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Scene 1

Moshiur sits on a seat waiting for Safa. He is waiting for long time. He is looking at
his watch for several times and feels angry about Safa as He is so punctual. After
sometime Safa comes, and sits beside Moshiur.

Safa: Sorry Sorry Sorry

Moshiur: Hmm.
Safa: Traffic jam, you know.
Moshiur: Hmm.
Safa: What hmm hmm. Iam giving you some explanation.
Moshiur: Did I ask you for any explanation?
Safa: No, I am sorry Nah.
Moshiur: It’s ok.
After some time,
Safa: Wow, nice watch, when did you buy this?
Moshiur: Yesterday.
Safa: You didn’t inform me.
Moshiur: Oh, as you have so much time to hear my words.
Safa: Yes I have, I am thinking about you always.
Moshiur: Ohhh, I feel so happy to hear that.
Safa: Please, don’t be angry. I am so hungry, let’s eat burger or pizza.

Scene 2
Afroza walks through the park, Calling Moshiur and notices Moshiur & Safa.
Afroza runs towards them.
Afroza: Moshiur, why don’t you pick my call?
Moshiur: I don’t get your call.
Afroza: Who is she?
Moshiur: who?
Safa: Moshiur why is she talking like that?
Moshiur: I don’t know.
Safa: Who is she?
Moshiur: Afroza.
Afroza: who is she?
Moshiur: I don’t know. I have some job. I have to go bye.
Afroza: Shut up and sit.
Safa to Afroza: You shut up, why do you talking to him like that?
Safa: You don’t know me Moshiur?
Moshiur: Yes I do.
Safa to Afroza: How long you know each other?
Afroza: I know him from the day 1 of his birth. How long you know him?
Safa: OMG, that close you are, Moshiur you cheat with me
Moshiur: Shut up both of you. Afroza she is my girlfriend, Safa she is my elder
Why do you both argue too much?
Afroza: Basically, we maybe misunderstand each other.I am sorry for that.
Safa: I am also sorry. I feel bad right now.
Moshiur: you guys are sick. I should go now, bye.

Don’t Judge a book by its cover

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