leaverthe basis and yz entersthe banis mox{ ert} = max fb pe -$ a 2 2 ° ° ° le [xsl 1 23 Ma Vs 2/4/41 Che Lee {| 0 10 h 3 ho -% ol ajel io Olea eee ae | sees ten aa ‘3 Frem this table we Sa: rs t- i Penis gera fearible ond optimal i arch a ae Srahuck o peel cag Nene ens Me home vul 2 = %* an the variable and the new consbaint s ~Z%4- Zs < -s > -E4 ~Ex5 + % gn awit 7) Sa 93 10 sh Gan Voee 6 9 (4) coves amd Jq enkoyds Ihe bavid e {8 |e 2\a|1 Finally w i Ye emive ak feani ble amd optimal ¢ Hd ntegral AQukion oP % 241, Zmax = 4- 4.. MixeD INTEGER PROGRAMMING PROBLEM ; Comide a mixed tal which ave reqpired to A= (445 nxn integer ‘programming problem ger prey IF ev. She Seb 8 Maximize Z=S% fubjeckto AX z b 2 z ta O Fee Aub 1et Se ve connists heed He cantar ng ts eke deel alee Variabl r Fen Gyalue om J co be am integral % = (4 %y> va)? 2 C44 Gm) b= (by, bey oben In this Sh mixed integer Frist We pave optimum toble He ¥ heetion lek we now derive the culing plane conalvatn|— program @) he veloted LPP 5 A), Fe panie Vaviable ia ndt am inte: inbeger . Then an before from (5) amd Suppose in He_ ger bub We. veqpave ik to be om %, = Iv oo. (10) Jes whure seh \ 4 isa non-banic Variable ful fi, Sirti ME 6 2 fect 1a Re Mawaaton PORE Se Are im UD te Wit frei D9 5 JEN By 9 Ig, is tebe am inleger provided (Sr ~ D954) = %87 Wve = Am integer -----(i) JEN Ler Nt = 4394 yo, ieNF ye = Ga] dy ser TENG Fr om Wf Sg Ai - DIG = An integey «---(12) jen jen Carel * Dy uy 6 Je Fem WW) SA Gs fre #P where P= {el Boog se er jen S non-negative integers > Tht yk JEN > Syst Sgt > F Jent gene Since S38 Zo for amy fearible ASuetion fo (4) We mut have Jex- ilies PR exe tone ces 07 jen comedy <0 Jen From) S44 = Sy P where Pe fuga cnpisa deb Sy Sen Atrictly positive integer > Dit Saye $h-! JeNt JEN Again Aince Sys 7° for amy Fewible Adution be (a) We + srnunt hawe ae Sy RICE Pe se id) Jen ) ofS Sl amd fren! <0, feo ao Sve ii ,.( Jai Yh OD | As i, Combining (13) amd (Us) We gel sia (Se 4 2B 09 JENt JéNe (\s) represents the culling plane constraint for mixed inbeger program. @)- Further ExTENSION In deriving (16) We cam ndb Comider Me coz Whim we wea Heya Sets Be Sahel gf We incerpovake this additional requirement Ham a furlher develepement | eulting plame (16) 16 meceaacry. Far IRIs further extemsion eras | define two 4ehs Ge {i xy fs non-baale and vepiived te be am integer} Ne {3 4 ib non-basic and nd-repired te be am integer} ALC No = {il 9s 2? eA P= NAN Ne = {al si f,- DY a = Tobeger (13) JEN JEM i qs we opply the Ei argumem\- to (17) Which we apply to (12) fo obtain cult: lame U6) hen we Lal geb (he ‘yellows di fF i: 7 a mixed itegert! Ean ei mest bed REO! flame Conolvaint & a $x 4D 364 + fe Nag i> fr, wig) Mer JeENy gene JENE (P-12) LN -2 ExaMPLE 3 Solve the [pllewing mixed integer programming problem Maximize Z = 4m 463 42% Aubjecthe 4% -% <5 “4% 46m <5" ~X 4H ty ST X, %, % Do, xf x3 ave ink buk 2, mdb necesoary bb be an integer. 3 integers Sutin: By imboducing Slack Variables *4, %, % 70 fo cenotraints respectively and uring Aimplex Algevitfin we get the follocatng eptimum basic feani ble Adution dS the velated L-P-P a |4 6 2 ° ° ° ce [8 jel Y2 93 Ya Ve Ye 4} {5b| 4 ° ° Bho -Yr 6 |%|54) © Tot Yao Ys 9 | 2) %|%4) 0 ° \ Y4 0 ! i yglo. Oo fo eaiaenauias z optimum ASution 5 velated Lb P.P is xfebh f= 9/4, BTA 2E Bmax = 3° | Neier af nar 3° iS am integer. Te find Me integer optimal potion we cavlruck the cutting plame Cermabrel nt Sas +S Ea) 8 re JeEN* DEN~ ob ! mon tf, Salt <5 | ly te moxf p > am +45 75 23 [ ie aw -Boy SF 2 Adding slack Variable Pug x bk 7 YO 16 new Crolvaint amd usin ‘Dual- Simplex melRod we ae Me bellewing Fableo, i Seeds seo ae one |B |x) x, 4% ¥3 Y4 Ys Ye a7 ] 4}% sn) 1° 8 Oo Bho YG 2% 612/54) 0 1 © Yo Ke ©. o 2) 2%) o 0 1 Q oat ely|%lo 0° o plore 7 |-% Bg o oO oO 24 = 2 ° The obove table shows Mak Ihe Elution 14 optimum but ndt feaoi ble. By dual-dimplex amelfed. Sy Since max fF A3ho Set leaves the bavié oy » I enters Re basis, Gifeq 26 We 6. fo Fo ° @| 8 [| % Y OYS 4 ys Ye 37 | 4|% 2 o 0° ° ! 6|2|F] of % 2| %3|38] 0 Ort cle ve oe] |e Me 2/5 o -!4/3 gig 10 °0. 6 SO =a/a.0, 293 She table indicates the optimum basic feasible Sdlution an SG ary gee ye f Land f= 38 5 Still gf 16 nd om integer, So burthur Sd Ruse cutting plane Grolreunt i& reqpired Bis +S (a) wi? & Jens 2 > Sx + IAD é [fore] : : > -Z% = ey ar (P-14) ain adding Alack Variable X» > a Rik bee new Constraint ond Ailing tRe problem gq [4 6 2 e ° ° eoelee (sa uct yas oases ae a Vespa fe so Yee Sted ° Claro oo ee 2)%3 RE] 0 o 1) 0 -% | olylsh|-¢ 0 O ' 4 OO o|yel-%e) 0 0 o © -8% -% 0. I> yqle o © 0 % 2 430 pee oe ey, 44g leaves Re baié and Since max {24-25 ts is entend He bavi, Cie eAse Note on orto em a ce |B pg[ sy 2% Ya Ws Ye 7 8 | 4 |y)2 oO .9-, 0.26 6@Inlile 1 0 9 9 Oo 2\%|6|0 0 1 9 ° ' olyltfoo @ 7! oro © lye Lao vOwr Of 81k" hero Bety| OO 30 OG (0) 9) tia 47 All % yo amd %H-G4 Zo amd % amd % ore tnbegeré. | Hence Re optimal Asluion Jp Ma amixesl integer programming poblem is ‘ Hn 2 S Zmax = 26> (P15) 5. BRANCH Ap Bounps TECHNIgUE | Dhis technique has the potential to became one Sf [Re most pow procedure For Adlving a. pure integer programm | = pure integer program clefined in (1) « Yhe following ave fe Computational Are p& te be Ypllowed in Branch amd Bounds beehnique STEP-1% By ignoving Re integer veotrichon pirat SéWve Ihe related Lee. of all ¥ ore integer’ Ken We have obtained He clesired optimal Adlukion, but if atleast one % is ndt an integer Hum. ge be next Atep STEP-2: Select one Re non-integer Xj. Suppose. Some J=K ee iB nb am integer, Write Ze = We + Fr srateiayne integral part omd o< fx B24 Zmox = 6S (From 38) observe Ihak nede (3A) Yeild a larger value of % Man node (38) Shewebpre by Mis technique We wre node (3A) Aince ib har a better pétembial for othe bn Me Wkimate optimal integral SSution. At (8A) he only non-inl@ger Variable x, AoMiat agatn andi tu braver 2124 amd % XT are Cming out from Hid node to form two ned noden (4A) and (48) reopeelively.. Upon Adlving Hie yelated Aub LPP node (48) indicates no feadible Sdution and node (4A) gives the ultimate all fwtegral Aélution (Fig-5) see 5 x = Hs B Znax= 7 (P-1#) < m o 1 2454 567 1 2A3 4567 Fig-3 (P-18) i he above illustyation cam be veprenemted in a diagyam Known an TREE SOLUTION (P11) IMPORTANT Note : ee eer seneec ee In We Second Step dk the above example We arbrit: % to frm two branches x,<5 and %>6. Som take % te form [Re branches <3 and %>4 Hey, Ma Coreapanding TREE SOLUTION is given below CIm His bechnique WRere exists no particular vule to a He above cheice) Instead Sf x, if one arily Seleeb | ( P20) “EXAMPLES Solve the following mixed int i “Bromch amd Bounds’ beckon @ act een Pie + Maximize Z = %+% fubject to 2%) 45% £16 6% 45% £30 %% yO, % ib am integer bub %, 1b nb necenani ly be an inbeger SAUbION \esteching Re integer vesbrichm, introducing Slack Variables 37°, %4 70 ihe Cenobraints, we geb tre Ppllowing optimal table Sp te related 1-P.P (using simplex amelhod) a x x wv wbo 20 optimal baric fearible SSution 5 velaked LPP xf wel Zax = 53 Since only x i& imleger Gmabained , Ie problem i+ bramched tto two Aubproblem > wing one dh ie following additional Cmatraints SuB-PROBLEMS = agimize Z = Ht% fubjectto 2% 45% S16 6% 45% $30 of x 23 and am integer yz (P21) FPROBLEM2 Maximize Z = % +% Aubjeckto ax+s% £16 6% +5% 430 % 4 and am inteyew x 7 She optimal table lated LPP Lpyoblemi iA give below (Using Simplex wh) [a 3 Seal t od o Se 18 |e] Fs 2 93 v4 Ye V|al2] 0 1 Ve 0 3p oly|2| off Oc) i 4 Vyy|3] 1 ° o ° 1 Seg ec, 0 Vee a]g = Optimal baric feasible ASution Sf related Li PP Sf Subproblem 1 af eS us =2 Zmax =5 ? i ‘ticial Variable %a,% 9 vu Big-M -melfod after introduct oti ficial 7 amd funglua Variable 1470 te Ie Mood Conatraint Sf. Subproblem 2 we get fhe \pllewing optimal table < [8 We Ya Sa tS Yay o}Y sé aor piel ° ° qo ga louie tae = optimal AOution df the velaked LPP 5, Subproblem 2, * Kear 6 a5 ypad, Oe Bs Smax = 55 e (Gubproblemt)” We accept Re Sin ‘Subproblem2) > Zma: : talloasing ne Oral Paes mex ing fo Branch amd Bound technique y 6 $- aL % A ee Set Ze = 28 Frs) is naw optimal and feasible. She o 4 original Variables %, %, % fs found ay follows (P14) bi fimal SSlutian interno x/=0 gives 4 =4. . af =F alven af BB-F =D imply my BI Gt7= amd %3 =O *_ eo Ze an | Reyuivedd optimal SSlution:< A =4, 72> Fs BW “mee 4 Mork GL is nohced HRat-am old bavie variable Ag, Can became 3. chonie. only if Re inbroduction Sp te. entering variable. Tp ak level alee tg, te be ab Zer level oe a ibs upper bowhd. Shia oneomo Hal-if 7) = Uj » %y cam mbt Be made basic, Since no Xe; com be dropped fram Re sSlution, amd thus % rheutd remain non basic bul’ ak ibs upper bound. earaMETRic Linear ProgeamMine MopeL We know from Semitivity Analysis” Mak hew Aemikve 14 Be optimum ASvation to perturbation in te parameters? A natural extensicn Qe UKis preakion i also Sh inbevent= oneis imtovented eoroRTEh in dekermining nd-ably crilical amount i perturbation at ishieh, ophmum bdbic Feasible ssution 2% just stops being optimum, also Various boric ASWbions Hab becamen optimnunn ne otfwr, on Re perturbation tA extended turther amd bork ees Fre tnibial pent: this information id aehieved by mena ep et” itevabive computational procedure called ne Preparing! gF inveoligoker Hs. behavien Geos oobi Sea Lian, aoe eu ar predetermined Nmeaw Variations “in Ha parameters cthe purpose SL parametric lineay yrarmaing (4 te minimize he Sra ae computational ekfort “repre to d obtain He indicaked results. Sn the most ae ferm He porametena Vi ao fame implicit fumetion SE Beveral Indipendent-perarnchors gf anbritory degree . she problem & parametric programming hoo nm yel beer caved for higher degree. Yhe only care in 4 which Comiderable Wark han been done is lie parametric programmi: problem in lahich the porarmelers ccaur in birdbelegree , partitulos ishun a Aingle perameloy oceunt lineonly in the avability ov regi veetor amd ‘the Cost vector, (p15) PARAMETRIC CHANGES in Cost Vechor(¢) We onoume He existence of am optimum banic feasible sElution with Baa optimum banis har already been oblained for He LPP given by Moximize Z = ¢ % Aubjechbo Axe boo (3-14) z t my Shure qa len Gy cen) = Grete A), Am (95 omen < b= (by, 8 - b)™ Let Re costvector ¢ Sf problem (3-12) be replaced by che HO. (tH) whure @ is a predelermined speci hied n-componemh vector amd Bisa Aqlay porameler. We are esnbined cwrSef only to 0 = # " 62> Bi | 8: : 2 24 Masta) & ~ Bot_| pi BY-S <0 Ri ie, max{~i.|pi>o} £0 < min flay wees (Bh e) where aj = 5-9 (P16) a = (4-9) +0(¢3-§) indicates that iF Se Y- 4 Zo Ken automatically z'-G" Yo Since Z-G DO > Again B-G Hence He upper amd Lewer bounds & 8, So an bo maintain *Re optimality 4 3 ave given by 8 <0 8 GID) 9 = max) - 2] pj >o 4 {-#lpxe =min § oii | pj ) alt") js. optimum ig 0M ZO Example 31-1 Consider the following porametric |-P model Maximize Z= (0-1) %| +% Aubject to % 42% <0 2H+% 35 -G. aa fe ot boteetabin wo . B-G 3, O° = min S- AS Jay} = iE ntAt 23 a Baal = She current ophimumn ASlution X= (%) will remain optimum ap tong an 8 doer mdb exceed 02 3/,. Hdwover Whim 8= 9") = 3 am allernative optima is imboduce. the adjusted nebevalualya_ ore ze" = (4-4) 40(Sy~6 4) = 2420 = 2B-GP = (3-4) +0(G95-%) = £420) =p As the non-bavie Vartable % hi raluatt cembe inkroduced \mbo He bast by vemouratiation ot removing % by regu Aimplex method tp ae oe Gee preduca am alkernalive. depttmum EMukign objective fumchion maxX = (31)% 4% ee) Yo 1 ° oO. 0 Alternative optima o=3 % [3s mel Ya va _Ya__Ye [MR] 1/2/13] © 1 3 Ys oo JS tly ja] 1 0 Ys 2/3 0 |x ° = §] oko + I ta A-g ° ° Vag O40 (P-1a) tskun © fs increared above 9% _ ® et Lecamen Re unique optimum. % te new s6ution 26 =(3) Step3: Gn order to debermine He value ab which Xp =() ———__ ceanen te be opharum we proced Aimilarly ao felloas' Here & = (1,0) - a -4 ~(0+ «)(3f)-° =-4 3 & 3-4 = @10) 8)" =% “3 3S &= “hy, ea MN ni achen ta velative in. alternative opting a @ yeack ees ithe veo peek: adjusted postephinal problem $+40%)= Be gh = 0 48()=! New Gost vector ; ote Gere - = [Seigina* OPS ] +E = Sevigias #8 B) & a) 4 a) Sorigina + OPE + 0 = 6°40, = 34326 &s3 = Neo objeckive funclion, max % = (1)% +% = 24 t%H 2% inbroduce (an netevalualion is Kev) amd drop %5 to produce new alternative optima. (P26) isfem. 6 1S Imcreaned beyond Q®) Re Séuti oe Sa) He unique optimum. For mex We fee Habe -e (7) becaren ‘ a ' fe z(o1 0) 4-4 =(1 0) (e)-° =% oo r% Sp Ys ~%5 =(0 10) /-¥5\-0=-L conclusion ae oe A ‘ 2 All Ca¥ ~) Do ama hemes all He adj poled net-evaluation yemaim non-negative Whatever @ may be Sherefere the Aeqnence Sb optimum AdWtions amo Correnpandi crifiG! Valuer df the problem by pavamebric Programmi amalysis for unkmoun- poramettr O ore_ qiven by! 0) (3) in 0 204% e <3 2° = (4) in $408 x? 2 Gs in 350 3.2 PARAMETRIC CHANGES IN KvaiLapiLity VECTOR let Re L-P model before parameterization i4-definedan Maximize Z= OX Aubjectto AX =B X22 whure b is the kmowonV&vail ability (or Regrememt) Vector. Lel- b changes to i opies ‘then Ha LP model after parametrization is veduced bo Maximize Z= SE 4 Avbjecto AX = b+Ob aa x 7 Whore b is the given amd “predetermined Variation vector omd Bis om umkmavm. parameter (Naw wr aim is te ebtermine tha foanily Sf bevie feanrble optimal sélutims for variable @ (P-21) en =o the parametric L:P model : converted to original L-P model requiar Aimplex method first we sf oe, gin model, B: jdution & the original LP model neg lech bind the optimal basic feasible t ing ta parametric restrichion. Leb 2g be Ke optimum banic feasible Zélution WHR. Bo coir Him basis. them, xv. Bb pen om AS 9 chamgen from zero to a positive or negetive value He bani fedsile AGuition Ghamgen and’ tha brew vebuen ease Geen nae ae>Bi(beek) | Bib +6 BIL = xp te Rb obviowly a change in 6 has no ekect on He values Sb Gy ond hemee an Valuen df (2-o > 99 aye < =28_| tbof setae lites Them Hie possible vamge 5, 8 Ae at new dlution remainn feooible 14+ 6 $0 SQ vee (a2 QF atleast ome Bil is negative then ture exists a cribvcal feck Wftn 0=6% am alternative SSution is ablained omd ae @>@*% am Improved! ASWution dL He problem 16 obtained. (p-22) Consider the porametric |: P model \ Maximize Z = 3x) +2%+5%3 \ Aubject 0% +2%4%3 < 43040 3% “+223 < 460-40 m44% ~ 2420-46 aa oo Determine the vonge Sf tRe umkmowm. orameter @ for which Fe Aélution. remaine optimim Bante Feasible . [eesu(m-se) 2005] ce For 6 =0, he mon-parmetric L.P model i4 Adwed inbodueing Slack Variables x4 20, 70 3 ioe, Pcie! 4 table Srehyeo emits Hix optimal ABiulron_ om. blem ametric reotriction. (Yhe inkmidrale. ak ce leh for readers) optimum table . -2ptimum table 7 2 2 = ° a a @ |e [%e] es gas 2 |% |i] ~% te (ye ~y ° & 1% 230] 3/2 ° 1 ° Ya ° O 1% | 20} 2 ° ° -2 ! 1 aq [4 ss —{— imal table ai 1 /% ~Y4 0 — fie he optimal table gives 8 =(& ee = a 20 if Bid. ’ Ea = a wa \i-g) = [3 2 td 4 m0 Firat eviki ” in § — 28 isk CribiCal Value 9 = min - | st,2 He bante Variable Ye becamen negetive Re SSlution bee infeonitie but opti8t. 0 find optimal. baclo fSmibie ‘sBidion We empteg” Dual-Simplex melhod Whure Y leaves and Yq embers He bavid. Jha impoved optimum. fable becames g [3 2 = ° ° ° [eee 2 P3alies! Yao 0x fo. 6 v4 5”) fare] yo od OIRO. 2 Ywlof o o 0 1% w ag ° oS. i for Step3 ? To search Seeand Critical value of parameter 6 f= (¢ x ¢) '%% emg = Tin . 2 $103 comeoponding le 2%, =y, ond tRe Adlution beeamer optitnum basic Feasible ASution over Ha. tnkrval. 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