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Enderase Amen ™

Nobel Servant of God

Em El Mi Ye Roma
The Way of the Roman

The contents of the Neter Sesen can be dated to have been scribed no later then 1351 BCE

The contents of the Enuma Elis can be dated to have been scribed no later then 1100 BCE

The contents of the Avesta can be dated to have been scribed no later then 559 BCE

The contents of the Torah can be dated to have been scribed no later then 140 BCE

The contents of the New Testament can be dated to have been scribed no later then 175 CE

The contents of the Qu'ran can be dated to have been scribed no later then 650 CE

Universal literacy and education is less than a hundred years phenomenon, most people around the
world where completely illiterate and got the doctrine of their faiths through oral teachings. While
many professors where taught in the schools of the day in their native lands to remember the lessons
word by word, together with observances and rituals it satisfied the collective spiritual and cultural
needs of the people. This made religion the first national system of politics. If you govern your life by
your faith and your faith is true with life than your politics are in balance. If your policy is to enrich
yourself to the demise of your people then your politics must reflects a corruption in your faith. In time
the origin of true meaning of faith began to be forgotten in favor of context and control with pomp and
pageantry. This is what lead to the quick down fall of many nations in Merita called Africa and
elsewhere but was a strong multi-national industry in Europa.

In Kemet (Egypt) for many millenia in order to be truly pious in your faith you had to be educated and
constantly be tested in your knowledge of the written doctrine and general and advanced education, this
could take up to forty years to be accepted in to graduate schools and twenty years sometimes to finish
it. So as to be useful to the needs of the aristocracy and common man, something like the Sufi and
Buddhist monks of today. After thousands of years wealth became more important than wisdom and
Kemet's downfall was certain. 2000 Years later this same process would be copied in west Merita, Mali
in Timbuktu albeit in a tenth of the time. Historically there is no separation between church and state or
life and religion amongst people of Merita because your life is a reflection of your religion and your
laws a reflection of your faith. This is probably why the abuse and or misuse of faith tends to have long
lasting and dire effects on Kemetic and or so called Black people as a whole. Although this observation
can be also witnessed among the Natives populations of America, Arabia, Australia, Polynesia etc. A
true faith is a true life.

However the modern manufacture of religion for the purpose of a commodity was concocted by the
Greece's and perfected by the Romans. In all truth invented in Kemet (at this time was a broken and
shameful shadow of their former greatness) at the behest of Alexander of Macedonia to corrupt priest in
exchange for money and protection. The first Theo or Deo which comes from Sanskrit Deva meaning
to “Shine” related to God (which literally means to invoke) of this kind was Serapis.-King of the deep.
He was commonly pictured with a cup and a thorny halo about his head. When the Romans captured
Kemet from the Greeks, now transformed into Egypt, they adopted the same process of manufacturing
god religions from the Greek Ptolemy's; as almost all and any Roman deity can be traced to Greek
origin but this time they had the formula to manufacture their own gods from the source, Egypt and in
time from Rome herself. Soon began the mandatory worship of Caesar as a demigod; this faith
required little to no study or literacy only obedience. What had been the duties of a Masters, became
the trainings of Fools misguiding the multitudes. Let us begin the teaching.

Do not read these words and say I am wise, rather say you found wisdom.
For the river was flowing before it was found, we just call out to the thirsty.

In the Roman mind you create a god from a hulk of gods, you give it attributes that are accustomed
before, but become as you need. This has the effect of making you a god to those that believe in this
entity; as you have made it greater than you but you appoint it's purpose. This is like a child that
pretends to make a doll the father he feels is ideal thereby gaining what he or she wants but most times
lacking what they need. A humans first attempts at idolatry. In this way atheist can accurately argue that
god is made up and imaginary because it is. Deception is conception with selfish intention.

A good parent will see the child who acts for reward from the one who does to perceive. As a Master
knows a worthy student and a Father an honest son, so does the Creator know the creation and the
cause of her works. For is not life the workshop and grade of the spirit to see what it will manifest. The
Craftsman will take many apprentice and many after a time will go their own way never attaining a true
degree, but will go about the land administering the elementary as doctrine making method in to
miracle as unto a mirror to a man who has never seen his face. For it is not the image in the mirror
that's a lie but the reason given for the reflection, so it is with false teachers and teachings the shun the
labor of truth and welcome the pleasures of deception for which they find a feast on the tables of the
ignorant. And thus the ignorant go after them in want seeing a fool as a master and the master as a fool.
For a master knows that all works have their wage and she is tight with her purse, only taking what is
owed and giving what is due. For how we feast today may make famine tomorrow. But our spirit is
married to a beast and a beast is easily broken by it's nature instead of taught by it's needs. By the many
vessels the potter chooses a few selected against the warped, damaged and callous, that would not
follow the guiding hand straying from the proper course. Can not a antique be restored and admired
anew; but what is artificial broken and cast aside as refuge. But people are foolish and commonly
mistake a chamber pot for a face bowl and a face bowl for a chamber pot for they can not discern
function to design, and go on washing themselves in the excretions of others then boasting they are
perfumed with the truth. What then is the able from the common and the sweet water from the brine. If
you make for what is useful and honest then you will daily practice by purpose always learning what is
out to what is in, what is above to what is below what is hidden to what is apparent. For a disguise
conceals wealth and wealth should not be obtained by a fool. For the wealth of the world is the truth
and though it is good it is regularly mixed with evils as honey to strong spirits intoxicating many. But
to know is to discern and always seek to know all things and you will know for yourself, know yourself
to know Amen that fault may not easily be found in you. The craft that knows it's craftsmen knows it's
purpose. If you are made a table do not adorn yourself as a throne, for you wish to be lofty in the kings
house, to much adore. But when the banquet is served the honored guest are seated low, for you are
nowhere to be found, embarrassing your Master. Thus when uncovered exposed to be rotten through
and through from lack of proper care at last thrown into the fire to warm the king who sits upon the
proper throne. So my learner be cautious of the guide and the way. For the time of Man does not equal
a second and Nature but an hour and Amen eternal, dirt, tree's water, Heavenly Bodies, Systems and
Galaxies all follow the way of Amen. How is it men come along and say follow me for I hold the the
one truth, but yet do not know their place. I know my place and perform my purpose, to excel by the
wisdom of my ancestors. While many will fail by the way of the Romans.

The Shat Sila Ma'at – The 18th Book of Auset

“But if your conduct be unworthy of me, your prudence becoming blinded and guiding you
backwards, will cause you to take for good fortune that which is really a chastisement, and to
dread a happier lot as though it were a cruel injury.”

Thanks be to Amen that we should instruct Humanity on the Mat,

teaching the ignorant in knowledge,
and in the standard of good discourse,
beneficial to him who hears,
but woe to him who neglects them.

Maa Kheru Ha er'n Amen,

Ras Nahmir Amun (Head Minister)
Of The Orthodox Assembly Enderase Amen

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