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North South University

Department of Public Health

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Assignment 01

MD. Moshiur Rahman

NSU ID# 1511985630


Summer 2015

Health is a State of Complete Physical, mental and social well

being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

In recent years this statement has been amplified to include the ability
to lead a ‘socially and economically productive life”.

Public health:

Public health is the art of science that prolonging health and

promoting health efficiency through organize community and
country efforts.
It’s the first level of contact between the individual and the health
system where ‘essential’ health care is provided. A majority of
prevailing health complaints and problems can be satisfactorily dealt
with at this level.

The Component Of PHC :

In 1978 the world health organization (WHO)adopted the
declaration of Alma-Ata. The declaration, named for the host city
, almaty ,Kazakhstan, outlined the organization’s stance towards
health care made available for all people in the world. the
declaration also defined eight essential components of primary
care ,which are given bellow---

 Public education:

It is the first and one of the most essential components of

PHC. By educating the public on the prevention and control
of health problems and encouraging participation, WHO
works to keep disease from spreading on the personal level.

 Proper nutrition:

It is another essential component of health care. WHO

works to prevent malnutrition and starvation and to prevent
many diseases and affections.

 Clean water:

A safe water supply and the clean disposal of waste are vital
for health. WHO also works to provide all people safe and
clean water.

 Maternal and child care:

pregnant women of child bearing age (15-49) are the target
group for spatial care. Children under 5 years of age are also
vulnerable to childhood killer disease. Maternal and child

 Immunization:

an increasing number of infectious diseases can be

prevented by vaccination. As example-measles, meningitis,
tuberculosis, yellow fever etc.

 Local disease control:

prevention and control of locally endemic disease are also

very important component. WHO also works for that.

 Accessible treatment:

Appropriate treatment of common diseases is very much

important. Immediate treatments are very much essential.

 Essential drugs:
As drugs are very much important to cure the disease.
That’s why the most vital drugs should be available and
affordable at all levels.

These are the eight component of primary health care ,

which helped outline a means of providing health care


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