Covid Discussion 4

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Hannah Judy

Senior Seminar
September 20, 2020
Discussion 4
The pandemic our world is facing today has impacted our lives in many ways. Covid- 19 has
brought attention to the strengths and weakness of our societies. Through these difficult times, it
has also challenged the right and responsibilities we have as humans. It seems that everyone has
faced different challenges and has been impacted at different levels. Gender inequality has been
a primary focus during this pandemic. Studies show that the coronavirus outbreak has worsened
already preexisting inequalities for woman. The information covered in, “The Impact of Covid-
19 on Women,” was shocking. Global pandemics increase women’s chances of experiencing
gender-based violence, unpaid care work, childbirth health service risks, and economic shocks.
The percent of woman who work in the informal economy is about 60%. This sector of work
offers less social protection in regard to dismissal and unpaid absent leave. Since most rely on
public interactions, these jobs are struggling due to current restrictions. Thus, women face a
greater chance of falling into poverty. So how do these major issues get solved in the middle of a
pandemic? Who is responsible to fix them? Is there a quick solution? In today’s society, it is so
easy to point fingers and put the responsibilities on somebody else. I think if we continue with
this mindset, the world we live in will only worsen. I believe we all have an individual role to
play and contribute in order to get through this pandemic. Whether your role is to discover a
vaccine, provide medical care/work on the front lines, develop safety procedures, or simply wear
a mask to keep others safe, each role should be taken seriously and responsibly.

In the past several months our world has experienced a significant amount of change. With
change comes adaption, but what happens for those who refuse to adapt? In Martin Luther King
Jr.’s last speech he noted that, “somewhere I read that the greatness of America, is the right to
protest for our rights.” These powerful words are very relevant to what is happening in the world
around us. People are using their voices and standing up for what they believe in. One of the
many controversial topics occurring is the rights and responsibility to wear a mask. As American
citizens, we have the right to practice freedom of speech. Therefore, both sides are entitled to
their own opinions. I personally believe we should all take the precaution of wearing a mask and
acknowledge that it’s our responsibility to take not only our own, but others health into

Speaking from the perspective of those who believe in wearing a mask during this pandemic, it is
our duty and responsibility to care not only for our own health and safety but for other people as
well. We as Americans need to develop a sense of community and togetherness if we wish to get
through this pandemic. Caring for our neighbors and community members ensures a “we are all
in this together mentality”. Wearing a mask also ensures that members of our community who
have a compromised immune system for whatever reason or lives/interacts with an individual
with a compromised immune system are also cared for. You just never know what kinds of
health problems others have/are experiencing therefore it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Therefore, these individuals feel that it is their right and responsibility to protect others and
protest against those who do not comply.

The individuals who do not believe in wearing a mask also have the right to speak freely and
protest. Those who think that masks should not be required feel that their American rights are
being infringed upon and many suspects that the requirement to wear a mask is tied to political
stunts. With the allegation that most if not all local and national media consist of “fake news”
many Americans feel that they are being/have been lied to. This has led to the normalization of
conspiracy theories and confusing propaganda. Global concerns in regard to the disposal of
masks have also caused people to refrain from wearing them.

At the core of the catholic faith, we are called to love one another just as god would. In chapter
four of the “Laudato Si,” Pope Francis discusses the principle of the common good. This chapter
focuses on bringing different generation, cultures, and views together in order to find the
common good. Pope Francis expresses that we as humans deserve respect with, “basic and
inalienable rights ordered to his or her integral development.” The Pope then explains how social
peace can only be achieved through fair justice. We as human beings are obligated to defend
those in need and protect the vulnerable. If this simply means wearing a mask to protect the
common good of those around us, I think that it’s a small task to ask of us. Overall, I believe it’s
our right to choose whether we wear a mask or not. However, it’s our responsibly to protect one
another by taking the precaution and wearing a mask.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Women. (2020). UN Executive Office of the Secretary-General
(EOSG) Policy Briefs and Papers. doi:10.18356/2de8d75a-en

Laudato si' (24 May 2015): Francis. (2015, June 18). Retrieved from

MLK, Last Speech, Memphis 1968,

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